The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,475 Three Flowers Gather Their Qi!

After the ten-thousand-year demon disappeared, the entire Tianshu formation suddenly emitted bursts of light, and the ancient green lotus at the center of the formation also became spotless, blooming into pieces of green lotus flowers.

Everyone outside was shocked. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that in the scene just now, the evil spirit that even the three Immortal Saints of the Ancient Immortal Alliance could not resist was swallowed up by him. Dugu Tianxia's Is the body of a god and demon really so powerful?

"Brother, what do you think?"

On the distant mountain peak, the three Immortal Saints of the Ancient Immortal Alliance looked solemn, especially Qing Chenzi and Yu Qingzi. Only now did they realize that they seemed to have completely underestimated this cultivator from the human world.

Even with their thousands of years of Taoism, it was difficult for them to resist the billowing demonic energy, let alone dispel it. But now, the ten thousand-year-old demonic evil was swallowed up by that person all at once?

The three of them really couldn't imagine how they could do this. Is it just the immortal body of gods and demons in the world?

In the Tianshu Formation, looking at the chaotic green lotus blooming at this time, the Demon Emperor was shocked and angry. All his efforts, the condensed Demonic Qi for thousands of years... all of this was completely lost. This kid in front of me is ruined!


After devouring the Ten Thousand Years Demonic Demon, Xiao Chen's expression seemed to be darker at this time, as if he had gone crazy. There was a faint black energy emerging from his body. He smiled gloomily and said, "The Ten Thousand Year Demonic Demon? It tastes good. Have some more." ……"


The Demon Emperor's face darkened, and at this time, on the distant mountain peak, Xiao Meng'er was concentrating and silent. Why could he swallow this ten thousand-year-old demon? This was definitely not because of the body of the god and demon in Dugu Tianxia...

The empress was also silent. Only she knew clearly that the three corpse demons in Xiao Chen's body were not the ten thousand-year-old demons that Xiao Chen swallowed up the Demon King, but were swallowed by the three corpse demons...

Unexpectedly, all the efforts made by the Demon King over the past ten thousand years have become nutrients for the Three Corpse Demons today... But in this way, the Three Corpse Demons will grow even faster. This kid is really taking too many risks. .

"Do you think there is nothing I can do if the ten thousand-year-old demon has swallowed me up? Naive! In that case, I will destroy the roots of the green lotus and dye the lotus stems with demonic essence. What will happen to you!"

Suddenly, the Demon Supreme Emperor's demon power gathered together again, and struck the green lotus at the center of the array with a sudden palm, hitting the green lotus root just in time, destroying the lotus root in one stroke.

The core of the formation was struck, and the Tianshu formation shook violently. At this moment, the seal sea, and even the entire Tianshu center, shook violently.


The Demon Emperor laughed wildly, and bursts of demonic breath went towards the green lotus stem again, but this time it was different from the previous ten thousand-year demon, but the Demon Emperor's own demonic essence! He actually wanted to use his own demonic energy to... assimilate this green lotus!


At this moment, the entire void shook, as if it was about to collapse. Everyone present was frightened, and in the Tianshu Formation, only the stems of the green lotus could be seen, invading the Demonic Emperor's own demonic element. The dye has started to turn black from bottom to top!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Chen also secretly thought that something was wrong. The lotus roots were destroyed, and Qinglian could no longer absorb the spiritual energy in the formation. The demonic essence of the Demon King was introduced into Qinglian through the lotus stems. Unless the lotus stems were cut off, Otherwise, Qinglian will be stained by turbidity!

However, Qinglian is not yet fully mature. Once the lotus stem is cut off, it may wither... Then it will not be able to be used to revive Weiyang. What should we do now?


Outside the formation, the expressions of the three Immortal Saints of the Ancient Immortal Alliance also changed. They originally thought that without the ten thousand-year demon, this person would not be able to stain the green lotus. However, he did not expect that he could actually sacrifice his own demon. Yuan... This natal demonic Yuan is more powerful than that ten thousand year demon!

"You...can't stop me!"

The Demon Supreme Emperor shouted in shock, and the demonic evil spirits billowing from his body surged outward, forcing all the cultivators who tried to stop him to retreat.

Seeing that the bottom half of the green lotus stem had been dyed black by the demonic element, Xiao Chen couldn't think about it anymore. He kept forming seals with his hands, and Yaoguang's mind was working instantly. A bright lotus flower slowly appeared above his head, and around his body, It even condensed a stream of immortal energy, like water light, gathering towards the lotus stem.

"That is……"

Many people in the distance were startled, what pure immortal energy! No one had ever thought that he had such spotless immortal essence in his body, and that the ten thousand-year-old evil spirit that was so heavy just now could not taint his immortal essence! Can a human being cultivate such powerful immortality?

"Is that..."

On the side of the Ancient Immortal Alliance, the three Immortal Saints never expected that even they could not condense such pure immortal energy. Why could this kid actually... No, no, could this be... Three Flowers Gathering Qi! There are actually people in the world who have cultivated the Three Flowers Gathering on Top!

At this moment, the faces of Xuan Cezi and the others changed drastically. They never imagined that during the hundreds of years they had been in seclusion, there would be such an extraordinary person in the world!

On the other side, Xiao Meng'er also stared blankly at the lotus on Xiao Chen's body. So it turned out to be Fairy Miaoyin's Three Flowers Gathering on the Top... Master has wanted to understand the Three Flowers Gathering on the Top all his life, but he has never been able to Get what you want.

"Huh? Three Flowers Gathering Qi! Boy, how can you have Three Flowers Gathering Qi in you!"

The Demon King suddenly became manic. The three flowers gathered their energy and kept rushing towards Qinglian, suppressing his demonic energy!

This was the Three Flowers Juding Qi that Ling Yin penetrated into Xiao Chen's body. Back then, Ling Yin deceived Jiangnan Liu and Mei Jianyi. At that time, Jiangnan Liu and Mei Jianyi only thought that she was He used his immortal energy to clear away the turbid demon energy from the baby boy's body. However, at that time, Ling Yin discovered the three corpse demons in the baby boy's body, and the only one in the world who could suppress the three corpse demons was the Three Flowers Gathering.

It was also later that the young man Yichen went to the foot of the back mountain and met Xiao Cangtian. Xiao Cangtian discovered the Three Flowers Gathering Qi in his body and concluded the cause and effect between Ling Yin and the young man, so what happened next .

The Three Flowers Gathering Qi can suppress all the turbid demonic energy in the world. At this time, only the Three Flowers Gathering Qi can suppress the ten thousand-year demonic energy of the Demon King.

"I see!"

At this moment, the Demon King finally saw something, and suddenly his eyes were sharp, and he looked coldly at Xiao Chen, "Boy! I know, it turns out that there is an expert who injected the Three Flowers Gathering Qi into your body, but if you lose it, If you lose these three flowers, you will definitely die!"

"How joyful is life, how sad is death."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Chen was calm and calm, as if he had already seen through life and death. The moment he used the Three Flowers Gathering Qi just now, he had already thought clearly.

This Three Flowers Gathering Qi is used by Master to suppress the Three Corpse Demons. If he sacrifices it, he will never be able to suppress the Three Corpse Demons in the future. But in this world, there are always things more important than life and death. …

"Boy, are you not afraid of death? Okay, okay..."

Suddenly, the Demon King's face became extremely gloomy, and he also saw that the obsession of the man in front of him was beyond life and death.

"Since you are not afraid of death, okay, then I will die with you...! The Thirteen Demonic Styles - the immortals and demons are finished, and they will pass away forever!"

Suddenly, the Demon King condensed his palms, and a red-black heart slowly condensed on his chest, and it was still beating "thump, thump"!


Everyone outside had a shocked look on their face, and the three Immortal Saints from the Ancient Immortal Alliance also held their breaths. That was the Demon Core of the Great Demon Emperor, which is equivalent to the Nascent Soul of a cultivator...


The Demon King let out a loud roar, and brought his palms to his chest. In an instant, he shattered the demon core, and then sucked all the power of the demon core into his body. Suddenly, strong winds blew up around him, and the demonic energy stirred up to the point where the sky was shaking. The momentum!

"Boy - go to hell!"

I saw blue veins popping up all over the Demon King's face, and he looked extremely terrifying. At this moment, he devoted his whole life to hitting Xiao Chen with a palm. This palm was definitely not an ordinary palm. Everything would be wiped out. , even if Xiao Chen has the body of a god and demon in Dugu world, he is determined not to be able to resist it!

"Xiao Yichen..."

On the mountain peak in the distance, Xiao Meng'er's expression changed, and the Empress flew towards the Tianshu Formation in an instant. Unfortunately, the surrounding demonic energy was surging, and with the power of the formation, she was finally stopped, unable to do anything. Go inside and rescue Xiao Chen.

In the formation, the heaven-shaking palm power of the Demonic Emperor arrived in an instant. Xiao Chen's whole body was enveloped by this terrifying power. There was no way to escape... He was already destined to die!


"Master, do you think these flowers will bloom again next year?"

"Master, when are we going down the mountain? I really want to go back and see A Niang and Sister Shen Jing..."

"Master, look, these fish survived..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to be hallucinating again, seeing the past again, seeing the young man back then, and seeing the peach blossoms on Zixiao Peak blooming again...

It turns out that at the last moment of his life, the person he was thinking of was Master...

The palm was getting closer and closer, and the strong wind enveloped it. Xiao Chen could no longer hear the sounds outside clearly, and his breathing stopped. It turns out... is this the distance of death?

At this moment, the voice that had been frozen for thousands of years seemed to ring in his ears again: "Atian... don't be afraid."


At this moment, the Demon King also noticed something strange. Time seemed to suddenly slow down. People outside also held their breath and looked motionless inside the formation.

At this moment, in the Tianshu Formation, a crack suddenly appeared in the void, and then, a figure flew out of the crack in the void, and pointed a finger at the eyebrows of the Demon Emperor!


The Demon King felt as if he had been seriously injured, and his whole body flew backwards.

"That, that's..."

At this moment, everyone outside was stunned, looking at the woman who suddenly appeared in the pivot formation that day. She was dressed flawlessly in white, as if she had washed away the dust of thousands of years. She... who was she and where did she come from? Come?

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