In the blink of an eye, the layers of black clouds had surged in, and inside the black clouds, there were countless monsters. Everyone in the sky was shocked when they saw this.

"Yang... Commander Yang, what should we do? Do you want to retreat...retreat..."

Everyone was trembling with fear, but even in the distance, within the Thirty-six Sect, the well-informed elders such as Ancestor Goshawk, Ancestor Jiuming, and Xueyangzi felt the darkness inside the black cloud. The resentment and resentment that came out of him made his heart tremble, as if he was falling into an abyss.

"Retreat, retreat, retreat..."

"Everyone heard it! Commander Yang said to retreat, let's retreat quickly..."

"Back off!"

Yang Xiaoran straightened his tongue hard, looked into the black cloud, and pointed the spear in his hand, "Who are you, get out! I have 800,000 forbidden troops, don't even think about pretending to be a fool in front of me!"

"Haha..." ✪

At this time, the black cloud slowly dispersed, and a figure walked out of it. He smiled sinisterly and said, "Yang Xiaoran, look at you, after so many years, you still look like a dog..."

"Kang Yuchen..."

Seeing the person coming out of the black cloud, Yang Xiaoran's eyes narrowed. It was obvious that the two had known each other before, but at that time, Kang Yuchen was just a young disciple of the Wuding Sect. Even if there was Grand Elder Xuan, he was still a disciple of the Wuding Sect. .

But who is Yang Xiaoran? Commander Yang of Wuyutian was the person around Xiao Chen, and even the entire Wuding sect, they would all be polite to him when they saw him. Moreover, his cultivation was far above Kang Yuchen at that time. .

"Kang Yuchen, I don't think you're going to be much better now that you're neither a human nor a ghost."

"Haha..." ✪

Kang Yuchen smiled coldly, and suddenly flicked his sleeves, and countless monsters rushed straight towards Yang Xiaoran. Seeing this scene, those Wuyutian people behind were shocked: "Commander Yang, be careful!"

"Get out of the way!"

Yang Xiaoran threw the spear in his hand, and continued to form seals with his hands while chanting the incantation quickly: "The heaven and earth are natural, the odor is dispersed, the cave is mysterious, the Taiyuan is shining! Punish the evil... the order!"

As soon as he finished speaking, golden light command curse seals were punched out one after another. As soon as those filthy demons touched the golden light command, they were like little devils seeing the light. They kept making "sizzling" sounds from their bodies, and in just a moment, they turned into demons. A wisp of smoke dissipated.

"Commander Yang! So powerful! Beat him!" Seeing that these monsters were defeated, a dozen of Yang Xiaoran's men behind them immediately cheered and shouted.

Yang Xiaoran secretly broke into a cold sweat, thinking that fortunately these evil monsters were relatively low-level. He snorted coldly, "Do you think the spells I learned at the Xuanqing Sect back then were just a joke?"

"Haha..." ✪

Kang Yuchen smiled grimly, "I almost forgot that Commander Yang also came out of the Xuanqing Sect back then... Then let me see how capable you are in Xuanqing Taoism."

As soon as he finished speaking, like a bolt of lightning, he pointed his finger fiercely and attacked Yang Xiaoran. The surrounding area suddenly became violently windy, and the sea of ​​clouds surged. Everyone in Wuyutian behind was shocked. "Commander Yang, be careful!" Before he finished speaking, Already feeling suffocated, everyone's energy and blood surged under the strong wind.

Yang Xiaoran also reacted in an instant and suddenly raised the spear in his hand to resist. His black iron spear was captured from a battle a few years ago. The gun body is made of thousands of years of black iron and is very hard. Even the fairy sword and sharp weapon are difficult to break.

However, at this time, facing Kang Yuchen's formidable aura, the spear could not help but tremble. Finally, when Kang Yuchen pointed it out, with a "clang", the thousand-year-old black iron cold spear broke in one fell swoop.


Ancestor Goshawk, Ancestor Jiu Ming, Xueyangzi and others had already arrived in advance. However, even with the combined efforts of several masters, Kang Yuchen's finger force caused them to fly backwards at the same time.

"This person……"

Xueyangzi and the three of them barely stood still, their faces were extremely shocked. Yang Xiaoran held two broken guns in his hands, and his heart was also horrified. If it hadn't been for the thousand-year black iron cold gun to withstand the finger force for him just now, I'm afraid that even if he doesn't die at this time, he is still seriously injured. How could this man's power become so terrifying...

"Haha..." ✪

Kang Yuchen slowly put his hands behind his back and said with a faint smile, "It seems that Xuan Qing Sect's Taoism is nothing more than this. It only has its name."

Yang Xiaoran knew that he was no match for this person, so he resisted forcibly, fearing that the damage would be even more severe. He suddenly pointed behind Kang Yuchen, "Kang Yuchen, look who's coming!"

"Oh?" Kang Yuchen put his hands behind his back, slowly turned his head, and looked back.

Yang Xiaoran immediately came back to his senses and quickly winked at the people nearby, "Let's go, let's go...slip away!" Ancestor Jiu Ming and others reacted and flew into Wuyu Tian.

When Kang Yuchen turned around and saw no one in front of him, he raised his head and smiled, "Haha! Yang Xiaoran, you shy turtle, are you scared when you see me now? Where was the majesty of the Wuding Sect when you came to conquer it? Ha ha!"

"I am your grandfather! If you have the ability, come and break the formation!" Yang Xiaoran's cursing voice came from inside Wuyutian.

"Haha..." ✪m.✸vodt✦w✫♦.com Kang Yuchen smiled faintly, "Then I will come and learn from you, you, the ancient prohibition of Wuyutian."

An unrivaled force of resentment rushed forward, and the entire sea of ​​clouds trembled. Several subordinates behind Yang Xiaoran were startled: "Yang Yangyang... Commander Yang! He is really here!"

"I'm going! This grandson is really here!" Cold sweat suddenly broke out on Yang Xiaoran's back. Someone next to him whispered, "Commander Yang, now... what should we do now?"

"What should I do? Go up and hold it! Do you want him to break the formation and rush in?"

"I...shall we go for it?"

"Nonsense! Should I go?"

"Oh...everyone, charge! Let's resist!"

"You rush me too!"

Yang Xiaoran slapped the man on the back of the head hard and kicked him out. However, he hid far away and looked at Xueyangzi and the others not far away, with a calm look on his face and a smile. He said, "Don't worry, even without the support of spiritual power, just that boy, he still wants to break the ancient world of Wuyu Tian..."


Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, a ferocious shock came. Xueyangzi and others were shocked, "Oops... without the support of spiritual power, this ancient restriction will lose its effect. I'm afraid I can't resist this person."

"No way..." Yang Xiaoran looked at the cracked defensive barrier outside and murmured, "Fuck me, it's going to crack!"

"Commander Yang... can't stand it anymore!"


Above the sea of ​​clouds, Kang Yuchen smiled solemnly, "Is this the so-called Desireless Heaven? But the mob, I thought it was so powerful..."

As everyone knows, most of Wuyutian's masters today are maintaining the stability of the spirit gathering formation inside. In recent years, Wuyutian's strength has long been incomparable to the past. At the same time, there are also four "Wind, Fire, Thunder and Lightning" who have reached the Holy Realm. Elder.

At this time, in Weiyang Palace, with the repeated attacks from outside, the spiritual power inside had gradually begun to become chaotic. Xiao Chen and others were already sweating. To save Hua Weiyang, it was more difficult than they expected. difficulty.


Looking at Hua Weiyang who was still sleeping, Xiao Chen frowned. With a flick of his hands, a wave of green lotus' power of creation spread out, forcing the nearby spiritual power to stabilize.

"Brother Xiao Chen..."


In mid-air, Xian'er's little face was pale and she was struggling to support herself. Outside, everyone also tried their best to stabilize the spirit gathering formation.


However, outside Wuyu Tian, ​​the terrifying impacts again and again made it difficult for the huge spiritual power of heaven and earth to maintain stability.

"Xiao Yichen... I want to see how long you can last in there, haha."

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