"Qianyu Nishang, you and I are not in conflict with each other, what do you mean?"

Gongsun Wuji's eyes were cold, and the woman in feather clothes who suddenly appeared was none other than Qian Yu Nichang. After a few years, her cultivation had gradually become unfathomable.

At this moment, she looked at Gongsun Wuji and said calmly, "Kunlun is not the land of Wangchuan. Master Gongsun, please come back."

Upon hearing this, Gongsun Wuji's eyes became terrifyingly cold, and his voice became much lower. "I'm here today for the 'Tiantian Snow Core'. This has nothing to do with you. You don't need to do this." Intervene."

Unexpectedly, Qian Yu Nishang walked towards Leng Baihu after hearing this. She stretched out her hand and gestured to give her the Liantian Xuerui. Leng Baihu hugged the box in her hand tightly, but then she thought again and heard Sister Mingyue say that the sister in front of her was Brother Chen's junior sister, there should be no problem in giving Liantian Xuerui to her.

After hesitating for a moment, Leng Baihu still handed the box in his hand to Qian Yu Nichang. Qian Yu Nichang took the box in his hand, turned to look at Gongsun Wuji in the distance, and said lightly, "Lian Tian Xuerui is in my hand." If the master of the Gongsun family wants it, he can come and get it."


When Gongsun Yu saw this, he came to his senses. Seeing that she was clearly provoking him, he pointed at her and said, "Don't give her a toast and you will be fined! I don't think your Xuan Qing Sect is like that..."

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Gongsun Wuji raised his hand to stop him. His eyes fell on Qian Yu Nishang, as if he was trying to weigh the pros and cons.

Regardless of the Xuanqingmen, the reputation of this woman in front of me has already spread throughout the world. She is the second person known in the world to have cultivated the Three Flowers Gathering on the Top. The first one is the Xuanqingmen Yaoguang Zun. The congenital three flowers gathered at the top are even more powerful.

Although Gongsun Wuji had received the guidance of his ancestor Xuanzu and had now entered the eighth realm, he still had some worries about the unfathomable woman in front of him. Without Xuanzu's cultivation in the ninth realm, he would never dare Move hastily, otherwise it will be of no benefit to anyone if both sides suffer.

"Well, you are worthy of being Fairy Qianyu... She is indeed a formidable person."

Gongsun Wuji had hidden murderous intentions, but he could not take action at this time. He only said, "Since Fairy Qianyu wants this Liantian Xuerui, then I will not fight with the fairy... Yu'er, let's go!"


Gongsun Yu was obviously unwilling to do so. There was only one Xuerui tree growing in the sky every hundred years. If there was no such thing, how could he heal his elder brother's injury? What's more, she is just a little girl, so arrogant, even grandpa is so afraid of her!


Gongsun Wuji didn't say much, and his expression suddenly became a little stern. The reason why he was afraid of Qianyu Nishang was definitely not just because Qianyu Nishang was decorated with three flowers on top, and his cultivation was unfathomable.

"Huh!" Gongsun Yu flicked his sleeves and glanced at Qian Yu Nishang unwillingly, and then followed Gongsun Wuji away.

Soon, the heavy snow had buried the traces of those people. Only then did Leng Baihu realize, "Sister Qianyu... By the way, sister, why are you here?"

Qian Yu Nishang turned around and returned the box in her hand to him. Leng Baihu took the box and said, "Sister Shen Jing must have been injured by them. I want to go back to find her..."

After a while, Leng Baihu returned to the mountain. The wind and snow in the sky were getting heavier and heavier, but it could not cover up the pool of blood on the ground.

"elder sister!"

Leng Baihu ran quickly, knelt down in the snow, and turned Shen Jing over. But at this time, her face was pale, her body was cold, and she had no breath.

"Sister Shen Jing...Sister Shen Jing! Wake up... wake up! Sister... wake up! Sister..."

Two lines of tears then flowed down Leng Baihu's cheeks. Qian Yu Nishang came over. Without looking, she knew that Shen Jing's three souls and seven souls were gone, and said, "She is dead."

"No, it won't happen... No, it won't happen..." Leng Baihu's face was filled with tears, and he kept crying. He was still like the boy he was before, showing his true feelings without any hiding.

Qian Yu Nishang stood nearby, her face as calm as water, without any waves, and said, "Why are you crying."

Hearing this, Leng Baihu was stunned for a moment, raised his head and glanced at her, then looked at Shen Jing who was not breathing in his arms, and choked out, "Sister Shen Jing is dead, I'm sad..."

Qian Yu Nishang said, "Everyone will die. They are born between heaven and earth, and return to heaven and earth. Everything is a cycle of heaven. What's so sad?"

Leng Baihu said sadly, "I am not you. I have cultivated my mind like water. I am sad just because I am sad. When two horses were bitten to death by Miss Su's green wolf, I was also sad... I want to take Sister Shen Jing back... …”

While crying, he picked Shen Jing up on his back and walked forward with unsteady steps despite the wind and snow. Two medicine men were following him, and he didn't know what happened.

Looking at the figure of the young man struggling to move forward under the wind and snow, Qian Yu Nishang stood there for a long time.

"You all should go out." In the secret palace, Xiao Chen listened to everything and his face slowly became expressionless.

"Brother Chen, I'm sorry..."

Leng Baihu's voice was choked with sobs. Mingyue shook her head slightly and sighed. She pressed his shoulder and motioned for everyone to go out and leave your Majesty alone.

After a while, everyone went out, leaving only Xiao Chen and Ku Lingzi in the secret hall. Xiao Chen looked at Shen Jing, who was motionless on the cold jade bed. After a long time, he turned around and said, "Have you let the two seniors, Medical Saint and Medicine Saint, take a look? Is there nothing they can do?"

Ku Lingzi shook his head and remained silent.

Xiao Chen turned around again and looked at Shen Jing on the Hanyu bed. After a while, he turned around again and asked, "Where is Shan Suwen Palace that day? Speaking of which, they are from the same family, Suwen Fairy is also her senior sister, she will definitely..."

Ku Lingzi remained silent, Xiao Chen stopped talking, and his expression gradually became a little dazed. If these are useful, how could Ku Lingzi not try it...

After a while, he asked again, "What about senior? There's nothing you can do about it?" Ku Lingzi took a deep breath and said, "If her soul is still there, I can do something about it, but her three souls and seven souls are gone." , there is no way to save the day..."

"Three souls and seven souls are gone..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen felt a little dizzy, and said, "But... aren't you the Youtian Soul Saint? Why can't you even do anything?"

Ku Lingzi took a deep breath. At this moment, he seemed to be saying another thing: "The things in this world are often beyond the capabilities of human beings."

"Things in this world are often beyond what human beings can do..." Xiao Chen staggered a little and kept shaking his head, "But even Weiyang can change her destiny against the will of heaven, why can't she?"

Ku Lingzi said, "Hua Weiyang's situation is different from hers... It's strange to say that Hua Weiyang still has a fire of life in her body. That day I heard Shen Jing say that she didn't know whether it was an illusion or something, but she always Hua Weiyang felt her heart beat, but when she checked later, she didn't find anything unusual. "


Xiao Chen was in a daze. He came back this time and brought back Ten Thousand Years of Rain and Dew and Ancient Green Lotus, but he didn't have time to go see Wei Young...

In the end, his eyes fell on Shen Jing. "Is it true... that there is no other way?"

Ku Lingzi closed his eyes and said nothing. If there was a way, how could he not be able to save his wife and children back then? How could he not be able to save Luo Mei Feng in this life? Things in this world cannot be done by human beings. So what about You Tianhunsheng? So what if you are the first person? What if you are invincible and everyone is in awe of you...

"Senior, please go out first..."

It was quiet inside the secret hall. Finally, Ku Lingzi also went outside, leaving Xiao Chen alone in the hall, looking at the cold jade bed quietly, motionless.

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