The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,472 The Empress Appears

"Huh? Who?"

Obviously, at this moment, the Demon King also noticed that this ray of soul consciousness actually came from the far away Kunlun, among the layers of ice. And this voice, this wisp of soul consciousness, could it be... the goddess Xuan ice?

"Hmph! No one can stop me!"

Suddenly, the Demon Supreme Emperor's demonic power was greatly activated, and layers of demonic energy suddenly gathered together. He raised his palms and absorbed the demonic energy from all directions, using the "Thirteen Demonic Styles"... Birds flew across thousands of mountains, and there were no traces of people along the way. Destroy!"

The moment the words fell, layers of demonic energy suddenly covered the world. No matter where they were, no one could breathe. And under everyone's eyes, a line of demonic energy suddenly appeared in the sky. A hundred-foot palm print struck directly at Xiao Chen.


A loud noise suddenly shook the nearby mountains and islands. Xiao Chen could not avoid this palm. Under everyone's gaze, they saw that he was actually killed by the Demon King. He was pulled out of the body of the gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia. Hit it out.

The body of the gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia immediately lost its vitality. As soon as its eyes were closed, it fell straight down. Although the immortal aura was still shocking, that body did not have any life breath at all.

"As expected..."

I saw the Demon King's sharp eyes, glaring coldly at Dugu Tianxia's falling body, and said in a deep voice, "Dugu Tianxia, ​​you have died long ago. Now you only have this body of a god and demon left. It doesn't matter, I am ruined today." With your body of a god and a demon, you will become a legend forever.

As soon as he finished speaking, he stopped talking and fiercely activated his demonic energy. His palm struck down with thunderous force, and suddenly hit the body of the gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia.

This palm is his ultimate move, the "Destroying Heaven and Earth Demonic Palm". This palm is not easy to release, but once it is released, it will have the potential to destroy all things!

This happened so quickly that no one could react. When they reacted, they saw that the "Heaven-Destroying and Earth-Destroying Devil Palm" of the Demon King had been shot towards Dugu Tianxia.

Everyone was shocked. Could it be that a strong man of a generation who was alone in the world was going to end up with his body destroyed and wiped out in ashes today?

"Brother Dugu..."

Xiao Chen's eyes widened, and at that moment, the scene deep in Dugu Tianxia's memory reappeared in his mind.

"Jiuyou is a man with extremely high cultivation and a cunning and changeable nature. Although he was injured when he was abandoned to the sky that time, he recovered quickly. Do you really have to go?"

"Forget it, what are your plans for the Holy King of the Eight Desolations?"

"I'm talking to you, do you hear me?"

"What are you thinking about?"

Scene after scene, it seems like the past, not Dugu Tianxia's memory, but more like his memory...

"Brother Dugu!"

Seeing that the Demon King's palm was about to fall towards the body of the god and demon in Dugu Tianxia, ​​at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly launched his Lingxian Steps, flew up, and stood in front of Dugu Tianxia... …

"Xiao Yichen!"

In the distance, Xiao Meng'er's expression suddenly changed. Even though he had stepped into the realm of gods and demons, how could he withstand the heaven-destroying and earth-destroying palm of the Demon King?

The others also had shocked expressions on their faces. When he still had the body of a god and demon in Dugu Tianxia, ​​he could not block the attack of the Demon King, let alone him alone now?

That palm was getting closer and closer. Even with the protection of Xuanwu Armor, Xiao Chen felt as if his whole body was about to break into pieces. Even before the palm came, it was already like this! Even the Xuanwu Armor cracked again...

"Xiao Yichen..."

Xiao Meng'er looked shocked, and without hesitation, she stretched out her hand and the Wushou Lotus Platform instantly turned into a white light and flew up. However, even though the Wushou Lotus Platform was an innate treasure, after all, her cultivation level was far inferior to that of the Demon King. The moment the lotus platform flew up, before it had time to cover it with a layer of lotus flowers, it was shaken by the force of the palm, and flew back with a "bang".

At this moment, everyone held their breath, watching helplessly as the Demon King struck Xiao Chen with his palm, which was already a fatal situation! But at this critical moment, a cold female voice suddenly came from the distance, "Thousands of miles of ice!"

The next moment, before everyone could react, a bone-chilling cold air suddenly covered the vast sea of ​​seals. Everything in the void was sealed by ice. Even the Demon King, under the watchful eyes of everyone, was smitten by that 10,000-meter-long wave. The cold air and ice were trapped inside.

When Xiao Chen came back to his senses, he felt that his arm was being pulled by someone and he was flying backwards. The person next to him, Feng Guanxiayi, was peerless in elegance. She was none other than the Empress. This time, he could feel that this was the Empress herself, not the previous clone...

"A person who has been dead for thousands of years is more important than your own life?"

The empress took him to a mountain peak and spoke in a calm tone. At this time, Xiao Chen was still holding the body of Dugu Tianxia's God and Demon tightly in his hand and did not speak.

The scene just now was really thrilling. If the empress had come a little later, or if the magical power of "Thousand Miles of Ice" failed to freeze the Demon Emperor in ice, it is really unpredictable what the consequences would be.

At this time, everyone in the distance also had horrified expressions on their faces, that was... the Empress of Kunlun! With such magical powers and peerless splendor, apart from the Lord of Kunlun Baihua Palace, there is no one else.

In the distance, Yun Zhongjun stared at the empress. At that moment, he could see very clearly. With such ability, could it be that she had already entered that realm...

"Where are you from?"

Only then did Xiao Chen realize why he hadn't seen the empress until now? It seems that I have never seen her before. Could it be that...she came from outside now?

The empress said, "Three years ago, the Tianshu Mountains collapsed. I searched for a long time before I found a way to get in. But now it seems that I can only get in but not get out." At the end of her words, she slowly looked at the Demon Great Emperor who was frozen in the ice, and then turned her head slightly and said to the back, "Lord Yunzhong, there is no need to hide your strength anymore, right? Let me come out." As soon as these words came out, everyone behind was stunned and looked at Lord Yunzhong. Could it be... Could it be that this Lord Yunzhong in front of them has always been just a clone! "Ancestor Hun Tian, ​​you don't have to hide anymore, right?" The empress looked at Ancestor Hun Tian and others again, and said, "If we don't stop this person today, I think no one can get out of here. Even if we get the Qinglian, lead the innate chaos into the body, survive the catastrophe of annihilation, and live forever, what's the use?" Hearing these words, many people were stunned. What does it mean? Lord Yunzhong, Ancestor Hun Tian and others... They are all clones! Then where are their real bodies hiding now? What on earth do these people want to do...

At this time, Xiao Chen also pondered carefully. Sure enough, he was too naive. How cunning these people are. They must have known everything here for a long time, right? But they pretended to know nothing, and even their real bodies never came out. They were all deceitful and did everything they could.

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