The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,623 The Gods and Demons Appear in the Heavens


The calamity of a thousand generations is coming in a blink of an eye. The ten-thousand-foot mysterious thunder rushed down towards Zixiao Peak like it was destroying the sky and the earth. The people of the righteous sects in the distance all turned pale in shock. How could they withstand this calamity this time? ?


The thunder disaster was coming in an instant, and Yang Xiaoran had no time to think about it. At this time, it was too late for him to lead people to evacuate.


The first thunderstorm fell, and countless people were knocked away. Fortunately, with the spiritual power of Hua Weiyang and Xuanqing Qifeng protecting them, everyone was only slightly injured, otherwise they would not have been able to escape the end of being wiped out in ashes.


In the blink of an eye, the second thunder catastrophe came down again. Although the faces of the remaining people in Wuyutian had a look of fear, they still did not flinch. At this moment, they all pushed their strength to the limit and forced themselves to attack. Resist the calamity of thousands of generations.


This time the thunder catastrophe was even more ferocious. Even though everyone had pushed their strength to the limit, they were still unable to withstand the catastrophe of a thousand lifetimes. This time, tens of thousands of people were blown away again, and the scene was horrifying. ✫

Hua Weiyang's face turned pale. The power of this thunder tribulation was far beyond her expectation. Even though she had tried her best to resist it, she could only resist it for a moment. The next moment, when the third thunder tribulation came down, her whole body was shaken. He was directly knocked away, and the layers of spiritual power light curtains also collapsed in an instant!


Madam Xianshu's face changed, and she caught her in an instant, but the third terrifying thunder tribulation still did not stop. Master Qingxuan's Xuan Jin urged, Tai Chi Dao intention appeared, and the Tai Chi diagram in the sky suddenly appeared. It shined brilliantly, with a "boom", but it could only withstand part of the thunder tribulation. Soon, even the Tai Chi diagram was full of cracks, and it would collapse at any time.


The faces of Feng Xiaoyin and others suddenly changed. Before they finished speaking, the ten thousand-foot mysterious thunder struck down again. This time, even the Tai Chi diagram transformed by Master Qing Xuan could not stop it. With a "boom", the entire Tai Chi diagram, It shattered directly, and the Thousand-Eternity Thunder Tribulation hit Ling Yin inside the Bishui Yaotai.


Master Qingxuan's expression changed, and he flew over in an instant, relying on his body to resist the lightning tribulation. With a "boom", the thunder tribulation hit him on the back, which immediately shocked his whole body and spurted out a mouthful of blood. .


At this moment, Mei Jianyi and others were stunned, but Qingxuan Zhenren blocked part of the thunder tribulation, but the rest still rushed towards the Bishui Yaotai.

Seeing the remaining catastrophe coming, the four of them urged their true energy fiercely. The entire Zixiao Peak suddenly experienced strong winds, and the situation suddenly changed. There was only a "bang" sound. The four people blocked this thunder catastrophe, but their bodies were also violent. With a shock, energy and blood surged, followed by a mouthful of blood.


In the distance, all the disciples looked horrified when they saw this scene, and the people from all the righteous sects were even more shocked. What kind of calamity is this? Even the Seven Masters of Xuanqing can't resist it...

Master Qingxuan had resisted a disaster just now. The green Taoist robe he was wearing was already stained with blood, and his hair was also stained with blood. He looked shocking.


Feng Xiaoyin and others flew up in an instant, and saw drops of cold sweat on the face of Master Qingxuan, without a trace of blood. It was obvious that the strong resistance just now had caused his inner breath to be extremely disordered. In a short period of time, he might not be able to Gather your true energy again.


At this moment, thunderclouds filled the sky again, and a terrifying aura of heavenly tribulation shrouded the entire Zixiao Peak. At this moment, everyone turned pale. They had tried their best to resist the attack just now. This time, it is absolutely impossible to resist!

"Back off!"

With a flick of his hand, Master Qingxuan sent Feng Xiaoyin and the others behind him. At this moment, he raised his head and looked at the thunderclouds gathering in the sky, with a look of surprise in his eyes. What would happen to this disaster? Resist? Unless it is with the power of Long Yuan under Xuanqing Mountain...

But now, even if he wanted to open the Long Yuan seal, it was already too late. In an instant, the aura of the tribulation was approaching.

"Weiyang, master..."

Above the nine heavens, the wind and clouds were turbulent. Xiao Chen had seen the scene just now. At this time, there was no defense on Zixiao Peak. Once this thunder struck down...


The catastrophe was approaching in an instant. At this moment, Xiao Chen no longer cared so much, his figure moved instantly and flew under the thunder cloud.


Seeing his senior brother rushing under the thunder clouds of the Heavenly Tribulation, Ruoshui was so frightened that his face turned pale, and the others were also shocked. No one could withstand the weight of the Heavenly Tribulation now. If he passed by now, he would be immortal. His body cannot escape being destroyed into ashes!


On Zixiao Peak, Hua Weiyang saw Xiao Chen flying below Tianjie, and the uneasy premonition before finally appeared.


Her face was full of horror. At this moment, she flew into the sky, but she was caught by Mrs. Xianshu. "Weiyang... no!"


A terrible calamity hit Xiao Chen in an instant. At this moment, everyone was pale. Such a calamity, this was... a certain death situation!

"No -" Hua Weiyang's eyes were about to burst, but she watched helplessly as the lightning hit Xiao Chen's body.


The sound of thunder was deafening, and the Xuanwu Armor on Xiao Chen's body split into countless cracks almost in an instant. Even the Xuanwu Armor, such an ancient treasure, could withstand the attacks of thousands of magic weapons, but it could not withstand the attacks of the sky at this time. Tribulation.

"One dust, one dust..."

Hua Weiyang's face turned extremely pale, and the others in Wuyutian were also completely stunned. When Tianwaitian attacked that day, they had seen with their own eyes that Your Majesty had to resist the punishment of heaven on his own, but at that time, the power of the punishment of heaven, How can it compare to this thousand-life calamity?


In the blink of an eye, the thunder catastrophe came again, and the Xuanwu Armor had already cracked countless cracks. This time, it could no longer bear it, and it shattered into pieces the moment the disaster fell!


Ruoshui and the others were already frightened to death. Qianyu Nishang also held her breath, with a look of horror in her eyes, and stared motionless at the nine heavens. Is there really anyone who can withstand this calamity...

"Chen'er... Chen'er..."

Inside the Bishui Yaotai, Ling Yin's eyes were tightly closed, and her body was covered in cold sweat. At this moment, she seemed to sense that Xiao Chen, who was above the nine heavens, could resist thousands of catastrophes for her alone.


Due to resisting two heavenly tribulations, Xiao Chen's whole body was now oozing with blood. Even his body, which had endured thirty-six divine and demonic tribulations and was still immortal, could not withstand this thousand-life tribulation at this time, unless It may be possible that he is the immortal body of Dugu Tianxia.


In the blink of an eye, the third lightning tribulation struck him again. This time the lightning tribulation was even more ferocious. Everyone below them was pale. This time, he could not resist anymore!

"Chen'er... Chen'er!"

In the Bishui Yaotai, Ling Yin's face turned pale. At this moment, he seemed to be in a state of confusion. The four people outside noticed something strange and were all shocked, "Junior sister... no!"


Suddenly, Xiao Chen raised his head and let out a long roar, his eyes suddenly became bloodshot, and when the heavenly calamity struck him, with him as the center, all the immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas in the sky suddenly appeared, above the vast sky, At this moment, they were all immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas from the previous era!

"That, that's..."

Seeing this strange and shocking scene, everyone below was stunned, including the people in Wuyutian, who seemed to be petrified at this moment.

Many of them have never seen the images of immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas appearing next to Your Majesty, but they have never seen the images of immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas appearing like this today, as if they all came to life! These are all immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas that have long passed away in the last era of annihilation!

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