The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,466 Looking for Someone

"Boy, who are you?"

At this moment, the ugly old man obviously became very vigilant. If he met a younger generation outside, he would never be as afraid as he is now. But it was different inside the Tianshu Center. Any seemingly simple person Behind the scenes, there is often infinite murderous intent.

This is also one of Tianshu's survival rules, so even if the old man has the cultivation level of the Ninth Realm, he will not let down his guard no matter what when facing an opponent with unknown strength, not to mention that there are three people in the opponent at this time.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but if you don't want to die, leave now."

Xiao Chen's voice was still calm. When he spoke, he glanced at the old man. With just one glance, he seemed to have infinite murderous intent. The old man's heart trembled, but his face remained calm. He coldly snorted, "Boy." , you want to fool me? I see you, you are clearly not even in the ninth realm, but you want to meddle in other people's business... I'm afraid that if you don't care about your own business, you will lose your life!"

As he spoke, there was faint green poisonous gas coming out of the black wooden staff in his hand. It was obvious that this poison was not trivial. Even a cultivator in the immortal world would not be able to cure the poisonous poison in his body.

"Then you can try..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes became even colder, and the blood-transforming needle in his hand also revealed a terrifying bloodthirsty aura. His artistic conception of immortality had already realized the sixth level of "no-self". To put it bluntly, people in the Nine Realms, even those who have entered the Taisheng Realm, can hardly cause any oppression to them.

The atmosphere gradually turned cold, and the two sides were confronting each other like this. The ugly old man could not find out his true and false intentions, and finally smiled gloomily, "Okay, okay, you are really a terrible person. I will give this little beauty to you today. See you another day..."

After he said that, his body moved, and his whole body turned into a cloud of poisonous mist, flew away into the distance, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. The realm of gods and demons, in this land without one, is still somewhat frightening after all. force. ✥

The surrounding gradually became quiet, Xiao Chen turned around, put away the blood-transforming needle in his hand, and looked at the Phantom Musical Qin Demon. Seeing him looking at him, the Phantom Qin Demon pretended to be calm and said, "If not I was injured by several ancient wild beasts a few days ago, and my energy has not yet recovered. How can I be afraid of that old poisonous monster?"

What the Phantom Music Piano Demon said is true. She already has the cultivation level of the Ninth Realm. In addition, the magic piano sound is very powerful. If it were in its heyday, the ugly old man just now, even if he had the cultivation level of the middle Ninth Realm, would not be able to perform well. You may not necessarily get anything good out of her hands.

Xiao Chen looked at her and saw that her expression was really not good at this time, so he asked, "Why are you here?"


Hearing his question, the Phantom Musical Piano Demon couldn't help but frowned, as if with resentment, and glanced at him faintly, "The Lord of Heaven is gone, so where can I go? Can I go back?"

At that moment, she told the story of that day. After Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er were "captured" by Patriarch Huntian, she had been hiding in the dark. Originally, she did not want to come to such a dangerous place as Tianshu. But then I thought about it, where could she go?

It is impossible for her to return to the Heaven Realm. During the years when the Lord of the Heaven Realm ruled the Tian Realm, she had "aided the evil deeds" and the cultivators of the Tian Realm had already hated her deeply.

In the past, when the Lord of the Heaven Realm was around, those people were submissive to her and did not dare to offend her dignity. But now that the Lord of the Heaven Realm is gone, I am afraid that her Phantom Sound Palace has been trodden down by others, and she wants to go back. If so, there is almost only a dead end.

So that day, she thought about it, and she came anyway, so she decided to go deeper and look deeper. Maybe she could find some ancient treasures like Xiao Chen said. It can make her enter the late stage of the Nine Realms, plus the sound of the Demonic Qin, then she will return to the Heavenly Realm, and she will no longer be afraid of the people of the Tiancan Ancestor.

But she didn't expect that after reaching the depths of Tianshu, not only did she find nothing, but she suddenly encountered a void collapse and fell into it inexplicably.

She has been trapped for three years. During these three years, she not only had to beware of attacks from other cultivators, but also to prevent straying into places where those ancient ferocious beasts were entrenched. In short, it was not easy to meet Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er today. .

After listening to this, Xiao Chen was also quite emotional. For him, three years was just waking up from a dream, but for others, it was a three-year period of constant worry and countless lives and deaths. No wonder Now, the murderous aura in Xiao Menger's body has become so cold.

At this time, looking at the phantom piano demon in front of him, Xiao Chen recalled in his mind the scene on the day of Tianhen, when millions of cultivators in the sky were covered with bones like mountains and blood flowed like rivers.

"If you have nowhere to go, when you get out, follow me to the Desireless Heaven."

Suddenly, Xiao Chen said something like this to the Phantom Musical Qin Demon. After the Phantom Musical Qin Demon heard it, he was stunned for a moment, but Xiao Meng'er, who was standing by, immediately understood the meaning.

Nowadays, the world is changing. It seems that he is already making plans for when he goes out. No matter what the world has become now, a Nine Realm cultivator like Huanyin Qin Demon, no matter where he goes, he will always be the best. There is a strong existence, and there is no such thing as Wuyu Tian, ​​which is undoubtedly more powerful than a tiger.

"Ha ha!"

Just when it was quiet, I saw the Phantom Musical Qin Demon suddenly raised his head and smiled, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Boy, when I dominated the world, you were not born yet. Do you think that with the body of a god and demon in the lonely world, you want Do I serve you as my master? Now my vitality is severely injured. When my vitality recovers, I will hear the sound of the piano and there will be mountains of corpses..."

"As you wish."

Faced with a lot of words from her, Xiao Chen only said these three words lightly and walked forward. However, the Phantom Musical Qin Demon couldn't help but be slightly startled when he saw his plain expression. I think, if this kid has the cultivation level of the Lord of Heaven Realm, he must be a man of great influence...

A few days later, the three of them came to another place. Compared with other places in Tianshu, this place had more aura. On the top of the mountain, there were waterfalls with flying beads and jade, and there were flowers in bloom and green trees in the mountain stream. If they were outside, , such a place is not uncommon, but in Tianshu Center, such a place is very rare.

"Are you really crazy and want to go to Tianshu's seal? Once you wake up that person, what will happen then will be even more unpredictable..."

Along the way, the Phantom Piano Demon also followed, but they didn't expect that Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er actually planned to find other people and go to the sealed place to open the passage together.

Of course, it's not that she doesn't want to open the passage and go out, it's just that an unknown person sleeps in that sealed place, and no one can get close to it. No one who goes there can come back in the end.

At this moment, Xiao Chen didn't say much. He put his feet up, started his Qinggong and flew towards the mountain peak and waterfall. But when he just reached the top, a very strong restraining force opened, and then a woman's voice came out. "If you want to fight or cause trouble, go elsewhere. Don't come here to bother me. Anyone who comes within fifty steps will be killed without mercy."

The voice was charming, but it also contained a hint of cold murderous intent, which made people dare not approach easily. Xiao Chen was still hanging in the air and said inside, "Mrs. Meishu has misunderstood. Xiao is not here to cause trouble."

"Huh? Are you that boy?"

At this time, I saw a figure flying out from inside, but look at that person, he was dressed in red, with skin like snow, and he was extremely beautiful. In terms of charming and enchanting, whether it was Yan Ruyu from Youxu Palace or Xiao Chen at this time The phantom musical instruments and demons around her are even less powerful than this woman.

And this woman is none other than the master of the evil path of the gods and demons, Mei Shu'er, known as "Mrs. Resist her charm.

"Huh? It's really you. Why, are you still carrying two little beauties with you at all times now?"

When she saw Xiao Chen, Mei Shuer had a smile on her face, as if she had been trapped here for a long time. Now that she saw a monk, she felt that she had delicate features, not to mention that the person in front of her was not a monk, but a man with a beautiful tree in the wind.


Mei Shuer covered her mouth and smiled. Seeing his serious look, she smiled and said, "Little guy, why did you come to see me today?"

"Is such that……"

At that moment, Xiao Chen explained his intention. Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Mei Shu'er burst out laughing. After a while, she stopped, looked at him and said, "Little one, you really think of yourself as Dugu Tianxia." No one is a match for the demons in the sealed land. I don’t want to die, so you should go find Huntian and the others..."

Seeing her refusal, Xiao Chen was not surprised. He just said, "The person in the sealed land has not yet woken up. Once he wakes up, no one will be able to escape. Instead of sitting back and waiting for death, it is better..."

"If I don't go, I won't go..."

Before he could finish speaking, Mei Shuer waved her hand and interrupted. It seemed that she was determined not to go to the sealed place. After a while, she looked at Xiao Chen again and said with a charming smile, "You can't stay here." There’s nothing wrong with it. Although it’s a bit boring all day long, it’s still better than those who fight and kill all day long, otherwise…”

When she said this, she suddenly covered her mouth and smiled, looking at Xiao Chen, her eyes were as charming as silk, and her voice became much gentler, "Why don't you stay too? You're going to be fighting and killing all day long, so you might as well get drunk on me." This gentle country... little brother, come here."

"Ahem... Madam, I want to talk to you about business. What I just said..."

"Oh, isn't this just business? Come in and I'll tell you slowly. The two of us are spending time together. You can say whatever you want. Come on, little brother..."

"This... forget it, excuse me." Xiao Chen cupped his hands towards her, turned to Xiao Meng'er and said, "Let's go."

Looking at the three of them leaving, Mei Shu'er chuckled, "You want to lure me to that sealed place, little guy, you're a little too young..."

Speaking of Xiao Chen, after leaving Mei Shu'er's place, Xiao Meng'er looked at him and sneered, "If we weren't around just now, you would have gone in, right?"


Xiao Chen was still thinking about the seal. He didn't expect that she would suddenly say such a sentence. Xiao Meng'er glanced at him, "Aren't you still rushing back to save people? But why did I see you staring at that place just now?" The enchantress didn’t even blink. She must be very beautiful, right? Otherwise, why is it that your soul seems to have been seduced?”


Xiao Chen replied casually, but thinking back to Mei Shu'er just now, this woman's charming skills were indeed very powerful. She just glanced at him for a moment. If he hadn't been determined, she might have been really seduced.

At this time, the Phantom Music Piano Demon said, "Okay, look, I just told you that they can't go to the Sealed Land, and there's no point in looking for them."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, still unwilling to give up, and said, "Let's go find the Blood Demon Ancestor."

A month passed like this. During this month, the three of them ran around and found many of the people from before. However, among these people, without exception, no one wanted to go to the sealed place.

This time, Xiao Chen was stumped. If no one went to the sealed place, it would be impossible for him and Xiao Meng'er alone, even with the Phantom Music Piano Demon, to deal with the people in the sealed place. What to do now?

Phantom Qin Demon said, "Otherwise, forget it. I don't think anyone dares to go there. That existence... is too scary."

Xiao Chen said nothing. Looking at the current situation, it was impossible to find people one by one. These people would not believe his words, let alone go to the sealed place.

Xiao Meng'er said, "Otherwise... find a way to gather everyone in one place."

After hearing this, Xiao Chen also thought of something. He went to find people one by one. There was really no way to persuade those people, but what if these people were gathered together? Whether they are people from the Divine Demonic Abyss or people from the Ancient Immortal Realm...

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