The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,555 Thousands of Tribulations

"The Immortal Immortal, the torrents of gods, demons, and Buddhas throughout the ages; for thousands of kalpas, I will search and find them once.

In the dream, he had been looking for someone all his life. Suddenly he looked back and heard the sound of the phoenix flute. It turned out that she had always been there.

The Immortal Immortal is talking about him; and the Thousand-Eternity Tribulation is her.

Many years ago, she took pity on the world and once cut off a piece of immortal bone and placed it on the top of Kunlun to nourish the people with boundless spiritual power. Later, after tens of millions of years, this immortal bone condensed the seven emotions and six desires of the world and transformed into a human being. In the years since, After three reincarnations, the past is finally over...

Xuanqing Mountain was shrouded in dark clouds. In the Tianshu Hall, Master Qingxuan suddenly opened his eyes, and next to him stood a man in green with extraordinary eyebrows. It was his eldest disciple Feng Xiaoyin.

Seeing the cold sweat gathering on his face, Feng Xiaoyin pondered for a moment, and finally walked forward and asked, "Master...what's wrong?"

Master Qingxuan slowly came back to his senses, gently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and asked, "What's the situation over at Wuyutian... now?"

Feng Xiao chanted, "Junior Brother Jiangnan and Junior Sister Meijianyi rushed over a few days ago. They must have arrived at this time. Master, was he... uneasy about this matter just now?"


Master Qingxuan shook his head, his expression becoming more and more solemn. Feng Xiaoyin had always won his heart, but at this time, he didn't know why he was so anxious.

"It's Yin'er."

Master Qingxuan finally spoke.

"Junior sister Ling Yin?"

Feng Xiaoyin's eyebrows narrowed. He had not heard his master call his junior sister this way for a long time. After all, his junior sister was now the Yaoguang Master of Zixiao Peak. Even if he was in front of people outside, he would never call Ling Yin his junior sister again.


Master Qingxuan took a deep breath, his eyebrows furrowed deeper and deeper. After a long time, he finally said, "Just now when I was enlightened, I saw in my dream...Yin'er's calamity is about to come."

"Junior sister's calamity?" Hearing this, Feng Xiaoyin's heart condensed, and after a long time she asked, "Then what is junior sister's calamity..."

"Ninety-nine heavenly tribulations." Master Qingxuan closed his eyes and said in a solemn voice.

"Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulations..."

This time, even Feng Xiaoyin changed his expression slightly. After a long time, Master Qingxuan opened his eyes and continued, "This time, I am afraid it will also be Xuanqing's calamity."


On the Wuyu Heaven, above the nine heavens, the rolling heavenly punishments were still raining down. However, around Xiao Chen, the immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas that had passed away for eternity actually completely resisted the heavenly punishments.


Seeing this scene, many people were already shocked. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes today, who would believe it if they told it? If the immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas all over the sky are just shadows, how can they block this terrifying heavenly punishment? If it's not a phantom, then it doesn't really exist...

Outside Zhaotian Cliff, Feng Moyao suddenly had a bad premonition. With a swipe of his fingertips, another streak of ink came out of the air, knocking back the four Gui Ji who were rushing towards them.

When he turned around and saw the dead immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas all over the sky, and saw Xiao Chen who seemed to be a completely different person under the punishment of heaven, the bad feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"Those are all immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas who have died long ago in the last era of annihilation..."

Gui Ji, Xue Wuhen, Nine Transformations Buddha, and Tian Sin, these four people stopped immediately after being shaken back by Feng Moyao. They looked up at the Wuyu Sky, where the shadows of immortals, demons, gods, and Buddhas filled the sky. It's really shocking. Even if the four of them are already at extremely high levels of cultivation, they can't help but change their expressions at this time.


Above the nine heavens, the thunder became more and more fierce, and in Weiyang Palace, Shen Jing and others were all covered in cold sweat. They tried their best, but Hua Weiyang still couldn't wake up, and her spiritual power was not enough. Even though there were more than a hundred people gathered there, The spiritual formation method is still not enough.

"What to do...this little girl, this little girl needs too much spiritual power..."

Medicine Saint Bu Yundian was full of shock. He originally thought that with the rain and dew of the Immortal Realm, plus these more than a hundred spirit gathering formations, it would be enough, but he did not expect that it was still not enough.


The punishment from heaven continued outside. Even if there were shadows of immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas all over the sky to resist, it was not known how long they could last. Madam Xianshu suddenly had an extremely bad premonition in her heart.

Sky-covering Formation...

If the sky-covering formation were to loosen at this moment, if the existence in the depths of the Hidden Cloud Sea was awakened, this... would be unimaginable.

"Brother, brother..." In mid-air, Xian'er was covered in cold sweat. By now, she could hardly hold on anymore.

Just like this, I don't know how long it took, but the thunderclouds covering the entire Wuyu Tian finally slowly dispersed, and the shadows of immortals, demons, gods, and Buddhas in the sky also gradually dissipated, and the punishment from heaven finally passed.

"God's punishment has passed...Heaven's punishment has passed!"

Seeing that the heavenly punishment had passed, everyone below was overjoyed. But in the sky, the aura of gods and demons on Xiao Chen's body gradually disappeared, and the immortal and demon marks on his eyebrows slowly disappeared. Rui Ye's whole body was covered in blood and flesh, and he went with him. It fell down.

"Your Majesty!"

Bai Luan, Zi Yuan and others immediately rushed to protect Xiao Chen, and saw that Xiao Chen's face turned pale. It was obvious that he had exhausted too much to block the punishment from heaven, and Rui was almost exhausted at this time. The hundred-foot-long dragon body turned into several Zhang Zhang, dripping with blood, lay motionless beside Xiao Chen.

"How is Weiyang doing now..."

"Palace Master Weiyang...she, she..."

"What's up with her?"

Xiao Chen raised his head and looked into Weiyang Palace again. Bai Luan frowned and said, "Ms. Xianshu used part of her spiritual power to seal the sky-shattering formation of Hidden Cloud Sea... Now, I'm afraid the spiritual power is not enough."

"Not enough spiritual power..."

Xiao Chen stood up slowly. Seeing this, Zi Yuan went up and supported him, "Your Majesty, you have consumed too much today..."

Xiao Chen slowly let go of her hand and looked in the direction of Weiyang Palace. Even if he exhausted all his strength today, he would definitely revive Weiyang.

Suddenly, he raised his palms, and his whole body was suddenly enveloped in layers of spiritual light. Then, a surging spiritual power surged out of his body, and in an instant, the situation changed again!

"That, that's..."

Seeing the aura flowing all over the sky, many people in Wuyutian were shocked. On the other side of Zhaotian Cliff, the Phantom Musical Qin Demon was also startled. She always thought that Xiao Chen only had the power of gods and demons. But he didn't expect that he actually had such pure innate spiritual power...

The four Gui Jis also looked suspicious. This was clearly the spiritual power of twelve complete innate spiritual roots. How could this kid have...

At this moment, the spiritual power flowing in Xiao Chen's body was the spiritual power left to him by his mother, Su Rou. How did the world know that Su Rou was the one with twelve complete innate spiritual roots?

As this spiritual power entered, outside Weiyang Palace, the spirit gathering array suddenly glowed brightly, the wind surged, the sea of ​​clouds surged, and twelve rays of light suddenly fell from the sky!

"Dong dong...dong dong...dong dong..."

This time, Wei Young's heart also beat violently. The rain and dew of the fairy world had completely integrated into her body. In mid-air, Xian'er finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell down. Shen Jing moved and caught her.

"Brother...Sister Weiyang..." Xian'er seemed to be tired, and fell asleep before she could finish her words.

"Hold on a little longer. During this period, you must not be disturbed."

Madam Xianshu's expression was solemn. She knew that Weiyang would definitely be able to wake up this time, but before that, she must not be interrupted.

At this time, outside Weiyang Palace, Xiao Chen's face became even paler after consuming his innate spiritual power. Bai Luan and Zi Yuan immediately walked up and supported him, "Your Majesty!"

"It doesn't matter..."

Xiao Chen raised his hand slightly, and then sat down cross-legged. The enemy had not retreated outside yet, and there would probably be a fierce battle next. He had to recover some of his energy as soon as possible.

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