"Senior brother... no, please, no..."

Zhou Sisi never expected that Kang Yuchen would be so bold, and at this time, his hand had not stopped yet and continued to slide down her lower abdomen.

"Senior brother...stop, stop, stop..."

She was eighteen years old, in her prime, and had not yet been dealt with. When this happened suddenly, she was inevitably panicked. But she wanted to struggle, but she couldn't muster the strength. Her small body had to be rubbed by Kang Yuchen.

"Stop now, wouldn't it be a disappointment..." ✩

Kang Yuchen had a sinister smile on his face, and his true colors were finally revealed. When Zhou Sisi saw the fierce look in his eyes, she turned pale with fright, "Senior Brother Kang, what are you going to do..."

"What to do? Didn't I just say that? I have to help you resolve the pure yin energy accumulated in your body. It may be a little painful, but it will pass if you endure it..."

"no, do not want……"

Zhou Sisi kept shaking her head, but Kang Yuchen didn't care at all. He put his hands on her legs and laughed and said, "Sure enough, it is a pure yin body. Good, very good..."


Zhou Sisi felt three-thirds of the pain and seven-thirds of the panic, and kept shaking her head, "Please, Senior Brother Kang, don't..."

However, Kang Yuchen looked at her as if he were looking at an ancient treasure, and then slowly tore off all her clothes bit by bit.

"The body of pure yin is as perfect as jade..."

Looking at Zhou Sisi who was now naked, Kang Yuchen's eyes seemed to be burning with two balls of fire, and he would never look away again.

Zhou Sisi was extremely frightened, full of tears, but couldn't even make a sound. She just kept shaking her head and looking at him in fear.

"Don't worry, junior sister, senior brother will definitely take good care of you..."

As Kang Yuchen spoke, he took off the clothes on his body, and then used his skills to press on Zhou Sisi, "Junior sister, I'm coming..."

"No, no...Senior Brother Kang, please...don't...ah!"

As Kang Yuchen suddenly trembled, Zhou Sisi would never forget the heartbreaking pain, but she was unable to push away the demon pressing on her body at the moment, and could only let him cause her pain one after another.

At this time, Cheng Jin and Zhu Shouping were walking outside. In Cheng Jin's hand, he held a pair of small porcelain figures and said with a smile, "I haven't been to the mortal world for a long time. Sisi will definitely like these two little figures." Bar?"

Zhu Shouping smiled and said, "She doesn't like little porcelain figures."

Cheng Jin was stunned for a moment, "Then what does she like? If you hadn't told me earlier, I would have bought something else."

Zhu Shouping smiled and said, "What she likes is the thing you gave her."

"You kid."

Cheng Jin punched him on the chest, and the two walked forward for a while. When they arrived outside Zhou Sisi's yard, they suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the house.

"Sisi... Sisi!"

The two small porcelain figures fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. Cheng Jin saw the scene in the house through the window, his eyes were splitting, and he rushed into the house like crazy.

However, at this time, Kang Yuchen pinned Zhou Sisi to the head of the bed. His bestiality was already strong, his yin and yang energy was overwhelming, his eyes were blood red, as if he was possessed by a demon. If Cheng Jin rushed in like this, he would definitely die.


Zhu Shouping reacted immediately. Just when Cheng Jin was about to break through the window, he held him down. He could feel that Kang Yuchen's bestiality was already strong. If Cheng Jin rushed in like this, it was very likely that even Zhou Sisi would be affected by it. The profound energy shocked him to death. This man's cultivation level was already much higher than Elder Wu.

"Brother Jin...Brother Jin..."

Zhou Sisi looked at him like that, in pain, fear, and helplessly reaching out to him. At this time, Kang Yuchen not only didn't stop, but pressed her down, and used more and more craziness, as if to press her down. The bed felt like it was about to collapse.

"Let me go...let me go! Ah! Beast...stop it! Beast! Stop it!"

Cheng Jin was about to go crazy, but Zhu Shouping used his luck and locked him tightly: "A Jin, calm down... calm down! He has a higher level of cultivation than us. We can't save Xiao Si, but will only be killed by him! Don't go!"

"Sisi... Sisi!"

"Brother Jin...save me...brother Jin..."

Zhou Sisi was filled with tears, and finally the hand she extended to him fell limply, and the pain that came from behind her again and again could no longer be felt.

"Sisi! No - Sisi!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Kang Yuchen couldn't stop laughing, looking at Cheng Jin outside the window, but his body hit Zhou Sisi again and again. Just like that, I don't know how long it took, and the sky gradually became dark... the darkness of never-ending darkness.

In the room, Zhui Ming listened attentively and silently, while Cheng Jin sat limply on the ground, looking pale and smiling, "Am I useless? I was standing outside the window at that time, just watching Sisi being fucked by him... But nothing can be done."

Zhui Ming said, "If you had rushed in at that time, the three of you would have been dead by then. But with Kang Yuchen's method, it would be easy to hide the murder of three people in the outer sect, and the matter would not be spread to the inner sect."

Cheng Jin smiled feebly, "Yes, even at that time, it was useless to report him. Elder Wu did not dare to do anything to him. As for the inner sect, it is impossible for us to go there. Even if we go, we will probably be arrested." Killing people and silencing them…that place is so dark.”

Zhui Ming looked at him and continued to ask, "Then why did you kill Zhu Shouping?"

"Ah Ping……"

Cheng Jin pinched his fingers. At this moment, his face was full of pain, and tears slowly gathered in his eyes. "In this world, I can only feel sorry for two people. One is Sisi, and the other is Aping... Even if they die, Even if I go to hell, I won’t have the face to see him..."

Time goes back to eight years ago.

In the days after the incident, Cheng Jin locked himself in his room and drank without seeing anyone. Zhou Sisi also seemed to have lost his soul. He locked himself in his room all day long. Only Zhu Shouping went back and forth between the two of them for fear of What did the two of them do?

After about ten days, Cheng Jin was no longer the same Cheng Jin. Even Ding Pan walked around hurriedly when he saw him, as if he had seen a ghost.

"With Junior Brother Cheng's qualifications...there is no need to worry about not having a wife in the future."

At this moment, a voice sounded from behind. Cheng Jin opened his eyes. Without thinking, he turned around suddenly, curled his fingers, and grabbed the man's throat. However, before he could get closer, he was knocked over by a strong wind. go out.


Cheng Jin suddenly seemed crazy and kept attacking Kang Yuchen, but with his level of cultivation, Kang Yuchen only had to blow his breath to destroy him physically and mentally.

"Bang!" With the last blow, Cheng Jin was kicked out by Kang Yuchen and fell into the ditch beside him.

"Hehehe, hehehe... Kang Yuchen, are you here to kill me?"

Cheng Jin had a sneer on his face. He was not afraid of death when Zhao Cheng stepped on him that day. How could he be afraid of death now? He just hated him for not being able to take revenge. Even if he just bit off one of the other party's ears, he would be willing to give his life in exchange.

"Kill you? No..."

Kang Yuchen smiled, slowly took out a jade note from his sleeve, and said lightly, "Your qualifications are far superior to others. In time, you will definitely become a great talent. It is a pity to stay in this small Qingtian Peak. I can let you immediately go to the inner sect to practice high-level mental skills, and from then on you can rise to the top, and see the world beyond what you have ever seen. I can also let you stay in Qingtian Peak forever, and accept people like Ding Pan who are so small. Bullying will never lead to success.”

Cheng Jin sneered and said, "Yes, ants will always be ants. If anyone steps on them, even if they resist, what's the use..."

"But even an ant can turn around. It depends on whether he is smart enough and ruthless enough."

Kang Yuchen walked towards him step by step and said word by word, "Junior sister Zhou, I will ask the elders of the inner sect to make other arrangements and will never treat her badly. As for Qingtian Peak, there is only one quota to go to the inner sect. This quota is available now. In my hand."

Cheng Jin looked at the jade paper in his hand and said fiercely, "Tell me this, what do you want..."

"Whatever you don't want."

Kang Yuchen said lightly, "It would be a pity if this quota was given to that good-for-nothing Ding Pan. He is too bad. Without your ruthlessness, he is not worthy of working for me..."

Cheng Jin sneered, "So you want to give me the place to enter the Inner Sect? From now on, you want me to work for you in the Inner Sect?"

Kang Yuchen looked at him and said calmly, "You are a smart person. There is only one quota, but you were not the only one to see what happened that day. You know what to do, kill him. I don't want this to happen to the clan in the future." It affects you and me."

"You fart!"

Cheng Jin suddenly rushed forward, but was stepped on the ground by Kang Yuchen, unable to move, just like he was stepped on by Zhao Cheng that day.

Kang Yuchen looked at him and said calmly, "In the future, you can step on Zhao Cheng like this, or you can be stepped on by Ding Pan like this. You have to decide how to choose, and then tell me." After that, he put the jade note in his hand. , threw it in front of his face, and walked away with his hands behind his back.

"Hahaha, hahaha..."

Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds. Cheng Jin was lying in the ditch, and the smile on his face seemed to be darkened and frightened by the black clouds in the sky.

Zhui Ming said, "So at that time, in order to go to the inner sect, you killed your only friend, Zhu Shouping."

Cheng Jin sat on the ground and smiled sadly, "At that time, I naively thought that as long as I went to the inner sect, I would be able to keep climbing up, keep getting stronger, and one day be able to take revenge..."

"Why...A Jin...why..." Zhu Shouping was choked by Cheng Jin's extremely deep internal force, and he couldn't even move his Qi at this time.

Cheng Jin's face was filled with dark clouds, and he said with a gloomy smile, "Aping, you are right. I have been wrong all along. I don't think as much as you do. I always thought that as long as I work hard, one day, Being able to get ahead, being able to get out... But the fact is that for little people like us, our lives are like nothing. No one will know or care if we die, but... I am not willing to accept it, I must take revenge... I I want to avenge Sisi..."

"Ajin... you... you are no match for Kang Yuchen. This man is cruel and ruthless, and he is very deep in the city. You must not... don't listen to him... A Jin... did you hear that? Don't believe him..."

Even to the last moment of his life, Zhu Shouping was still worried that Cheng Jin was simple-minded and was deceived by Kang Yuchen.

"Aping, I'm sorry... I want revenge... I want to go to the inner sect... I, Cheng Jin, owe you a life in this life... and I will pay you back in the next life."

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