The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,543 The Mystery of the Three Corpse Demons

"It seems that it is indeed a soul Gu.

In the secret hall, Ku Lingzi took the strange broken jade brought by Xiao Chen and looked at it for a long time before finally confirming that the jade was something extraordinary.

"Soul Gu?"

Xiao Chen's expression condensed. He now had some understanding of poisonous poisons, and Shen Jing's words made him even more understanding. However, he had never heard of this soul poison.

Sure enough, Ku Lingzi was well-informed and saw through the origin of this strange jade at a glance. He said, "Ordinary Gu is mostly nourished by five poisons, but this Soul Gu is composed of resentful souls, violent souls, and vicious souls." Soul, dirty soul, ghost soul, etc. to nourish it..." ✷

Hearing this, the expression on Xiao Chen's face became even more solemn, Ku Lingzi continued, "But the method of soul Gu has long been lost in the human world, and back then, it was brought down by the Jiuyou clan from the sky. Therefore, this soul Gu is also called Nine Nether Gu."

"Nine Nether Gu..."

Xiao Chen frowned deeply. Could it be that the trace of darkness he felt last night was actually someone from Tianwaitian, Jiuyou...

It was not that he had never seen people from the Jiuyou clan. When he went to Fengyuntian that time, he had seen a pair of men and women from the Jiuyou clan. However, the pair of men and women from the Jiuyou clan at that time did not have the same feeling he felt last night. A deep... chilling dark aura.

The dark aura last night made him very uncomfortable. If Shen Jing hadn't been about to wake up at that time, he would have flown to Guiweiling Ridge overnight to have a look.

Ku Lingzi held the broken jade in his hand and said, "This jade talisman is a Gu cup, and the soul Gu is hidden in it. As long as the Gu cup is not broken, the soul Gu can sleep forever, and no one can detect it. Now This Gu cup is broken, which means that the soul Gu in it has been placed on someone. Boy...where did you get this thing? "

"She was brought back by Zhui Ming. I met her near Guiwei Ridge. She went to Guiwei Ridge, and then met Taoist Shuiyun there.

Xiao Chen's eyebrows were slightly furrowed when he spoke. No wonder Zhui Ming didn't go back to Wuyutian directly, but how did she find this broken Gu cup when she went to Guiweiling Ridge? More importantly, who left this Gu cup, and who planted the Soul Gu...

"Taoist Shuiyun appeared in Ghost Crying Ridge. He was probably being used by someone. That person was insane and had nothing to do with this soul poison. You should put away the fragments of this poison cup first. You may have clues in the future."

As Ku Lingzi said this, he handed the broken jade back, and when he saw Xiao Chen was silent, he asked, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Chen looked at the broken jade in his hand and said slowly, "You just said that the poison is hidden in the cup. If the cup is not broken, the poison cannot come out, and no one can detect the breath of the poison in the cup... Then look at the three corpse demons. It's like someone is hiding a voodoo in my body, and I... am this cup. When the voodoo takes shape, the cup can no longer hide the voodoo... The person who hides the voodoo will definitely come back to retrieve it. The poison that was hidden back then.”

"Boy, you..."

Hearing what he said, Ku Lingzi couldn't help but change his face slightly. If he hadn't heard what Xiao Chen said at this time, he would not have thought that because of their previous preconceptions, everyone thought that these three corpse demons were attacked by someone. Enter Xiao Chen's body.

But now I heard him say that someone hid the Three Corpse Demons in his body and would come back to retrieve them in the future. This is... too unbelievable.

"Why do you think so?"

Ku Lingzi's expression remained motionless. He discovered that this time Xiao Chen came back from the ancient immortal world. What had changed was not just his cultivation, but his whole person. His whole person was different from before, and he had become indescribable. of depth.

If it were before, he would only think about who put the three corpse demons into his body, but would not think about whether someone hid the three corpse demons in his body, or even whether this person would still be there in the future. Have to come back to get it back.

"It's nothing, I'm just guessing."

The expression on Xiao Chen's face slowly relaxed, and he still remembered the last words he said to the goddess Xuan Bing that day at Tianshu Center.

"The person who injected three zombie demons into you is very powerful..."

"I have always suspected that this matter...may be related to Tianwaitian."

"No, not necessarily."

"Senior, how do you say this?"

"Although the sky outside the sky was originally a world condensed by all kinds of turbidity, filthiness, and resentment in the world, the power of these three corpse demons is far beyond what those turbidity, filthiness, and resentment can achieve. So I guess, these three corpse demons , may not come from heaven..."

In the past, Xiao Chen always thought that the three corpse demons in his body might be related to Tianwaitian, but after listening to Dugu Tianxia's master, the goddess Xuan Bing, said that, he guessed that these three corpse demons might also be related to Tianwaitian. It’s not just related to Tianwaitian...

Whether he hid it or planted it, he still doesn't know who he was who injected the three zombie demons into his body back then. Even the goddess Xuan Bing said at the time that he was a very powerful person... …

This is indeed the case. If it were just an ordinary person, how could he obtain something as terrifying as the Three Corpse Demons? How could the three corpse demons be driven into a baby's body without harming the baby's life? What is the purpose of doing this...

Even now, he may not be able to do this. This is not something that can be done no matter how high your cultivation level is...

Seeing that he was silent, Ku Lingzi asked, "What is the current situation of the Three Corpse Demons? You have merged with the ancient Qinglian. Could it be that even this innate energy of creation cannot suppress the Three Corpse Demons?"

Xiao Chen slowly came back to his senses and said, "Senior, have you forgotten that you were the first to mention the Three Corpse Demons to me? Don't you remember what you said yourself? These three Corpse Demons are only the Innate Three Flowers." Only by gathering together can we suppress it..."


Hearing this, Ku Lingzi sighed softly. With the three innate flowers gathering at the top, there was only one person in the world, his master Ling Yin. Could it be that all of this really has its own master? Or is it that everything depends on man-made efforts, and is someone secretly planning a shocking plan?

"You see……"

Xiao Chen slowly stretched out his left wrist. Ku Lingzi took a closer look and saw that the three corpse demons had already broken through three inches. Once they reached three inches and three inches long, they would definitely take shape!


It is really unimaginable for Ku Lingzi that despite all these years of Hongmeng Purple Qi and various mental techniques, they still cannot stop the growth of the Three Corpse Demons. Now he only hopes that the innate power of the ancient Qinglian can slightly control the growth of the three corpse demons. Its calm.

Xiao Chen slowly put his hand on his heart and said slowly, "I can feel that the three corpse demons have almost penetrated into my heart. Now every time it wakes up, it seems to be able to control my consciousness, making it more and more difficult for me to control. Last time in the land of Wangchuan, if Mingyue hadn’t fought to the death, I might have..."

When he said this, he shook his head and looked out the window again. At this moment, he recalled the old things again and said, "Back then, Fairy Suwen extended my life. She said I only had twenty years, but now it's two years away." Nine years have passed since the expiration of ten years. That time in Suwen Palace, she renewed my life again. She said that in the end, no matter how high my cultivation level is, I must find one, which is unique in the world. Only with my undying heart can I... survive."

At the end of his words, Xiao Chen turned around, looked at Ku Lingzi and said, "Now that I have sealed the green lotus in my Yutang point, it may be able to delay the death energy from eating the heart, and at the same time, it can also prevent the three corpse demons from entering the heart..."

Ku Lingzi nodded, "This is also a way."

Xiao Chen said, "Don't worry, old guy. Even before I die, I have to accomplish one thing. I promised you that I will definitely get your body back from the Netherworld Soul Lord."

Hearing this, Ku Lingzi was stunned for a moment, then just smiled bitterly and shook his head silently. At this moment, footsteps suddenly sounded outside, Xiao Chen immediately made a silence gesture and said to the outside, "Sister Shen Jing, what's wrong? "

" and senior are in there, what are you talking about?"

Shen Jing's faint voice came from outside. Xiao Chen immediately walked out and said, "It's okay. I was just talking to senior about your injury..."

After Xiao Chen went out, he saw Shen Jing standing outside, leaning on a wooden stick. She had just woken up and it was not easy to move, but there were two medicine men protecting her to prevent her from falling.

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Chen saw that her face was slightly pale, so he immediately walked over and supported her, "You should rest well in the room. It is not appropriate to go out and walk around during this period."

Shen Jing's lips turned a little white, she raised her head and looked at him, and finally said, "Weiyang, she..."

"Weiyang...what's wrong with Weiyang?"

Xiao Chen's expression suddenly became tense. Shen Jing shook her head and said, "Don't worry, I have a way, but it must be before Liantian Xuerui is exhausted..."

At this time, Ku Lingzi also walked out of the hall and said, "Xiao Jing, you have just woken up, so you should not be tired. Regarding Weiyang's matter, there are still two medical saints and medicine saints for the time being. You don't have to worry about it now. Wait for you... …”


Before Ku Lingzi could finish his words, Shen Jing shook her head and interrupted, "Senior... things are not as simple as you think."

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