Seeing Kang Yuchen's terrifying appearance at this time, many disciples in the Wuding Sect were already panicking and kept retreating. At this time, several old men with white beards and hair flew over from a distance.

The cultivation level of these people is slightly higher. One of the elders in Mo Yi pointed at Kang Yuchen angrily, "Kang Yuchen! There is no fixed sect today, so you can't help being so presumptuous!"


Kang Yuchen looked at those people and smiled coldly, "What? Just a few of you... are you a rotten fish and a rotten shrimp? Hahahaha!"


An old woman in purple clothes stood up and raised her fairy sword with a clang. An old man in green clothes next to her grabbed her and said, "Junior sister, be careful! This person is no longer what he used to be. It is not appropriate to fight him head-on." , go to open the Mountain Gate Sword Formation..."

In another place, the Chief of Punishment looked at the situation here, his expression had already changed, and he immediately said to the two disciples behind him, "Go to Zhao Lei Prison... please ask Elder Kang to come out!"

"Yes Yes!"

The two disciples who had just seen the two elders were turned into white bones by Kang Yuchen, and their faces were already pale with fright. At this time, they did not hesitate and immediately went to Zhao Lei Prison.


Suddenly, the entire mountain gate shook violently, and then the mountain-protecting sword formations in mid-air suddenly became dim. All the elders and disciples were shocked, "What...what's going on!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Kang Yuchen laughed loudly. Only then did the elders realize that there must be a spy in the sect! And his status is not ordinary, otherwise how could Wu Ding Sect have so many mountain-protecting formations that they just disappear?

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

I saw more and more monsters swarming up from the bottom of the mountain, densely packed like a tide, and so dark that people felt their scalp numb just looking at them.

"Elder... Elder! What should we do? We can't resist it anymore... these monsters are about to rush to the Thunder Light Palace..."

"Retreat! Retreat to the mountain!"

Everyone had no choice but to keep moving back up the mountain. The turbid energy on these monsters was too strong. Even some disciples who were relatively new to the Taoism, including some elders, did not dare to approach them easily.

In the distance, the face of the Chief of Prisons became more and more ugly. At this time, Kang Yuchen seemed to be searching for something in mid-air. Finally, he found the Chief of Prisons behind the building. In an instant, he turned into black mist and flew away. past.

"Kang Yuchen, you..."

The Chief of Punishments couldn't believe it. The person in front of him turned out to be Kang Yuchen two months ago, and he was the one who executed the execution himself two months ago...

"Haha, Chief of's been a long time, I hope you are well."

With a gloomy smile on his face, Kang Yuchen approached the Punishment Division step by step, and the resentful air on his body also enveloped him bit by bit.

Being enveloped by this cold aura, the Chief of Punishment suddenly felt as if he was falling into an abyss. The next moment, Kang Yuchen stretched out his hand, and a black aura instantly wrapped around him.

This black energy came very fiercely and as fast as lightning. Even though the executioner's cultivation level was not low, he could not escape. The black energy was like some kind of restriction, entangling him and making him unable to move. .

"Kang Yuchen...what do you want!"

The prison chief's face turned pale, and he forced himself to calm down. Kang Yuchen smiled sinisterly and walked closer to him, "I also want the prison chief to have a taste of one hundred and eighty bone-penetrating nails... but it's too troublesome." Now, what I dislike most is trouble... Haha."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand and pressed it on the head of the Chief of Punishment. Wisps of black energy penetrated directly through the Heavenly Spirit Cap of the Chief of Punishment, and blood immediately spattered.


The Chief of Punishment let out a scream, and at that moment, the black energy penetrated from the top of his head into his internal organs, and the pain was like ten thousand poisons devouring his soul.


Screams were heard one after another, but Kang Yuchen refused to let him die, so he tortured him with resentment. The nearby disciples were frightened when they saw this scene and heard the screams from the Chief of Punishment. Terrified.


At this moment, a figure flew from a distance, and at the same time a powerful aura enveloped it. Everyone was startled and looked up, but it was Kang Yuchen's Grandpa Xuan, Kang Dingfeng.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

The monsters at the bottom of the mountain immediately surged up. Kang Dingfeng flicked his palm, and a palm force flew out. With a "boom", the monsters that came up were immediately beaten to death.

"Chen'er... you!" Kang Dingfeng never expected that Kang Yuchen would turn into such a terrifying person.

"Elder Kang...Elder Kang!"

Seeing the Grand Elder coming out, the disciples seemed to have grasped a life-saving rope and stood behind Kang Dingfeng one after another.


The Chief of Punishment was still suffering from the torture of the resentment, and was almost in pain. Kang Dingfeng glanced at him, a look of shock flashed across his face, this was...

He didn't have time to think too much and immediately said to Kang Yuchen, "Chen'er, let him go!"


Kang Yuchen smiled solemnly, "Since it was Grandpa Xuan who spoke, I will let him go..." After he finished speaking, he suddenly slapped the prison chief's chest with his palm. With a "bang", he immediately beat the prison chief until he vomited blood and fell down. Fly out.


The disciples of the Punishment Hall hurriedly ran over and saw the Punishment Division's seven orifices bleeding. Although he was still breathing, Kang Yuchen's palm just now had obviously broken all the meridians in his body.


Kang Dingfeng was already shocked. He never expected that Kang Yuchen would become so ruthless now. When he was in charge of the Criminal Division, he also begged for mercy for him in front of Zhui Ming!


Kang Yuchen smiled, slowly raised his palm, looked at a wisp of black energy in his palm, smiled lightly and said, "Grandpa Xuan, look at my current strength..."


Kang Dingfeng looked at him, but was speechless. At the same time, he could also feel that Kang Yuchen's strange power was very terrifying. I am afraid that even he would no longer be his opponent...

"What do you want?"

Kang Dingfeng looked at him, then looked at the monsters at the bottom of the mountain, and said with some anger, "You put those monsters up there, what on earth did you..."


Kang Yuchen seemed to have lost his patience, interrupted him and continued, saying calmly, "I am not returning to Wuding Sect this time just to play with these little fish and shrimps, but for the same thing. It's not as good as Grandpa Xuan, just give it to me." Leave the sect secret scroll to me that day."


Kang Dingfeng's face changed slightly, thinking that he was really here for the Tianzong Secret Scroll. Chi Feng and Zhongli already had the Earthly Sect Secret Scroll and the Human Sect Secret Scroll. If they got his Tianzong Secret Scroll, they could open it. The spiritual energy valve in the northern part of Yutian.

When the time comes, the spiritual energy will dissipate, and there have been constant signs from Wuyu Tian in the past two days. If the spiritual energy leaks out at this time, I am afraid it will cause unimaginable consequences, and the entire Wuding Sect will be destroyed by this majestic spiritual energy. .

"Elder Kang! You must not hand over the Tianzong Secret Scroll to this person!"

Seeing Kang Yuchen coming towards the secret scroll of Tianzong, many elders and disciples of Tianzong were surrounding Kang Dingfeng.

"Are I talking to you? Noisy..."

Kang Yuchen's eyes turned cold, and with a flick of his sleeves, he rushed towards those people with a wave of unparalleled resentment. Upon seeing this, Kang Dingfeng raised his palms, and instantly gathered a stream of true energy. With a "boom", dust and smoke rose everywhere. , blocked his resentment and rushed towards everyone, but he himself was shaken.

At this time, many people were frightened and stepped back, and Kang Dingfeng couldn't help but tremble slightly in his heart. It was really powerful... After a moment, he calmed down and said, "Chen'er, you still have time to turn around now... …”

"Look back?"

Kang Yuchen sneered, looked at the black aura condensed in the palm of his hand, walked towards him step by step, and said calmly, "You mean, let me go back to that place, abandoned on the hillside, with all the meridians in my body broken, even worse than a wild dog." "Is there anything wrong with you?" At the end of his words, he stared at Kang Dingfeng and almost shouted the last words.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became extremely solid, and everyone held their breath. Even if Kang Dingfeng was not said to be the Grand Elder, he was still his Grandpa Xuan. He had protected him countless times in the past, but now he actually spoke to Kang Dingfeng like this.


Kang Yuchen smiled sinisterly, looked at Kang Dingfeng and said, "Have you seen my power now? Why do I want to look back? I have life again and the power of immortality. Look at this body, now it has become Now that I am immortal, no one can kill me. They are all afraid of me. I am no longer the person I used to be, living worse than a dog... Hahaha, hahahaha! "

Terrible laughter spread, and the people nearby felt terrified. The man in front of him was full of resentment, so terrifying...

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