The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,504 The Mysterious World is Closed

"Boy, remember what you promised me, haha..."

The Phantom Musical Piano Demon smiled evilly, and suddenly flicked his fingers, and bursts of the Heavenly Demonic Piano Music suddenly penetrated to the Mysterious Realm of Wangchuan.

On the Wangchuan Xuanjie side, Taibai, Taizheng, and Qingxiao, after repelling Wuyutian's masters, were about to attack Xiao Chen, but they didn't know that the sound of the piano was already coming from the distant mountain peak.

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!" ♦✮

The sharp sound of the piano, like a sharp sword, passed through the crowd. Before many people in the Gongsun family could react, they felt bursts of heart-breaking pain, as if their whole bodies had been pierced by countless needles in an instant.


Many people screamed in pain and covered their ears. However, the sound of the piano seemed to attack the soul directly. Even if they covered their ears, it was of no avail. In just a moment, many people had blood in their eyes, ears, mouths and noses. It overflowed and looked extremely terrifying.

"This is……"

Elder Tai Zheng's expression changed, and he held the Jiuxiao Qin in his arms. He was good at changing the melodies, but when he heard such enchanting music, he couldn't help but feel shocked. In the next moment, before he could react, there were three sounds of the Qin. Attacked him straight away!

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!" ♦✮m.vodt♦w✹.co♦m Being attacked by these three zither sounds, Elder Tai Zheng could not resist, and a mouthful of blood immediately gushed out, which may have hurt his heart.


Elder Taibai's face was startled, and with a flick of his hands, he originally attacked Xiao Chen's flying swords in the sky, but immediately turned around and blocked them in the direction of the sound of the piano.

Elder Qingxiao also swept the whisk, using his unparalleled inner energy to resist the sound of the piano coming from the mountain peak. However, even if the three of them joined forces, it was still difficult at this time!

"Which friend is playing the piano here?"

Elder Tai Zheng forced himself to calm down. All his achievements in his life were in Rhythm, but he had never seen such a strong piano sound. This was not an ordinary piano sound, this was a magic sound!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

On the mountain peak in the distance, I saw the phantom piano demon laughing endlessly, just like when he intercepted Xiao Chen and others in Tianhen that day. His hands were getting faster and faster, and his eyes gradually became red, as if he had transformed into a guqin demon.

"It's the sound of Tianmo Qinyin!"

Elder Tai Zheng's face changed greatly. He had never thought that the sound of the demon's piano would appear in the human world. At this time, he no longer cared about it. He suddenly raised the Jiuxiao Qin in his hand and flicked his fingers. The bursts of piano music immediately blocked the sound of the demon's piano. .

However, how can the sound of the demon's piano be ordinary? Back in Tianhen, Xiao Chen tried his best to use Fuxi Qin, but he was able to draw a tie with the Phantom Qin Demon's Tianmo Qinyin. If Xiao Meng'er hadn't sneak-attacked the Phantom Qin Demon in the end, the outcome of that day would still have been unknown.


There was a sharp sound. Elder Tai Zheng did not have a divine harp like Fu Xi Qin. With the Jiuxiao Qin in his hand, he could not withstand the sound of this demonic harp.

When the first zither sound came, his internal organs were shattered; when the second qin sound struck, all the strings on the Jiuxiao Qin were disconnected; when the third zither sound struck, his whole body was even more shattered. He flew backwards, and even the piano body in his hand was broken into two halves. This time, his soul must be seriously damaged!


Elder Qingxiao's expression changed with shock. He swept the whisk and flew over to catch him. He was really horrified in his heart. Tai Zheng's attainments in the sound of the piano were unparalleled by ordinary people. However, at this time, just three sounds of the piano caught him. Heavy damage, even the Jiuxiao Qin was destroyed. Who is the other party... could he be a master in the late stage of the Nine Realms?

Gongsun Wuji and others below were also stunned. While using their skills to protect their hearts, they protected the disciples from retreating into the mysterious world. The sound of the piano was so powerful that even Elder Tai Zheng couldn't bear it, let alone them?

"What a powerful piano sound..."

In the distance, Qilin was sitting in a wheelchair and couldn't help but look up at the mountain peak. Suzaku said, "They are people from the ancient immortal world.

"If she had used the legendary Heavenly Demon Qin in her hand, none of the three people would be alive today." Qilin said with a faint smile.

"The Heavenly Demonic Piano has been broken into pieces since ancient times, and its body and strings have been separated, and its trace has long been lost."

Suzaku said softly. As he spoke, he looked at the panicked Gongsun tribesmen below and said, "This time, that old thief Gongsun Changye probably made a miscalculation." At the end of his words, he looked at Xiao Chen in the distance again. .

In just a short moment, those in the Gongsun family had suffered countless casualties, and the souls of those killed by the sound of the demon's piano had no time to escape, so they were taken away by the soul gathering array in the sky.

In the distance, the hearts of Wuyutian's masters were beating fast. They were obviously pretending to be defeated just now, but they didn't expect that the sound of the piano was so terrifying. If they had not withdrawn, they would probably have been with Gongsun at this time. The members of the family all met their end, and the sound of the piano made no distinction between friend and foe.


Elder Qingxiao supported the seriously injured Elder Taizheng and wanted to return to the Wangchuan Mysterious Realm. However, at this moment, murderous intent suddenly appeared in Xiao Chen's eyes. He asked the Qin Demon to hide in the dark in order to wait for these three people to come out and kill these three people. The three of them were caught off guard. Once these three were dead, Gongsun Wuji and the others would not be in danger at all.

In this case, how could he allow these three people to return to the Wangchuan Mysterious Realm? Almost instantly, Di Gujian rushed towards Qingxiao.


Elder Qingxiao supported the seriously injured Elder Tai Zheng, but he couldn't avoid it. Xiao Chen stabbed his ribs under his ribs, and his ribs were immediately shattered. But after all, he had a good cultivation level, so he just shook the emperor's sword with all his strength. He was shaken out of his body, but this time, he was also seriously injured, and even his broken ribs and flesh flew out together.


Elder Taibai's expression changed suddenly, he bit the tip of his tongue hard, and suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, sacrificing the blood to his sword. The flying swords in the sky suddenly gathered into a bloody sword, and they fiercely charged at Xiao Chen!

This sword was earth-shattering, but Xiao Chen had just been knocked back by Qingxiao, and before he could stand still, and he was about to be seriously injured, suddenly a fiery red shadow rushed over, and took him away in an instant. At the same time, there were flames all over the sky, until He attacked Elder Taibai and blocked his second offensive.


Xiao Chen turned his head slightly and saw that it was Zhuque from Tianzhu City, but the mask on Zhuque's face had never been taken off. He didn't know who the other person was, but only had an inexplicable feeling of familiarity, especially that time, Fengyun In heaven, the other party helped him ascend to the ninth heaven.

"Be careful, Lord Wuyu..."

Suzaku stroked lightly with his fingers, and the flames on his body gradually subsided. He was too fast just now and accidentally burned the corner of his clothes.

Xiao Chen didn't have time to talk to him. Seeing the Gongsun family members trying to escape back to the Xuan Realm, he chased after them in an instant and shouted coldly, "Fengtian Sect!"

"Ten thousand feet of sky fire!"

The soul of Fengtian Sect appeared in an instant, and the aura of the Nine Realm masters immediately shocked the world. What was even more terrifying was that the entire sky had turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the ten thousand feet of sky fire fell straight towards the entire Wangchuan Mysterious Realm, as if It's like destroying the world!

At this time, many Gongsun clan members died under the sky fire. Even the master of Baiyun Pavilion and Xuanming Youjun in the distance couldn't help but hold their breath at this time. What a strong soul... Could it be that this person was alive during his lifetime? Did he die in Xiao Yichen's hands?

"Go back to the Xuan Realm!"

Both Qing Xiao and Tai Zheng were seriously injured, leaving Tai Bai alone who could not survive alone. At this time, he had no choice but to protect his clan members and retreat into the Xuan Realm.


Suddenly, a violent shock spread. I don't know what formation the Gongsun family members activated inside. I saw that the Wangchuan Xuanjie began to close.

"go back!"

Elder Taibai stretched out his hand, and a thousand-foot mysterious light shrouded it, sending all the clan members outside, including dead, injured, and even broken corpses, back to the Wangchuan Mysterious Realm.

In the next moment, Elder Taibai took Qingxiao and Taizheng, who were seriously injured, into a white light and flew into the mysterious world.


The land of Wangchuan is shaking more and more fiercely, and the entire Wangchuan Mysterious Realm is also being sealed off little by little. It is probably the people from the Gongsun family who have activated some kind of formation to completely seal the Wangchuan Xuanjie. Even they themselves will not be able to open it again within a hundred years.

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