The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1530: Suspicious past events

The atmosphere at the scene was still tense. Zhui Ming was silent and focused. Suddenly, he closed his eyes. Everything that happened here eight years ago seemed to have reappeared. That day, the cold wind was howling, the dead leaves were flying in the sky, and in the woods, Full of murderous intent.


"Aping, I'm sorry... I want revenge... I, Cheng Jin, owe you a life in this life... I have to pay it back in the next life."

"Envoy Zhui Ming...what do you think about it now?" Seeing Zhui Ming closing his eyes and meditating for a long time, Elder Wu asked cautiously.

After a while, Zhui Ming slowly opened her eyes, glanced at everyone, and saw everyone looking at her nervously, and said lightly, "It's okay, don't be nervous, I just came here to inquire about the situation today, oh by the way, After the Cheng Jin incident happened, when did Zhou Sisi leave? "

"This..." Elder Wu thought for a while and said, "At that time, everyone's attention was on Cheng Jin's case, and no one noticed when Zhou Sisi left Qingtian Peak, but I guess it should have been right after Cheng Jin was expelled. Within a few days after leaving Qingtian Peak.”

"okay, I get it."

Zhuiming already knew how to investigate next. It seemed that he had to find the woman named Zhou Sisi in order to solve the mystery. But where did this female disciple go? Eight years later, where are you now...

With the means of chasing life, chasing the murderer for thousands of miles, seducing the soul and demanding life, she can't escape in all directions. As long as she wants to find it, there is nothing in the world that she can't find, unless the person is already dead. ✷✫

It's early winter. The cold rain and cold wind these days give people a feeling of entering the middle of winter. To the north of Wuyu Tian, ​​there are many mortal places, and where are these mortal places? , most of them lack spiritual energy, so cultivators rarely go to these mortal places.

Seven days later, Zhui Ming had arrived at a mortal place about a thousand miles away from Qingtian Peak. It was early winter, and the vegetation on the mountain had withered, and fallen leaves were covered with pine forests.

When she came to the top of a mountain, Zhui Ming closed her eyes. At this moment, she used the art of gazing again. Her gazing art was the strongest among the twenty-four people in Yeying. Even Xiao Chen had Not necessarily her.

No detail can escape her Qi-gazing technique, so once someone is targeted by her, there is a saying that "there is no way to escape".

After about a while, Zhui Ming slowly opened her eyes. At this time, she was looking northwest. After these days of investigation, she seemed to have finally found a clue.

Half an hour later, she came to a place called "Xiaoxi Village". The folk customs here are simple and there are about a hundred households. There is a small stream passing through the middle of the village, which feeds the villagers on both sides of the stream.

Zhui Ming arrived at the entrance of East Village and was walking towards the village path when he met a dark-skinned middle-aged man carrying a dung bucket.

The strong man had never seen her before, and when he saw that she was dressed and looked like a country girl, he couldn't help but be startled and said hurriedly, "Girl, I smell bad, please give in..."

Zhui Ming had a smile on his face and said without any disdain, "It's okay, big brother, I want to ask you something."


The strong man was stunned for a moment, then quickly carried the bucket to the edge of the field so as not to block the way of others, and said, "Girl, what did you want to ask just now? From the girl's accent, you are not from here, are you?"

Zhui Ming said, "I would like to know if anyone from outside has entered the village in recent years?"

"People outside..."

The strong man touched his chin and thought carefully, then seemed to suddenly remember something and said, "If you want to say that the only person who has come to the village from outside these years is Miss Qiaoer."

"Miss Qiao'er?"

"Yes, yes, it was probably seven or eight years ago. That winter, the roads were blocked by heavy snow, and I wanted to go to the town to buy some New Year goods. As soon as I left the village, I saw a girl fainted on the roadside, so I hurried over. It was discovered that she was actually pregnant with Liujia..."


Zhui Ming's eyes narrowed slightly, and the strong man continued, "Later I heard from Qiao'er that her hometown suffered a war, her husband died in the hands of soldiers, and she escaped alone..."

Zhui Ming nodded, "Thank you for telling me, brother. Also, I want to know, this girl Qiao'er, is she still in the village now?"

"That's right, it's right over in the West Village. Girl, you'll know as soon as you go in and ask..."


After a while, Zhui Ming came to the village and heard the barking of dogs all around. The yellow dogs raised by many households started barking at her. While the owner was drinking his own dog, he looked at Zhui Ming again and thought to himself. Whose relative is this girl? I seem to have never seen her before?

"Girl, are you here to find someone?"

At this time, an old woman on crutches came over and asked her, "Yes, madam, do you know where Miss Qiaoer lives?"


The old woman seemed to be a little deaf and couldn't help but sigh to herself, "Qiao'er has a hard life. She has raised the child by herself for so many years. In fact, she was born so beautiful that men from all over the country did not think she had a child. But she chooses not to marry anyone..."

"Hey! Aunt Wu, this girl is asking you where Qiaoer lives? You've told me a long list of things here again..."

At this time, a middle-aged man came over and smiled at Zhui Ming and said, "Girl, I'm sorry, Aunt Wu is a little hard of hearing. She didn't hear what you said just now. If you want to find Miss Qiao'er, keep heading this way." Let’s go to the West Village and see three big locust trees, facing the small courtyard, which is Qiaoer’s house.”

"You brat, your ears can't hear. I clearly heard it just now..." The old woman picked up the crutch in her hand and hit the man's butt hard.


The middle-aged man dodged away, Zhui Ming nodded and smiled slightly, "Thank you." Then he walked forward, thinking that the people here are simple and honest. It seems that eight years ago, your Majesty also went to such a peaceful small village. , and also lost his memory...

After a while, Zhui Ming found three large locust trees in the West Village, but there was no one in the yard and the door was closed. It seemed that Qiao'er was not in the house at this moment.

"Qiao'er must have gone to the stream to wash clothes. It's almost noon, so she should be back..."

At this time, a village woman passed by the courtyard. She looked at the creek outside the village, and then followed the creek to the outside of the village. When she was about to leave the village, she saw a woman dressed in simple clothes. Walking over with the wooden basin in his hand.

Zhui Ming saw that she was unusual at a glance, and she also saw Zhui Ming. She was stunned for a moment, lowered her head and said nothing, and was about to leave. Zhui Ming said, "Are you Miss Qiao'er?"


Qiaoer raised her head and was stunned for a moment, "This girl, are you..."

Zhui Ming just smiled and looked at her without saying anything. Qiao'er didn't know why, but suddenly felt uneasy. He held the wooden basin filled with clothes in his hand, nodded, and then lowered his head to go to his yard. Gone.

When she was about ten feet away, Zhui Ming suddenly said, "Eight years, Miss Zhou."

With a "bang", the wooden basin fell to the ground, and his clothes fell all over the floor. Zhui Ming turned around and saw Qiaoer panicked, and then looked at her with a look of shock: "You...who are you?" …”

Zhui Ming smiled softly, walked over, and slowly picked up the clothes scattered on the ground one by one into the wooden basin, saying, "Miss Zhou, don't be nervous. As for who I am and how I can find you, I will tell you later." you……"

At the end of her words, she picked up the wooden basin filled with clothes and handed it to Qiao'er.

After a while, the two returned to the house, and Qiaoer finally admitted that she was Zhou Sisi back then, and she had been living in seclusion in the mortal world all these years.

Zhui Ming said, "So, it was Kang Yuchen who did something wrong to you after all."

Qiaoer squeezed her fingers tightly and said nothing. In the scenes of that year, Kang Yuchen pressed her on the bedside and hit her hard. How could she forget the heart-rending pain? The person she loved was standing outside the window at that time, watching everything happen. She was unable to struggle or scream...


At this moment, a seven-year-old child pushed open the door and ran in. The room became quiet for a moment. The child stood at the door, looked at the strange little sister in the room, and asked, "Mom, who is your sister..."

Qiaoer suddenly raised his head and said hurriedly, "Fan'er, go out and play." However, the child was still standing at the door, motionless, blinking his big eyes, looking at Zhui Ming.

Zhui Ming smiled softly, stood up and walked over. He took out a bag of candies from his body and gave it to him, "Here you go."

The little boy looked at the bag full of candies, and then raised his head to look at his mother sitting at the table. Qiaoer nodded. The little boy immediately took the candies and said happily, "Thank you, sister!"

"Well, go ahead."

Zhui Ming smiled softly and reached out to stroke his hair. After he went outside, she sat back at the table and said, "This child, back then..." After she finished speaking, she stopped asking any more questions. After going down, he asked again, "Do you still hate Kang Yuchen from then to today?"

"I can't wait to cut him to death with a thousand knives!"

Suddenly, Qiaoer's body became full of anger, as if he had suddenly changed into a different person. His eyes were full of the hatred that he had suppressed over the years. "I even thought about bringing up Fan'er, and then letting Fan'er kill him with my own hands." …”

Zhui Ming said, "It is indeed cruel to die in the hands of one's own flesh and blood, but this cruelty is not to Kang Yuchen, but to an innocent child. From now on, he will be charged with patricide."


Tears suddenly gathered in Qiao'er's eyes, and the hatred gradually disappeared, turning into a look of sorrow on her face: "Fan'er is my child... How could I be so cruel? After thinking about it later, I could only forget it. That person only lives in Wuding Sect." With my hands covering the sky, I will never be able to defeat him in this life..."

Zhui Ming remained silent. After a while, when her mood stabilized a little, he continued to ask, "What about Cheng Jin? Have you never seen each other in these years?"

"Brother Jin..."

When Cheng Jin was mentioned, tears gradually gathered in Qiaoer's eyes. She shook her head and said, "I actually don't blame him...but I can't find him...I'm dead, and he, he probably doesn't want to see me again." Come on..."

Zhui Ming said, "Then do you know why Cheng Jin killed Zhu Shouping?"


Qiaoer suddenly raised his head, with a dull expression on his face, and kept shaking his head and said, "No, I don't believe it... I have never believed it. Brother Jin and A Ping, they are best friends. I will never believe that Brother Jin will kill A Ping." , it must be the thief Kang Yuchen!"

When she said this, her eyes suddenly turned red, and the hatred in her heart rushed to her face again. She gritted her teeth and said, "This thief must have killed Aping, and then framed the blame on Brother Jin, so that he could get rid of Brother Jin..."


Zhui Ming shook his head and said, "Zhu Shouping was indeed killed by Cheng Jin."

"What..." Qiaoer suddenly raised his head, eyes full of disbelief, still shaking his head, "How could it be possible, how could it be possible... Brother Jin and A Ping are so good, why would he kill A Ping? Impossible, no possible……"

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