The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1601 Qingxuan’s murderous intent


At this moment, Mei Jianyi and Jiang Nanliu also arrived. Unfortunately, they were a step too late. Ruoshui had already fallen into Gui Ji's hands. Unless the junior sister took action, it would be difficult for them to do so based on their cultivation. Rescue Ruoshui.

"Witch! Let her go!"

Jiangnan Liu was furious, the sword in his hand was still stained with blood. Gui Ji smiled faintly, "It's okay to let her go. You two committed suicide on the spot, so I will let her go."

"Ah...Uncle Jiangnan, Uncle Mei...If Shui is fine, don't listen to her..."

Ruoshui kept struggling, but she was too weak to break free from Gui Ji's restraints. At this time, Master Xianqing, Master Yizhi and others also came from a distance. Seeing this scene, Master Xianqing immediately became angry. He said, "Monster, why did you capture a child? If you have the ability, come down and I'll kill you with one sword!"

"Ha ha!"

Gui Ji raised her head and smiled, and said with a sneer, "If your senior brother Yu Xuanzi were here, he might still be able to say this, but you two are not good at academics, tsk tsk tsk... I think you'd better hide behind today." "


Upon hearing the humiliating words, Master Xianqing drew her sword and faced her. Master Yizhi next to her pressed her hand and said, "Sister, don't listen to this monster's nonsense." ✱✷

After she said that, she looked at Gui Ji in the sky, "This is just an ignorant little girl. It's useless for you to hold her. If you want to fight, just come down and fight."


Gui Ji had already caught Ruoshui at this time and would not listen to these people. She sneered and said, "We will know later whether it is useful or not."

As soon as she finished speaking, she looked at Tian Sin and the others. Without saying anything, they grabbed Ruoshui and immediately flew towards Zixiao Peak.


The eyebrows secretly said something bad, what else could these people do to capture Ruoshui? It's nothing more than trying to disturb the junior sister's mind. Although the junior sister seems to be indifferent to Ruoshui on weekdays, in fact, she cares about Ruoshui more than anyone else, just like Yichen back then...

"Junior sister, junior brother, you go to Zixiao Peak, I am here!" Feng Xiaoyin waved away the demons who were coming up with a palm, and said to Mei Jianyi, Jiang Nanliu and others.


Mei Jianyi and Jiang Nanliu didn't say much, and immediately flew towards Zixiao Peak. Xianqing and Yizhi looked at each other, thinking that their senior brother and Xuanyangzi had just gone to Zixiao Peak, and they happened to be there too. Look what's going on over there.

At this moment in Zixiao Peak, Yu Zhenzi is still doing the exercises for Master Qingxuan. The demonic evil is difficult to remove for a while. At this time, Master Qingxuan can only suppress it in his body with his supreme cultivation.

However, at this moment, Gui Ji's four people flew over and said with a loud laugh, "Master Qingxuan, look, who is this?"


When Master Qingxuan saw Ruoshui being captured by Gui Ji, his heart changed slightly. He immediately stood up and said calmly, "The four pioneers of Tianwaitian, commanding thousands of armies, are holding a little girl hostage today. Are you not afraid of jokes if you tell me?" ?”

"Ha ha!"

Gui Ji smiled and said, "Since ancient times, a successful king or a defeated enemy, and a soldier never tires of deceit. It turns out that you, the noble and upright people, don't understand this truth?"

"Monster, if you want to fight, then fight. Let that girl go." Yuzhenzi also stood up. A master from a well-known family would not use such despicable methods.


Gui Ji smiled seductively, looked at Ruoshui she was holding in her hand, then looked at Master Qingxuan, and said lightly, "It would be great to take such a charming little girl back and be my maid. I really can't bear to kill her like this." , But Master Qingxuan, if you don’t open the formation, your sweet little disciple will die in front of you.”

"Monster, stop!"

"Ugh... Master, I'm not afraid, Ruoshui is not afraid, don't listen to them..." Ruoshui was grabbed by Gui Ji, still shaking his head, his pitiful look made people feel heartbroken.


The Nine Transformations Buddha suddenly came to her and threatened, "If you make any more noise, the poor monk will eat you!"


Ruoshui was so frightened by the sudden ugly face that he trembled all over. Master Qingxuan was filled with nervousness and said, "Ruoshui... don't be afraid!"

"Woo... If the water is not afraid, Master, don't worry..."

She just saw this ugly monk eating people, and now she was clearly so frightened that her whole body couldn't stop shaking, and she was afraid that she would have nightmares when she fell asleep.


Gui Ji smiled charmingly and said, "How about it? Master Qingxuan, have you thought clearly? The Nine Transformations Buddha is not as patient as me. Do you want to watch your good disciple being eaten..."

At this time, Mei Jianyi, Master Xianqing and other members of the Zhengdao Xuanmen also arrived. Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. Master Xianqing said angrily, "Monster! Don't stop!"


Gui Ji smiled seductively, looked at Master Qingxuan and said, "I'll count to three. If you don't tell me where those formations are, I'll throw her to the Nine Transformations Buddha... One!"

"Woooooo...Master, if Ruoshui is not afraid, not afraid...don't listen to them..."


Seeing Ruoshui's fearful and trembling appearance, Master Qingxuan was heartbroken. At this moment, he couldn't help but think of that time again. Thinking of that time, Ling Yin jumped under the Immortal Burial Cliff regardless of everything...

Back then, he couldn't keep Yin'er's disciple on the Lianfeng stage. Now, can he not keep Lian Yin'er, his only disciple? He is the gong ginseng who participated in creation, and his cultivation has reached the state of transformation, so what's the use!

"Monster! If you dare to hurt her even a little bit today, I will destroy you physically and mentally!"

At this moment, everyone present felt a cold murderous aura. Master Xianqing and others were even more shocked. How could Master Qingxuan have such a heavy murderous aura in his body after having been in Taoism for many years!

Mei Jianyi and Jiang Nanliu were also shocked. Master, master has attained enlightenment a long time ago. In the past, he was as free and easy as a god... How could he have such a heavy murderous aura today... This is impossible.

At this time, Yu Zhenzi, who was next to Master Qingxuan, suddenly came to his senses. Looking at Ruoshui who was being captured by Gui Ji, he suddenly thought that back then, fellow Taoist Qingxuan also had a knot in his heart. Back then, Ling Yin's only disciple on the Lianfeng Platform was forced to jump off the Immortal Burial Cliff by the righteous people in the world...

That day, in front of the righteous people in the world, Master Qingxuan crushed the Tianmen Order. Today, everything seems to be happening again. The only difference is that today, Ling Yin, his disciple, fell into the hands of the evil demon.

Outside Zixiao Peak, Gui Ji also felt this cold murderous aura, and couldn't help but tremble in her heart. Could a cultivator have such a murderous aura... The sky sends out murderous intentions, and the stars move to different places; the earth sends out murderous intentions, Dragons and snakes rise from the land; people send out murderous intentions, and heaven and earth repeat themselves... People who cultivate Taoism have murderous intentions, are they more terrifying than those who cultivate demons?

And in Bishui Yaotai, Yi Huanzhen and others also sensed the situation outside. If the water fell into the hands of the demon outside the sky, the senior brother would be full of murderous intent. If this continues, I am afraid it would definitely affect the junior sister...

"Junior sister, please ignore the outside world and don't be distracted!"

Yi Huanzhen looked solemn and formed seals with his hands, trying to block out the noise outside. At this time, Qian Yu Nishang and Shen Cangming were fighting together on the Lianfeng Platform. Master Xuanyang was on the side, forcing out the Nine Nether Soul Gu for Master Kusong. .

"Ruoshui..." At this moment, Qianyu Nishang seemed to sense Ruoshui's danger, and her heart suddenly beat violently.

"Nishang! Be careful!"

In such a short moment of distraction, Shen Cangming's killing move came again, "Clang!" With a quick sound, Qianyu Nishang was knocked back a little, but he soon calmed down.

Zixiao Peak, the wind is as cold as a blade, full of murderous intent!


Gui Ji is still holding Ruoshui hostage, and the murderous aura on Master Qingxuan's body is getting heavier and heavier. Yu Zhenzi next to him can't help but feel shuddered. With Master Qingxuan's cultivation level, if he really has murderous intentions, almost in an instant, these four people will be killed. Yuanshen can't even think of escaping, but if he does this, the demon Yuansha will get into his head, fearing that he will go crazy.

"Fellow Taoist... calm down!"

Yu Zhenzi reached out and put his hand on the shoulder of Master Qingxuan. As the leader of the righteous path, Master Qingxuan did not want anything to happen to him today, otherwise the righteous path would be even more endangered in the future.


At this moment, several peaks in Xuanqing suddenly trembled. Apparently many formations were broken, and many demons from Tianwaitian broke in.

At the same time, another large piece of sword light flew from the distance, and when it got close, it turned into people from various sects of the righteous way, as well as people from Tianmen. At this moment, they finally came, but everyone came a step late. Now Xuan Qingshan has been conquered by Tianwaitian. If they come now, they can only fight to the death with these demons.

"Master Qingxuan!"

A sword light flew over and transformed into a man with white clothes and gorgeous hair. The man was extremely handsome and had an aura of immortality. He was the Master of Yushan from Tianmen, and his Taoism was also very high now.

Master Qingxuan slowly put away the murderous aura on his body, and outside Zixiao Peak, Gui Ji and others frowned and said nothing, Xue Wuhen said, "There are many people coming from Zhengdao. Jiuyou and the others don't know where they are now. If this continues, I'm afraid they won't be able to survive." wonderful……"

"Why are you panicking? I still have this little girl in my hand. I'm sure they won't dare to come out."

Gui Ji was holding Ruoshui, and she felt safe at the moment. At this moment, several sword lights flew from the distance and turned into several disciples of the Xuan Qing Sect. But looking at the panic on those people's faces, something had probably happened. .

"Why are you so nervous?"

"Master... Master Master, what's wrong, I just received news that many people from the Demon Sect have appeared a hundred miles away, heading towards Xuanqing Mountain..."


Hearing this, all the righteous people present were shocked. The attack from the outside world today was already so difficult to resist. Now when the demonic sects from the border areas come again, wouldn't it make things worse!

Everyone thinks that more than 300 years ago, the four major demon sects led thousands of demon sects to invade the five realms of Xianyuan, killing them like rivers of blood... If these people come back today, I am afraid that the entire righteous world will be in danger!

"Master...what should we do now?"

Several disciples were so frightened that their faces turned pale. At this moment, Qingxuan Zhenren could only feel that the heaven and earth were spinning. The formations of Xuanqing's seven peaks had been broken by Tianwaitian everywhere. At this time, the demon sect came to attack, and there was almost no obstruction. It takes only a moment to kill the Seven Peaks...

Does he have to go to Lianfengtai today to take out the sword of Taiwu...


At this moment, two more disciples hurried over: "Master! Oh no! Those people from the Demon Sect have arrived at the foot of the mountain!"

"How many people are there?" Yu Zhenzi forced himself to calm down and asked.

"Yes, yes... at least one hundred thousand!"

"One hundred thousand people from the Demon Cult..."

Upon hearing this, all the righteous people present felt their eyes darken. Today, the sky outside the world is already so difficult to deal with. How can we deal with the hundreds of thousands more people from the demon sect?

At this moment, a black cloud suddenly appeared on the horizon, but upon closer inspection, it was not a black cloud, but a large group of human figures, covering the sky and the sun, coming straight towards Zixiao Peak. This was more than just ten figures. Ten thousand? There are at least three to four hundred thousand people!


Master Tianmen Yushan couldn't help but change his expression. Although people from various sects of the righteous path also came today, not many came in a hurry, only about ten thousand people at most. It was not enough to deal with Tianwaitian, so why deal with such A member of the Demon Cult? Could it be that today, due to the fate of heaven, Xuan Qing does not exist?

The large group of figures was getting closer and closer, and a powerful aura, like a crushing force, was coming straight towards this side. But when it got closer, the black cloud-like figure stopped moving forward. , the man alone headed forward and flew forward.

But seeing that man's hair as white as snow and as cold as frost, Master Qingxuan couldn't help but be stunned. It was him...

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