The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,683 Sword Immortal Feixue

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on the number one name without moving. The three words "Yi Yunfeng" seemed particularly eye-catching. In addition to some rich and powerful men nearby, there were also some good-looking people in the distance. Women, looking at the number one name on it, they covered their red cheeks with their hands, as if they couldn't help but feel excited.

Xiao Chen was completely indifferent to this scene and just said casually, "You just said that she was amazing, what? She is not the number one?"


Yu Wenqing was immersed in his own fantasy. When he heard Xiao Chen's words, he came back to his senses and smiled bitterly, "Hey! Brother Xiao, didn't I just say that? Sword Fairy Feixue, she is the sixth She was sent to Xuandu by Senior Xuanjiu seventeen years ago. She was only in her teens at that time. She was only eighteen years old at the last world martial arts competition, and she was fully prepared. At that time, she was only eighteen years old, but she was already Her skills are superior to those of the others. How powerful do you think she is? She went straight to second place, but in the last match, she will definitely face Yi Yunfeng from Taichu Palace. No matter how talented she is, she has only practiced for ten years. No, how many years has Yi Yunfeng been practicing? Can this compare?"

"So... ugh!" ❃

Speaking of this, Yu Wenqing sighed with regret, "I was in the audience and saw it with my own eyes. She tried her best to move the Xuanshuang Mental Technique to the second level and turned it into the form of frost. As a result... the result was that she couldn't support it. She passed out directly, which is terrible. I heard that after she fell into coma, she slept for seven years before waking up. That time she frightened the three elders of Yuntian Pavilion. They searched all over the world for Senior Xuanjiu, and also Less than.”

Listening to his eloquent words, Xiao Chen couldn't help but frown. He slept for seven years before waking up. Why did he sound similar to Wei Young at this moment?

As dusk fell, more and more people gathered near the square. The white jade pillars were shrouded in brilliance, and the names on them became even more eye-catching in the night.

"Hey! Brother Xiao! Why did you disappear after a while? This great immortal is so big, don't get lost..."

At night in Xuandu, there are thousands of lanterns. Looking down from the mountain, it looks like stars hanging upside down, extremely brilliant. She is dressed in white like snow, standing in front of the jade railing, untainted by the atmosphere of the world.

She stared at the Xuandu with thousands of lanterns, as if her eyes were reflecting the stars.

In the next few days, Yu Wenqing took Xiao Chen to wander around the city. After several days of shopping, they did not visit the entire Xuandu. In these days, many people came to Xuandu. , gathered in Xuandu, it was so lively.

On this day, the two of them were close to the center of Xuandu, and they could vaguely see a towering castle on the mountain.

When he first came to this area, Xiao Chen felt a powerful aura that seemed to be there. He was worried about causing unnecessary trouble, so he didn't put his consciousness there. In just a short moment, that aura Then it was gone.

"Brother Xiao, Brother Xiao! Have you seen it? There, there, there is Yuntian Pavilion!"

Yu Wenqing pointed at the ancient castle hidden in the clouds and seemed very excited, and these days, Xiao Chen also heard him say something about the cultivation forces in the world of suffering.

Taixiao Palace is an extremely large force in the Wan Zhang Misery Realm, but it is not a single sect, but is composed of countless sects below. Among them, four sects are the most powerful. These four sects are Yuntian Pavilion, Xiaoxiang Tower, Taichu Hall, Luoyun Palace.

In recent years, the various factions in Taixiao Palace seem to be peaceful, but in fact they are constantly fighting openly and secretly. They are constantly gathering their own power in private, and they all want to be the first.

"Hey, Brother Xiao, let me tell you, this Yuntian Pavilion is amazing. Look, there are so many cultivators coming to Xuandu these days, but who dares to cause trouble in the city? After so many days, you haven't even Did you see it?"

Yu Wenqing smiled and said, "Let me tell you, before this Yuntian Pavilion, it is said that there was a strong Taoist. Tsk, tsk, tsk, isn't it awesome? Although it is just a legend, there is a person who is real. It’s the Sword Immortal Xuan Jiu I mentioned to you before. Senior Xuan Jiu is an incredible person. He has a world-shattering cultivation level that no one can match. Moreover, I heard that he has already shattered the void and gone to the ninth level of the sky, so he has been He disappeared, and the Sword Immortal Feixue was brought back by him sixty-seven years ago... Although these are just the imagination of the world, hey... in short, he is very powerful. "

Hearing what Yu Wenqing said at this time, Xiao Chen was not interested. The only thing he wanted to do was to find traces of his master. His cultivation level was something that few people in the world could match. If she appeared in a difficult situation, how could she not attract attention? But after so many days, why couldn't he find out any news about the master... Could it be that she was not in a difficult situation?

In seven days, it will be the day of the first test of the World Martial Arts Competition. Tens of thousands of people will participate in the competition. The winner will advance to the next round of competition. The loser can choose to continue the competition with the loser in order to get A higher ranking.

The competition area is divided into eight, with Yuntian Pavilion as the center, namely east, west, south, north, southeast, northeast, southwest and northwest, which correspond to "Zhen", "Dui", "Li" and "Kan" , "Xun", "Gen", "Kun" and "Qian", the final four finals will be held in Yuntian Pavilion.

The rules of the martial arts competition are also very simple. Those who want to participate only need to register themselves and hand in the spirit stones. Then they will be randomly matched with opponents, round by round. Of course, luck is also a kind of strength. Good luck. , you might be able to match with an opponent whose cultivation level is lower than yours, or even get a bye to advance. If you are unlucky, you might be matched with someone who was among the top sixty-four of the previous session in the first round.

On the day of the competition, the eight urban areas were already empty of people. Almost everyone went to Huiwu Terrace to watch. There were huge crowds of people and it was very lively.

"Brother Xiao! Brother Xiao! You were here just now, but in the blink of an eye, you disappeared again... Hey, give in, give up! Brother Xiao! Where are you? Brother Xiao..."

In the crowd, Yu Wenqing was looking for Xiao Chen anxiously, but at this moment, he saw a figure flying over from the sky in the distance. The man was dressed in white like snow, unstained by dust, just like the fairy Lingbo, and arrived. " "Zhen" area, he landed lightly on a stone platform.

"Sword Immortal Feixue...Sword Immortal Feixue!"

This moment immediately caused the crowd below to cheer. The peerless woman in white was none other than the Sword Fairy Feixue. At this moment, there was a sea of ​​people shouting. Yu Wenqing was originally looking for Xiao Chen, but at this moment his eyes When it fell on Sword Fairy Feixue, she seemed to be stunned, as if she had forgotten what she was here for.

On the high platform, I saw her fluttering white clothes and her unparalleled face. She was so beautiful that she was so beautiful that she couldn't be compared to other people. However, there was a bit of bone-chilling coldness hidden in her clear eyes that made people dare not approach her.

She is like a peerless flower blooming in the cold winter, born in the ice and snow, lonely in the ice and snow, the wind and snow in the sky are her singing and dancing.

At this time, among the crowd, Xiao Chen also looked at her from a distance. When he saw her coming out for the first time, the first thing that came to his mind was Qian Yu Nichang, but then he felt that it was not the same. Qian Yu Nichang was more beautiful than her. Mysterious, and she is more cold than Qian Yu Nishang.

At this moment, another call suddenly sounded in the distance. This time, it was a handsome man in green clothes, but his sharp eyebrows and starry eyes also gave people a very extraordinary feeling.

"Yi's him! He's here too! Yi Yunfeng!"

"Yi Yunfeng!"

"Yi Yunfeng!"

At this moment, countless women below were cheering selflessly. The popularity of the handsome man who has topped the list for two consecutive years will never be lower than that of Sword Fairy Feixue.

The elders of Taichu Palace and Yuntian Pavilion were also there, and many people were talking below. One of these two people was the proud man of heaven who had topped the list for two consecutive years, and the other was the proud daughter of heaven who had become famous in recent decades. Sword The descendant of Xian Xuanjiu, this martial arts show is finally worth watching.

"Junior Sister Feixue, long time no see..."

Yi Yunfeng looked at Sword Immortal Feixue not far away and took the initiative to say hello. The spring breeze-like smile on his face was in stark contrast to the winter-like coldness of Sword Immortal Feixue.

The people below are also talking about it. This time the battle for the top spot is probably the most fierce. It is obviously the battle for the top spot in the world martial arts competition, but secretly, a few people know how fierce the battle between Taichu Palace and Yuntian Pavilion is. fierce?

Finally, the first competition was about to begin, and two names, Feixue and Yin Kang, slowly appeared on the white jade pillar outside the fighting stage.


Many people below were surprised. They were very familiar with Sword Immortal Feixue, but who was this Yin Kang? It seems that I have never heard of it. This person must be too unlucky to encounter flying snow in the first game.

"The first match, Feixue versus Yin Kang! Please come on stage within a quarter of an hour, otherwise it will be considered a failure."

At this time, the elder in charge of the martial arts competition in the earthquake area also came on stage. Yi Yunfeng looked at Sword Immortal Feixue and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that this first competition would be the home field of Junior Sister Feixue."

However, Sword Immortal Feixue didn't say much, and flew to the fighting stage with just a few feet. As for the test participant named Yin Kang, he still didn't come on stage.

"Senior Brother Yin, are you so unlucky? Why did you run into her in this first game? Otherwise, we should just admit defeat. We can still participate in the subsequent knockout rounds. Otherwise, if we get injured, it won't be worth it..."

"Admit defeat? Why should we admit defeat? We are here today, and we have to go on stage to see. We want to see if she is as amazing as she claims..."

I saw a strong man flying onto the stage. The man was unusually tall and dark-skinned. He was holding two big axes. He was very strong at first glance. He and the gentle form of the sword fairy Feixue, who looked like ice and snow, became sharp contrast.

"Hey! We are rough people and we can't say those polite words. Sword Fairy Feixue, I know how powerful you are, but you don't show mercy, so I'll give in first. Wow ya ya ya!"

As he spoke, he waved his two axes at Sword Fairy Feixue, which made many people below burst into laughter. There really were some people who were not afraid of death.

This man may seem rude, but in fact he is thick-skinned and extremely powerful. An ordinary young man might not be able to survive any of his three moves. However, he saw that the sword fairy Feixue was still in a beautiful shape. When he got closer, She raised her arm slightly, and a bone-chilling chill instantly froze Yin Kang into ice. Then she made a slight flick of her fingers, and Yin Kang flew out like an ice sculpture.


The crowd cheered, but this was not unexpected. It was obvious that even if this person practiced for another hundred and eighty years, he would not be a match for Sword Fairy Feixue. His persistence was meaningless. On the white jade pillar, Yin Kang's name disappeared. The elder who presided over the martial arts competition smiled bitterly and said, "Feixue will win in this battle."

I saw her feet slightly flying away from the fighting stage, with some snowflakes flying behind her. Everyone seemed to be stunned. Even her leaving posture was so beautiful.

A moment later, two new names, Feng Yuxuan and Xiao Yichen, appeared on the white jade pillar.

Some people still remember these two names, Feng Yuxuan, but Xiao Yichen seems not very famous, so the audience gradually became quiet, and the elder who presided over the martial arts competition said loudly, "In the next scene, Feng Yuxuan will face Xiao Yichen, Please two..."


Xiao Chen thought he heard it wrong, but when he looked at the white jade pillar, he saw that it was indeed his name. What was going on... Could there be someone with the same name as him?

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