"Patriarch...Patriarch! Oops...South, the south formation has collapsed!"

At this time, in the Wangchuan Xuanjie, the people of the Gongsun clan were already in chaos. The formations that originally maintained the stability of the Xuanjie were falling apart one after another under the attack of dozens of powerful saints outside. .

"The formation in the north also collapsed..."

"Master... we can't hold on any longer!"

Many people rushed up from below. This time, Gongsun Wuji finally showed a look of horror on his face. He was not low in cultivation, so he could naturally feel that there were dozens of people in the Holy Realm outside breaking through the Mysterious Realm. , all masters from the ancient immortal world...

"Rather than just sit back and wait for death, why not... why don't we just rush out and fight them!"

"Fight for what?"

Gongsun Wuji glared at the person who spoke. There were dozens of masters who had come down from the Immortal Realm outside, and the three elders in the clan had not yet recovered. To open the Mysterious Realm and rush out now would be to seek death.

"Go ahead! Use everyone's strength...and be sure to hold on to the Mysterious Realm! They can't even think of breaking through!"

"Yes Yes!"

Outside, half an hour has passed, but this mysterious world is still unbreakable. Ancestor Xingluo and others are sweating profusely, but they are still persisting.

In the distance, many people came from Wuyu Tian. Looking around, they were densely packed, but their cultivation was almost insignificant compared to Xingluo Ancestor and others. Even if they went up, they wouldn't be able to help. To break the forgetfulness In the Sichuan Xuan Realm, we can only rely on Xingluo Ancestor and other Saint Realm experts. Under the Saint Realm, no matter how many people there are, it is useless.

Seeing that Ancestor Xingluo and others were unable to break through the mysterious realm for a long time, Xiao Chen was about to step forward when Suzaku reached out from behind and held his shoulder. "The mysterious realm here is not as simple as you think."

There was something going on in Tianzhu City a few days ago. Qilin and Xuanwu had gone back, leaving only Suzaku. At this moment, he walked up, looked at the mountain peaks and said, "Gongsun Wuji asked people to maintain the formation inside. From the outside It’s really difficult to attack.”

Xiao Chen turned around and glanced at him, and naturally understood that it was like the door was bolted from the inside. To break it open from the outside, it would take several times the strength.

He had already consumed too much spiritual power in order to pull his spiritual veins before. Now it is not appropriate to continue to consume vitality and soul power. The Phantom Musical Piano Demon is also hiding on the distant mountain peak. After all, there is a cultivator in the Forgotten Realm. Unknown Xuanzu.

Just like this, another half hour has passed. From the beginning to now, it has been a full hour. Ancestor Xingluo and others have exhausted a lot. If it were not for the elixir refined by the Medicine Saint, I am afraid that everyone would not be able to support it. Wait, even if the mysterious world is broken later, they will probably be unable to fight anymore and will have to go to the side to recover their energy.

At this moment, Gongsun Wuji's cold voice suddenly came from the Wangchuan Mysterious Realm: "Boy, do you want to break through the Mysterious Realm here with human power? It's just a wishful thinking... You will surely suffer the backlash of the mysterious force later on." !”

Hearing this, Patriarch Xingluo and others were all stunned. Yes, if they continue to consume like this, everyone will definitely have a backlash of profound energy, which can cause their cultivation level to regress, or worst case, it can damage their spiritual roots, which will affect their future cultivation. Up to now, they have already I felt a faint pain in my Dantian.

"Your Majesty...what should we do now?"

Taoist Qingdeng looked at Xiao Chen quickly. It was not an option to consume it like this. Unless someone as powerful as the Empress could come, it would not be easy to break through this mysterious world.

"Then let me see how long you can hold on..."

Xiao Chen looked at the mountain peaks with cold eyes. As soon as he finished speaking, there was already a radiant Yao Qin in his hand.

"Fuxi Qin..." Mingyue's face was slightly startled, she looked at him and said, "Your Majesty, do you want to use Fuxi Qin?"

Obviously she already knew that although His Majesty has an ancient treasure like Fuxi Qin in his hand, Fuxi Qin is an extraordinary harp, and every time he uses the power of the divine harp, his inner energy will be greatly depleted.

Even though Xiao Chen's cultivation is no longer comparable to before, he can only use the power of Fuxi Qin three times in a row at most. Of course, if he just plays the piano normally and fights against the sound of the piano, it does not count as using the power of Fuxi Qin.

"Everyone, take a step back for now."

Fu Xiqin's divine power is huge, and there is no guarantee that it will not hurt other people. After hearing this, the ancestors of Xingluo quickly stepped back and went to the side to recover temporarily.

At this time, in Wangchuan Xuanjie, the people of the Gongsun family were startled and a little uneasy when they saw that the offensive outside had stopped. Those people outside had stopped attacking. Could it be that the words of the family leader just now were effective?


Although the offensive outside had stopped, at this moment, Gongsun Wuji seemed to have noticed something unusual. Before he could finish his words, an ancient divine power suddenly surged towards the Xuan Realm!

With a "boom", all the formations collapsed. Not only were many tribesmen vomited blood and flew out, but he himself was also shaken back by this sudden terrifying force.

At this moment, the mysterious world was finally filled with cracks. The scene outside was vaguely visible. Above the nine heavens, the wind and clouds were surging. Xiao Chen was hanging in the air, sitting cross-legged. His whole body was shrouded in mysterious light. The Yao Qin on his knees was even more intense. It is blooming with rays of divine light.

"Your Majesty!"

Mingyue was worried that Xiao Chen would consume too much by using the Fuxi Qin, so she immediately flew up, condensed the real energy in her palm, and poured a mellow real energy into his body.


Xiao Chen's eyes were fixed, looking at the Wangchuan Mysterious Realm that slowly appeared. The second sound of the piano began to condense again, and suddenly the sky was filled with wind and clouds, and the rays of light fell from the sky.

At this moment, it was as if all the Yuan Power in the world was gathered by him. This terrifying power of the Divine Qin instantly enveloped the entire land of Wangchuan. Even the masters of the immortal world such as Ancestor Xingluo in the distance could not be seen at this moment. Feeling this terrifying power all the time, I couldn’t help but be horrified!

"The head of the family..."

In Wangchuan Xuanjie, looking at Xiao Chen, who was above the nine heavens, shrouded in mysterious light, everyone in the Gongsun family was frightened to death. At this moment, everyone seemed to be in danger and ran around in panic.

However, the sound of the piano finally fell in the midst of everyone's extreme fear. With a "boom", dust rose up all over the sky. Many people were shocked to the point of vomiting blood, and many more were buried under the rocks. At this moment, all the formations in Xuanjie finally collapsed, and it was no longer possible to withstand the third sound of the piano.

The entire Wangchuan Xuanjie is already crumbling and completely exposed. Only one layer of barrier is left unbroken, but it is already full of cracks.

"Your Majesty!"

Mingyue saw that Xiao Chen's face was a little pale at this time, and knew that he must not make the third sound of the piano, otherwise his true energy would be exhausted!

At this time, the Wangchuan Xuanjie has been completely exposed, and the barrier is also full of cracks. There is no need for Xiao Chen to continue to use Fuxi Qin. Taoist Qingdeng immediately looked at Xingluo Ancestor and others, "There is only one last step left." Attack, please spare no effort to break the mysterious world!"

Everyone no longer hesitated, and gathered the last of their profound strength, and with a surge of momentum, they fiercely attacked the mysterious world like a tiger.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Under the last offensive of Ancestor Xingluo and others, the barrier outside the Wangchuan Mysterious Realm finally collapsed completely, and Xiao Chen actually forcibly broke open this Mysterious Realm.

At this time, thousands of miles away from the land of Wangchuan, there were naturally people peeping here with their spiritual consciousness. They did not expect that Xiao Chen would forcefully break through the Wangchuan mysterious realm of the Gongsun family today.


As soon as the Xuanjie was broken, the masters from various factions who were waiting outside in Wuyutian immediately rushed in. In the past, many people from each faction were killed and injured at the hands of the Gongsun family. Now they are so violent that they vow to kill the entire Gongsun family!

Ancestor Xingluo and others were too exhausted to fight anymore. After taking a pill, they immediately flew to the distant mountain peaks, each found a hiding spot, and their luck recovered.

"Bai Luan, Zi Yuan... kill! Leave no one behind!"

At this moment, the murderous intent in Xiao Chen's eyes was also terrifyingly cold. Bai Luan's expression froze and he glanced at him, but in the end he took Ye Ying's people and rushed into the Wangchuan Xuanjie.

Ye Ying's killing methods are so terrifying. Even in the daytime, he can kill people without a trace. All he heard was screams. Wherever the twenty-four people passed, there were corpses everywhere and rivers of blood!

The Gongsun family had just suffered a blow not long ago, and now that their strength has not recovered, how can they still withstand such a ferocious attack? Even though there were still holy realm elders who could fight, these elders fell one after another under the attack of Meng Xian'er, Xuanming Youjun, Baiyun Pavilion Master and others.

Ghosts all over the ground rose into the sky. The souls of the dead Gongsun tribesmen had been collected by the soul gathering array in the sky before they had time to escape.

Suddenly, a dark wind blew up in a radius of a hundred miles, ghosts cried continuously, and souls rose into the sky. This scene only shocked the cultivators thousands of miles away. In the past, they had only heard of how cruel and terrifying Xiao Yichen's methods were after he became a demon. Today I finally saw it. Is this really the apprentice of Fairy Miaoyin?

"Xiao Yichen! I am the one who killed the people. You came after me alone. They are all innocent people. If you go on a killing spree here today, aren't you afraid of being punished by heaven and earth in the future?"

Seeing his clan members dying one after another, and even their souls being absorbed into the soul gathering array, Gongsun Wuji finally panicked and finally knew that the other party was here to exterminate the clan today.

"Innocent? There are no innocent souls in the soul gathering array!"

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes became very cold and terrifying. On his left hand, the three corpse demons also started to beat. The Emperor's Sword also gradually affected his character unknowingly.

Sister Shen Jing, even if I can't resurrect you, today, the entire Gongsun family will be buried with you...

"Grandpa, grandpa..."

At this moment, in a broken and collapsed palace, a young man covered in dust suddenly ran out staggeringly, and that man was Gongsun Mu who had been injured by Xiao Cang Tian Jiu Yin Jiu Yang Xuan Gong before. , is also the elder brother of Gongsun Yu.

When he saw this tragic scene in front of him, Gongsun Mu couldn't help but froze. He raised his head again and looked at the cold and heartless man in the sky. It was this man who destroyed Wangchuan Xuanjie today. It was this man who killed his brother Gongsun. feather……

"I'll fight you!"

Suddenly, Gongsun Mu bit the tip of his tongue with force, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. His whole body was suddenly enveloped in blood, and it instantly turned into a streak of blood and rushed toward Xiao Chen in the sky.

"Mu'er... don't!"

Gongsun Ye and Gongsun Wuji both saw this scene, but it was too late to stop it. Xiao Chen turned his palm over and with a "boom", in an instant, the flying Gongsun Mu was beaten to death!


Gongsun Ye's eyes were blood red and heartbreaking. Gongsun Yu was dead, and Gongsun Mu was his only remaining child! Just like this, I watched helplessly as the child was destroyed physically and mentally, not even his soul was left...


At this moment, Gongsun Ye also seemed to collapse, his eyes were blood red, holding a fairy sword, he rose into the sky and killed Xiao Chen.

"Ye'er! Come back!"

Gongsun Wuji was suddenly startled, and stretched out his hand to catch Gongsun Ye, but he was still a step too late. Xiao Chen stretched out his hand freely and grabbed Gongsun Ye's throat in an instant.

"Don't hurt him!"

Gongsun Wuji's liver and gallbladder were split, and his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. A moment ago, he watched his grandson die tragically, and he was helpless. Now, his only child also fell into the hands of the other party. At this moment, his eyes were filled with blood. Two lines of blood and tears: "Don't hurt him, don't hurt him...What do you want to do to let my people go..."

"Is it painful?"

Xiao Chen was just indifferent and looked at him condescendingly, "So you also know, is it painful..."

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