The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,478 If I were the Qing Emperor in his time

"Everyone in the world says he is a demon, but if he is really a demon, how can he be connected with this Qinglian and his spiritual veins..."

On the distant mountain peak, Xiao Meng'er watched motionless as Xiao Chen merged with Qinglian. She recalled that when she was in the world in the past, everyone said that he was a demon, the master of the demonic way, and that he had betrayed the right way. But if he How can Qinglian recognize her as her master if she really has a deep evil heart?

She still remembers when her master passed the Immortal Immortal Lotus to her. If she had not been firm in her Taoism at that time, how could she have been able to control such a treasure of the Immortal Family?

At this moment, everyone was shocked and speechless. How could they have imagined that such an ancient green lotus could actually recognize its owner as a human being.

The three Immortal Saints of the Ancient Immortal Alliance were all silent at this time. In the distance, the expression on Yun Zhongjun's face was changing, but it was unknown what he was thinking.

Finally, at the center of the formation, Qinglian completely integrated into Xiao Chen's body, entering through the three acupoints on his chest: "Shenzang", "Lingxu", and "Shenfeng", and finally completely integrated into the "Yutang acupoint" in his heart.

The Yutang point is located in the heart and is the residence of the heart master. Unexpectedly, this green lotus is actually connected to his mind, and the three acupoints of "Shenzang", "Lingxu" and "Shenfeng" have become seals Qinglian’s three acupuncture points.

These three acupuncture points are particularly important. If one day, he meets a very powerful person, and if that person wants to take away the green lotus in his body, he must open these three acupoints.

This scene in front of them would have been hard to believe if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes. At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes were lightly closed in the heart, as if he had completely changed. The lotus flowers on his body were reflected, and even the center of his eyebrows appeared. A cyan immortal seal.

"If I become the Qing Emperor in his future years, I will be rewarded with peach blossoms..."

On the top of the mountain, the empress looked at him motionless. For some reason, at this moment, the white snow of Kunlun appeared in her mind again. However, Kunlun was not called Kunlun before. It was a place where flowers bloomed. Under the ice and snow, Buried is the soul of flowers.

Just because back then, the God Qing Emperor violated the rules of heaven and was demoted to the human world. From then on, the land of flowers became thousands of miles of ice and snow... When will the flowers bloom under the ice and snow of Kunlun again?


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the distance, and the Demon Emperor was seen covered in blood mist, and his appearance suddenly became even more terrifying. Two terrifying eyes looked towards the formation. When Xiao Chen saw this Lianhua looked like a shadow, and his actions were obviously slow. "It's impossible..."

The moment he lost consciousness, Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes, a green light bloomed between his eyebrows, and then he pointed at him.

This finger was an unusual one, and three green lotus seals suddenly appeared in the void. The first seal was on the forehead of the Demon King, the second seal was on the center of his chest, and the third seal was on his forehead. abdomen.


Being hit by three green lotus seals, the Demon King felt as if he had been severely injured. His terrifying body kept retreating. At this moment, the goddess Xuan Bing slashed down with a sword, and there was a loud "bang", and the ten-foot-long body , suddenly shattered, and the entire void was filled with blood mist.


The demon body that the Demon King had just condensed with thousands of demon servants was destroyed in an instant. At this time, he looked crazy and looked so terrifying that even people in the distance felt trembling with fear.

But in the end, when he saw Xiao Chen and the goddess Xuan Bing standing together, at that moment, he couldn't help but tremble all over, as if he had seen the most terrifying combination, and kept shaking his head, "Impossible, impossible..."

"You are very similar to one of his friends..." Goddess Xuan Bing said softly.

At this time, Xiao Chen's whole body was shrouded in a green lotus shadow. The green lotus had just merged, causing his power to reach a limit in a short period of time. His whole person seemed to be a completely different person, and even his eyes were different. .

The goddess Xuan Bing appeared in the form of Dugu Tianxia, ​​and the two standing together at this moment really looked like the Qing Emperor and Dugu Tianxia thousands of years ago.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Suddenly, the Demon King laughed crazily again. At this time, this laughter made people feel chilling, and even the entire void trembled strangely.

"No matter who you are, today... you will all be buried here!"

Suddenly, the Demon King continuously fired more than a dozen demonic energies at the Tianshu Formation. The entire Tianshu Formation began to shake. Many formations were damaged, as if they would collapse at any time, taking the entire sealed sea with them. , and even the entire Tianshu Center shook violently.

"Hahaha! See you tomorrow... outside the Nine Heavens!"

After destroying the Tianshu Formation, the Demon King raised his head and smiled, jumped into the sky, made a tearing motion with his hands, and actually tore the void apart, and then in an instant, he sank into the crack in the void. , disappeared.

"This this……"

Looking at the disappearing crack in the sky, everyone was shocked and frightened. In the panic, many people collapsed on the ground. They did not expect that the Demon King could directly shatter the void and walk away. This terrifying strength is really shocking. It is unbelievable, but once the Tianshu Formation collapses, will they really be buried here?


At this time, Xiao Chen also secretly thought that something was wrong. It was not that he was afraid that this place would collapse, but that this formation was the hub of the Ancient Trace. Once it collapsed, the seal of Tianwaitian would also be loosened, and then the entire world would become in danger. .

Today, he has taken away the green lotus in the center of the formation, so no matter what, he will seal the formation again, and no one can even try to open the formation.

After thinking about this, he no longer hesitated and flew into the formation in an instant. Seeing this scene, everyone in the distance was shocked. What was he going to do? Now that the formation is about to collapse and everyone is avoiding it, he still goes inside. Isn't this looking for death?

"Xiao Yichen..."

On the mountain peak in the distance, Xiao Meng'er knew what he was going to do, and without any hesitation at this time, he immediately raised the Wugou Lotus Platform and flew towards the Tianshu Formation.

In the heart of the formation, Xiao Chen only felt pain as if his muscles and bones were broken, but there was no way. He had to use himself as a medium to draw spiritual power into the formation to repair the formations that had been destroyed by the Demon King just now. Only after the law is completely restored can it be sealed again.

Xiao Meng'er also has some understanding of formations. Although she cannot directly enter the formation like Xiao Chen, she can introduce spiritual power from outside to repair these damaged formations.

"I'm here to help you too."

In the distance, the goddess Xuan Bing also flew back, with Xiao Chen introducing spiritual power into the center of the formation. Xiao Meng'er and the goddess repaired the formation outside. Soon, the formation stabilized again, and the shocks around it gradually disappeared. Outside The people finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the formation destroyed by the Demon King has been restored at this time, it has not yet been sealed. As long as Yun Zhongjun and the powerful men work together, they can open it again. In this way, everything Xiao Chen did just now will be unstoppable. ,Meaningless.

At this moment, I saw him flying from the center of the formation to the outside, looking at each other with Xiao Meng'er, and then he was about to seal the formation.

The two of them stepped forward without hesitation, and murmured words in their mouths. Then a burst of thunder sounded, and from the sky, there were actually divine thunders hitting the formation.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked again, how could the two of them seal it like this! Could it be that they actually want to seal the entire formation at this moment? Then by then, wouldn’t everyone be able to get out...

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