The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 174 The fight for life and death (Part 2)


Seeing that the people from Shenwu Palace and Xuanshuang Pavilion launched an attack on Xiao Chen, Hua Weiyang's eyes narrowed slightly. She had anticipated the situation when she came, so she was not panicked.

At this moment, the rest of the people from Shenwu Palace and Xuanshuang Pavilion also suddenly attacked. Some of them dragged Feng Gufei and others from Tianji Tower, while the other ones attacked Xiao Chen.

"It looks like a flower but not a flower, it looks like a mist but not a mist!"

Hua Weiyang's eyes were slightly cold, and with a sharp scream, the Lianyou umbrella in her hand flew out, turning into two and two into four, and in an instant it was densely packed.

Umbrella shadows overlapped in mid-air, flower shadows were confused, and streaks of red mist dispersed. In just a short moment, those who attacked Shenwu Palace and Xuanshuang Pavilion were trapped in it.

"Idiot, I can hold them off for a while, you quickly gather the power of the blue dragon."

While Hua Weiyang twisted her fingers to form seals to maintain the technique, she sent a secret message to Xiao Chen.

At this time, outside, many members of the sect family were stunned, looking at the dazzling flower shadows in the mid-air, covering a radius of ten miles. What kind of magic is this? That demon girl is not a disciple of Tianji Pagoda, who is she...

"What is the origin of this witch..."

The red-clothed elder of the Shenwu Palace also frowned and thought deeply. Now all his people are trapped in the mist. It cannot continue like this...

Thinking of this, he hatched a poisonous plan. His eyes turned cold, his palms retracted into his sleeves, and with a flick of his fingers, an invisible finger force immediately shot towards Hua Weiyang's back.

This move was fast and violent. Xiao Chen's consciousness was sharp and he instantly sensed the murderous intention. With a wave of his arm, a stream of green energy shot out. With a "bang", the finger force of the elder in red was immediately offset.

With his finger strength knocked out, the red-clothed elder of Shenwu Palace couldn't help but step back. What's Wuchen's ability like this? To be able to detect the power of his own fingers in an instant, and to hit them with accuracy, this person's skills are definitely not inferior to his own. Where did the Tianji Tower find such a young master? There is no way...

Above the deep valley, Xiao Chen withdrew his power and sent a secret message to Hua Weiyang: "Weiyang, be careful and don't face me."

"Don't worry, just concentrate on gathering the power of the blue dragon."

As Hua Weiyang spoke, she offered up the jade pity flower again, illuminating white light to protect her side.

Time passed slowly, and the entire valley was shaking more and more violently. The three parties in mid-air were still at odds with each other. The power of the blue dragon was being pulled, and it could not be completely taken away by any one party.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the power of the blue dragon suddenly seemed to be out of control, causing the surrounding area to shake for dozens of miles. At this moment, everyone outside held their breath and watched the fight inside without moving.

The backs of Elder Qingmu and others were already soaked with cold sweat. At this moment, the Shenwu Palace and Xuanshuang Pavilion were standing still, and they could not act rashly. Now everything could only be left to Wuchen.


The tremors became more and more fierce, and Hua Weiyang's spells in mid-air finally gradually dissipated. The people from Shenwu Palace and Xuanshuang Pavilion escaped from the trap, and unexpectedly coincided with each other and killed Xiao Chen together.

"Feng Gufei...stop those people!"

Outside the valley, Elder Qingmu quickly sent a spiritual thought to Feng Gufei, but inside, Feng Gufei's eyes were cold. Even though he was reluctant to help Xiao Chen fight the enemy, the overall situation was now and there was no room for hesitation.

I saw a ray of red light fly out from Feng Gufei's sleeve, and when it reached the air, it immediately turned into a golden-red wheel. There were faint shadows of nine fire dragons swimming around the wheel, which was his magic weapon "Nine Dragon Sun Wheel".

On the other side, although Qin E is also very dissatisfied with Xiao Chen, she can only take care of the overall situation at the moment, temporarily put aside the past grudges, and fight side by side with Feng Gufei and others against the people of Shenwu Palace and Xuanshuang Pavilion.

In just a short moment, the fighting in the valley was extremely fierce. For the power of Canglong, Shenwu Palace and Xuanshuang Pavilion were bound to win, but for Xiao Chen, this was just to fulfill his original promise.

In mid-air, Hua Weiyang held up the Lianyou Umbrella and Jade Lianhua, resisting attacks from Shenwu Palace and Xuanshuang Pavilion again and again. Xiao Chen had also reached the limit of his strength, but the two magic weapons of Shenwu Palace and Xuanshuang Pavilion It was also unusual. For a moment, it was difficult for him to absorb the power of the blue dragon into the glazed pagoda.


The vibrations in the entire valley are becoming more and more fierce. Everyone outside is watching with bated breath. Although there have been many battles for spiritual power in the past, they have never been as fierce as today. This time, who will win?

Elder Qingmu was sweating on his back. He knew clearly in his heart that it was not just the three major forces that coveted the power of the Canglong this time. Even if Wuchen got the power of the Canglong, how to bring it out safely would still be a problem. Once the time comes, When he captures the power of the Azure Dragon, the people hiding in this mountain range will definitely take action.

Fortunately, there were three "Blood Talisman of Life and Death" refined by Senior Kumu. Thinking of this, Elder Qingmu felt a little relieved and sent a spiritual thought to Xiao Chen: "Liao Wuchen, can you still hold on?"

Xiao Chen didn't reply immediately, but he was thinking carefully in his heart. If he only relied on ordinary means, even if he used all his skills, it would be difficult to capture the power of the Canglong. Even if he could capture the power of the Canglong, he would be depleting his true energy at that time. , and cannot leave safely, now we can only use the skills of the Book of Heaven again.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated and immediately activated the Heavenly Book. At this moment, boundless spiritual power from all directions seemed to be gathered by him. A strong wind suddenly rose and everyone felt suffocated. What kind of power was this? Law!

I saw that a whirlpool of spiritual power had formed near Xiao Chen, and all the spiritual power within a radius of dozens of miles was attracted.


As soon as the word fell, Xiao Chen stretched out his arm towards the power of the blue dragon, as if he wanted to take it back forcefully. At this moment, both the people in the Shenwu Palace and the people in the Xuan Shuang Pavilion felt suffocated. This was their A force that can no longer be resisted!


At this moment, the expression on the face of the red-clothed elder of Shenwu Palace finally changed. He never expected that Wuchen actually had such magical powers and could actually attract all the spiritual energy within dozens of miles around. What kind of technique is this?

The three-legged confrontation was immediately broken. This time, even if the people from Shenwu Palace and Xuanshuang Pavilion joined forces, it would be difficult to stop the power of the blue dragon from gathering towards the Glazed Pagoda.

While everyone was watching, Xiao Chen stretched out his arm towards the power of the blue dragon again and said, "Be under my control!"

The moment the four words fell, the entire dragon shadow formed by the power of the blue dragon gathered towards the Glazed Pagoda. With an unstoppable momentum, the two magic weapons of Shenwu Palace and Xuanshuang Pavilion were eclipsed. He was blown away.


Xiao Chen controlled the glazed pagoda and took in the power of the blue dragon. Then under the spell, the glazed pagoda quickly shrank and fell into his hands.

At this moment, everyone was silent. Everyone looked at the glazed pagoda in his hand. The scene just now still made them feel a little shocked. The power of the blue dragon...was taken away by him!

"Liao Wuchen! Let's go quickly!" At this moment, Elder Qingmu quickly sent a spiritual message to him.

Xiao Chen had just stood firm, and sure enough, the hot potato fell into his hands. The next moment, he felt the murderous intent approaching from outside.

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