Xiao Chen's eyes were as cold as sharp edges. Taihuazi's whole body trembled and he said in a trembling voice, "If you don't believe what I said... if you don't believe it..." At the end of his words, he didn't know what to say. Xiao Chen said coldly, "That day What happened to the curtain?


Hearing this, Taihuazi trembled all over again, turned pale, and said intermittently, "Tianmu is actually...an organization established by the Ancient Reincarnation Path in the Lingxu Realm more than three hundred years ago. It is hidden in the night and no one knows it." Where exactly is it? Even those like Poison Saint will have their five senses and six consciousnesses blocked every time they go there. When they wake up and open their eyes, they will be there. The same will happen if they leave... And the leader of Tianmu, He is called Mu Tian, ​​and his cultivation is unfathomable. No one has ever seen his true face..."

Xiao Chen squeezed his fingers tighter and tighter, and his voice became very low, "Then why are you chasing my parents..."


Taihuazi's face became paler and paler. At this moment, he was hesitant and speechless. Xiao Chen said coldly, "Say..."

"Your father, he, he..."

The look on Taihuazi's face became more and more frightened, and he said in a trembling voice, "All I know is that... your father, he took something that shouldn't be taken from the Taoist Reincarnation Dao... That's why he was hunted down... …”

"Things you shouldn't take..."

Hua Weiyang's eyes narrowed, and she concluded that Taihuazi could never lie. It was just that Uncle Xiao had taken something he shouldn't have taken from the Taoist Reincarnation Dao. What was it that caused the Taoist Reincarnation Dao to pursue him from heaven to earth? ?

Xiao Chen also held his breath. At this moment, his heart suddenly started beating violently, and at this moment, he felt the cold breath on his chest again.

It's the Samsara Jade...could it be the Samsara Jade, which is known as the most ancient treasure? But what secrets are hidden in Samsara Jade?


Taihuazi raised his head cautiously, looked at the two people standing in front of him, and said, "That's right, but what exactly was taken... I don't know... but I guess it must be extremely important to the ancient Tao of Reincarnation." Something else, otherwise...otherwise he wouldn't be hunted down like that..."

Xiao Chen squeezed his fingers tighter and tighter, and his eyes slowly became bloodshot. Mother... mother knew that the person who was chasing her father was not an ordinary person, but she still did not regret it until her death...

"It was you who killed my mother back then at the Hill of Illusionary Ruins!"

Suddenly, Xiao Chen became excited and stretched out his hand to strangle Tai Huazi by the throat, making Cui Han and Chongjiu next to him so frightened that their expressions changed.

Hua Weiyang's expression also changed slightly, and she stretched out her hand to press him gently, "Don't be impatient... I don't think this person may be Uncle Xiao's opponent with his level of cultivation in the Third Realm back then.

Xiao Chen's eyes were still splitting as he stared at Taihuazi, but Taihuazi was already frightened to death and kept saying, "It's not me, it's not me... People outside thought that I was the one who chased Xiao Zhufeng and He When Su Rou went to Huangquan Valley, I killed them, but that's not the case..."


Xiao Chen's eyes became more and more terrifying. Taihuazi's whole body was shaking like chaff, his face turned pale and he said, "It's Mutian...Mutian! Although I have never seen Mutian, the aura on that day must be Mutian." It’s true that I came out in person, that aura..."

His face became paler and paler, and the fear in his eyes became heavier and heavier. It was as if decades had passed, and when he recalled it, the breath coming from under the black robe still made him tremble and uneasy.


Xiao Chen slowly put Taihuazi down. At this moment, he seemed to be confused again. The person who really hunted his father and mother was Mutian...

Hua Weiyang's mind was quick. At this moment, she thought of something. It was true that the Taoist Reincarnation Dao wanted to get something like that from Uncle Xiao, but Mu Tian's sudden appearance might not be this person... He also wanted to get it secretly. That thing in Uncle Xiao's hand, what exactly is it that Uncle Xiao took from the Tao of Ancient Reincarnation...

Taihuazi said in a trembling voice, "Back in Huangquan Valley, I originally wanted to persuade your father to return that thing to the Taoist Reincarnation Dao. In this way, maybe the Taoist Reincarnation Dao would not do anything to him, and Tianmu would not do anything to him again." Chase him, but he insists on doing so...I can only..."

He paused at this point and continued, "But back then, Xiao Zhufeng reached the pinnacle of cultivation and possessed the peerless magical power of the ancient Tao of Reincarnation. I was no match for him... Until later, Mu Tian suddenly appeared. …”

Next to them, Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu were also shocked and speechless. They didn't expect that these things have been hidden so deeply by senior brother over the years!

There were rumors that Xiao Zhufeng stole his place in the Ancient Immortal Realm and killed people before being hunted by Wutian Palace. These were just a cover. Even the Xiao family and the Su family didn't know the depth of the involvement. No one knew. No one knows the inside story of these things, Xiao Zhufeng's other identity, only Senior Brother Taihua knows.

Taihuazi said in a trembling voice, "Back then, Mu Tian suddenly appeared, which was beyond my expectation. No matter how high your father's cultivation level was, he could never be his opponent. At that time, your mother Su Rou, for To protect you and your father, I used the ancient forbidden technique... and finally died, my soul was gone. "

Hearing this, Xiao Chen's eyes turned red, and scenes from his dream seemed to reappear in his mind, those two strange yet familiar voices...

"Brother Feng, protect our child... see you in the next life..."

"Arou...no! Don't! Arou! No--"


Xiao Chen's eyes were red, and he suddenly let out a sharp roar. He always thought that the enemy he saw in his dream was Taihuazi, but it turned out not to be the man named Mutian...

The entire hall was extremely quiet. At this moment, Hua Weiyang didn't know how to comfort him. After a while, Xiao Chen slowly calmed down, looked at Taihuazi and said, "What happens next? Keep talking..."

Taihuazi trembled slightly and said, "Your mother's forbidden art is indeed very powerful. Coupled with her spiritual power that conquers the world, few people in the world can match it. Even I can't match it from a distance." He was seriously injured...it's a pity that Makuten is too cunning."


Xiao Chen's face became more and more gloomy. Taihuazi said, "Mutian knows that your mother's forbidden technique is very good. Even if he resists it, he will definitely be seriously injured or even die. So the one who appeared for the first time is just He had already planned to deceive your mother into using the forbidden technique at the expense of one of his clones..."

"Makuten, Makuten..."

Xiao Chen squeezed his fingers tighter and tighter. At this moment, a fire seemed to be burning in his heart, a terrible fire of revenge.

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