
There was a loud noise. Just as the elder Sanqing was concentrating, there was a loud noise on the fighting stage. Dust flew all over the sky. When the smoke and dust cleared, Gongsun Lian was seen panting on the side of the fighting stage. His face was covered with red lines. His palms became like flames. Obviously, he had already used Xiaoyao Valley's unique mental method to the extreme.

"Hehe, my friend is amazing... You can let me take the second step of the Seven Wounds Step."

Thinking back to the battle with Yi Yunfeng, Gongsun Lian took the first step of the Seven Wounds Step, which shocked the audience. When he took the second step, he accidentally caused a backlash. Now in the battle with Xiao Yichen, he has taken the second step of the Seven Wounds Step. Until now, there is no sign of backlash. But if he takes the third step, the situation will change dramatically.

Looking at Xiao Chen again, he still looked calm and composed, but the few moves just now had already made his internal breath a little disordered. The strength of Gongsun Lian in front of him was beyond his previous expectations.

"Junior brother..."

In the distance, the leader of Xiaoyao Valley frowned. He knew that Gongsun Lian could now take the third step of the Seven Injuries, but the cultivation level of the young man in front of him was also far beyond his expectations.


Suddenly, Gongsun Lian raised his palms, and his energy flowed throughout his body. A hot breath suddenly spread out with him as the center. Even in this severe cold weather, everyone present felt this hot breath and couldn't help but be shocked. Is he going to take the third step!

On the fighting stage, Xiao Chen's eyes condensed. At this moment, he already felt a pressure coming from all directions. No, he must not let this person take the third step. ‘6’‘9’‘s’‘h’‘u’‘x’‘.’‘c’‘o’‘m’

He had observed before that this person’s cultivation method was very peculiar. Every time he took a heavy step on the ground, his strength would increase a lot in an instant. The other party had only taken two steps, and he already felt a little tired. If he took the third step, he might not be able to deal with it.

“Uh ah!”

Gongsun Lian shouted loudly, and countless red lights flew all over his body. A majestic aura spread out with him as the center, causing the entire fighting stage to be turbulent and murderous.

The people present in the distance were all stunned. Yi Yunfeng, who was standing in an attic, couldn’t help but frown at this time. If this person’s free and easy mental method was cultivated like this, he would definitely lose if he took the third step of the Seven Wounds Step. He still remembers that battle vividly.


A fierce wind was blowing, and the murderous aura was fierce. Gongsun Lian stepped heavily on the ground. This step was so strong that he vowed to pierce the entire fighting stage. At the moment when everyone held their breath and concentrated, "Zheng!" A sword whistled through the sky, and Xiao Chen was covered with a strong aura, and he stabbed Gongsun Lian with a sword.


Everyone in the distance was shocked. Not only did he not avoid it, but he actually went straight to the front! Even though he had a magic sword in his hand and a strong aura to protect his body, when Gongsun Lian's third step burst out, everything around him would be shattered by the terrifying power of that moment, and anyone who approached would be dead!

"Brother Xiao!"

Under the fighting stage, Yuwen Qing's face suddenly changed with fear. At this moment, he had already felt the terrifying aura of Gongsun Lian, but at this time, he saw that Xiao Chen not only did not avoid it, but also flew up, which inevitably gave him a taste of "hitting a rock with an egg".

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

However, the Chongxiao Sword had never let Xiao Chen down. At this moment, the sword shone with a green light, piercing through the layers of mysterious energy, and stabbed at Gongsun Lian's "Qi Hai Point".

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes seemed to have turned into eagle eyes, and he stabbed at Gongsun Lian's Qi Hai Point on his waist with an unparalleled sword precision.

"Junior brother... Oops!"

In the distance, the face of the Xiaoyao Valley Master suddenly changed. Although the "Seven Wounds Step" was extremely powerful, each step had its "weak door". The weak door of the third step that the junior brother practiced was the Qi Hai Point. How did this kid see through it...


Obviously, Gongsun Lian also felt the crisis at this moment. Before the third step was completely taken, Xiao Chen's sword had already stabbed at his waist. In a hurry, he had to raise his palms, and with a "clang", he pressed down the Chongxiao Sword tightly.

However, the moment he pressed down the Chongxiao Sword with both palms, he felt something was wrong. "Change your shape... It's bad." Unfortunately, it was too late. The moment he pressed down the Chongxiao Sword with both palms, Xiao Chen suddenly split out a figure from his own shadow, and hit him hard on the waist. "Bang!" Gongsun Lian was hit by this palm, and immediately a mouthful of blood gushed out. The whole person flew backwards to the stage. The third step of the Seven Injury Steps was not taken after all. Behind Xiao Chen, the sword-holding figure also disappeared at this moment. It turned out to be a phantom. He hid his true self under the shadow of this phantom. Everyone in the audience was stunned. What kind of strange body skills did he have that could hide his true self in the phantom so that Gongsun Lian could not detect it. "Junior brother...how is it?"

The leader of Xiaoyao Valley has already supported Gongsun Lian, and hastily put a pill into his mouth, and used his power to help him breathe and recover from his injuries. Xiao Chen's palm strike just now was still a mercy, otherwise, he would have been seriously injured or even died.

"Hehe...it's true that the young are to be feared."

Gongsun can afford to lose, but it's a pity that he will never have the chance to compete for the top spot. There will be a competition between the four who failed to advance. In the final ranking, he should be able to get fifth.

The cold wind rustled, and the people nearby slowly came to their senses. The first four had already appeared, Yi Yunfeng from Taichu Palace, Sword Immortal Feixue from Yuntian Pavilion, Duan Yun from Xiaoxiang Tower, and this time... The most unexpected one is Xiao Yichen.

Next is the most intense and anticipated battle for the top spot. Among these four people, who can compete for the top spot this time?

Many people in the crowd began to talk, and at this time, an elder from Taixiao Palace landed on a high platform and called four people's names respectively, and then the four people went to the platform.

The people outside were all silent. The elder handed four jade tablets to each of the four people, and told them, "Go back and prepare for the competition in three days. What is written on these jade tablets is Remember the name of your opponent, and you are not allowed to show the jade card to anyone before the competition begins in three days."

The four people put away the jade tokens in their hands, without showing any emotion on their faces, making it impossible for people outside to guess who their opponents were.

Everyone began to talk about it again, why it was not done in the form of drawing lots this time, but instead it was made so mysterious that no one knew.

"Brother Xiao...Brother Xiao!"

After leaving the stage, Yu Wenqing secretly followed Xiao Chen to the back of Yuntian Pavilion. Xiao Chen turned around and saw him following behind furtively, and asked, "Why are you here?"


Yu Wenqing scratched his head and smiled, then looked around again. Seeing no one nearby, he whispered, "Brother Xiao, can you show me your sign? I want to know who you are fighting with..."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, but without saying anything, he took out the jade token given by Taixiao Palace from his sleeve and threw it towards him. Yu Wenqing caught it and looked at it, and the smile on his face suddenly solidified: "Brother Xiao... "But when he raised his head, there was no trace of Xiao Chen in front of him.

"This... person is missing again." Yu Wenqing couldn't help but smile bitterly, but when he lowered his head and saw the name on the jade plaque, he couldn't help but become sad.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

At this moment, a cold female voice suddenly sounded from behind. Yu Wenqing was startled and almost threw the jade token out of his hand. When he turned around and took a look, he was stunned: "Fei, Miss Feixue..."

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