"There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty. Its name is Kun. It turns into a bird and its name is Peng... The ancient Kun and Peng did exist in the world.

Many people in the square had shocked expressions on their faces. However, it was extremely rare to see such ancient beasts on weekdays. Why did they appear in the world of freedom today?

"Wait...there's someone up there!"

Finally, someone saw Ling Yin and Luo Yun on Kunpeng. Everyone was even more unbelievable that someone was actually coming on Kunpeng. Could it be that some great immortal had arrived?


Above the nine days, Kunpeng spread out his wings with force, covering a radius of a hundred miles. The clouds suddenly surged, and even in the square below, there was a sudden strong wind, which made the peach branches of the trees tremble, and the peach blossoms flew everywhere, including the wine bottles and jade bowls on the table. , were blown everywhere.

"This this……"

All the immortals were shocked. It was really the ancient divine beast Kunpeng. Even the immortals could not match this level of ancient divine power. At this time, the strong wind roared, and the tables and chairs in the square were blown around, flying and smashing, and everyone hurriedly took cover. , quite embarrassed.


Seeing the embarrassment of the immortals escaping below, Kunpeng seemed to find this very interesting. His wings flapped faster and faster, and the sky suddenly changed. The sound was like thunder, and even the island palace below, They were about to be blown away by the strong wind stirred up by the roc.

"This this……"

On the square, some immortals were also blown around, looking quite embarrassed, but the Hongchen Immortal Emperor remained calm. At this time, he finally walked to the square, raised his hands slightly, and a burst of immortal power was released, and the entire square , the strong wind stopped immediately, and even the wine bottles and jade bowls floating in the air quickly returned to their original state and slowly fell back to everyone's table.

"I don't know, which immortal friend is here to visit."

The Hongchen Immortal Emperor looked at the nine heavens, his expression was still free and natural, and his voice was loud, which made the surging clouds with a radius of hundreds of miles calm down.

Above the nine heavens, Luo Yun looked at the disheveled and embarrassed immortals in the square, his heart pounding. This Kunpeng also liked to fool around so much that he even dared to mess up the peach blossom banquet of the Red Dust Immortal Emperor. Later, The Immortal Emperor Hongchen couldn't blame him and Ling Yin.

Ling Yin gently stroked Kunpeng's feathers and said, "Kunkun, you are nearby, don't go too far." After saying that, he jumped down into the immortal palace of the mortal world. Luo Yun was stunned for a moment, and immediately Followed.

The two landed on the white jade square, and Luo Yun immediately felt a wave of immortal energy coming towards his face. Looking at the people in the square, he couldn't help but be startled. Could it be that these are all immortals from the misty cloud realm?

And the eyes of the immortals are also on the two of them, and they can naturally feel that these two people are not the immortals of the Misty Cloud Realm, but come from the world of mortals. Those who can come from the world of mortals to the Misty Cloud Realm must be Extraordinary people.

"I'm...Ling Yin."

"Ling Yin..."

All the immortals were startled, and their eyes fell on her without moving. Although she came from the world of mortals, the unparalleled immortal energy in her body was even inferior to that of many immortals in the Misty Cloud Realm.

The wind gently blew the peach blossoms all over the ground, flying one after another, and fell on her shoulders and hair.

Immortal Emperor Hongchen watched her walking slowly. At this moment, he seemed to have fallen into the depths of the clouds. It took him a long time to come back to his senses and said, "I wonder why Fairy Lingyin came from Hongchen today?"

On the square, all the immortals also came to their senses. Not only them, but also the Hongchen Immortal Emperor lost his mind at the moment when the peach blossoms fell.

Under the peach blossom tree, Fairy Biluo's eyes gradually became cold, as if she had an inexplicable hostility when she saw Ling Yin for the first time. Her intuition at that moment was unmistakable. The Red Dust Immortal Emperor looked at this woman , until now, his eyes have never moved away, and when has he ever looked at himself like this?

"Mortals are just mortals, and they are born ignorant of etiquette."

The cold words came out of Fairy Biluo's mouth, and she flicked her sleeves, blowing away the peach blossoms on the ground. All the immortals in the square were stunned for a moment, and they could obviously feel this. A cold breath. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

Luo Yun also came to his senses. He and Ling Yin came here for the Nine Heavens Immortal Chen today. Since they had something to ask for, they could not offend the guests of the Hongchen Immortal Emperor here. He immediately raised his hands and said, "I'm Luo Yun, it's just a moment." The people from Hongchen are accompanying Fairy Ling Yin this time, coming from Hongchen.”

Hearing this, all the immortals condensed in their hearts. Sure enough, a person from the world of mortals could come to the realm of misty clouds, find the world of freedom in the depths of the clouds, and even ride on a roc. , these two people must have a lot of background, let’s see what they say.

Ling Yin walked forward and said, "I'm here for one thing."


Hearing this, the immortals felt a little curious. These two people had come all the way, but what did they come for? An old immortal with white beard and white hair asked, "I wonder what this Fairy Ling Yin is here for?"

Ling Yin said, "I heard that there is a thing in the mortal world, called 'Nine Heavens Fairy Dust'. This thing was once used to mend the sky. It is equivalent to the five-color stone. It can bring the dead back to life and condense the fairy body..."

The whole square suddenly became quiet. Only the wind blew gently, raising the fallen flowers all over the ground. All the immortals stared at her in silence. They did not expect that she actually came for the Nine Heavens Fairy Dust.


At this moment, cold laughter came from under a peach blossom tree. The immortals came back to their senses, only to see Fairy Biluo slowly walking over from under the tree, her eyes falling on Ling Yin: "Do you know , what is the Nine Heavens Fairy Dust? Is it something you can have if you want it?”

Ling Yin looked at her, but his eyes did not linger on her, and then slowly moved to the Hongchen Immortal Emperor, saying, "Ling Yin knows that this thing is precious and has no substitute in the world, so I sincerely ask... Hongchen The Immortal Emperor can bestow this."


After hearing this, everyone was stunned and looked at each other. In the past, there were many people who coveted Jiutian Fairy Dust, especially the Green Demon Ancestor from Tianmoya. They came to snatch it three hundred years ago, but were ultimately defeated. The Hongchen Immortal Emperor retreated, and now he has been retreating to the Misty Cloud Realm for three hundred years, but there is no news.

Fairy Biluo smiled coldly, "It seems you didn't understand what I just said. It's impossible to hand this Nine Heavens Fairy Dust to anyone, let alone a mortal."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Ling Yin and smiled contemptuously. In her opinion, the Nine Heavens Immortal Dust and the Red Dust Immortal Emperor would not give it to anyone. A mere mortal from the lower realm had no idea how he had the courage to speak.

The atmosphere at the scene was solemn, and no one spoke, but everyone knew in their hearts that the Nine Heavens Fairy Dust was related to the Red Dust Immortal Emperor's future tribulation. Once he failed to overcome the tribulation, he could still use the Nine Heavens Fairy Dust to protect his immortal body. destroy.

If there is no Nine Heavens Immortal Dust, once he fails to overcome the tribulation, he will not even have the immortal body. And when the Green Demon Ancestor came to snatch this thing, it was probably to overcome the tribulation in the future.

The immortals originally thought that the Red Dust Immortal Emperor would refuse directly, but unexpectedly, they only heard him say, "I wonder, Fairy Lingyin, what is the use of this Nine Heavens Immortal Dust?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned again, especially Fairy Biluo, who quickly looked at him with an indescribable look in her eyes.

Naturally, Ling Yin did not hide anything, and said, "I have a disciple who fought on his own not long ago and resisted thousands of tribulations for me. In the end, his body was completely destroyed, so I want to use this thing to re-consolidate his body."

Hearing this, the whole square suddenly became noisy, and all the immortals were talking about it, a thousand eons of tribulation, a thousand eons of tribulation? How could she, a mortal cultivator, cause a thousand eons of calamity? There is actually someone who can block a thousand eons of calamity for her. This person who can block the calamity is not easy...

After hearing about the thousand-life calamity, the face of the Hongchen Immortal Emperor also changed slightly at this moment, but it soon returned to normal and said, "Nine Heavens Immortal Dust, I may...not be able to give it to the fairy."

The atmosphere gradually became cold, and all the immortals became quiet. They looked at Ling Yin and the Hongchen Immortal Emperor, motionless. After a moment, Ling Yin was heard saying, "This is the only thing that can save my disciple, so... I must To get the Nine Heavens Fairy Dust.”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became as cold as ice. Above the nine heavens, Kunpeng also let out a long roar and suddenly flapped his wings. The wind and clouds surged and the strong wind rose again. Everyone was shocked. She... was she going to force herself? Can't grab it?


Fairy Biluo flew over and with a flick of her sleeves, the strong wind in the square suddenly stopped. She said coldly, "Who do you think you are? Not to mention disrupting the Peach Blossom Banquet today, you may not want to rob the Nine Heavens Immortal now." Chen! I remember that your cultivation has been hard-earned, so leave quickly, but what happened today has not happened!"

The atmosphere suddenly became even colder. Immortal Emperor Hongchen looked at Fairy Biluo and said softly, "Aluo..."

"The world of mortals..."

The look on Fairy Biluo's face was obviously a little anxious. Could it be that he really planned to give away the Nine Heavens Fairy Dust? This Nine Heavens Fairy Dust is related to whether he can survive the disaster in the future...

Immortal Emperor Hongchen looked at her, nodded slightly, and motioned for her to retreat. Fairy Biluo gave Ling Yin a cold look, but finally listened to Immortal Emperor Hongchen and retreated.

The atmosphere at the scene did not relax. It was still very tense. Luo Yun held his breath and remained motionless and silent for fear of saying something wrong.

After a while, the Hongchen Immortal Emperor was seen slowly walking towards Ling Yin. At this time, the atmosphere relaxed a little, and he was heard to say, "Fairy Ling Yin, if you insist on taking the Nine Heavens Immortal Dust, it is not completely impossible... …”

Hearing this, all the immortals were startled. The Red Dust Immortal Emperor would never make mistakes with others. If he agreed, he would definitely keep his promise, but by giving away the Nine Heavens Immortal Dust, he would not want to survive the disaster in the future. ? This is related to his own life...

"The world of mortals..."

Fairy Biluo's expression changed, but she knew that she could never persuade the Hongchen Immortal Emperor. As long as it was something he decided by himself, no one in this world could change it.

Luo Yun held his breath. He didn't know much about the personality of the Hongchen Immortal Emperor. He was wondering whether the other party was just talking about it on the surface, or whether he could really take out the Nine Heavens Immortal Dust... At the moment, he could only wait and see what would happen.

Ling Yin watched the Immortal Emperor Hongchen walking towards him step by step, the expression on his face remained unchanged, "Immortal Emperor Hongchen, it doesn't matter."

Immortal Emperor Hongchen came in front of her. At such a close distance, the two looked at each other, neither of them could tell what the other was thinking. All she saw was Immortal Emperor Hongchen said, "It is not impossible for the fairy to ask the Nine Heavens Immortal Chen to save his disciples." , If the fairy can accomplish three things, I will definitely give you these Nine Heavens Fairy Dust."

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