The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,644 Yin and Yang are separated

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense. Due to Tang Yun's appearance, the Tang Sect disciples behind them all calmed down a little and came forward one after another.

Tang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly. The person in front of him always gave him a sense of familiarity, but for a moment, he couldn't remember where he had seen him before...

"Who are you, Your Excellency?"

Tang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly. No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't remember where he had seen him before. At this moment, several elders from the Tang Family Fort flew out. They seemed to be of high cultivation.

Luo Yun looked at the people in front of him. In the past, he was Tang Feng's adopted son, and because of his extraordinary talent, everyone in the Tang sect knew him. Now, three hundred years have passed, and these disciples no longer recognize him.

"Second Uncle Tang, don't you remember me anymore..."

Luo Yun finally spoke, and hearing him call the sect leader "Second Uncle", all the Tang Sect disciples present were startled. Who is he, and why did he call the sect leader "Second Uncle"? You must know that there is only one person who calls the sect leader second uncle, and that is Tang Wan'er, the daughter of the former sect leader Tang Feng.


At this moment, Tang Yun finally seemed to have thought of something. Looking at Luo Yun's eyes again, he was convinced. The person's appearance had changed a bit, and his breath had also changed, but his eyes at this time... were exactly the same Luo Yun back then. cloud!

"Luo's you!"

At this moment, the Tang Sect elders behind finally recognized him. They couldn't believe it. It was the traitor Luo Yun who poisoned the Tang Feng Sect Master three hundred years ago!

"Come here... set up a formation!"

All the elders were panicked, and many Tang Sect disciples were even more confused. Except for those people from three hundred years ago, almost everyone else didn't know Luo Yun.

"Come here... set up a formation! Capture this traitor!"

The elders forced themselves to calm down, and many masters from the Tang Sect came out from behind. They immediately set up the Tianluo Sword Formation. The entire Tang Family Fort was suddenly filled with sword light and the storm surged!

"Luo Yun! You traitor! You dare to come back to Tangmen today! Forget it, I will capture you today and avenge my elder brother!"

Tang Yun suddenly felt a burst of profound energy all over his body. He never expected that three hundred years ago, Luo Yun blew himself up as a Nascent Soul and his body was completely destroyed, but he could still be alive, and his cultivation had actually reached the first level of the Three Taisheng Realms. Cingjing!

Back then, Luo Yun was gifted with extraordinary talent and received the true inheritance of Tang Feng. At that time, he was no match for Luo Yun. But now that the opponent has entered the Yuqing realm, he knows that he is even less likely to be his match. Only with the talent of Tang Sect The Luo Sword Formation may be able to restrain the opponent.

At this moment, the sky was full of sword energy. Tang Yun used the Tang Sect Sword Formation to attack Luo Yun violently. A strong wind suddenly blew nearby. However, in the face of this fierce murderous intention, Luo Yun remained still. Waiting for Tang Yun Not long ago, with a palm force, he was pushed back with a "bang", and the sword energy that hit the sky from behind also disintegrated in a moment.


Many people were shocked, and the Tang Sect disciples behind them were so frightened that their faces turned pale. The sect leader, with such a high level of cultivation, was knocked back by that man's palm. He couldn't even stop the Tang Sect's sword formation. him?

While everyone was panicking, they saw Luo Yun slowly falling to the ground and said coldly, "The first thing Luo will do when he comes back today is to pay homage to his adoptive father. Anyone who has nothing to do with him should stay away."

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt like they were falling into an ice cellar. No one dared to stop him. Of course, no one could stop him.

"Take down this traitor...if he resists! I'll kill him without mercy!"

Seeing that he was going to the ancestral hall of his old house, several elders immediately stopped him. Although these elders of the Tang Sect were not low in cultivation, how could they be Luo Yun's opponents who had now entered the Yuqing Realm?

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After several loud noises, the elders were unable to fight back at all. They were all knocked out by Luo Yun's palm force. The remaining Tang Sect masters did not dare to easily step forward to stop him. This person is now the future. He had murderous intentions, but if he had murderous intentions, I am afraid that today, the Tang Sect would be filled with blood.

In this way, Luo Yun came to the old house behind Tangjiabao without any hindrance. This is the ancestral hall dedicated to the sect masters and elders of the past generations.

With a "squeak" sound, Luo Yun pushed open the two doors of the ancestral hall, and a smell of dust immediately hit his face. Under the sunlight, the ancestral hall was full of flying dust, and the corners were also covered with cobwebs. It looked like It looked like no one had cleaned it in several years.

" son, I'm back to see you..."

When he came to the front of the ancestral hall and saw the dust on his adoptive father's memorial tablet, Luo Yun's heart ached and his eyes were filled with tears. Finally, he stepped forward and gently wiped away the dust on the memorial tablet. But at that moment, he But she couldn't help but be slightly surprised, could the spiritual place of her adoptive father be covered with dust? Could it be that Wan'er...

"Luo Yun! You traitor, you still have the nerve to come back and stand here!" Outside, Tang Yun and many people gathered around him, but they didn't dare to come in for fear of disturbing the ancestors of all generations.

"Back then, I didn't kill my adoptive father..."

Luo Yun's eyes turned cold and he looked outside. This cold look immediately made the Tang Sect elders outside tremble.

At this time, he stopped explaining to these people and slowly put the spiritual tablet back. Then he knelt on the futon on the ground and bowed to Tang Feng's spiritual tablet. After a while, he walked outside. go.

When everyone in the Tang Sect outside saw him coming out, they all stepped back. At that moment, Tang Yun suddenly felt uneasy when he saw his downcast expression.

"Where is Wan'er? Where is she."

Luo Yun's voice was so cold that many people did not dare to move. More than a dozen Tang Sect elders became even more nervous at this time and did not dare to say anything.

"I'm asking you, where is Wan'er..."

Luo Yun's eyes became colder and colder, and he walked towards Tang Yun step by step. He knew that although the person in front of him was Wan'er's second uncle, if it was for the Thirteen Volumes of Tongtian, this person would not think of anything else. Regarding family love, he could imagine how much Wan'er had suffered over the years.

Seeing him approaching step by step, Tang Yunqiang calmed down and said, "You are late, Tang Wan'er. She has been married a long time ago. Three hundred years ago, what do you think?"

After hearing this, the expressions on the faces of the nearby Tang Sect elders changed slightly, but they all remained silent. The Tang Sect disciples in the distance did not dare to say a word at this time.

"Let me ask you one last time, Wan'er... where is she?"

Luo Yun was still approaching step by step. He would not believe what Tang Yun said at this moment. But when Tang Yun saw him approaching step by step, his true energy gathered in his palms, and there was a hidden weapon hidden in his sleeves. He said coldly, "I just said , she is already married, it’s useless for you to know..."

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Luo Yun suddenly appeared in front of him like a gust of wind. He stretched out his hand and strangled his throat. His voice was as terrifying as coming from hell, "Hand her over and I will spare your life, otherwise today... …Luo Yun bloodbathed the entire Tang Sect.”

Hearing this, the Tang Sect disciples behind became even more frightened and turned pale. At this moment, Tang Yun used his inner strength and shot three "soul-fixing needles" in his sleeves into Luo Yun's abdomen.

This is the unique hidden weapon of the Tang Sect, just like the Nine-Nine Transformation Blood Needle. It is not an ordinary hidden weapon, but more like a magic weapon. It is difficult to resist even the body-protecting essence of a cultivator.

Luo Yun used to be a disciple of the Tang Sect, so he naturally knew how powerful it was. At this moment, he leaned back and caught the three soul-fixing needles with a quick "ding, ding, ding" sound.

And at this moment, more than a dozen peaks near Tangjiabao suddenly began to shake, followed by streaks of mysterious light rising into the sky, followed by an extremely terrifying forbidden aura.

"Bahuang Liuhe Formation..."

Luo Yun looked at the mysterious light rising into the sky nearby, with a calm expression on his face. He had heard his adoptive father mention this formation before, and it was the most powerful formation in the Tang Sect. Unfortunately, it had long since lost its power.

Tang Yun said coldly, "Luo Yun, you are a traitor. Back then, you killed my brother and made everyone angry. Now you still want to bloodbath my Tang Clan, so be it... Don't even think about leaving alive today!"

"Then try it."

Luo Yun's eyes were cold, his body moved, and he rushed forward. The nearby Tang Sect elders and the Tang Sect masters in the distance immediately raised their sword formations to stop him.

The two sides fought more and more fiercely, from the ancestral hall of the old house to the front of Tangjia Fort. Tang Yun was secretly shocked. The Thirteen Volumes of Tongtian were really powerful. Luo Yun probably hadn't fully comprehended them, but they were already so powerful. If If you have comprehended the thirteen volumes of complete exercises, wouldn't that mean you are invincible? Big Brother, Big Brother, you would rather pass the Thirteen Volumes of Tongtian to an outsider than give it to me...

Thinking of this, another resentment arose in Tang Yun's heart. If he had learned the complete Thirteen Volumes of Tongtian back then, even if he only glanced at it, how could the Tang Sect have fallen to this point now? How could he let Lei Yuan do whatever he wanted?

While he was thinking, Luo Yun had already attacked instantly, "Bang, bang, bang!" This time, he actually broke through the Tang Sect sword formation and was in front of him in one go.


Tang Yun immediately secretly thought something was wrong, but by the time he reacted, it was already too late. Luo Yun grabbed his throat with his left hand and forced him to a corner. He suddenly raised his right hand and slapped the top of his head, "Where is she!"

Seeing that this palm would definitely destroy both his body and spirit, Tang Yun was so frightened that he exclaimed, "She's dead! She's dead... Three years ago, she died!"

At this moment, the wind stopped and the clouds became quiet. Everyone nearby was frightened and silent. Luo Yun's palm stopped above Tang Yun's head, as if the whole world was quiet at this moment.

Tang Yun escaped from death, his face as white as paper. Taking advantage of this moment, Luo Yun lost his mind, and used his magical power to strike Luo Yun's chest hard with a "bang" sound, knocking him away with one palm.

Luo Yun was knocked away by Tang Yun's palm, fell to the ground, and staggered back. But at this moment, he seemed to feel no pain, and there seemed to be a layer of winter-like fog in front of his eyes. , he saw Wan'er carrying a basket full of camellias and walking towards him, with a clear and moving smile on her face, "Brother Yun, you are back..."

(Wish you all a happy National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival! There is an update today! It is Master’s home court now, but soon, Yichen will be back online. Master and apprentice join forces, I have the world! The masterminds behind the scenes will also be there one by one appears, everyone can guess).

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