The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,488 Bloodline Burns Out

"What a powerful force..."

Even Xiao Meng'er, who was far away at this time, felt that the power gained by burning lives in Fengtian Sect at this time may have reached the ninth realm!

Xiao Chen also held his breath and looked at Fengtian Sect in the distance, already feeling this powerful aura, and said, "The power you exchange for your life will only last for a moment.

"Just killing you is enough."

Feng Tianzong's voice was cold, and the aura on his body was getting stronger and stronger. He failed to overcome the catastrophe today, and he would not hesitate to die with the person in front of him, because he knew that if he did not kill this person, the Feng family would surely perish today.

"Kill me, that's fine."

Suddenly, Xiao Chen gathered all his true energy and slashed at him with a sword. However, when he entered the area enveloped by Fengtian Sect's aura, he actually felt a hot bloodline force pressing down on him, which made it difficult for him to kill him. It's hard to breathe, even to move!

"Tianmai - Reversal!"

Feng Tianzong shouted loudly, raised his hand, and a force of blood reversal seemed to turn things around in an instant. At this moment, Xiao Chen could no longer breathe. Even though he was protected by Xuanwu armor, he felt that his body and limbs were full of bones, as if they were about to collapse. It looked like it was being crushed to pieces, even the Xuanwu Armor had faint cracks!


The sword still did not stop, it was still slashing towards Feng Tianzong. However, this time, Feng Tianzong showed disdain on his face and struck out with a palm. The power of the palm surged forward, and the sword force stopped instantly. With a "boom", Xiao Chen couldn't stop his momentum in time and was hit by this palm and flew backwards.

"This is... the power of the ninth realm!"

In the distance, the cultivators in the city screamed out in surprise, but at this time in the Feng family, everyone was extremely sad. This was the family owner...a life-consuming blow!

"Xiao Yichen!" From behind, Xiao Meng'er held the lotus platform for a moment and flew forward to catch Xiao Chen.

"'s okay."

Xiao Chen still held on. Fortunately, the Xuanwu Armor offset part of the force of the palm just now. Otherwise, if he had not been able to avoid it at such a close range, he would have been seriously injured on the spot.


The children of the Feng family below are all expressing sadness at this time. If they can do something, the family master will not have to fight against this person alone, and in the end he will have to burn the fire of life...

Is this the power of the Nine Realms?

At this moment, Feng Tianzong raised his hand and looked at the fiery red lines on his palm. He had been pursuing the Nine Realms Avenue all his life. Now he had finally reached it, but it was at the end of his life that a sense of sadness suddenly came to him. Come from heaven and earth.

Today...he vowed to kill Xiao Chen no matter what!

"Back off!"

Seeing Feng Tianzong's sudden attack, Xiao Chen did not dare to underestimate this powerful force. He sent Xiao Meng'er back at once, and then he mentioned Di Gu in an instant, "Dang!" Feng Tianzong's sword slash When he came down, half of his body was immediately numb, his hands were cracked at the tiger's mouth, and blood flowed gurglingly.

"You want to kill me, but unfortunately... you can't last until then."

Xiao Chen jumped back. He knew that Fengtian Sect had burned the fire of life. Once the fire of life burned out, there would be no threat.

"Sky Fire - Forbidden!"

However, just when he wanted to fly out, the area was imprisoned by layers of sky fire. This kind of confinement was no small matter. If he forced his way out and was burned by the fire, he would be completely destroyed.

Xiao Chen jumped back and looked at Fengtian Sect, who was getting stronger and stronger at this time. He had no choice but to break the Qinglian seal.

At this moment, I saw him using two fingers together to quickly tap on the three acupoints on his chest: "Shenzang", "Lingxu", and "Shenfeng".

The moment the seal was released, a green lotus shadow appeared at the "Yutang point" in his heart, which forcibly resisted the power of Fengtian Sect's bloodline.

Qinglian was collected by Xiao Chen in the Yutang acupoint and connected with his heart, so it could move according to his thoughts. At this time, Feng Tianzong recognized it at a glance, and there was inevitably a slight look of shock on his face, "It's an ancient thing." Chaos Qinglian..."

"Yes, exactly."

Xiao Chen formed a seal with his hands, and the power of the green lotus seemed to be integrated into his blood for an instant. A green immortal seal suddenly appeared above his eyebrows!


At this moment, the sky was suddenly shrouded in black clouds, and there was a sound of thunder. In the distant city, many cultivators showed surprise, "It's the Heavenly Tribulation... He, he actually has the power of the Nine Realms..."

The power of the Nine Realms alone is not enough to cause a heavenly catastrophe in the fairy world, unless it is to transcend the tribulation, or a much enhanced abnormal power suddenly appears somewhere, and at this time, he and Fengtian Sect obviously belong to the latter. A sudden increase in strength is an abnormal force, which often leads to a catastrophe. However, this catastrophe is not a catastrophe to overcome, but a divine punishment.

"Okay, let's see how strong you are."

Suddenly, Feng Tianzong's whole body was blazing with golden flames, and he launched an offensive at Xiao Chen in an instant. Xiao Chen sacrificed the emperor's son without any reservations. The two faced each other with fierce moves. The moment the swords met, the ground shook and the mountains and rivers shook. , the sky was full of storms, and a catastrophe suddenly struck the two of them.


When a celestial catastrophe struck, everyone in the distance turned pale with fear. However, such a powerful catastrophe was completely blocked by the powerful strength of these two people!


One after another, the two people were struck by the catastrophes, and they used their extreme moves to kill each other without any reservations.

"The head of the family..."

The children of the Feng family below were all stunned. Although the strength gained by the family owner's burning life was extremely strong, this person could actually resist the catastrophe and fight against the family owner...

In the distance, Xiao Meng'er stood on the lotus platform, her clothes moving in the wind. She was not surprised. The power of creation of this ancient green lotus was far more than that.


The two fought for a while, and even the Heavenly Tribulation disappeared, as if the laws of heaven and earth nearby had adapted to the surge in power of the two of them.

In the sky, the two men were still fighting fiercely, but the power of the bloodline burned by Fengtian Sect would eventually come to an end. He knew that if he did not kill Xiao Chen before the bloodline burned out, the Feng family would no longer exist today.

"Tiangang - Xuan Sha!"

Suddenly, Fengtian Sect used a very powerful special move. All the disciples and elders below were shocked to see it. The master took the initiative to use the special move, which meant that the power of his bloodline could not last long.

At this moment, it was as if the void was distorted, and a fiery breath surged straight towards Xiao Chen!

"It's a pity that an attack of this level cannot hurt me."

Xiao Chen's whole body was covered with lotus flowers. He slashed the Emperor Gu in his hand, and the sword energy of a hundred feet roared out. With a "boom", he faced off with Fengtian Sect's unique move.

The cultivators in the distant city were also frightened at this moment. It was not difficult for them to see that even Fengtian Sect, who had burned the power of his blood, had unfortunately been seriously injured before, and was already at the end of his strength. A generation of strong men. , will he still perish here after all...

"Life has a time to end, blood has a time to die, but hatred has no end... You have failed."

Suddenly, Xiao Chen raised the palm of his left hand, and the thirty-third level of separation from hatred suddenly came into being. At this moment, the situation suddenly changed, the world was pale, and there was a feeling of sadness and separation from hatred. Suddenly enveloped everyone's heart!


Feng Tianzong also felt the sorrow of the world at this time. At dusk, that palm finally struck him. It was like the sun was extinguishing at this moment. The golden flame aura on his body was actually blown away by this At this time, the aura of this young man was completely suppressed.


The eyes of the disciples below were about to burst, but they were unable to save themselves. That palm hit Feng Tianzong firmly on the chest, "Pfft!" A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Feng Tianzong fell down helplessly. .

"Master! No!"

The children of the Feng family below were crying and crying. Outside, the cultivators in the city couldn't help but feel sad when they saw the death of a generation of seniors. They shed tears and sighed endlessly.

"Dusk is coming, darkness is approaching, just like this... drowning in the darkness? No... As long as there is a drop of blood in my body, I will not let you... succeed. Xiao Yichen... you are very strong, because of this , I will get rid of you today even at the cost of not entering reincarnation... The divine phoenix is ​​reborn from the fire, and in the name of the phoenix, he sacrifices my blood and burns my soul..."

Suddenly, Feng Tianzong kept chanting incantations. The next moment, his whole body was wrapped in flames. It was like a phoenix reborn from the fire. Every drop of blood in his body was ablaze!

"The head of the house... the head of the house!"

All the disciples were extremely horrified, with tears frozen in the corners of their eyes. They watched helplessly as the family master burned the last of his bloodline spirit!

"Brother, why are you doing this..."

Several elders also showed bitterness on their faces. This is a forbidden technique passed down from the ancestors of the Feng family. No one except the ancestors can learn it. Even the ancestor Xuan who became a disciple of ancestor Feng Lin failed to master this technique. Thinking that Fengtian Sect has mastered this method, could it be that he had already counted on this day...

At this moment, on a green peak outside the city, a figure was observing the situation on the Feng family's side using the art of "clairvoyance". This figure was none other than the ancestor Feng Lin.

"I didn't expect Fengtian Sect to master this forbidden technique..."

Ancestor Feng Lin couldn't help but shook his head and sighed. Feng Tianzong was no worse than the Xuan Ancestor of the Feng family who became his sect back then. It was a pity that he had offended the wrong person this time.

At this time, it is impossible for him to enter the city to intervene in this matter. Xiao Chen is the one who wants to help the Immortal Alliance open the way to heaven. It is impossible for him to help the Feng family deal with Xiao Chen, let alone help Xiao Chen deal with Fengtian Sect, so The best way is for him to hide his breath and pretend that he has never been here today.

At this time, above the Fengjia Xuan Valley, the Fengtian Sect's bloodline was rekindled, like the fallen sun, once again emitting endless brilliance. At this time, the Fengjia disciples below, after being stunned, suddenly cut their own wrists. He directed his own blood to the sky.

"Let's help the head of the family!"

One by one, all the Feng family disciples cut their wrists and drew all the Phoenix blood in each person to the sky.

"What a powerful force..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen couldn't help but frown. After absorbing the blood of those below, Fengtian Sect's power to counterattack before death became even more terrifying. Unless the bodies of Dugu Tianxia's gods and demons were still there, otherwise, with the It would be impossible for him to withstand this blow!

"Boy... leave quickly! His blood will burn out and he will die. You have not yet entered the ninth realm and cannot withstand this blow!"

Suddenly, the voice of the Bone Demon, who had been sleeping for a long time, sounded in his mind again, and even the Bone Demon was awakened by the terrifying power of the Phoenix.

"Can't leave anymore..."

Almost instantly, Feng Tianzong rushed forward, like a fallen sun, burning again. Xiao Chen didn't even have time to launch the Lingxian Steps, his whole body was covered by this power, and he couldn't go anywhere!


Ten feet!

The distance was getting closer in an instant, and the strong wind almost crushed his soul. The irresistible power had almost reached the top of the Nine Realms! Xiao Chen is already destined to die!

I can only use that method...

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