The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1573 Your heart is like my heart


Taihuazi snorted coldly, moved his feet, and raised his palms with murderous intent. His figure instantly attacked Xiao Chen. At this moment, Xiao Chen also used his palms to fight, "Boom!" The two of them met with palms, and they were instantly The mountains shook, and the sky was filled with mysterious thunder, which suddenly fell again.

With just one palm, Taihuazi could already feel the depth of the opponent's cultivation. He thought that this person had returned from the ancient immortal world, and his cultivation was indeed much higher. If it weren't for the fact that this person was going through a tribulation this time and had already consumed too much, I'm afraid he wouldn't have had it. It can be dealt with so easily.

"'s a pity that you can't escape today!"

Taihuazi's figure moved, relying on the opponent's previous efforts to resist the catastrophe. He had already spent too much. At this moment, he did not leave any room for action. Each move was full of murderous intent! ★

However, the moment he was killing Xiao Chen, two black shadows suddenly flew from the darkness, carrying a heavy evil aura. Taihuazi reacted in an instant, but he was still a step too slow. Those two black shadows flew towards him. Shadow's whole body was shrouded in black mist, and he suddenly attacked him.

"Bang! Bang!"

There were two loud noises. Even though Taihuazi closed his palms in time, turned his attack into defense, and protected his heart, he was still shaken by these two sudden black shadows, and his energy and blood surged, and his whole body was "thumping". "Ding" kept retreating, and even the rocks along the way were smashed to pieces by this terrifying force.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

In the blink of an eye, the two black figures attacked again, but they saw that the black figures were huge and covered in black mist. Taihuazi could not see clearly what they were, but he could feel that under the black mist, The terrifying power contained within.

"Brother, be careful!"

Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu were also shocked. They didn't expect Xiao Yichen to have such a terrifying ghost down here.

"Bang bang!"

The two of them each hit the two black shadows with one palm. However, even with their current cultivation levels, these two palms were unable to cause any damage to the two black shadows, and even the black mist on their bodies could not be dispersed. .


Both of them were startled, and at this moment, two black shadows had rushed up. The terrifying power seemed to destroy everything in front of them. Large swaths of mountains and rocks collapsed, and even the abyss and valleys were cracked in an instant. There were countless cracks.


There was a loud noise, with a radius of a hundred feet, and dust and smoke suddenly billowed. The abyss was shaken violently, and countless boulders rolled down.

I saw blue veins popping up all over Taihuazi's face and blood mist rising all over his body. I don't know what trick he had used. His strength also increased countless times at this moment. He actually withstood the impact of the two black shadows with his hands. .

However, the power of the two black shadows was too strong, and he could not resist it alone. At this time, the hard ground was crushed under his feet, and he was still retreating. The ground along the way was all broken. It was trampled to pieces, and dust and smoke billowed up.

At this moment, a cold sword light struck in front of him, but it was Xiao Chen who raised the fairy sword and slashed at him with one sword.

"Brother, be careful!"

The expressions of Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu behind him changed, and they took action at the same time. Only then did they push back the fairy sword that was attacking Taihuazi. Seeing that the ghost was so ferocious, they could not care less at this time. , I saw the two of them biting the tip of their tongues hard, spitting out a mouthful of blood, forming a seal with their hands in front of them, and touching their eyebrows. At this moment, the strength of both of them increased countless times.

"Bang! Bang!"

The two of them used the power of the blood elixir to barely resist the two black shadows. At this moment, there was blood mist on both of them. Taihuazi glanced at them and said coldly, "You guys block these two shadows." Ghost, I'll deal with him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Taihuazi did not hesitate at all, and immediately attacked Xiao Chen again. At this time, in the distance, Bai Luan and others' expressions changed, it was terrible...

It turns out that the Xiao Chen in front of her is not the real Xiao Chen, but Hua Weiyang's disguise. These days, she has not hesitated to waste her energy and lowered the thunder, just to lure the three Taihuazi here.

Back to that night, Xiao Chen saw that she was still frowning and asked, "Weiyang, what's wrong...are you still worried? Just now Bai Luan was right, in the land of Lei Ze, although the thunder was terrifying, but that day Thunder is enough to hide my catastrophe from others..."

"I know……"

Hua Weiyang nodded slightly, with a somewhat worried look on her face. Xiao Chen asked, "Then why are you still worried?"

Hua Weiyang took a deep breath and walked to the window. After a long time, she turned around, looked at him and said, "I'm not worried about other people, but recently I sensed something strange over there at Wutian Palace. I’m afraid these three people, Taihuazi…”

Hearing this, Xiao Chen also frowned, a cold light flashed in his eyes, walked towards the window, stared at the night outside, and flicked his sleeves, "Taihuazi killed my parents back then, and I haven't found him yet." They seek revenge. If they dare to come this time, even if I don’t survive this catastrophe, I will drag them into ashes under the catastrophe!”


Hua Weiyang smiled softly and stroked his face, "How can the lives of those three people be more important than yours? If they die, they will die. How can I let you get hurt..."


"I have thought clearly. There must be help behind those three people, and there must be a way to find you. Even Lei Ze is not safe, so when the time comes, I will disguise myself as you and attract the three of them there..."

"No... this is too dangerous! Weiyang, you... I finally saw you wake up, how could I let you take this risk for me again..."


Hua Weiyang smiled softly, caressed his face and said, "Do you know what I like most?"

Xiao Chen looked at her. At this moment, for some reason, his heart seemed to be blocked by something. He felt depressed and uncomfortable. Finally, he looked at her and said, "The world... I always remember that what you like the most is this world. You said that one day you would see all the flowers blooming in the world and never wither again..."

Hua Weiyang smiled softly, slowly leaned on his chest, and said slowly, "In the dream, I am a piece of jade on Kunlun Mountain. I have always been asleep. I forgot who put me there. It wasn't until a long, long time later that I heard footsteps approaching slowly. When I opened my eyes, the first person I saw was you..."

"Then I asked you, where is this place? You said, this is the human world... Then you asked me, do you like it here? I said, I like..."

"Idiot, but I didn't tell you that you are my favorite..."

Hua Weiyang's disguise technique is unparalleled in the world. Even Taihuazi and the three of them can't find any clues. If it were someone else, even if they think of this technique, they may not be able to successfully use it. If it is like changing their appearance, The blinding spell can be penetrated by Taihuazi's consciousness at almost a glance.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this time, under the abyss valley, Xuan Guang was soaring into the sky, and Taihuazi's offensive became more and more fierce. However, the two puppets of "Youhai" in Hua Weiyang's hands were obviously not as powerful as those in Wentian's hands. Although the defense was still extremely strong, they were immortal and immortal. , no one could hurt them, but their strength and movement skills were somewhat insufficient, so they were dragged to death by Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu after using the power of blood elixir.

Without the help of the two puppets of Youhai, Hua Weiyang can only deal with Taihuazi alone. But these days, she has consumed too much energy to attract the thunder from the sky and resist it alone. If she had woken up in Wuyu that day It was not difficult to deal with Tai Huazi in the state he was in when he arrived, but now he is obviously struggling.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

At this moment, Taihuazi's face was full of fierceness, and his palms were constantly attacking Hua Weiyang. Hua Weiyang relied on her amazing body skills to avoid the opponent's most powerful attack with a glance every time. At this time, she was still Able to deal with Taihuazi, he asked coldly, "Who is it that sent you to kill me?"

She knows that things this time must not be that simple. Whether it is the cultivation of Taihuazi and the other three, or whether they find Lei Ze easily this time, there must be someone behind the scenes to help. But who is the person behind the scenes?

It's easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows. Fortunately, this time, she thought ahead, disguised herself as Xiao Chen, and lured these three people over. Otherwise, if these three people were to find Xiao Chen's place to escape the tribulation, the consequences would be It is unimaginable that the person behind the scenes is definitely not just trying to kill Xiao Chen.

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