The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1571: The calamity arrives


At this time, in the Lingxu Realm, above the Wutian Palace, there were layers of dark clouds, and there were lightning and thunder between the heaven and the earth. The scene was very scary.

In the past three months, the disciples of Wutian Palace have been in panic. Not to mention the ordinary disciples with shallow cultivation, even the elders. Over the past few months, they have been as if someone is strangling their throats. Feeling suffocated.

I saw black clouds in the sky covering the sun, like demonic energy billowing. In the entire Wutian Hall, only a few elders with higher cultivation levels, Ziweisi, Lianzhensi and others could still stay awake at this time. The rest of the disciples , most of them have been in panic these days.

"The three real people have been in seclusion in the secret realm for more than three months. During these three months, Wutian Temple has been experiencing constant visions, which has attracted the attention of many people outside. It seems today..."

At this time, in a secret hall, I saw Ziweisi standing with his hands behind his back. Behind him, two old men with white hair and beards stood. After a while, I heard him continue to say, "Wutian Palace, I'm afraid something will change." ”


Hearing this, the expressions of the two old men changed. In the past three months, although the entire Wutian Secret Realm has been experiencing frequent visions and the sky has been shrouded by boundless clouds, it may be that there are only three real people who are studying the mysterious method.

If it leads to heavenly punishment, it is not surprising why Ziweisi said that there may be changes in Wutian Palace. You must know that such words are not something you can say casually in Wutian Palace.

Ziweisi slowly turned around. At this moment, his eyes were as deep as a starless night. The two old men in front of him could not help but tremble slightly. They had not seen Ziweisi like this for a long time. Deep eyes.

"How is the situation over there with Lian Zhensi?"

When the two old men were lost in thought, Ziweisi had arrived in front of them at some point. The two raised their heads, and the old man on the left said, "There hasn't been much movement over Lian Zhensi recently..."

"I think he won't make much movement..."

Ziweisi's eyes were slightly focused, his hands were clasped behind his back, and he spoke lightly, while the two old men in front of him looked at each other, but they didn't know what his words meant.

At this time, in the secret realm of Taihua Palace, the whole secret realm was full of blood. Three months ago, Taihuazi, Master Chongjiu, and Master Cuihan each took a blood pill. At this moment, the three of them were sitting cross-legged, facing each other. Xuan Gong was silently operating, and suddenly a strong wind blew up in the secret realm, and a terrifying force suddenly surged out from among the three of them.

At the same time, a blood mark suddenly formed in front of the foreheads of the three people. The blood mark suddenly appeared between the eyebrows of the three people and disappeared in an instant.

At this moment, the three people opened their eyes at the same time. In their pupils, a bloody light flashed, but soon they returned to normal. At this moment, they saw that the three people were possessed by the glow, and there was no more weirdness like before. The awe-inspiring feeling and the blood energy in the secret realm also disappeared, replaced by a strong fairy energy.

"It's done..."

Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu raised their palms and looked at the immortal seal in their palms and the glow of their own bodies, feeling indescribable joy in their hearts.

Taihuazi's expression remained normal, and he slowly put his hands from his Dantian to his knees, and said slowly, "A few months ago, I once said that the Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the fundamental root of Wanqi... the mysterious demons, it is unspeakable since ancient times, if If your heart is pure, how can you be trapped by the devil?"

Hearing this, Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu both looked at him. This time, the two of them were convinced. It turned out that the three of them encountered obstacles along the way of cultivation, which was when they first enlightened. The dream that Xuan Zhi saw had been bothering them all these years, causing obstacles for the three of them to practice.

So this time, the three of them found another way to practice the Tao of Xuanmen using the magic method. The blood pill that the three of them took a few months ago was actually a living pill made from living people, although this pill was not made by the three of them. System, but what's the difference?

What Taihuazi means is that a sharp blade in the hand can be used to kill people or to protect the world. The key is to see how the owner of the sword uses the sword. As long as the mind is not deceived by demons, there is no need to stick to cultivation. method?

But is this self-deception?

Since ancient times, immortals and demons have different paths, and demons are everywhere in the world. Little did they know that the three of them had dark demons in their hearts without even realizing it.

"call out!"

At this moment, a ray of spiritual consciousness suddenly shot from outside the secret realm, and it was imprinted in Taihuazi's eyebrows in an instant.

This secret realm has seals inside and outside, and you can enter directly with your spiritual consciousness. Presumably the owner of this spiritual consciousness must be a person with extremely high cultivation level.

"Senior brother..."

Next to them, Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu were still enjoying themselves. Suddenly, they saw that Senior Brother Taihua’s expression in front of them became serious. They both came to their senses immediately. Master Cuihan asked, "What’s wrong, Senior Brother? Why are you so serious all of a sudden..." …”

Taihuazi's eyes narrowed slightly. At this moment, a fierce light appeared in his eyes again. After a while, he heard him say gloomily, "Xiao Yichen... this person is going through a tribulation."


Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu were both stunned. The expression on Taihuazi's face became increasingly gloomy and terrifying. "This time, God really helped me..."

"Where did he survive the tribulation?"

The expressions on the faces of Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu immediately became solemn. They both thought in their hearts that this person's cultivation level was extremely high. Even if the three of them finally broke through the obstacles this time, if this person could be allowed to successfully overcome the obstacles, After the disaster comes back, I'm afraid it will still be difficult to deal with.

"Not in the Desireless Heaven..."

Taihuazi's eyes narrowed and he looked at the two people in front of him. At this moment, the three of them did not hesitate. At the same time, they moved closer to the center of their eyebrows. Even if they expended the power of their souls, they were determined to find out where this person was at this moment. .

At this moment, the three of them seemed to have entered some kind of mysterious realm. This soul-searching method could not be disturbed in the slightest. At this time, deep in the consciousness of the three of them, thunder continued to sound, thousands of miles of thunder clouds covered it, and the sky thunder The bursts...are exactly the scenery of the Wuwu Sea and Lei Ze in the West.

"found it."

Suddenly, the three of them opened their eyes. At this moment, Taihuazi's eyes became even colder and terrifying. "You can actually think of going to Leize to overcome the tribulation and use the thunder there to hide the tribulation. It's so amazing... It’s a pity that you can’t escape this time, even if your master comes, he can’t save you!”


At this moment, Master Cuihan's expression suddenly condensed, and he looked at Senior Brother Taihua in front of him motionlessly. After a while, he finally cautiously asked, "Brother, I still want to ask one more question about all this." ...Is it related to what happened to Xiao Zhufeng back then?”

As expected, Taihuazi's face suddenly turned gloomy, as if a layer of frost had suddenly covered him. Even Master Chongjiu next to him could see that last time, Senior Brother Taihua told them not to ask this question again. Something happened.

The incident about Xiao Zhufeng back then was confusing, and Brother Taihua still keeps it secret to this day, so it must be too deeply involved, beyond their imagination. In this case, by not telling them, Brother Taihua was protecting them.

However, Master Cuihan kept asking questions again and again. At this time, Master Chongjiu glanced at him and signaled him not to ask about this matter again.

Master Cuihan still wanted to know what happened that year, so that Senior Brother Taihua was so afraid to tell it, and asked, "Back then... Su Rou died, but Xiao Zhufeng... Senior Brother Taihua saw it with his own eyes, Is he dead too?"

"shut up!"

Suddenly, Taihuazi's face turned cold and he interrupted coldly, "I said, don't ask any more about this matter... Now as long as we capture that kid, everything will be over soon. Do you understand?"

Seeing that Senior Brother Taihua was angry, Master Chongjiu kept signaling to Master Cuihan. Finally, Master Cuihan stopped asking, but he was still puzzled.


And in the land of Lei Ze, one after another sky thunder continued to fall towards the bottom of the abyss valley, burning everything nearby into charcoal. It was really difficult to tell whether this was Lei Ze's sky thunder or Xiao Chen's heavenly tribulation. .

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