The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1863 The Source of Sin

"Can you tell me who that person is?"

Xiao Chen looked at the black mist in front of him, and his intuition told him that there was nothing simple behind this matter. Who was the person who secretly manipulated Canglong Palace? What is the purpose... None of this may be simple.

" want to know?"

In the black mist, the Black Emperor's voice came out, but he didn't seem to intend to tell him immediately.

"Yes, I want to know."

Xiao Chen's eyes were very firm. He could choose not to know, and then this matter had nothing to do with him, but now, he could not ignore it, whether it was Wuyutian or the current Canglong Palace.


Suddenly, this black mist circled around him, and then the Black Emperor's voice came from inside: "It's useless even if you know. With your current level of cultivation, in that person's eyes, you are no different from an ant in the lower world." …”

"He's from Chongjiutianwai, right?"

Xiao Chen looked at the black mist in front of him, his eyes still very firm. He knew that his current cultivation level was not enough. Although he had already understood the artistic conception of a strong man like Dugu Tianxia in the ancient immortal world, he was far from being like Dugu Tianxia. There is still a long way to go before becoming a strong person.

"Hehehe... Since you know it's the Nine Heavens, why bother asking again?"

The meaning of Black Emperor's words is obviously that his current cultivation level is still too low to be involved in the realm of Nine Layers of Heaven, where there are so many powerful people. It is useless to ask, so it is better to worry less and not know, and feel at ease. Xin, as the master of Canglong Palace of his Eight Desolate Alliance, both in terms of power and strength, he is at least stronger than the average person in the lower realm.

Xiao Chen said, "There are ghosts in the south of Chu who regard five hundred years as spring and five hundred years as autumn; there were big chuns in ancient times who regard eight thousand years as spring and eight thousand years as autumn... If the two are compared , what is the small year and what is the big year?”

"Hahaha! Boy, are you mocking me?"


Xiao Chen looked at the black mist in front of him and said, "This junior just thinks that not everyone is born to be a peerless strong man. They have also experienced obscurity, just like Dugu Tianxia. Even though thousands of years have passed, he is still surpassed by no one." The myth of Dugu Tianxia... But who knew Dugu Tianxia before?"

"Hahaha! Who knew Dugu Tianxia before Dugu Tianxia! Boy, do you think you can become such a legend in the future?"

Xiao Chen said, "At least I've been working hard."

"Very doesn't matter if I tell you who that person is, but I don't think you need to know it now. Even if you know it, it will be of no use. If you really do what you say now, in the future, you will be able to go to the Nine Heavens. , then you will meet him, and he will know that you are this generation of Canglong. "

At this moment, Black Emperor seemed to be hiding something behind his words. Xiao Chen pondered carefully for a moment and then asked, "Then you can tell me, which realm among the Tao realm, the realm of silence, the realm of annihilation, the realm of moment... is he?" ?"

The realm of Tao, the realm of silence, the realm of annihilation, and the realm of emptiness, these are the realms outside the four directions.

The Tao realm, as the name suggests, is generally a realm entered by Taoists who practice mysticism. They pinch the soil to become ground and exhale to form clouds. The three realms can come and go freely, and the mystery is endless.

In the realm of silence, those who practice martial arts can destroy the sky, their martial arts can break through the void, and their immortal bodies can shake the heavens and the earth.

In the realm of destruction, for those who cultivate demons, the demonic fire is blazing, swallowing up the sky and the earth. I am the only one in the nine heavens and ten realms.

The moment state, the formless state, can be sixty moments with a snap of the finger, nine hundred births and deaths in one moment, Buddhas and demons, in one thought.

As for which of the four realms is strong and which is weak, there has been no clear boundary since ancient times.

"Tao realm."

At this time, the words Black Emperor came from the black mist.


Xiao Chen's expression condensed. He had also guessed before that he was a person in the Tao realm who could secretly manipulate Canglong Palace without being noticed for thousands of years. He must be a person with Taoist mystical skills, and he must also use Taoist mystical skills.

He originally thought that people who practice Taoism have a clear mind and are like their master, who put the world's common people first... But why do he see that the more advanced the Taoism, the more terrifying he is than the devil? It’s scary to think about.

After a while, Xiao Chen asked again, "Does the Black Emperor know what tricks that person did in the spiritual veins of Canglong Realm?"

"Haha, what? I thought you discovered it, but it turned out that all this was just your guess..." Black Emperor's cold laughter came from the black mist.

Xiao Chen said, "I did notice an abnormality before, but I couldn't tell for a while. What it was was hidden in the spiritual veins of Canglong Realm. It was like a needle falling into the sea and disappearing in an instant."

"Hmph...Then let me tell you that that person introduced a wisp of the 'source of sin and filth' from the sky outside the sky into the spiritual veins of Canglong Peak..."

"Heaven beyond...the source of sin and filth?"

What Black Emperor said at this moment was obviously beyond Xiao Chen's expectation. Why did this involve Tianwaitian again? He had heard Wei Yang talk about the source of sin and filth in Tianwaitian before, but how did that person introduce a wisp of the source of sin and filth in Tianwaitian into the Eight Desolations Realm?

"Oh? It seems you know something..."

"Well, I do know a few."

At this moment, Xiao Chen carefully recalled that when Tianwaitian attacked Xuanqing, Weiyang told him that she and Qian Yu Nishang were together at that time and discovered two people from Tianwaitian, and finally forced out something from one of them. , which mentioned the source of sin and filth.

Heaven wants to send down the "source of sin and filth" from the Wuwu Heaven to the human world. Once this source of sin and filth permeates the human world, all the seven earth spiritual veins in the human world will be contaminated by turbidity, the spiritual energy will disappear, and all living beings will become demons. At that time, the entire world will The human world will become a purgatory in heaven and beyond.

As for what the source of this sin and filth is, Xiao Chen has never seen it, and it's hard to say, but thinking about it, it is definitely not something simple.

Seeing that he was thoughtful at this time, Black Emperor asked, "Let me ask you, if a wisp of turbid energy is injected into a person's meridians and mixed with the person's true energy, what will happen in the end?"

Xiao Chen came back to his senses and said, "It will hinder the practice day by day, and in the end it will become serious, and it will be like gangrene attached to the bone, and it will even make all the veins cripple... But this is impossible, a practice How could a person not notice that someone had injected a turbid air into his body? From the very beginning, it was impossible for this turbid air to enter his entire body."


The Black Emperor said gloomily, "So in order to prevent this ray of sin and filth from being discovered by the people of the Eight Desolate Alliance, and at the same time to avoid being rejected by the Canglong spiritual veins, that person used his native energy to remove this ray of evil. The source of sin and filth is refined into a wisp of 'Taoist Origin Qi'. In this way, the source of sin and filth can be perfectly disguised as spiritual energy and mixed into the spiritual veins of the Canglong Realm. In the end, it is inextricably linked. What’s even more frightening is that no one will notice the gangrene of the bone, so now do you understand why, for thousands of years, generations of blue dragons have been unable to find the problem?”

"No wonder……"

At this moment, Xiao Chen completely understood that that person's methods were really powerful. No wonder no one had found the problem for thousands of years. With a high and profound Taoist method, he refined this "source of sin and filth" into a wisp of " "Taoist Origin Qi", such a powerful ability...

It is hard to imagine that a strong Taoist who is outside the Nine Heavens and has stepped into the Realm of Fangwai, why would he attack a Canglong Palace in the lower realm thousands of years ago? People still don’t know that this is definitely not simple...

Now this source of sin has been dispersed into tens of thousands of spiritual veins, spreading throughout the Canglong Realm. The fleeting abnormal spiritual power he sensed before is obviously one of them, and Weiyang has no regard for spiritual power. My senses are stronger than his, so I found this place.

After a while, Xiao Chen said again, "That person is indeed very powerful. Now the source of sin and filth has been scattered into thousands of strands and completely integrated into the spiritual veins. Not to mention that it is not easy to find. Even if they are all found, it will be difficult to find them all." If it is removed by force, I am afraid it will also damage the spiritual veins of Canglong Realm..."


The Black Emperor's voice came from the black mist: "How could the trap carefully laid by that person back then be easily broken by others?"

Xiao Chen said, "But that man didn't expect that he thought he did it perfectly, but all of this was seen by the Black Emperor... It was like watching a child doing bad things."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The Black Emperor's laughter came from the black mist: "Boy, are you trying to please me?"

"No..." Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "I want Black Emperor to tell me if there is any way to break the tricks that man did back then."


The Black Emperor smiled coldly and said, "It's okay to tell you, but whether you can do it depends on whether you have the ability. If you don't have the ability, your fate will be exactly the same as those of the Canglongs in the past... Haha, wait. A hundred years later, there will be a new Canglong that breaks into the Black Emperor's Abyss..."

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