
Feng Xiaoyin's expression changed drastically. It seemed that the master was still seriously injured when he was attacked by Jiuyou during the day.

"It's okay...don't panic."

Master Qingxuan held the chair and slowly sat down. Jiuyou's skills were very deep and the skills he practiced were also very strange. He was attacked by the opponent during the day. How could he really be fine?

It's just that as the head of Xuan Qing, if people saw that he had been seriously injured at that time, it would only make the people below him even more unstable.

Later, with his own strength, he not only had to suppress the Heavenly Demon Yuansha in his body, but also continued to fight against Jiuyou and the others. No matter how advanced his cultivation level was, it was inevitable that blood would accumulate in his body. He coughed up the blood just now, and now On the contrary, it became much smoother.

Feng Xiaoyin's heart was still extremely nervous. Over the years, he had never seen his master suffer such serious injuries, and no one could hurt him like this. If it hadn't been for Jiuyou's sneak attack today... even if his master had recovered this time , which may also hurt some vitality.

After a long time, Master Qingxuan slowly raised his head. At this time, his face became slightly better and he said, "Although the outer world is coming fiercely this time, the big demons from thousands of years ago have not yet awakened, so this time , it’s just Xuan Qing’s ‘little tribulation’…”

Hearing this, Feng Xiaoyin's heart inevitably tightened slightly. This time Xuan Qing Sect suffered heavy losses, but it was only a small disaster. Such a big disaster... Could it be that as the master said, Xuan Qing could not avoid that ending?


Master Qingxuan sighed softly. At this moment, he looked out of the hall. His eyes seemed to be gradually becoming cloudy. In his mind, he remembered the scene he saw in "Water Moon Magic Sky" that day. Xuan Qing A scene of destruction.

"Is it Shuiyue Huantian..."

Feng Xiao chanted with breathless concentration. On the mountain behind Tianshu Peak, there is a "mysterious realm in the cave" called "Shui Yue Huan Tian". Inside, there is a dry well named "Jinghua Shuiyue".

The seven peaks of Xuanqing are arranged with seven stars. It is said that when the seven stars rotate, the mirror flower, water and moon will be filled with water. When the water overflows outside the well, you can see the past and future from the water, but the secret cannot be leaked.

At this time, Master Qingxuan remained silent. As the stars moved that day, the well water filled up, and what he saw in the well was actually the scene of the collapse of the seven peaks of Xuanqing. He saw a man in green robes, but he could never see him. look like.

"That person is from the Taoist sect, not the Demonic sect."

Master Qingxuan slowly closed his eyes. Although he could not recall the appearance of the man in green robes in his mind, he could conclude that this person was not from the Demon Sect, but from the Taoist Sect.


Feng Xiaoyin had a nervous expression on his face. After a while, Master Qingxuan opened his eyes and said, "I saw him kill Ruoshui, and what he used in his hands... was Xuanqing Taoism."


Feng Xiaoyin's whole body was shocked. Why did that man kill Ruoshui? Was Xuan Qingmen destroyed because of this person? Who is he...

Can you... change this ending? Change Xuan Qing's fate of final destruction? Unless that person is prevented from killing Ruoshui, as long as Ruoshui does not die, then the secret that the master glimpsed will not be established.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, and under the vast night sky, Zixiao Peak seems to be a little more mysterious. But at this time, outside, Xiao Chen is motionless, and his consciousness is vigilant for a hundred miles around, not letting go of any slightest movement.

And Ruoshui gently wrapped her arm around him and leaned on his shoulder, falling asleep and talking in her sleep.

"Senior brother, after this time is over, you won't leave, okay? From now on, there will be master, senior brother, and Ruoshui on Zixiao Peak..."

"Master misses senior brother every day, Ruoshui also misses senior brother..."

"Senior brother, yes, yes, there is something you don't know yet, right? Let's go to Tianshui Creek and fish in the water... Ruoshui was curious before, the water in Tianshui Creek is so cold, how can there be fish there? Where is it inside? I asked Master, but Master never spoke. Later, Senior Sister Nishang told me that it turned out that Senior Brother was very naughty when he was a child. Every time he sneaked down the mountain, he would catch a basket of fish and hide it for fear that Master would see it. whee……"

"These fish are used to the warmth at the bottom of the mountain. They will definitely not survive if they are placed in the Tianshui River. But somehow, after the senior brother left, these fish survived and there were more and more... No wonder every time Master sees These fish will always feel sad.

"Senior brother, when will you come back... You must not know that there are fish swimming around in Tianshui Creek every day..."

Xiao Chen turned his head and looked at the girl who was leaning on his shoulder, with the corners of her mouth raised slightly, talking in her sleep... The water in Tianshui Creek was always cold to the bone. He never imagined that all the fish he put down would survive. down.

The sky was getting brighter, and the eastern sky gradually became white. Ruoshui also opened his sleepy eyes dimly, "Well... senior brother."

"you're awake."

Xiao Chen turned his head and looked at her. Ruoshui gently rubbed his eyes and looked back. Today is the third day. Master's third catastrophe is coming soon...

"Well... I dreamed that those big demons from Tianwaitian were back again, and they even called in helpers."

Ruoshui said softly, and Xiao Chen looked towards the eastern sky. Today, the master's third catastrophe is approaching. He doesn't know what methods the people in the world will use, but in any case, he will not let those people get close to Zi. Xiaofeng prevented Master from overcoming the catastrophe. Today... is still a day to protect Master.

At noon, as expected, layers of thunderclouds came over again, and the aura of the third heavenly tribulation made everyone breathless. Xiao Chen was still guarding outside Zixiao Peak. As long as he was there, no one could get close. here.


The rolling thunder is getting closer and closer. Mei Jianyi and the others are holding their breath and concentrating. Hua Weiyang is also standing in the distance, holding her breath and motionless. This third catastrophe is more powerful than yesterday's second catastrophe. If Those people from Tianwaitian did something again...

At this time, outside the green mountains in the distance, many people from Tianwaitian gathered, among them a few old men with the highest cultivation level. These people had no Tao Qi in their bodies, but only a vicious and evil aura.

"What should we do? Ling Yin's disciple is too powerful. With him guarding the outside of Zixiao Peak, it is impossible for us to survive. As a result, the mission assigned by the Lord will not be completed."

Several people frowned, and after a while, another person said, "This person's cultivation level is too high. Yesterday, the three elders of the Ghost Road were easily killed by him. If I wait for him, I will probably not be his opponent. Instead of confronting him head-on." , it’s better to…”

On Zixiao Peak, the aura of the Third Heavenly Tribulation was getting stronger and stronger. Xiao Chen's piano music was leisurely and undisturbed by it. However, Ruoshui stood aside and was inevitably nervous. At the same time, he also sensed a wisp of demonic energy quietly approaching from outside the Qingshan Mountain, and couldn't help but express his expression. "Senior brother..."


Xiao Chen had already noticed it, but at this moment, he was still calm and composed. With a flick of his fingers, a sound of the piano suddenly penetrated the clouds, shaking the hearts of the group of people outside the Qingshan Mountain.

"What a powerful piano sound..."

Shocked by the sound of the piano, the old men all trembled. They wanted to go around to the back of Zixiao Peak from the other side, but now it seems that no matter which side they come from, as long as they get a little closer, even the soul will be destroyed. The sound of Fuxi's zither was extinguished.


Finally, the third catastrophe came, and thunder suddenly fell down, as if it was going to destroy the entire Zixiao Peak. Everyone present was trembling, and they absolutely did not dare to come close to this catastrophe. No matter how high the cultivation level was, people would not come close to this catastrophe. The calamity must also be a narrow escape from death.

But today, there is still blood in the tribulation. Xiao Chen frowned and said, "Ruoshui, come and play the piano."

"Senior brother...are you going up again?" Ruoshui could not help but feel nervous. Yesterday was extremely dangerous. Today, senior brother is going up again. This third catastrophe...


Xiao Chen nodded. No matter what, he wanted his master to survive this disaster smoothly. After saying this, he no longer hesitated and flew into the sky again just like yesterday.


Mei Jianyi and Jiang Nanliu were once again worried. Although they knew that Yichen's cultivation level was now far above theirs, it was the junior sister's calamity after all, so how could they take it easy...

All the righteous people also held their breath and remained silent. After this time, the three words Xiao Yichen will definitely shake the entire Five Realms of Immortal Yuan again, but this time, it will not be a vicious name. With the power of one person, he can stop Tianwai. The Demon Man approached Zixiao Peak, and with one person's power, he resisted the Heavenly Tribulation, making it difficult for the Demon Man to succeed... Even the many righteous seniors present found it difficult to do so.


Under the catastrophe, lightning flashed and thunder roared. Hua Weiyang stood in the distance, her heart beating fast. "Idiot, don't let anything happen to you..."

Outside the Qingshan Mountain, when the few old men from the Lihen Palace saw that Xiao Chen had gone to resist the calamity, their hearts moved, they looked at each other, and immediately came to the Zixiao Peak.

"Don't even think about getting close!"

If the sound of the water harp was shaken, after all, the Fuxi Qin Extraordinary Object was still very powerful even if it was not in Xiao Chen's hands. Those people were shaken by the sound of the harp and immediately felt dizzy. They couldn't help but secretly thought, it turns out that this little girl is so powerful!

"Go...to the other side!"

The few people did not hesitate, and immediately turned into a strange mist and flew to the other side of Zixiao Peak. But when they reached the other side, they saw a man in red clothes sitting on the sea of ​​clouds. A woman with a Yao Qin on her legs.

"You guys are here in a hurry, why don't you just listen to me playing the piano?"

That person was none other than the Phantom Music Piano Demon. Last night, she listened to Xiao Chen's words and had already stayed here, hiding her own aura. Even those from the righteous sects found it difficult to find her.

"If you don't want to die, just get out of the way!"

Several people had fierce looks. They were all people who had entered the Holy Realm and had attained a certain level of cultivation, but they didn't know that the woman in front of them could crush them to pieces with just one hand.


The phantom piano demon raised the corners of his mouth slightly, flicked his fingers, and the strings were as fast as blades, and the sound of the piano was like a huge wave. Those people were immediately shocked by the sound of the piano, causing their mouths to bleed. They had no time to turn around and escape, and their internal organs were all blown away by the sound of the piano in an instant. Shattered!

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