The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1519 Between the Netherworld


Suddenly another thunder sounded, Xian'er screamed in fright, stood up and ran outside, "It's not raining, it's not raining...Brother...Brother!"

"Sister Xian'er!"

Leng Baihu was startled. Brother Chen had warned her before that no matter what happened, don't let Xian'er pass. At this time, he saw Xian'er running outside and immediately chased after her.

On top of the lonely peak, dozens of soul talismans controlled by Ku Lingzi could be seen in the Nine Transformations Formation, spinning around Shen Jing in the center of the formation. However, at this moment, they suddenly stopped, and The mysterious thunder in the sky also suddenly stopped, and the entire Wuyu Heaven suddenly became very peaceful.

"The soul has returned, but you only have one stick of incense time." Ku Lingzi opened his eyes and sent a spiritual thought to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen also stopped reciting the incantation and looked at the center of the array without moving. It seemed that there was a breath of the netherworld coming from him. It was difficult for a stranger to enter the netherworld. Even if he was just slightly contaminated with the breath of the netherworld, his life would be ruined.

Ku Lingzi sent a spiritual thought to him and said, "Remember, you must come back before the soul-returning incense burns out, otherwise the Nine Transformations Formation will collapse and your soul will remain in the netherworld." ✶✾

"I see."

At this moment, Xiao Chen was also ready. The Nine Transformations extradited Shen Jing's soul back, but not directly, but extradited it to the Netherworld. The Nine Transformations connected yin and yang. He needed the soul to leave the body and go to the Netherworld. In the meantime, find Shen Jing's soul and bring it back.

Ku Lingzi didn't say much. He made a slight seal with his hands and immediately lit up a stick of soul-returning incense next to Shen Jing's body. There was only one time to burn the incense. Xiao Chen had to come back from the netherworld. At this time, he was even more... Without hesitation, his soul left his body in an instant, flew towards the center of the formation, and disappeared into the formation in the blink of an eye.

It was dim and dark in front of him, and the surroundings were also gloomy and cold. Xiao Chen's soul had entered the underworld, and the place was covered with underworld flowers as bright as blood, exuding a drowsy aroma.

At this time, there is a cyan lantern in Xiao Chen's hand. This is the soul lamp. It only lasts for one stick of incense. After one stick of incense, the wick inside will burn out.

"This is the place between the underworld..."

Xiao Chen came to such a strange and cold place for the first time. Looking around, in addition to the ghost flowers everywhere, there were also many wandering lonely souls.

He had a stick of incense to find Shen Jing's soul among these lonely souls, but in this netherworld, he could no longer use his spiritual consciousness and could only use the lantern in his hand to search.

"Sister Shen Jing...Sister Shen Jing? Where are you?"

There were too many wandering souls around, and he could only search for them one by one. At this time, he saw a person whose back was very similar to Shen Jing's. But when he raised the soul lamp in his hand, the other person turned around, but he just looked blankly. Look at him.

"It's not Shen Jing..."

Xiao Chen took two steps back and continued to search, but there were so many lonely souls in the netherworld that they were like duckweeds in the water. How could he find them, which one was Shen Jing's soul?

Seeing that the wick was half burned, Xiao Chen frowned and shouted loudly, "Sister Shen Jing! Do you hear me calling you? Sister Shen Jing..."

However, it was useless. The lonely soul who came to the netherworld had no senses or senses. Even Shen Jing could not recognize him.

Time passes little by little, and the wick becomes shorter and shorter. Once the light goes out, he can't go back. There are so many lonely souls, but only half a stick of incense is left. How can we get rid of these lonely souls? Find Shen Jing’s soul?


At this moment, he suddenly thought of a way. Even a lonely soul must have memories of what happened during his lifetime. The ghost flowers on the ground are fragrant. The lonely soul who smells the fragrance will forget the past, but in this moment Before you forget, you will remember...

At this time, he had already thought of a way, and shouted loudly, "Zhao Wangsun, get out of here! When I learn the Xuanqingmen's spells, I will beat you to the ground! Zhao Wangsun, come here! What if there are many people?" ? I’m not afraid of you..."

After shouting for a long time, a confused voice finally appeared behind him, "You got into a fight with someone again. Let me see where you were injured..."

"Sister Shen Jing!"

As soon as Xiao Chen turned around, it turned out to be Shen Jing's soul, but she had lost all five senses and six consciousness at the moment, her eyes were empty and lifeless. She walked over slowly, as if repeating the memory of her childhood, and slowly lifted him up "Does it hurt..."

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, Sister Shen Jing, I'll take you out of here, let's go!"

After he finished speaking, he raised the soul lamp in his hand, pulled Shen Jing and flew into the sky. There was still an inch of wick in the soul lamp, but it was enough for him to return to the human world.

But at this moment, the ground suddenly rumbled below, as if something was shaking. Then, a low and terrifying voice came, "Who? Dare to disturb the order of Yin and Yang..."

"Oh no, it's the Disha King..."

Xiao Chen secretly thought that something was not right. At this time, he did not have the cultivation level outside and could not be the opponent of the Earthly Evil King. He could only escape as soon as possible before the opponent came out.

He was seen holding a lantern in one hand and holding Shen Jing in the other, and quickly flew into the sky. However, at this moment, the already dark sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, which actually blocked his way back to the human world.


This time Xiao Chen felt that he was in some trouble. Dark clouds covered the sky. Even if he had a light in his hand, he could not find his way out.

"Sister Shen Jing... hold on to me!"

At this time, he had to try his best. As long as he broke through the layers of black clouds in the sky, he could find the way back. However, at this moment, a strange force suddenly grabbed up from the abyss below and grabbed Shen Jing's soul.

"Sister Shen Jing... don't let go!"

Realizing that Shen Jing was caught by the Earthly Demon King, Xiao Chen tightened his hands and flew to the sky with more force, but he couldn't break free. Shen Jing was caught by the Earthly Demon King and couldn't get away no matter what.

"Mortal, if you don't leave, your life will burn out and you will return here forever."

The terrifying voice kept coming from deep underground. Xiao Chen forced himself to calm down and looked at the soul lamp in his hand. There was only a little wick left. Once the lamp went out, he would never be able to go back.

"Boom boom!"

The vibration became more and more fierce. At this moment, the voice of Ku Lingzi suddenly came from the sky, "Boy! The soul-returning incense is about to burn out, come up quickly!"

"I can't come up! Shen Jing's soul has been caught by the Earthly Demon King. I can't break free..."

"Earthly Demon King... It's bad."

At this time in Wuyutian, the Nine Transformation Formation also began to vibrate. Once the soul-returning incense is burned out, the entire formation will collapse. When the formation collapses, Xiao Chen and Shen Jing's souls will not be able to leave the netherworld.

"Your Majesty..."

Seeing that there was only a little bit of the soul-returning incense left, Bai Luan Ziyuan and others also became nervous, but they could not go to the netherworld through the Nine Transformations.

"Boy... The incense is about to burn out, come up quickly!"

Ku Lingzi kept making seals with his hands, and dozens of soul symbols in the formation kept shaking, trying their best to support the Nine Transformation Formation.

"Shen Jing's soul has been caught by the Earthly Demon King. I can't come up!" Xiao Chen gritted his teeth tightly, and his hand also grasped Shen Jing's arm tightly, and he would not let go.

"It's bad..." The last bit of incense was about to burn out. At this moment, Ku Lingzi's face had never been so ugly. Bai Luan and Zi Yuan came over quickly and said, "Senior, what should we do? If His Majesty doesn't come up, his soul will be scattered!"

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