The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,609 The mysterious man reappears

Seeing that the bloody calamity was hidden in the second calamity, the expressions of all the righteous people outside changed. They had been practicing for many years, and they all knew that when going through the calamity, they must not be disturbed. At the least, they would become possessed, and at worst, they would be turned into ashes. And the current catastrophe of blood and light, hidden in Ling Yin's second catastrophe, is obviously not a trivial matter.

"Junior sister..."

The bloody catastrophe was getting closer and closer, Mei Jianyi and others' expressions had already changed. Outside Zixiao Peak, Xiao Chen's brows were deeply furrowed. At this moment, he had already made a decision.

"what are you up to?"

Hua Weiyang's face tightened. At this moment, she also saw what he was thinking, but the next day's calamity was so powerful, could he withstand it? If you are not careful, you will be doomed...

Xiao Chen has made up his mind today. No matter what, it is impossible for his master to have an accident. This calamity, whether it is the master's calamity... or his calamity.

"no need to worry."

At this moment, the true energy around him condensed, causing a little bit of light to bloom on his body. Those in the distance also saw it, and their hearts trembled. Could it be that he wanted to induce the bloody disaster by himself?

"Senior brother..."

Ruoshui also looked nervous. That calamity was so terrible. Even Yi Huanzhen and his uncles could only withstand 30% of the formation. If one of his brothers went up, wouldn't that be...

"Ruoshui, remember not to mess up the rhyme of the piano."

Xiao Chen nodded to her, and then looked at Qian Yu Nishang next to him, "Keep an eye on her." After saying that, he no longer hesitated, and with a movement of his body, he suddenly turned into a meteor and flew towards the sky.


Seeing Xiao Chen flying towards the catastrophe at this moment, many new disciples of Xuanqing Sect screamed in surprise. It was hard to believe that even the masters did not dare to approach such a catastrophe. That senior brother...he just Is it the senior brother who left the Xuan Qing Sect back then?


Looking at the figure flying toward the sky, Mei Jianyi and others were also stunned. Inadvertently, the shadow of the young man from back then appeared in his mind.


When Xiao Chen was close to the Heavenly Tribulation, the ten-thousand-foot-long mysterious thunder suddenly hit him. The Xuanwu Armor condensed at this moment and was indestructible. With a "bang", it forcibly withstood the mysterious thunder. .

The Xuanwu Armor is an ancient divine object. It has been broken several times, but no one has been able to completely destroy it. At this time, under the bursts of thunder and Wei Yang's spiritual power, the Xuanwu Armor was covered with an icy blue aura. Shrouded in it, no thunder can hurt Xiao Chen.

Seeing this scene, the eyebrows and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief, but Hua Weiyang kept her eyebrows furrowed and her heart became more and more nervous.


In the midst of the thunderous thunder, Xiao Chen's palms were used to forcefully draw out the bloody tribulation to himself. Everyone present was shocked that he actually wanted to rely on his own strength. Can you resolve this trick in the outer world?


The thunder roared and the lightning was dazzling. Everyone was trembling with fear. At this time, in other places, everyone also saw the scene that day. It was unbelievable that someone could go up against the catastrophe and lead down the hidden catastrophe. of bloody light.

At this time, on the Peak Peak Platform, Master Xuanyang, Master Qingxuan, and Master Kusong also saw this scene. The three of them had advanced cultivation. Even though the Peak Peak Tower was far away from Zixiao Peak, the three of them could Using the technique of "clairvoyance", I could clearly see the scene in the sky at this time.

Master Kusong remained silent. He was the young man back then. He knew that this young man was Ling Yin's disciple, but he still taught him the "Dragon's Roar of the Dead Wood". Later that year, he also saw with his own eyes how the young man changed from this company Jump off the peak.


Above the nine heavens, thunder and lightning were breathtaking. Whether it was the people who were at Zixiao Peak or elsewhere, they all looked at the sky with bated breath. They saw streaks of blood in the calamity, which were indeed attracted by Xiao Chen. He came out, but not long after, the bursts of blood wrapped around his body.

Hua Weiyang's heart was beating fast, fearing that something unexpected would happen at this moment, so she stayed like this until dusk fell, and the disaster was finally over the next day. The thunderclouds covering Zixiao Peak gradually dispersed, and the people below were hanging tightly. My heart finally relaxed a little.

However, Xiao Chen's body was still surrounded by streaks of blood, which looked strange and terrifying. Several people held their breaths between their brows. Although the junior sister's calamity had passed, would it be possible if Yichen introduced this calamity of blood and light into himself? meeting……


Just when everyone was nervous, a loud sound came from the sky, and Xiao Chen condensed the blood around his body into a "blood ball" in his palm, and then with a exertion, he immediately This "blood ball" was crushed into pieces.

The next moment, I saw him slowly raising his head, looking at the dark cloud hidden deep in the sky, flicking his sleeves, and then fell down again.


Seeing that his senior brother came back safe and sound, Ruoshui's face lit up with joy. Xiao Chen nodded slightly, looked inside Zixiao Peak again, and said, "Ruoshui, you can stop."


Ruoshui was naturally happy to see that his master was fine and that his senior brother had returned safely. But down below, everyone was secretly sweating just now. It seemed that he had easily caused the bloody disaster. I'm afraid no one knew what Xiao Chen had just done. How dangerous.

At this time, Xiao Chen slowly turned around and saw Hua Weiyang's nervous expression just now. She was still uneasy even now, and said, "Wei Yang, I will stay here tonight. You can lead the Ruthless Valley Master and the others to clear the air." The other monsters in Xuan Qingshan.”


Hua Weiyang nodded lightly. It was almost dark at this time. Most of the demons who had invaded Xuan Qing Mountain had been eliminated, but there were still some remnants that had not yet been eliminated. There was no room for error in what happened next. Xuan Qing Qi must be ensured Peak safety.

At this time, on the Lianfeng Platform, Master Qingxuan finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the next day's calamity was over. Master Xuanyang saw that his face was not so good just now, so he asked nervously, "Brother, you just..."


Master Qingxuan raised his hand, and at that moment, he seemed to suddenly sense a slight movement under Tianshu Peak. He frowned and said, "Junior Brother Xuanyang, Senior Uncle Kusong, I'll go down and take a look."

At this time, in a hidden place under Tianshu Peak, seeing that it was getting late, people from Tianwaitian had all evacuated from Xuanqing Mountain. Qingchan and Mintong were inevitably a little nervous, but Shen Cangming was in front of them at this time. , holding the Immortal World Stone in his hand, the Immortal World breath from the Immortal World Stone is particularly extraordinary, but it is still difficult to open the seal of Xuan Qingshan.

After a while, seeing the twilight closing and the sky getting darker, Qingchan asked, "My lord... still can't open it?"

At this moment, Shen Cangming was holding the Immortal World Stone in his hand and was concentrating in silence. Xuan Qing Mountain was indeed not as simple as he thought. If he hadn't jumped off the Peak Tower back then, he would not have discovered the secret of Xuan Qing Mountain. But four hundred years have passed. However, he still had no way to find out the mystery.


At this moment, a gust of wind sounded, and a figure seemed to fall nearby. Qingchan and Mintong both looked at each other with concentration, "Who!"

Under the dusk, I saw a figure walking slowly not far away. The man was wearing a green robe. The dusk was dim, and his appearance under the robe could not be seen clearly.

However, there is no evil spirit in this person. Instead, there is an indescribable Taoist fairy spirit. It seems that he is a person with extremely high Taoism.


Shen Cangming turned around and looked at the figure in green robe who was getting closer and closer. He raised his hand to signal Qingchan and Mingtong to step back and said, "The last time your Excellency appeared was twenty-four years ago at Tianmen." Maybe that time..."

During the Tianmen Incident, a mysterious man in green robes did appear on that day. This man was very powerful and possessed profound knowledge. However, at that time, none of the Xuanqing men, including Mei Jianyi, could identify this man. The origin, and that day, this person and Xuanzu Feng Xuanzhi of Zangfeng Valley competed for the "Heavenly Book" in Xiao Cangtian's hand. Later, he left at an unknown time and no one saw him.

At this moment, Shen Cangming's eyes were slightly focused, and he was thinking secretly in his heart. Over the years, he has never been able to find out the secret of Xuan Qingshan, and this person seems to be looking for the secret of Xuanqing. Could it be that part of the secret is hidden in the complete book of heaven? ?

As the man in green robe got closer and closer, both Qingchan and Mingtong became alert. Apparently, both of them could feel that this man's cultivation level was not inferior to that of Master Qingxuan or Master Kusong, nor was he inferior to Master Kusong. Not under the master, I think he is one of the best masters in this world.

There was no sign of nervousness on Shen Cangming's face as he said, "Then I don't know which one of the Xuan Qing sect leaders you are..."

Hearing this, Qing Chan and Ming Tong were both shocked. They raised their heads and stared at this person without moving. This person... turned out to be a certain Xuan Qing leader from the past?

The night fell lightly, and when Master Qingxuan came here, the sky had completely darkened. He only found a trace of residual evil spirit nearby, and did not see any traces of fighting.

It was night, the stars were shining brightly, the moon was flawless, Zixiao Peak was extremely peaceful, Xiao Chen was guarding outside, and Ruoshui stayed by his side silently, and at some point, she fell asleep leaning on his shoulder. She must have been too busy these days. Nervous and tired.

At this time, in the Seven Peaks of Xuanqing, the monsters everywhere have been eliminated, and the demons of Tianwaitian have also been defeated hundreds of miles away. The formations of Xuanqing Mountain have regrouped, and bursts of mysterious light soared into the sky, returning to their former majesty.

And at the foot of Xuanqing Mountain, hundreds of miles away, there are looming flames, but people from various sects and sects under Wuyu Tianxia are stationed nearby to prevent Tianwaitian from sneak attacks at night.

"Today, we are working desperately down here to stop the invasion of the outside world for Xuan Qing Sect. Now that it is dark, Qing Xuan doesn't even ask us to go up and drink water. His grandma is a bear! Those in this righteous way are all just looking at them with blank eyes. Wolf."

Beside a bonfire, surrounded by people from the Thirty-Six Sect, the Goshawk Ancestor was cursing angrily, while in the rest of the place, many people were also talking in low voices. They did not know Xiao Chen's past, and about Xiao Chen's past. Most of them had heard everything about Chen and the Xuanqing Sect. At this time, they couldn't help but feel strange in their hearts. Since Your Majesty was kicked out by the Xuanqing Sect back then, why did your Majesty send them back to help this time when the Xuanqing Sect was in trouble?

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