The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,697 The Top of the Sky

"Xiao...Xiao Yichen wins!"

It took a long time for the two Huiwu elders to react, but they still looked at Xiao Chen in astonishment. Under the stage, Ouyang Changfeng had already flown to Yi Yunfeng's side in an instant, holding him up with his hands focused. True Yuan to slow down his injuries, and more importantly, to prevent him from being backfired by the Taichu Sword.


Yi Yunfeng's face was still very pale. He glanced at Xiao Chen on the stage. Although there was reluctance in his eyes, he had tried his best just now.

"Senior brother...senior brother!"

At this time, the junior brothers and sisters from the Taichu Hall in the distance also ran over. The junior brothers and sisters looked miserable and could not accept the fact that the senior brother had lost.

On the Fengyun Platform, Xiao Chen gently raised his arm and put the Emperor Sword back into his soul. When everyone saw that he did not put the sword back into his sleeve, they couldn't help but be startled again. It turned out to be a magic weapon connected with the soul. No wonder he had such power just now, but why didn't he use this sword in the first place?

In the distance, Gongsun Lian and others were still looking at Fengyuntai. This time, even Gongsun Lian had to admire him. He finally admitted that his defeat at Xiao Chen's hands that day was not a fluke. This time, he was convinced that he lost. , even if he takes the third step, he will probably...mostly end up like Yi Yunfeng at this time.

"I didn't expect that this time, it would be him and Feixue competing for the final edge."

Not far from Gongsun Lian, there was a woman in green standing. She was from Luoyun Palace. This time, she was ranked sixth and one of the eight. Next to her, stood a burly figure. , a middle-aged man with a big sword on his back, is the eighth person this time.

There are two games left in this World Martial Arts Competition. The battle for the top spot between Xiao Chen and Sword Fairy Feixue, and the battle between Yi Yunfeng and Duan Yun for third and fourth place are scheduled to take place in three days.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. Compared with the battle between Yi Yunfeng and Duan Yun, the battle for the top spot between Xiao Chen and Sword Fairy Feixue was obviously more eye-catching. The competition between Yi Yunfeng and Duan Yun was still It started at "Yuntai", but the competition between Xiao Chen and Sword Fairy Feixue ended up in a place called "The Top of Cloud Sky".

The top of Yuntian is the highest place of Yuntian Pavilion. Looking down from here, the entire Yuntian Pavilion and even the central area of ​​Xuandu can be seen.

By competing on this, cultivators in Xuandu City can also see. Even if they are hundreds of miles away, they can use the "sight of clairvoyance" to see everything on the top of the clouds clearly.

This time, many people gathered on the mountain peak near Yuntian Pavilion. Apparently, they came to watch the competition between Xiao Chen and Sword Immortal Feixue. In Yuntian Pavilion, everyone also found a good seat. This time, they finally didn’t need it. Worrying that the two of them would be too powerful and spread to the bottom.

Today, Yu Wenqing is not as nervous as he was a few days ago. Instead, he looks relaxed and comfortable. Anyway, in the end, whether Xiao Chen wins or the sword fairy Feixue wins, he will not be sad.

At the top of the sky, the cold wind was biting. Suddenly, two figures landed on a floating island. It was Xiao Chen and Sword Immortal Feixue. For ordinary people, it would be extremely difficult for ordinary people to go to the top of the sky. It was not easy, but these two people flew up easily.

"They went up..."

The crowd immediately became noisy, everyone was talking endlessly, and some people were looking at the top of the sky, imagining that the person standing on it was themselves.

I saw the sword fairy flying like an iceberg. His white clothes were not stained by dust, and the sword in his hand was also not stained by dust. This sword had a cold breath on it. It was called "Frost Sky" and was not something Xuan Jiu created. She has two swords, the "Tai Su" given as a gift, and this Frost Sky Sword is her commonly used sword.

Xiao Chen stood opposite her, also looking cold, but the coldness on his body was not the biting cold like Sword Fairy Feixue, but a kind of solitary cold that no one could approach.

In this martial arts competition, he became a blockbuster, which was extremely surprising. Naturally, he also attracted many young girls. Many girls saw that he was good-looking and had such extraordinary cultivation. Seeing his lonely look, I thought he must be a very difficult person to approach, so I didn't dare to go up and talk to him.

"let's start."

Xiao Chen looked at the ice-cold and proud woman in front of him. With a flick of his sleeve, the Chongxiao Sword flew out from his sleeve.

Above the clouds and sky, the cold wind howled. Finally, the two of them took action at this moment, and as soon as they took action, they used amazing sword skills. The sword in Xiao Chen's hand today is still Zhongxiao. He will not easily do it unless he has to. Use Di Gu.

Of course, it seems that that day outside the Crescent Moon Spring, when he took out Emperor Gu and chopped off the heads of the four elders of the Taikoo Reincarnation Path, that was not considered using the power of Emperor Gu. He just had a rusty sickle in his hand. Given the situation at that time, , he can also easily cut off the heads of four people.

At this moment, the two people's swords kept colliding with each other, causing a storm to rise above the sky. Xiao Chen's sword was known for its agility. The thirty-three-layer Bixiao sword technique was created by Ling Yin. It was originally very light, but Feixue's sword is known for its sharpness and swiftness, just like the flying snow in the sky, each sword strike is cold and bone-piercing.

Everyone below was holding their breath and concentrating. They didn't expect that the two of them would use such sharp and swift swordsmanship when they fought. As we all know, the "Xuanshuang Heart Technique" practiced by Sword Fairy Feixue has three levels, and each level can be transformed into a very powerful weapon. form.

The first level is the "first snow" form; the second level is the "frost" form; and the third level is the "winter" form.

Some people have seen the first two forms, but no one has ever seen the third form. They don't know what this third winter form is like and how terrifying it is. This time, Feixue and Duan Yun competed. , she has not even transformed into the form of Chuxue. What will happen to her when she faces Xiao Chen today?

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

At the top of the sky, the swordsmanship of the two people was getting faster and faster. Xiao Chen held his breath and concentrated. Facing Feixue's fierce swordsmanship at this time, he did not dare to be careless. He secretly thought in his heart that this woman's swordsmanship is indeed amazing and she deserves it. Regarding the word "Sword Immortal", I am afraid that her swordsmanship is unparalleled by few people in this world. Even those seniors who have entered the Taiqing Realm may not be as good as her in the way of swordsmanship.

And below, everyone was dazzled. She was indeed the descendant of the Sword Fairy Xuan Jiu. She had become a master of swordsmanship. But what was surprising was that Xiao Yichen could actually accept the sword in his hand. What kind of swordsmanship is it and who taught it?

Today's battle for the top spot has just begun, but it is already so fierce. At this moment, everyone below is secretly nodding. These two people have met their opponents, and the next competition will definitely be exciting.


At this moment, there was a loud sound above the clouds. Everyone's eyes froze, and they saw the two people above finally separated. The sword shadows all over the sky also dispersed. At this moment, both of them stood still. Not moving, he seemed to be thinking about how to win the next blow.

Xiao Chen stared at the sword fairy Feixue opposite him, still not daring to take it lightly. Originally, he didn't take victory and defeat so seriously, but now with people all over the city watching, he didn't want his master's swordsmanship to lose in front of everyone. To that Sword Immortal Xuanjiu.

In Yuntian Pavilion, the three elders also watched nervously. Before this competition, they had already thought about the competition between Feixue and Yi Yunfeng, but who would have expected that this time the martial arts contest would be Suddenly, Feixue met a more powerful young man.

Over the years, they have become deeply aware of Feixue's temperament. With her temperament, she lost to Yi Yunfeng last time. This time, she would rather die than lose again.

But the mysterious Xiao Yichen in front of them seems to be determined to win the top spot. There will definitely be a winner between the two, so what the three of them are most worried about at the moment is that Feixue will take the risk to try the Xuan Shuang Heart. The third level of Dharma, this Xuan Shuang Heart Dharma, is as mysterious as it is profound. If one is not careful, no one will know the consequences.

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