The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1664 Blood Corpse Realm

"He Fang Xiaoxiao, hurt someone with a hidden arrow, come out!"

Ling Yin was as cold as ice. He waved his two fingers and threw the golden feather arrow out with a "whoosh" sound. A strong wind blew and the grass and trees were flying. When the leaves all over the sky fell, he saw that there were already more than twenty people nearby. The Taoist figure, headed by a man with double golden pupils.

The man was different from ordinary cultivators. He had the mark of the gods on his face and held a golden bow in his hand. The aura of divine power on it was particularly extraordinary. The arrow just now was shot by him.

Ling Yin looked at the people in front of her with a cold expression on her face, while the man with golden eyes looked at her and smiled coldly, "What? This time, the Ghost Clan invited you alone?"

Ling Yin didn't know what this person was talking about and said coldly, "Who are you? Why are you blocking my way?"


The golden-eyed man snorted coldly and sneered, "You know what we are asking, but soon, you will know who we are." As soon as he finished speaking, he put his two fingers together, bent his bow and arrow, and without any explanation, he said another The arrow shot towards Ling Yin.


This time, one arrow turned into three arrows, like three shooting stars, arriving in an instant. Ling Yin moved, leaving a shadow on the spot. He avoided the three golden feather arrows in an instant, but those three The golden feather arrow seemed to never return without drinking blood. It suddenly turned sharply in mid-air and flew towards her again.

Ling Yin moved her body skills again, and at this time, the other twenty people, without any explanation, launched attacks on her, either using magic flying swords, or using thunder and fire, the attack was very fierce.

After fighting for a while, Ling Yin had probably guessed that these people were probably from the three ancient immortal tribes. Her rash entry into the Dream Fairy Forest should have caused some misunderstandings.


The sky was full of golden arrows, but none of them could hit Ling Yin. The golden-eyed man couldn't help but frown. Who on earth was he? His movement was so fast and agile. After thinking about it, he shot three more arrows in succession. , but Ling Yin still avoided her as if she were a god. Her figure was everywhere nearby, emptiness within reality, reality within reality, emptiness within reality, reality within reality, which made it completely difficult for the twenty or so people to distinguish.

"Yan...Brother Yanlie, this, this person is so powerful. Otherwise, let's retreat first and call more people later!"

Seeing that they were outmatched, several people quickly came to the side of the golden-eyed man. At this time, Ling Yin was just avoiding their attacks and did not attack. Otherwise, how could these twenty people survive for a moment?

"Hmph! I want to see who she is!"

The golden-eyed man's eyes turned cold, and he bent his bow and arrow again. At this moment, a crimson divine pattern suddenly appeared above his eyebrows. There were even crimson-gold flames rising up and down his body. The golden sword in his hand The bow seemed to suddenly explode with divine power, and a strong wind blew towards the nearby area, making the twenty or so people feel their breath suffocated.

"Yan, Brother Yanlie..."

The two dozen or so people were all trembling in their hearts. They could clearly feel that Yan Lie suddenly gained a lot of divine power at this time. Ling Yin's heart condensed. This was the power of the divine bloodline of the ancient Lieshan clan... No, she couldn't do it anymore. Passively avoid it, otherwise if this arrow is fired, it will only become more and more troublesome.

However, just when she was about to take action, an urgent voice suddenly came from the distance: "Yan Lie! Stop!"

"Second brother?"

Hearing this voice, the golden-eyed man immediately stopped. At this moment, he saw a figure flying from a distance. The figure was the same as him, with a pair of flaming red-gold pupils. His appearance was also similar to him, but different. What's interesting is that this man looks much calmer and slightly older.

"Yan Lie...if you don't stop, don't be rude!"

The man flew over. The golden-eyed man was confused for a while and said, "Second brother, this man is sent by the Ghost Clan..."


The man immediately said, "How could this fairy have pure immortal energy and be related to the Ghost Heavenly Clan? Besides, if she had taken action just now, would you still be standing here?" After saying that, he immediately turned around and bowed his hands to Ling Yin, "This fairy , I'm sorry, my third brother has always been reckless, and I was very offended just now.

Ling Yin looked at the clan pattern on the man's body and said, "You are members of the Shennong Lieshan clan."

"I arrived in a hurry, and I haven't had time to introduce myself to the fairy. I'm in the Nine Divisions of Lieshan Mountain. Yan Xin, this is my third brother, Yan Lie...Yan Lie, why don't you come up and apologize to the fairy!"

"Ah...what is this?"

The golden-eyed man from before walked up with a confused look on his face, scratched his head, looked at Ling Yin, then at the second brother next to him, and whispered, "But she just came from Guiwu Forest." …”

These two brothers, one named Yan Lie and the other named Yan Xin, are from the Shennong Lie Mountain Tribe. At this time, Yan Xin turned around and offered his hand to Ling Yin again. He smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm sorry, Fairy." , my third brother has always been like this, I originally asked him to greet the fairy, but I didn’t expect that this guy was so confused that he actually recognized the fairy as an enemy..."


Ling Yin looked at the two brothers. Could it be that they knew he was coming? What's going on? Yan Xin explained, "Yesterday the Great Witch Zhu said that an important person came to the Dream Fairy Forest today, and he wanted to talk about a fairy. I don't know what to call a fairy?"

"Ling Yin."

"It turns out to be Fairy Ling Yin." Yan Xin cupped her hands and said, "Great Witch Zhu's divination has always been very accurate. Fairy Ling Yin came to the Dream Fairy Forest this time to find the ancient land of the three tribes. Fairy, please follow me. Come."

Ling Yin said no more, and went to the depths of the Dream Fairy Forest with the two brothers. He thought to himself that the people from the Three Emperors God Clan expected that he was coming, so why was it such a coincidence? Could it be that something happened, and what Yan Lie said just now, what is this Ghost Celestial Clan... In short, let's go and take a look first.

After walking for a while, Na Yanlie suddenly scratched his head and said, "Ah... well, Fairy Lingyin, I'm sorry just now, are you okay?"


Ling Yin nodded slightly without saying anything. Along the way, she felt the breath of life nearby. The breath of life in the Dream Fairy Forest was indeed unusual, but for some reason, it gave her an indescribable feeling. The breath of life. Spring, reincarnation tree... I hope there will be no problem.

At the same time, in an unknown place, I saw that the ancient palace was very strict, and in front of the door of the palace, there were two figures, one was the skinny old man from the ancient reincarnation path, and the other was the man in green. Except for the two of them, , there is no one else here.

The two stood in front of the hall for a long time. The skinny old man asked with cold eyes, "Is Ling Yin's whereabouts already known?"

The man in green said, "A few days ago, she and a man went to the Misty Cloud Realm and got the Nine Heavens Fairy Dust from the Red Dust. Now... she must have gone to the far west of the Red Dust."

"The land of the far west..."

The skinny old man's eyes narrowed slightly, and the man in green nodded slightly, "Exactly, I must be going for the Reincarnation Tree. The four elders already went there yesterday, and now... I only have to invite the two saints Xuan Ming."


The skinny old man nodded slightly and looked at the ancient palace in front of him again, with a hint of awe in his eyes. After a long time, he said, "Let's go."

The two of them went into the ancient palace, and when they reached the deepest part, they saw that there was a barrier there, and on the other side of the barrier, there were bursts of blood, exuding a strong smell of blood. No matter how advanced they were, they Even tall people will feel a sense of fear when they come here.

The man in green said, "I have sacrificed the blood of ten thousand people before. I think the two saints Xuan Ming have woken up today. Foster father... will you go in now?"

The skinny old man was silent. He looked at the bloody "Blood Corpse Realm" with an indescribable fear. The two saints of Xuan Ming inside were the existences he was very afraid of. But this time, he No one in Changyou Mountain could deal with Ling Yin, so he had to go to the Blood Corpse Realm to ask the Two Saints Xuan Ming to come out.

"Let's go." Finally, he put his two fingers together, gathered a layer of true energy throughout his body, and stepped into the barrier.

As soon as the two of them entered the Blood Corpse Realm, they heard screams and screams that made their scalp numb. In the Blood Corpse Realm, the sky was blood-colored, and the river was full of blood. At this time, The shrill ghost screams all over the sky came from the blood river. There were countless blood corpses in the river, stretching their arms outward, looking extremely terrifying.

The skinny old man felt his scalp numb more and more, and just wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. The two quickened their pace and came to a mountain of bones. Looking around, they saw that the entire mountain was covered with bones, with blood flowing on it. The smell of blood suddenly hit his face.

"Xu Jinzi, what do you mean you came to the Blood Corpse Realm today?"

At this moment, a cold and deep voice suddenly came from the mountain of corpses. The skinny old man trembled all over and immediately knelt down on one knee, "Junior, I have met two seniors, Xuan Sha and Shi Ming."

"Heh... tell me, what's the matter, are you going to trouble my senior brother and me again?" Another evil voice came from the mountain of bones.

Xuzizi's back was covered with cold sweat. He tried hard to calm down and said, "This time, I would like to ask two seniors to come out and deal with someone for me."


Suddenly, a bloody face flew in front of Xunzi, and said with a strange smile, "Who do you need me and my senior brother to deal with? There are so many restrictions in the world now. If my senior brother and I go out, our moral conduct will inevitably be damaged. Let's talk about it... , Who is he? Is it worth it? I’ll go out with my senior brother.”

Faced with the oppression of Zhi Ming's aura at this moment, Xuzhuzi's body trembled involuntarily, and he said in a trembling voice, "That person... her name is Ling Yin, she is very powerful..."

"Oh? Tell me, how powerful it is..."

Bloody faces were flying around Xu Yuzi, seemingly disapproving of it. Xu Yuzi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, cold sweat dripped from his face, and said, "Innate...Three flowers gather at the top."


In the mountain of corpses, a figure flew out in an instant. The man was full of evil energy. He was the "Xuansha" among the two saints Xuanming, that is, the senior brother of "Ziming".

Corpse Ming also turned into a blood shadow from mid-air and landed next to Xuansha. The two looked at each other and muttered, "Three innate flowers gather at the top... If you can get it, you will definitely break through the shackles of these three thousand years!"

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