The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,463 The formation is broken

"No one will be lenient, good, very good..."

The murderous look in Tang Jingfeng's eyes suddenly became stronger. As soon as he finished speaking, he said no more. He just wanted to break the formation quickly. He raised his hands, and two hundred-foot-long green palm prints suddenly appeared, and struck outside the Chimang Peak. The restraint was struck, and with a bang, the wind and clouds surged in the nine days, and the mountains and rivers thousands of miles away shook!

Those who were hiding behind the mountain in the distance were all shocked. As expected of the master of the Tang Sect, this move "Blue Dragon Soaring into the Sea" was extremely terrifying.

Upon seeing this, Master Qingyin and Lei Tian no longer hesitated and used their magical powers. For a moment, the storm surged and the void shook. Even those who were hiding in the distance felt suffocated at this time.

But inside Chimang Peak, Xiao Meng'er remained calm and composed in the face of the three people's attack. She quickly swept the whisk in her hand, and rays of light flew out, immediately attracting the energy of Zhoushan Yimu and stabilizing the formation.

About a day passed like this. Although Xiao Meng'er was able to control the energy of Yimu on these peaks freely, the offensive of the three masters outside did not slow down at all. In addition, even though there were spiritual trees covering Chimang Peak, , but after all, it is not as good as the outside fairy world. No matter how much Yimu's energy is, it will eventually be exhausted. And those three people have entered the ninth realm, and to this day, their true energy is still abundant.

After spending a day, the essence of Yimu on the Chimang Peak finally gradually weakened, and the light of the formation gradually faded. The restrictions outside were weakened layer by layer under the continuous attacks of the three people.

Xiao Meng'er's eyebrows were deeply furrowed. Even though she hadn't consumed much internal energy until today, she knew in her heart that these three people were of extremely high cultivation. It would be difficult for her to deal with even one of them, let alone the three people in front of her. together?

Unless she completely breaks the bloodline seal regardless of the consequences, and then uses the ancient heaven-defying art... But in this case, it may be really difficult for her to turn back.


Just as she was concentrating on thinking about countermeasures, a loud noise came from outside. She saw that the light of the formation outside the mountain suddenly weakened, but one of the restrictions had been broken.

Under such a fierce offensive from the three people, this formation could only last for another half hour at most. Xiao Meng'er made a quick decision and raised her palm. There was already a golden thing on the palm of her hand, a strong ancient force. The aura of the cultivation world suddenly spread out in all directions.

"It's a fragment of the ancient world of cultivation..."

Everyone saw the fragment in her hand and held their breath for a moment, especially Master Qingyin and Lei Tian. Their eyes fell on the fragment without moving. Stopped unconsciously.

Xiao Meng'er held the ancient fragment in her hand, her expression still very calm, and said calmly, "What you want is nothing more than this fragment of the ancient world. If you don't want this fragment to be destroyed in my hands, quit immediately."

Seeing how she was dying, a look of shock flashed across the faces of Master Qingyin and Lei Tian, ​​and those people hiding behind the mountains in the distance were no exception. Their faces became nervous at this moment. , looking motionlessly at the ancient fragment in her hand.

Only Tang Jingfeng was still murderous at this moment, "With your own abilities, you want to destroy this fragment of the ancient world? You are naive!"

After hearing this, Master Qingyin and Lei Tian immediately reacted, yes, how can these fragments of the ancient world of cultivation be ordinary? Even if this woman wanted to die together, there was nothing she could do. Even if she was defeated and the power of her soul was released, she would not be able to destroy this fragment of the ancient world.

To put it bluntly, she can't destroy it, but of all the people here, who can destroy the fragments of this ancient world of cultivation? Unless you are an outsider, it is simply impossible...

Thinking of this, Master Qingyin and Lei Tian immediately calmed down. Lei Tian said coldly, "I would like to advise you, girl, to hand over this fragment obediently. Maybe you can keep your soul alive, otherwise... you Do you think you can leave here alone today?"

As soon as the words fell, the three men resumed their offensive. For a moment, there was an endless tremor for dozens of miles around. The restrictions outside Chimang Peak were broken layer by layer. In half an hour at most, these three people would definitely break through the restriction formation!

Xiao Meng'er was unable to destroy the fragments of this ancient world of cultivation, but she was still calm at this time. She had already discovered that there were many people hiding behind the mountains in the distance. She also knew very well why those people came today.

I saw her holding the ancient fragment in her hand and raising her voice towards the distant mountain peak, "Since you are here for this fragment of the ancient world, why don't you show up?"

As soon as these words came out, Master Qingyin and Lei Tian both had their expressions condensed, wary of the countless cultivators behind them, but Tang Jingfeng's face remained calm. With the cultivation level of the three of them, they had already noticed the cultivators behind them. Although there were many of those people, there were no Nine Realm masters, so they didn't pay much attention.

At this time, after hearing Xiao Meng'er's words and seeing that the restraining formation was about to break, those people finally could no longer hold their breath and walked out from behind the mountain where they were hiding.

Look at the number of people, it's so dark, there are at least tens of thousands. Although no one among the more than 10,000 people has entered the Nine Realms, how can the people who can survive in this Tianshu Center be simple people? ?

As for these cultivators, they are not from the same force. They all seem to work for their own masters. Otherwise, based on their own behavior, even if they are not afraid of death, they would not dare to come to the tiger's mouth to grab food today.

"Master Tang, what should we do now?"

Master Qingyin used his right hand to exert profound energy on Chimang Peak, and his left hand had secretly condensed his true energy. He was wary of the group of cultivators behind him. Although there were no masters of the Nine Realms among these people, they were all desperadoes. What's more, It is not unheard of for a group of ants to eat an elephant.

"It's just a bunch of young people, you don't need to worry."

Tang Jingfeng was still calm and composed at this time, with a murderous look on his face. When he spoke, he looked coldly at Xiao Meng'er inside Chimang Peak.


Lei Tian snorted coldly and said nothing. The profound energy in his palms shook, and a surge of overwhelming force surged straight towards Chimang Peak.

At this time, some of the cultivators behind could no longer hold back anymore and started to move. But before they could fully come up, Lei Tian turned his palm force and hit a hundred-foot-long golden palm mark directly towards the back, with a "boom" sound. , twenty or thirty cultivators were suddenly beaten into a bloody mist.

"Who wants to come up and try again?"

Lei Tian shouted sternly, which shocked the cultivators behind him. They all looked at each other, with shock on their faces, and silently stepped back. Even if they were working for their master, their lives were My own, the twenty-odd people just now, were wiped out by the opponent in an instant, without even leaving any bones. For them, the Nine Realm experts were so terrifying. At this moment, no one dared to violate the prohibition with their own bodies.

Seeing that these cultivators did not dare to come up, Xiao Meng'er finally frowned. For now, she could only wait for the moment when the restriction was broken, and then forcefully broke through the confinement of these three people with the Innocent Lotus Platform.

As for Tang Jingfeng and the other three, how could they not see what she was thinking at this time? But the three of them came prepared today, how could they allow her to escape again?

Finally, the three of them broke through the restriction on Chimang Peak. At this moment, Xiao Meng'er had already lifted up the lotus platform and flew out. Tang Jingfeng had already made preparations. When she rushed out, hundreds of Tang Jingfeng were waiting for her. The disciples immediately formed a formation to stop her.


There was a loud noise. Although the Tang Sect's formations had some skills, Xiao Meng'er's inner strength was so deep. The formations of hundreds of people had just taken shape, but the moment she rushed over, they collapsed. Like withered grass, it flew out randomly.

But even so, Xiao Meng'er was still unable to escape despite her speed reaching the limit. When she broke through the blockade of hundreds of Tang Sect disciples, what was waiting for her was a palm print that covered the sky and the sun. This was the Nine Realm The master's magical power "Transformation Palm" crushed her down almost instantly.

The person who took action was Master Qingyin. Xiao Meng'er could not escape, so she had to fly back instantly to avoid being caught by Master Qingyin's divine palm.

But when she flew back, Tang Jingfeng attacked again in an instant. Tang Jingfeng's cultivation was really extremely high, and his murderous aura at this moment was far beyond that of Lei Tian and the two of them. There is no need to say more. He could carry the fierce murderous aura in one palm, and directed it towards Xiao Meng'er attacks.


There was a sharp sound, golden light flashed, and the surrounding mountains trembled. Fortunately, there was a Wushou lotus platform to protect her body, and Xiao Meng'er's ancient Xiao family bloodline. At this time, golden internal forces were flowing continuously in her body, so she could barely accept it. Hit Tang Jingfeng's palm.

Tang Jingfeng was a little surprised to see her take his palm forcefully and still remain unscathed. Now he finally understood why his brother died in the hands of this woman.


Tang Jingfeng snorted coldly. In the blink of an eye, the killing move came again. Xiao Meng'er had to resist with all her strength. If she hadn't stepped into the realm of immortal martial arts, facing a mid-level master like Tang Jingfeng in the ninth realm, she would have been able to fight within three moves. , will undoubtedly be defeated, and even destroyed physically and spiritually.

At this time, she had unknowingly gone through more than ten moves in Tang Jingfeng's hands. The cultivators watching the battle in the distance also had shocked expressions on their faces. It was unimaginable that she could actually be in Tang Jingfeng's hands. After so many moves without defeat.

Tang Jingfeng obviously did not expect that the other party was not only proficient in Taoism, but also had martial arts that had reached the realm of transformation. Others who had not yet entered the Nine Realms would not be able to take even one of his moves. But this woman in front of him actually Having gone through so many moves in his hands, he is still more powerful than when we met that day.

In the distance, Master Qingyin and Lei Tian were wary of the cultivators outside. It could be seen that Tang Jingfeng alone could not take down this woman. Fearing that something might change, the two of them no longer hesitated and attacked Xiao Meng'er in an instant.

Without the intervention of these two people, Xiao Meng'er could still deal with Tang Jingfeng for a while with her Taoist and Martial Arts. However, the addition of those two people immediately made her complain. If this continues, she will definitely miss. Captured!

Finally, at this moment, she made a decisive decision, without any hesitation, and used all her strength to throw the ancient fragment towards the cultivators in the distance.

This happened so suddenly that neither Master Qingyin nor Lei Tian expected that she would actually throw out the fragments of the ancient world. The two of them came here for the fragments of the ancient world. If the fragments fell into the hands of those people, Once those people escape, how will they retrieve the fragments?

As expected, the two men immediately retracted their moves to attack Xiao Meng'er, intending to recapture the ancient fragments instantly. However, the group of desperate cultivators behind saw the ancient fragments flying towards them. How could they give up after being shocked by the masters?

However, just when the group of cultivators were about to reach out to seize the ancient fragments, a force suddenly surged from the distance and shook them away. At the same time, a terrifying aura of gods and demons suppressed them, and in an instant, , making them unable to breathe!

Before everyone could see it, a figure was seen, arriving at an unknown time, reaching out to catch the ancient fragment thrown by Xiao Meng'er, but looking at the man's white hair flying, holding the ancient fragment in his hand, and the aura of a strong man, it made people feel... There is a trembling feeling in the soul. At this time, the figure that looks like an unparalleled god and demon makes people tremble and uneasy... Who is he?

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