Facing this cold and terrifying murderous aura, all the masters of Leiyan Sect felt suffocated, and in the next moment, there was a sword in Xiao Chen's hand, and the sword was filled with a ferocious aura. , there was a trace of blood on the sword. The moment the sword came out, even the storm in the sky immediately became gloomy, and there was constant thunder.

"That, that's..."

Even the cultivators in the distant city held their breath at this moment, and could clearly feel the ancient ferocious aura coming from the sword in Xiao Chen's hand!

"What a fierce sword..."

Several old men in the city have already felt it. That sword is the most ferocious sword in the world. The ferocious energy condensed in the sword is simply unbearable for ordinary people. Over time, they will suffer its backlash. And this A man actually carries such a sword with him and keeps it with him at all times. No wonder he has such murderous intent...

Xiao Chen slowly raised his hand and held the sword across his chest. At this moment, the murderous aura on the sword seemed to be a little heavier. The red blood mist seemed to merge the man and the sword into one.

The more than one hundred masters of Leiyan Sect could not help but tremble under the murderous aura at this time. Each of them is a swordsman with extremely high cultivation. They have killed many people in the past, and they are like natural killers. The same, serving the Thunder Clan from generation to generation.

Therefore, the murderous aura on their bodies was much heavier than that of ordinary people, but at this moment, under the murderous aura of the man in front of them with a sword, they actually felt like they were suffocating, unable to move even an inch.

"kill him!"

I don't know who shouted, and more than a hundred people all came to kill at this moment. The sky was filled with sword light and murderous intent!


Xiao Chen snorted coldly, "As a swordsman, I don't know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. I know that the opponent's sword is countless times stronger than my own, but I still rush to die. I don't know if this is courage or stupidity.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a flash of blood, "Ah!" As a scream rang out, one person fell under Di Gu's sword, and then there were more screams, one by one, and the blood shot into the sky.

In just a short moment, more than a hundred Lei Yanmen masters fell into a pool of blood. Under the emperor's sword, another hundred dead souls appeared. The forest outside the city suddenly became bloody and pungent, and the woods were filled with blood mist. .

The sword in Xiao Chen's hand was still dripping blood, and looking at the corpses on the ground, several elders from the Leiyan Sect behind were shocked, and the cultivators in the city were even more stunned. In just a few moments, Lei Yan was killed. There are more than a hundred masters in the door.

"When Lord Lei Sect killed Elder Liyue and more than a hundred people from Canglong Palace, did you ever think that I would destroy your entire Leiyan Sect..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's voice was cold and cold, and there was no need to hide the murderous aura in his body. It only gave people the feeling of falling into the abyss. The elders of the Thunder Flame Sect were even more shocked. This person... actually wanted to destroy the sect!

"It's just you..."

Lei Bao's eyes were about to burst. Suddenly, all the blood in his body seemed to be on fire. In an instant, he took out the fairy sword and slashed towards Xiao Chen with a fierce sword. The sword energy surged and destroyed the entire forest at once.

"And my sword, of course."

Xiao Chen's voice was faint, and as soon as he finished speaking, Leng Feng appeared instantly, his figure invisible, with a scoff, and a flash of blood. Lei Bao had already covered his throat with his hands, his eyes were wide open, he couldn't believe it, that sword just now, so fast At such a state, at this moment, blood continued to flow out from his fingers.


Several elders of the Lei Yan Sect were so frightened that their hearts broke, and the disciples of the Lei Yan Sect who came from behind were as if they were turned to stone. They stood on the same spot, not daring to move. They watched helplessly as the sect master was killed by Cang Long. , sealing the throat with a sword.


Lei Bao covered his throat with both hands, not believing that someone could seal his throat with just one sword. Yes, it didn't happen before, but now it does.

Xiao Chen held the Emperor Gu Sword in his hand, and could feel the coldness coming from the sword at this moment. Only he could feel this ten thousand years of loneliness.

And the Di Gu Sword can only exert its greatest power when it is in his hand. No one in this world can use Di Gu like this.

"Do you have any last words to say?"

Xiao Chen's back was facing Lei Bao at this time, and Lei Bao tried hard to turn his head, but he couldn't. If he exerted a little force, his head might fall off.

"Well, that means no more."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, sent the sword back, and with a "chi" sound, the Emperor's Sword flew out and beheaded Lei Bao in one fell swoop. Being decapitated by the Emperor's Sword, his soul was annihilated in an instant.

"Ah! Master..."

Seeing the sect leader being beheaded, the disciples of the Lei Yan Sect finally woke up. But this time, the cultivators in the city were also completely stunned. They never thought that someone would dare to kill the Lei Clan in the land of Gen Yue. A sect master... No, that's not right! What he just said was to destroy the family!

At this moment, all the cultivators in the city seemed to have fallen into an icy abyss, looking at the cold and terrifying Canglong outside the city in horror.

"you you……"

Several elders of the Leiyan Sect, when they saw him killing Leibao, were already frightened to death. One of them still acted tough and said fiercely, "If you kill the sect leader, the elders of our clan will definitely fight against you without end." The pursuit!”

"You'd better hope that I can leave the land of Genyue smoothly."

Xiao Chen still said the same thing, and at this moment, everyone finally understood what he said. It was best to hope that he could leave smoothly, otherwise the land of Genyue would probably become a river of blood...


At this moment, the sixth-order giant dragon suddenly flew out of the city, its spread wings shrouded like dark clouds, and the strong wind raised dust all over the ground.


Xiao Chen looked at the flying dragon charging in front of him. He suddenly jumped up and slashed at the dragon's neck with a sword. "Cang!" There was a loud noise. The dragon's tough defense completely exceeded his expectations. Not even Di Gu's sword could cut off the dragon's head with one sword stroke, but the place on the dragon's neck where Di Gu slashed it was already covered in scales and bloody.


The giant dragon was in pain and became even more violent. It flapped its wings and a sea of ​​​​fire descended from the sky, burning everything around it to ashes in an instant.

The onlookers in the city quickly retreated away. A sixth-order dragon was extremely powerful. Once it became violent, the impact it would cause would be almost devastating to some people with low cultivation levels.


With roars that resounded throughout the world, Xiao Chen simply rode on the dragon's neck. The dragon's defense was too strong, so he had to find its weak points to attack.

Seeing that he was riding on his neck, the giant dragon rushed up to the sky angrily, tumbling vigorously in mid-air, trying to throw Xiao Chen down, but Xiao Chen held it tightly with his "great free hand", You won't be thrown out no matter what.

"Beast, you like to eat human flesh and drink human blood, right? I'll let you eat until you're full today..."

Suddenly, Xiao Chen held the Emperor Gu Sword in his backhand and stabbed one of the dragon's eyes. With a "chi" sound, blood spattered everywhere. Although the dragon's defense was strong, its eyes were its weakest point. Pierced.

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