The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,639 Sea of ​​Death

"Ling Yin.

Ling Yin came to the hall and looked at the mysterious man named Luo Yun in front of her. She had obviously guessed something. His origin was not simple.

"Ling indeed a good name."

Luo Yun was talking to himself as he slowly walked down. The yellow leaves all over the hall were flying under his feet. He looked out the window, sighed and said, "In these thousands of years, I don’t know how many people want to search for the legendary ancient eastern world, but in the end they all come back in vain. At least in the past three hundred years, I have seen too many. Some of them lost their lives, and some went crazy. Yes, and some are missing..."

At this point, Luo Yun turned around, looked at Ling Yin, and said, "Now, many people have begun to believe that the ancient Eastern world is just a legend left thousands of years ago. They also believe that the last era of annihilation, The prosperous civilization of the entire ancient Eastern cultivation world has ended, and the nine heavens and ten realms of the past...have also ceased to exist, so the fairy the wrong time."

"how do I say this."

Ling Yin looked at him, knowing that this was not an easy matter, because when she came to this area, she felt that there was a mysterious oriental atmosphere in front of her, but it seemed... blocked by something. It is difficult to open it even with all the divine power.


Luo Yun smiled, but his smile looked indescribably lonely. He turned around again, looked at the yellow leaves falling all over the sky outside the window, and said slowly, "If it were three hundred years ago, When the fairy comes here, with the fairy's ability, he will definitely be able to go to the ancient world of the East, but it's a's not the right time now."

When he said this, he turned around and looked at Ling Yin and said, "Nowadays, everyone no longer believes that there is an ancient Eastern world in this world, but I always believe... Fairy, do you know why?"

The entire hall suddenly became quiet, with only the sound of the wind slowly blowing up the fallen leaves on the ground. Ling Yin looked at him and said, "Because three hundred years ago, your Excellency came from the ancient world of the East.

At this moment, Ling Yin was sure that the man in front of him had an aura that was different from ordinary people, and this aura was the aura of cultivation from the ancient Eastern world. He was a cultivator from the Ancient Eastern world.

Luo Yun was not surprised when she told her about her origins, but at this moment, her face looked a little more lonely and lonely. He looked at the dead leaves slowly falling in from outside the hall, and he didn't mind at this time. Confessing his feelings in front of a stranger he just met, he said, "Back then... I was being hunted. I thought I was dead, but I didn't expect that I survived the catastrophe and came to such a strange world."

Ling Yin looked at him silently. This man was only over three hundred years old. Compared with those who often lived for thousands of years, he was still young, but it was hard to tell that he had already entered the realm of Taisheng. realm.

This person must have been an outstanding person among his peers back then, and those who were able to hunt him down must have entered the realm of the Great Sage now... The ancient world of the East is indeed extraordinary.

Luo Yun turned around and looked at the green-robed fairy in front of him. Although the other person always looked cold and cold, at this time, he wanted to tell those things that had been buried in his heart for a long time.

"Back then, I was chased by the heads of the eight sects, and was finally forced into a corner by those eight people. On that day, I tried my best to explode my Nascent Soul, killing one of them and seriously injuring several others..."

Luo Yun looked out the window. Even though more than three hundred years had passed, recalling these things now still made him feel uneasy. Every time he recalled these things alone, it always made him crazy. But in his eyes at this time, there was also The hate flows out.

I saw him take a deep breath, calm down a little, and then slowly said, "That time, I originally thought I was dead. I blew up my soul and my body was completely destroyed. I might not be able to escape the end of my soul. But I don't regret it. And at that moment, the world suddenly changed dramatically, and my consciousness seemed to have entered an endless void. When I woke up again..."

When he said this, he slowly turned around, looked at Ling Yin and said, "I'm afraid the fairy won't believe what I'm going to say..."

Ling Yin said, "How about it.

Luo Yun smiled bitterly, looked out the window again, and said slowly, "Because in the eyes of the world, this is simply ridiculous. When I woke up that time, I found that my soul had traveled to this world, and... It's from a person who died recently. What's more, this person is also named Luo Yun. Even his appearance is vaguely similar to mine... Fairy, tell me, is this ridiculous? Isn't it very similar? Those weird quips from boring storytellers?”

Ling Yin remained silent, but at this time in the Samsara Jade, Xiao Chen heard clearly and said with his soul consciousness, "Soul travel... Master, is there really such a weird thing in the world?"

For some reason, whenever he recalled those dreams he had in the past, he always had an indescribable feeling. Sometimes in his dreams, he seemed to feel that he had come from another dream, and in that other dream In the dream, he saw many people he didn't know at all.

Ling Yin slowly put his hand on his chest and said with a spiritual thought, "The world is vast and full of wonders. The past and the future are as mysterious as they are mysterious. Chen'er, don't think too much about it."

"But why in my dreams... I often see that I have been looking for someone all my life, and who is that person..." In the reincarnation jade, Xiao Chen's soul consciousness gradually became blurry again.

At this time, Luo Yun saw that Ling Yin was silent, and continued, "At that time, it was hard for me to believe it, but in the end I was sure that under the drastic changes in the world that day, my soul broke into the rift in the void, and finally came to This world is attached to the body of a person who has just died, and Luo Yun of this world, because he glimpsed the secret of Wang Tianduan, the master of Qiushui Castle, and Wang Tianduan wanted to kill people and silence him, he framed some things on him. Later, He escaped, but in the end he couldn't escape the people sent by Wang Tianduan to hunt him down. His experience was somewhat similar to mine, so later... I came to Qiushui Castle to kill Wang Tianduan for him. ”

After listening to what Luo Yun said at this time, Ling Yin remained silent, but he could think that the fear of the Lord of Qiushui Castle at that time also showed that this Luo Yun's cultivation level was so high that even if his soul had just traveled through time, he still retained such Strong strength.

"Does Fairy Ling Yin believe what I just said?"

"Why don't you believe it?"

Ling Yin looked at the person in front of her. She felt that there was no need for the other person to make up some weird and bizarre things to deceive her. It was meaningless.

Luo Yun smiled, looked outside again, and said, "What Luo said just now, the fairy came at the wrong time. If it were three hundred years ago, when the world was undergoing drastic changes, the fairy would have been able to forcefully pass through the void knot with his cultivation." Realm, went to the ancient Eastern Realm, but now..."

When he said this, he turned around, looked at Ling Yin and said, "After the drastic changes in the world, there was only a void fracture layer left. Unfortunately, this void fracture layer has been sealed. I have been waiting here for three hundred years." Years ago, this fault layer has not been reopened..."

Ling Yin said, "Where is this fault layer?"

"Not far."

Luo Yun looked outside, then looked back and said, "It's probably thousands of miles away from here. It's called the 'Sea of ​​Death.' As far as I know, in the past few thousand years, many people I tried to enter the Sea of ​​Death to explore its secrets, but it was endless. Anyone who entered rashly would most likely be buried in it. Therefore, it... became a forbidden area in this ancient place. Nowadays, very few people dare to go there again. , even some people with extremely high cultivation levels only dare to explore at the edge of the Sea of ​​Death and do not dare to go deeper into it. "

After listening, Ling Yin was roughly certain that the aura of the ancient eastern world that she felt earlier came from the Sea of ​​Death. The Luo Yun in front of her was not lying.

After a while, Luo Yun said again, "Fairy Lingyin discovered before that the grass and trees in this area for hundreds of miles were withered... Yes, it was Luo who buried the spirit gathering formation under Qiushui Castle to absorb the spiritual power nearby. It's all condensed, but even so, it's just a tiny bit, not enough to open the void fracture layer of the Death Sea."

After pausing for a moment, seeing Ling Yin was silent, Luo Yun continued, "Fairy's skills are far superior to Luo's. At this time, I also plan to visit the Sea of ​​Death, so I can accompany you."

Ling Yin didn't say much, and the next day, she came with him to the frightening "Sea of ​​Death". At this moment, the two of them were at the edge of the Sea of ​​Death, but they could already feel the dangerous aura coming from inside. .

Looking around, I saw flying sand and rocks on the wasteland, and in the distance, the mountains were miserable, with broken grass and dry grass, and the rivers under the mountains had long dried up and cracked into pieces.

It's called the Sea of ​​Death, but it's not a sea in the true sense. It was once an ancient battlefield. Legend has it that ancient gods fell here. As for whether it's true or false, it's impossible to tell, but if you look carefully, it's not difficult to find. Some of them should be Traces left in ancient times.

Three days later, the two came to a broken mountain peak. The mountain range here was originally endless, but it broke from here for some reason. In front of it, only dark clouds were seen surging, revealing a suffocating dullness. Feeling, there is also a very terrifying void tearing power hidden in it.

At this moment, the broken mountain peak suddenly trembled, and in front of it, there was a fierce force of void rushing towards this side. Luo Yun subconsciously stretched out his hand to block Ling Yin, "Fairy, be careful... retreat quickly." back!"

Although he knew that Ling Yin's cultivation level was superior to his, when facing the power of the void, he still instinctively blocked the opponent because he had narrowly escaped death and escaped from the power of the void, so he knew the horror in it. , for fear that Ling Yin would be careless at this time and advance rashly.

Soon, the power of the void was approaching. Ling Yin condensed his two fingers and immediately carried her and Luo Yun with a mysterious light, flying back dozens of miles.

At this time, the mountains in front were still trembling, but the power of the void was no longer coming this way. Luo Yun came back to his senses, looked at Ling Yin, and said, "As the fairy saw just now, this place is far away from that There is still a long way to go in the Void Fault Layer, but it is already difficult to get past it here.”

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