The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,647 No Change in Life or Death

Seeing Luo Yun killing people in front of him, Lei Yuan was immediately furious. He raised his palm and struck Luo Yun with fierce murderous intent. The power of this palm was extraordinary. Even though Luo Yun's energy condensed all over his body and he resisted with his sword, he still couldn't resist. Hearing a "bang" sound, the long sword in his hand was broken into countless pieces at once, and he was also shocked by this palm force, vomiting blood and flew back.


Everyone in the distance was shocked. Such an amazing palm power could severely injure Luo Yun with one palm. Could it be that Lei Yuan had already entered the Shangqing realm? Among the three realms of Taisheng, the first realm is Yuqing realm, the second realm is Shangqing realm, and the third realm is Taiqing realm. Each large realm can also be divided into nine levels of small realms. Each level of small realm has its own characteristics. There is a certain difference. As for the difference of a big level, it can be said to be as big as the sky.

Tang Yun's heart was beating violently. Has Lei Yuan really entered the Shangqing realm? But how is this possible? Even the eldest brother's extraordinary talent back then could only touch the threshold of the peak of Yuqing Realm now. Lei Yuan's talent is not as good as that of his eldest brother. Why can he step into the Shangqing Realm in one step? This aura seems to be from the Shangqing realm, which is pretty good...

"Uh... poof!"

Luo Yun fell back to the ground, and immediately another mouthful of blood gushed out. It was obvious that Lei Yuan's palm just now caused him to be seriously injured. If he hadn't been protected by the Thirteen Volumes of Tongtian Xuan Gong, he might have been injured by that slap just now. The tendons were broken, the internal organs were torn apart.

He also did not expect that Lei Yuan was not his opponent back then, but now this person would be one step ahead of him and step into the realm of the Supreme Purity. However, Lei Yuan's talent was far inferior to his. Even his adoptive father's qualifications and talents at that time were probably not as good as his own now. He could only reach the peak of Yuqing Realm, so why did Lei Yuan step into the Shangqing Realm instead? I am afraid that he is the only person in this land of hundreds of states who has reached the Qing realm.

"My son..."

Just when Luo Yun was thinking about it, Lei Yuan finally saw the pool of flesh and blood on the ground. Lei Ao was beaten into a pile of flesh by Luo Yun, but how could Lei Yuan not recognize the broken clothes, and the bones and flesh that were connected to each other? Bloodline induction, he sensed something happened to Lei Ao before and rushed here in a hurry. Unexpectedly, he was a step late after all...


At this moment, Lei Yuan's face was terrifying, his eyes were filled with resentment, and he stared at Luo Yun. Without saying a word, he raised his palm, and a ten-foot-long handprint immediately appeared in the void, covering it fiercely towards Luo Yun.


When the palm print was struck, Luo Yun instantly deployed his body skills to escape. However, he was shocked by the remaining force and his blood surged. He saw a huge hand print printed on the square, and there were countless cracks around it. The cracks, and some people who had no time to stay away, were directly knocked away by this terrifying force.

Luo Yun's face was covered with blood, but he quickly calmed down. He couldn't die here. After he died, no one would be able to avenge Wan'er and his adoptive father. Lei Yuan, an old thief, had already entered the Shangqing realm. He Even if he runs the Thirteen Volumes of Tongtian to the end, there is no way he can be his opponent. He must leave. Today, he must leave here alive!

Thinking about this, Luo Yun no longer hesitated and spurted out a mouthful of blood. He used the blood escape technique to escape outside Tangjiabao at the expense of his life force. Originally, before coming here this time, he had already prepared for the worst. , it was nothing more than dying with Wan'er, so before leaving, he handed the Thirteen Volumes of Tongtian to Ling Yin, but now, he doesn't want to die, he can't die, because... he wants revenge!

"Blood Escape? Want to leave? It's not that easy!"

Lei Yuan's eyes were horrified, and blood burst out. He stretched out his hand, and there was a burst of blood in a radius of ten miles. The cultivation level of the Shangqing Realm was indeed terrifying. Everyone in the distance opened their eyes in fear, and saw a streak of light suddenly appearing in the void. There was a flash of blood and a "bang" sound, and Luo Yun was knocked back in shock.

"Uh... poof!"

Falling back to the ground, Luo Yun gushed out another mouthful of blood. He used the blood escape technique to escape, but failed, which made him even more injured. Lei Yuan's face looked as terrifying as this at this time, and he shot at Tang Yun. He cast two fierce glances, "Tang Yun! If you don't capture this person today, Lei will raze your Tang family fort to the ground!"

Obviously, he can't let Luo Yun die now, because he wants to get the Thirteen Volumes of Heaven more than anyone else. At the same time, he now wants to condense Lei Ao's flesh and blood. As soon as he finished speaking, he no longer hesitated, and condensed the real energy in his hands. , and immediately the pool of flesh and blood on the ground slowly condensed.

In the distance, everyone in the Tang Sect looked pale, especially Tang Yun and a dozen elders. They knew that Lei Yuan was decisive in killing and his methods were extremely ruthless. If Luo Yun was not captured today, they would probably It's hard to get better.

"People from the Tang Sect, listen to your orders! Capture this traitor!"

Tang Yun no longer hesitated and immediately issued the order. However, those people from the Tang Clan in the Tang Family Fort were so frightened that they turned pale with fear when they saw Luo Yun killing hundreds of people from the Lei Clan. Even though Luo Yun had been seriously injured at this time, But who is not afraid of death and dares to rush forward?

"Everyone listen to the order! Capture Luo Yun!"

Several elders also stood up immediately. No matter what happened today, they had to keep the Tang Sect safe, and to keep the Tang Sect safe, they had to capture Luo Yun and hand it over to Lei Yuan.

Everyone did not dare to disobey the order, so they had no choice but to rush forward. In the cold wind, Luo Yun was covered in blood. He lowered his head and kept laughing miserably, "You are only worthy of...being a slave for the rest of your life! Ah!" After the words fell, there was an impact of profound energy. When he went out, he immediately knocked away the dozens of Tang Sect masters who were rushing towards him.

"Take it!"

More than a dozen Tang Sect elders also took action, and the sky was full of sword energy. Luo Yun was hit by several swords, and blood spattered. "Ah!" With a roar, black energy surged out, causing several Tang Sect elders to vomit blood and fly backwards. Got out.

"Get him!"

Countless people from the Tang Sect rushed up, "Boom!" Thunder rolled in the sky, and suddenly a heavy rain began to fall. In the rain of blood, Luo Yun fought with his life, repelling one wave, and then another wave. Soon, it was already There are countless swords in his body.

"Ayun...Ayun...don't hit him, don't hit him...Ayun..."

Grandma Yang was blind and could not see anything. Under the heavy rain, she could only use crutches and kept walking in the direction of the sound. She kicked a piece of wood under her feet and fell down. She was still shouting Luo Yun's name. "Ayun...Ayun...where are you, Ayun..."

"Grandma Yang! It's dangerous here, I'll take you away!"

Under the pouring rain, I saw a female disciple of the Tang Sect running towards this side, and then a young male disciple came over. Together with her, they supported Nanny Yang and quickly went back.

On the square, Luo Yun was still resisting the Tang Sect masters who rushed up from around him. Lei Yuan's eyes became more and more terrifying. If it weren't for the complete Thirteen Volumes of Tongtian, he would have wanted to smash this person's soul with one palm and said angrily. "You are still so confused!"

At this time, the leaders of Fengmen, Yunmen, and Qianyuanmen realized that Luo Yun was too terrifying. He was extremely talented back then, and they couldn't even hunt him down if they joined forces. But now that the spiritual energy of the world is wide open, if Give him a few more years and he will definitely enter the Shangqing realm. If he wants to avenge his past, I am afraid that none of his followers will be able to resist him.

After thinking about this, several sect leaders no longer hesitated and immediately went to kill Luo Yun, "Boom!" The thunder in the sky continued, and the heavy rain seemed to be washing away. This was a desolate scene in the world.

After an unknown amount of time, the thunder stopped and the rain stopped. On the dilapidated square, corpses were spread out on the ground, including those from the Tang Sect and those from several other sects. Luo Yun's body was filled with flying swords, and he was finally unable to fight anymore. With a pop, he fell to his knees in the blood on the ground. A broken sword in his hand supported his body and prevented him from falling completely.

The people around him were holding the swords in their hands tightly, looking at each other in shock, but they did not dare to step forward easily, fearing that the power of the Thirteen Volumes of Tongtian practiced by Luo Yun would suddenly burst out, and they would die.

The heads of the Qianyuan Sect looked at Luo Yun who was kneeling on the ground and motionless. They hesitated at this moment. They looked at each other and did not dare to step forward easily. They did not want to be the unjust ghost.

"Brother Yun, Brother Yun..."

In a blur, Luo Yun seemed to see the girl carrying a basket full of camellias walking towards him again. It was Wan'er when she was sixteen years old, in her jasper years, so bright and moving.

"Brother Yun, look, the rainbow is coming... Hee hee, Brother Yun, look, the rainbow is coming out..."

"Wan'er... one day, when I have cultivated enough, I will take you to the rainbow, okay?"

"Okay, okay, Brother Yun is not allowed to break his promise and pull Gou Gou..."


A smile slowly appeared on Luo Yun's face, but the people around him, seeing him laughing into the air, felt scrupulous and still did not dare to step forward.

"Wan'er...Brother Yun, I'm here to accompany you..."

Luo Yun had a smile on his face, and as soon as he finished speaking, a world-destroying power seemed to be condensed in his body in an instant! The heads of the Qianyuan Sect were all shocked. He was repeating his old trick and was going to self-destruct his Nascent Soul!

"Get out of the way!"

The heads of the sects were immediately frightened beyond recognition. They didn't even care about the people under their sects, and they all fled to the horizon as quickly as possible. Back then, Luo Yun blew up his Nascent Soul and killed the leader of the Shenhuo Sect, severely injuring him. If Luo Yun, who is now at the Jade Clear Realm, detonates his Nascent Soul, the entire Tang Family Fort will be wiped out in an instant!

"Want to die? It's not that easy!"

In mid-air, Lei Yuan looked horrified. He raised his palm, as if he had reversed the laws of heaven and earth in an instant. He used a supreme supernatural power to forcibly suppress Luo Yun's power condensed in Nascent Soul. It was by his own means that Luo Yun was unable to even self-destruct his Nascent Soul. This kind of means was far from what it was back then!

Everyone present was so frightened that Luo Yun wanted to blow up his Nascent Soul just now, but they didn't have time to react and escape. Secondly, Lei Yuan actually blocked Luo Yun from blowing up his Nascent Soul with his own strength. I'm afraid it's not as simple as going to the Shangqing realm.

Tang Yun's face turned pale, and his whole body was soaked with cold sweat. At that moment, Luo Yun was really going to explode his Nascent Soul, and the consequences were simply unimaginable!

"Today, I will accept your soul!"

Lei Yuan's eyes were cold, and as soon as he finished speaking, without further words, a black palm print suddenly appeared in the void, and he suddenly grabbed Luo Yun, and at this critical moment, a blue light flew from the sky, and there was a "whoosh" sound. , actually shattered his black palm print.


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