"I also feel...maybe, there is a bit of trouble.

Xiao Chen's brows also wrinkled. He could feel that the person who came was very powerful and had very high moral standards. The most important thing was that the aura actually caused a slight sense of oppression on him.

Even when he was outside Dingfeng City, facing Yin Yang Dharma King and those people, he did not feel the pressure he felt at this moment, and this feeling of pressure did not only come from the gap in Taoism.

Similarly, people in other places also felt a bit of oppression at this moment. Whether they were people from the three major forces or people from other families and sects, they all felt an inexplicable and uneasy feeling at this moment. ❋

"Idiot! Look over there!"

To the northeast, thousands of miles of clouds suddenly surged, and among the clouds, there was a hundred-foot red rainbow flying towards them, causing the clouds on both sides to quickly surge to the left and right.

As the hundred-foot red rainbow got closer and closer, the feeling of oppression on everyone became heavier and heavier, and gradually it was less than ten miles away. Only then did everyone see clearly that it was a red figure flying in the sky, and behind that red figure Behind them, there are several other figures, and the aura exuding from them is also not weak, and it is definitely not comparable to the four masked old men just now.

Finally, those figures came to the top of the valley, and a powerful aura enveloped the sky. The crowd that was still talking about them fell into silence.

I saw the middle-aged man at the head dressed in red, with sharp eyebrows, a red mark on his forehead, and red fire clouds on his feet. He looked very domineering, as if he didn't take any of the family members present at the moment seriously.

"They are from Xuanxiao Palace..."

In the valley below, someone finally reacted. At this moment, many people felt trembling. How could the people from Xuanxiao Palace come here? Could it be that it was also for the power of Canglong?

And in the distance, not only the expressions of the elders of Shenwu Palace and Xuanshuang Pavilion changed, Elder Qingmu and others of Tianji Tower became even more miserable. This time, the power of the Canglong was different from the past. It was rare to see it in hundreds of years. They He knew that someone would covet the power of the Blue Dragon this time, but he never expected that it would be that person...the person who pacified the Northeast Sea hundreds of years ago.

"Idiot, that person came here for the power of the blue dragon, and his cultivation level is very high." Hua Weiyang sent a secret message to Xiao Chen who was standing beside him.

"I know."

Xiao Chen stood motionless, observing the changes in the faces of the people around him. It seemed that this Xuanxiao Palace was very powerful.

"Who has the power of the blue dragon?"

At this moment, the man in red clothes in the air finally spoke coldly, with a tone that seemed to leave no room for doubt. At this moment, everyone looked at Xiao Chen.

The man in red also followed everyone's gaze and looked over. When he saw that he was a disciple of Tianji Pagoda, he looked at Elder Qingmu and others in the distance and said lukewarmly, "This time Tianji Pagoda won the Canglong." But this time the power of the Canglong is needed, so let me take it away."

As soon as these words came out, many people trembled and started talking in low voices. Sure enough, it was Zhenjun Xuanxiao who wanted the power of the Canglong. After fighting for the power of the Canglong for so long, it now seems that in the end, the Tianji Tower will also It's just a false name, just making wedding clothes for others.

At this moment, the backs of the elders of Tianji Tower were already soaked with sweat. After a long time, Elder Qingmu took a step forward, slightly arched his hands towards the man in red in mid-air, and said, "The battle for the power of spiritual veins has always been fought by Tianji Tower." , Shenwu Hall, and Xuan Shuang Pavilion. I wonder why True Lord Xuan Xiao wants to intervene in this matter. Please make it clear to envoy Chiyun."

When the man in red saw that he had doubts, he couldn't help but frown, his face seemed a little impatient, and he said lukewarmly, "I said, this time the power of the blue dragon is needed by the True Lord, so you don't have to have many questions. "


Elder Qingmu was even more troubled. It was not easy to win the power of the blue dragon. What Tianji Tower wants is not this false reputation, but the power of the blue dragon is of great importance this time. You must not lose anything. True Lord Xuanxiao said. Yes, how can you hand it over so easily?

But if they don't hand it over, the cultivation level of this Chiyun envoy is far higher than all of them at this moment. If the other party wants to rob it, they will be helpless.

At this moment, many people in the crowd were whispering. Xuanxiao Palace is on the Fairy Island in the Northeast Sea. True Lord Xuanxiao has been cultivating Taoism for many years and is extraordinary. He has long stopped intervening in the mundane affairs of the ancient realm of Xianbei. There are also rumors that True Lord Xuanxiao You have mastered the power of heaven and earth and opened up your own fairyland. Why do you come to this mortal world to compete for the power of the blue dragon?

In the eyes of the world, True Lord Xuanxiao is an extraordinary being, a man of extraordinary ability, and a mysterious and mysterious master. No one can see through his intentions this time.

But I don’t know why, this time even True Lord Xuanxiao has come to get involved in the disputes in the world. I am afraid that in a short time, the entire ancient land of Immortal Yuan will undergo a big change. It is rumored that there are four people with extraordinary abilities in the world. True Lord, this True Lord Xuanxiao, is one of them.

Of course, these are just rumors. Most people have never seen the true faces of the four true monarchs, or even know them.

The crowd was silent at this moment, only the cold wind swept over the mountain top, picking up the fallen leaves on the ground, making a rustling sound.

At this moment, the red-clothed elder of the Shenwu Palace suddenly took a step forward, looked at the red cloud in mid-air and said, "The true king never interferes in worldly affairs, why does he suddenly want the power of the blue dragon this time? I don't know Chiyun." Can you make it clearer?"

Of course, he does not want to care about the life and death of Tianji Tower, but this time Zhenjun Xuanxiao suddenly wants the power of the Canglong. This thing is too incredible. If he wants the power of the Canglong this time, will he ask for something else next time? What? Since he is from Shenwu Temple, he naturally needs to clarify some things.

"What? Does the true king need to report to the Shenwu Palace when he acts?"

Unexpectedly, the Chiyun envoy shot two cold glances at the red-clothed elder of the Shenwu Palace, which shocked him instantly and he did not dare to say another word.

At the same time, the rest of the people were silent, and no one asked any more questions. After all, everyone knows how to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune, and no one is willing to cause trouble at this moment.

After finishing speaking, the Chiyun envoy turned back and looked at Elder Qingmu, "I want to take the power of the Canglong back this time. As for the Tianji Tower, Zhenjun also prepared a small gift."

After saying that, he raised his hand slightly, and someone behind him immediately presented a purple jade brocade box. When he opened the brocade box, four purple lights rushed out from inside, and an extraordinary spiritual power enveloped the top of the mountain.

"Here are four 'Purple Jade Xia Pills', which were refined by Zhenjun himself."

Chi Yunshi said lukewarmly, and as soon as the people below heard that it was the Purple Jade Xia Dan, there was a big commotion. Many people looked at the Purple Jade Brocade Box and salivated.

It is said that the Purple Yuxia Pill was refined by Zhenjun Xuanxiao from the morning glow and sunset glow of the North Sea. If a mortal takes one pill, he can become an immortal almost immediately. Of course, it is just an exaggeration of the rumors, but this Zi Yuxia Pill There is no doubt that Dan can make a person's moral character improve by leaps and bounds, and even transform him into a new person.

"Aoki, what should I do..."

Seeing that everyone on the Tianji Tower was silent, several elders looked at Qingmu, and the disciples also looked at Elder Qingmu without saying a word. Only Elder Qingmu can decide everything here.

The pressure that Elder Qingmu has to bear at this time is beyond the imagination of the disciples. Let alone the four Purple Jade Cloud Pills, no matter how good the pills are, how could he exchange them for the power of the Canglong, which is related to the lifeblood of the Tianji Tower?

But at this time, he also knew clearly in his heart that the other party was "a toast". If he didn't accept it, then the next step would be a "forfeit drink."

Now that the power of the blue dragon is in Xiao Chen's hands, Elder Qingmu has no choice but to look at him from a distance, but at this moment, he himself is afraid that Xiao Chen will also look at him, because now he can no longer make any decision Even if Xiao Chen asked him for help, there was nothing he could do.

But in fact, Xiao Chen didn't look at him the whole time. At this moment, the atmosphere suddenly became a little stiff, and those who were still talking in low voices also looked at Xiao Chen in unison.

In mid-air, the red cloud envoy glanced at a man in purple clothes beside him. The man immediately understood and turned into a purple light and fell in front of Xiao Chen. He smiled slightly and said, "Show me the power of the blue dragon."

The atmosphere became as cold as frost. Xiao Chen did not look at him, but simply said, "I said... I'm going to give it to you?" At the end of his words, he slowly looked at him.

At this moment, a layer of ice seemed to have condensed in the air. Many people in the distance shivered inexplicably. A chill flashed in the eyes of the man in purple in Xuanxiao Palace, but he soon returned to normal and smiled lightly. He said, "You elders have stopped saying anything, right?" At the end of his words, he looked at Elder Aoki who was standing in the distance. The coldness in his eyes suddenly appeared, obviously putting pressure on him.

Elder Qingmu frowned deeply and remained silent, while Xiao Chen did not even look at him from beginning to end.

Suddenly, there was a "chi" sound, and everyone in the distance was startled, and saw Xiao Chen tearing off Tianji Tower's clothes.


Many people in the distance were shocked. He took off the clothes of Tianji Tower. This meaning was very obvious. Did he actually want to fight against the Chiyun Envoy of Xuanxiao Palace with his own strength? No matter how capable he is, this is still too naive.

Even Elder Aoki didn't expect that he would actually do such a move. Suddenly, in his mind, he recalled the words he said that night, "I will take back the power of the blue dragon."

At this moment, Elder Qingmu's body started to tremble slightly. I don't know if it was because of excitement or something. Now Wuchen's mission has been completed, and the arrival of Xuanxiao Palace was completely unexpected. He handed over his power to a few elders of Tianji Tower, and then walked away. He no longer had any responsibilities, but he didn't.

Just because of that sentence? Is it true that a gentleman's promise will last until death? He couldn't see through this young man more and more, but it also proved that he was not wrong about the person at the beginning.

Many people from the distant sects also began to discuss in low voices. It was not difficult for them to see by now that this "Liao Wuchen" was definitely not a disciple of the Tianji Pagoda. He must be someone invited by the Tianji Pagoda. It was just that they were really I can’t figure out what benefits Tianji Tower promised to this person? It was actually worth his efforts...

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