The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1582: Ascension in the Day

"what's the situation?"

In the distance, many people on Wuyutian's side also looked confused. How could Your Majesty be like that Xiao Zhufeng?

Yang Xiaoran touched his chin and thought carefully, recalling the time when he was at Xuanqingmen. Maybe other people here didn't know much about Xiao Chen's past, but he knew it clearly. No one knew it better than him. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

Because he was Xiao Chen's apprentice brother at Pingyang Peak, and he still clearly remembers the appearance of that young boy.

When Xiao Chen first entered the Xuan Qing Sect, he was only twelve years old and only stayed at Pingyang Peak for a few months. Later, during the Xuan Qing Conference, he was taken to Zixiao Peak by Lord Ling Yin.

Now that Yang Xiaoran recalled these past events, he felt unspeakable in his heart. He would never mention these things to anyone, including Wuyutian, and no one knew about his past in these years.

At Pingyang Peak back then, he was just a small outer sect disciple with no background and no backing. However, Zhao Wangsun at least had an elder sister who had become a disciple of the inner sect, and was even a disciple of Xuanyang Zun. Back then, Zhao Wangsun and his brother, What can he do to deal with Xiao Chen?

So at the Xuanqing Conference, he saw Xiao Chen being accepted as a disciple by Lord Yaoguang. That night, he didn't even think about it, even if he stopped cultivating this immortal, the Xuanqing Sect would never stay again. Once the matter was exposed, Zhao Wangsun had Zhao Ying'er protected her, but he had nothing and was bound to become a scapegoat, so he escaped from Pingyang Peak overnight and remained anonymous ever since, without any news.

What happened to Zhao Wangsun back then should not have happened in a place like Xuanqingmen. Originally, when Xuanmen accepted disciples, their qualifications were secondary, and the most important thing was their conduct. But even Xuanqingmen could not escape such a thing from happening, and because of the six hundred Years ago, Master Qingxuan said, "There is no discrimination without education."

Qingxuan Zhenren’s original intention is that no matter poor or low, rich or noble, wise, stupid, good or evil, as long as he has a sincere heart and spiritual roots, he can enter Xuanmen. Through future teaching, they can be corrected and be able to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, and right and wrong in the future.

It's just that Yang Xiaoran was not very lucky back then, and in a small place like Pingyang Peak, how could Master Qingxuan be able to see it?

That night, Yang Xiaoran fled overnight. Later, he was worried about being found and did not dare to stay in the prosperous places of the Five Immortal Realms. He could only go to some barren places, and those places were often where the demon sect gathered. So he later, Entered the magic gate.

In those years, he kept crawling around in the devil's way, and was stepped on the ground by others, but he swore that in this life, even if he was beaten to death in the devil's door, he would never step into the immortal world again. Half a step to the door.

"Yang, Commander Yang, what's wrong with you?"

At this moment, a subordinate came to him and saw that his eyes were suddenly red. He whispered, "Commander Yang, you..."

"What are you?"

Yang Xiaoran was interrupted by his recollection, turned around and glared at him, "It's such a cold day, I'm standing here to shield you from the cold wind, why don't you come to the front and stand for a while? Go back, you're the one who talks the most all day ”


The subordinate originally cared about him, but he was scolded for no reason, so he had to shrink his head and retreat. Yang Xiaoran turned around and looked at Xiao Chen in the distance. The changes in Tianmen and the chaos in Shen Cangming made him The vitality of the righteous path was severely damaged, and the Tianmen was even more severely damaged. The demonic path rose smoothly, and he finally became famous and became the deputy leader of the Blood Wind Hall. He was considered a ruthless person in the demon sect.

However, what he never expected was that he had only served as the deputy hall leader for three years. On that day, the entire Blood Wind Hall was destroyed by a force called Wuyutian.

What he didn't expect even more was that the person who led the people to destroy the Blood Wind Hall was actually Xiao Yichen back then, the Lord of Wuyutian in front of him.

That time, he thought he was dead, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't kill him and kept him by his side. Therefore, no one knew better than him who the Lord of Wuyu Tian was.

In Taihua Palace, Xiao Chen was still pressing forward step by step, while Taihuazi was still looking terrified. Only Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu were a little calmer at this time and supported him.

"Tell me, who was the person who ordered me back then..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes became even colder. Master Chongjiu calmed down, pressed Taihuazi and said, "Senior brother, please wake up! He can't be Xiao Zhufeng, Xiao Zhufeng has died long ago... Please wake up !”


At this moment, a burst of earth-shaking thunder suddenly came from the nine heavens, which frightened the disciples of Wutian Palace to despair. They all looked up and saw black clouds covering the top of Taihua Palace. There were no such thunderclouds anywhere, but Taihua Palace suddenly gathered a large area, which was really strange.

At this moment, a burst of spiritual power from the formation also spread out. Hua Weiyang had always been very keen on spiritual power. At this moment, she couldn't help but frown, "This spiritual power is..."

"Senior brother! Look...look!"

Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu were also refreshed and hurriedly pointed towards the middle of the thundercloud. They saw that in the center of the thundercloud, like a whirlpool, there was a beam of white light that directly led to the formation of Taihua Palace. At the eye, after the formation eye was connected, the white light suddenly turned into a ray of light, covering the three people of Taihuazi.

This kind of vision has never been seen by anyone. Not only many people in Wutian Palace were stunned, but many people in Wuyutian also showed shocked expressions.

"Senior brother...look! Look, have you seen it? There is hope of becoming an immortal, there is a hope of becoming an immortal!"

Master Chongjiu was suddenly overjoyed and pointed at the huge whirlpool in the center of the thundercloud. The light there was so strong that it was as if the gate to heaven was wide open. It was difficult for everyone to look directly into it. They could only vaguely see that there seemed to be a golden palace and jade palace inside. The precarious towers and the fairies from the Yaochi dance gracefully, completely like the heaven in ancient legends.

"It is possible to become an is possible to become an immortal!"

Taihuazi finally came to his senses and shouted that he had the hope of becoming an immortal. The elders of Wutian Palace in the distance looked confused. What on earth is this...

"Brother... let's go!"

At this time, the three people seemed to have forgotten the enemy in front of them. They laughed and flew towards the rays of light in the sky. The disciples were even more surprised. Could it be that the three real people would become immortals in the daytime at this time? , ascend to heaven?

Xiao Chen saw these three people suddenly behaving strangely, his eyes narrowed slightly, he looked at Hua Weiyang and asked, "Wei Yang, what do they want to do?"

Hua Weiyang frowned slightly at this moment, feeling the spiritual power pouring up from the ground at this moment, and said, "These three people seem to have made plans for a long time. They want to ascend in the daytime..."


Xiao Chen looked at the dazzling glow. It was said that in the previous era of cultivating immortals, it was as difficult as ascending to heaven for a mortal to cultivate immortality. He had to go through countless tribulations in the human world. Only by taking this step could he reach the end.

To continue practicing, you must ascend. This is what every person who cultivates immortality dreams of. When the creation reaches its peak, he will give up his body and usher in the catastrophe, allowing his soul to fly to the heaven. From then on, he will become an immortal and overlook all living beings. But for mortals, There are only a handful of people who can ascend to heaven and become immortals.

And now, no one can ascend to heaven and become an immortal. Thousands of years ago, the passage between heaven and man was completely closed. People in heaven could not descend to earth, and mortals could not ascend. And Taihuazi The three of them still want to become immortals to this day.

"Three real people..."

Seeing the three real people in Xiaguang at this time, many disciples of Wutian Temple in the distance were shocked. They didn't know that Taihuazi and the other three had already used the spirit of the earth's veins, but the three of them thought that this formation would not work. It will start, but I didn't expect that just now, this formation suddenly started.

"Three real people... plan to ascend!"

At this moment, the elders of Wutian Palace finally saw that the three real people were going to ascend in the daytime, and everyone showed horror on their faces.

Thousands of years ago, for unknown reasons, the gap between heaven and man has been completely sealed. In these ten thousand years, no one has been able to successfully ascend to heaven. If you try to ascend forcefully, there will only be one end, and that is under the nine-day restriction. , completely wiped out!

"Three real way!"

The elders below all looked horrified, but at this moment, Taihuazi and the other three seemed to be possessed, and flew towards the vortex in the thundercloud regardless of everything.

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