The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1846 Xuanyin Backlash

At this moment, in a small attic, the lights in the room were still on, and a figure was reflected on the paper window. The man was sitting in front of the table with his hands on his hands, as if he couldn't sleep tonight, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Weiyang, aren't you asleep yet?"

Xiao Chen came to the door quietly and saw the lights in the room brightly lit. He thought that she had consumed so much energy during the day and should rest as soon as possible.

"Uuuu, Master, I can't sleep..."

Wei Young's voice of grievance sounded in the room. Xiao Chen gently opened the door and walked in. He saw her sitting in front of the table, resting her hands on her shoulders and looking at him aggrievedly.

This is the Bahuang Palace, not the Canglong Palace. Xiao Chen is also not used to it. Hua Weiyang pouted and said, "How about we go back to the Canglong Palace and come back when the competition is held in three days..."

"No." Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "Once the Bahuang Trial begins, you cannot leave the Bahuang Palace." ♦

"Woo..." Wei Young looked at him with aggrieved eyes, Xiao Chen said, "Go and lie down on the bed. I will sit here and won't leave."


Weiyang snorted lightly, Xiao Chen coaxed her for a long time, and finally coaxed her to the bed. While covering her with a quilt, he said softly, "Qin Wuyi has a very high level of cultivation, and I think he The cultivation techniques seem to be a little different from others in the Bahuang League, so you must pay attention when the time comes..."

"Yeah, I know!"

Weiyang was wrapped in the quilt and looked at him with only a pair of eyes. After a while, she shivered and said, "I suddenly felt a little cold. It's summer. Why is this Eight Desolate Palace so cold..."

"Is it cold? Then I'll go find Elder Liu and get another quilt."

Xiao Chen said and was about to stand up. Hua Weiyang stretched out her hand to hold him back, "Hey, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't. It's so late, so don't bother Elder Liu."

"But you..."


Wei Yang pouted and looked at him. Xiao Chen suddenly understood and shook his head, "No, this is the Bahuang Palace. If someone sees it, it won't be good..."


Weiyang snorted heavily, twisted her body, and buried her head inside, "Ignore you!" After a while, she muttered to herself aggrievedly, "If Xian'er can't sleep, you will... gurgling, gurgling, gurgling..."

"Weiyang, what did you say?"

"Hmph! I didn't say anything!"

Weiyang turned around again and glanced at him faintly. She seemed to be more and more energetic now. She sat up from the bed and said, "I won't sleep anymore! Humph!"

Xiao Chen shook his head, slowly helped her lie back, and covered her with the quilt again, "T cover her well, don't get cold."

"Huh! If I don't sleep, I won't sleep!"

Weiyang twisted around on the bed and pointed at the moon outside the window. "Look, look, the moon hanging on the tree is so big and round. The moon is not asleep yet, how can I sleep!"

"Obey, keep your spirits up for the past two days. There will be a competition in two days."

"No, no, no, no! La la la, la la la..."

She was lying on the bed and started singing. At this moment, a loud curse suddenly came from another attic outside, "Who is it! They are still making noises in the middle of the night! They are making noises all day long! They are making noises all day long!"


Weiyang immediately covered her mouth, her eyes wide open, and she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Xiao Chen made a silence gesture and whispered, "Look, you woke up everyone else..."

"Slightly, slightly..."

Wei Yang stuck out her tongue at him and finally calmed down, but she still looked at him and said, "Then tell me a story to coax me to sleep.

"Well...then what story do you want to hear?"

"It's all OK!"

"Hmm... let me think about it."

Xiao Chen thought for a while and then said, "A long time ago, there was an evil dragon in the sky. He violated the rules of heaven, so a great god sealed him in the Yao Qin. Later, the great god gave the Yao Qin to a friend and told him That friend, no matter what, must not release the evil dragon, lest it cause harm to the world..."

"Okay, okay! Later, the God of Hundred Flowers released the evil dragon. The evil dragon promised to the God not to do evil again, but he later broke his promise... This is the story of Qiongtian. You came back before I told you that at that time.”


Xiao Chen nodded slightly, thinking that Qin Wuyi was very cruel. He had actually thought about taking off the Ten Thousand Dragon Scales and putting them on Wei Yang, but that day under the Great Burial Abyss, the sky seemed to be under the Ten Thousand Dragon Scales. The magic power is set on the dragon scales, and these ten thousand dragon scales can only be worn on his body, at least for now.

"This doesn't count...tell me another one."


Xiao Chen thought for a moment and then said, "Once upon a time, there were two crabs. The red crab could run ten feet at a time, and the green crab could only run five feet at a time. In the end, who of the two of them could run farther?"

"Hehe!" Hua Weiyang chuckled, "Of course it's a blue crab!"

"Oh why?"

"Because the red crabs have been cooked long ago, how can they run away? Hahaha..."

"You, you are the only smart one." Xiao Chen lightly tapped her on the forehead. Hua Weiyang snorted and said, "No, no, no, one more..."


Xiao Chen thought for a while and found out all the stories he had used to coax Xian'er to sleep, and then said, "There used to be a turtle and a rabbit outside the village. One day, the two of them..."

"I know, I know, the tortoise won, the hare fell asleep halfway through..."


"Hehe, when I was little, my brother told me these stories so many times..."


"Ah... no, it's nothing."

"Okay, Weiyang, it's time for you to sleep."

"Oh... okay, just sleep."

Wei Young pouted and stared at him with resentful eyes, looking reluctant. Xiao Chen coaxed her for a long time before finally coaxing her to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Chen was standing by the bed and suddenly felt a cold air coming in. On the bed, Hua Weiyang also shivered unconsciously, "It's cold... so cold..."


Xiao Chen perked up and immediately reached out to touch her. However, the moment he touched her, a layer of frost instantly formed on his hand due to his lack of defense.

"Oops..." At this moment, Xiao Chen immediately secretly thought that something was wrong. It was Xuanyin's backlash. It must be because she used Xuanyin's Qi during the day.

"Cold... so cold... Master... Jiu'er is so cold..."


Now that Shen Jing is not here, what should we do? Xiao Chen didn't care so much. With a movement of inner energy, he activated the Nine Yang part of the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques. His body suddenly became hot, and then he quickly hugged her, "Weiyang, it's okay, it's okay..."

However, even the Nine Yang Xuan Gong and his pure yang body were unable to resist the backlash of this mysterious yin energy. Soon, a layer of ice had formed on his body, and it was almost as fast as blood. Frozen.

In the past, he could still resist the cold air in Wei Yang's body, but now that his cultivation level is high, he can't resist it anymore, which shows that the backlash of Xuanyin is getting more and more serious.


At this time, Xiao Chen's expression had completely changed. He was afraid that Wei Young would fall into a deep sleep again. The Eight Wilderness Trials were not important to him, but he was afraid that this time Wei Young would fall into a deep sleep. He didn't know what year or month he would fall asleep again. Wake up... wake up, has the world changed?

"Cold...Master, so cold...don't leave, master, don't leave...don't leave Jiu'er alone..."

Hua Weiyang hugged him tightly. She had completely lost her sense of autonomy. Only the pain of the Xuanyin backlash tortured her.

"Weiyang, don't be afraid..."

Xiao Chen decided that this time, he had no choice but to take risks. He wrapped the two of them tightly with a quilt, and then with a stroke of Xuan Gong, the cold air from Wei Young's body was continuously attracted to himself. , and then led to the Dantian, that one... Tianmo Yuan Dan.

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