The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 288: How can there be justice when people's hearts are unfair?

Tang Yu's shawl was spread out and his eyes were red. He no longer had the "handsome" image of a white jade gentleman before. Instead, his sword was becoming more and more chaotic. He only had murderous intent and no rules at all. Xiao Chen hit him with a branch. There was no room for him to fight back. In an instant, more than ten large points all over his body were hit by the branch in Xiao Chen's hand.

"Tang Yu! Come back!"

Seeing that this martial nephew was already in chaos and had the potential to go crazy, Xianqing and Yizhi were frightened. Unexpectedly, Tang Yu completely turned a blind eye and turned a blind eye. Every sword strike was murderous, and the last sword actually killed him. The blue-red sword energy that filled the sky also gathered and pierced Xiao Chen's eyebrows with a sword. The sword energy stirred up and instantly shattered the branch in Xiao Chen's hand into powder.

"Go to hell!"

Tang Yu's eyes were red, and he was possessed. At this moment, the sword power came, and all the disciples of Lianhua Palace were frightened. "Master Xiao!"

At this moment, everyone held their breath, but in the next moment, Tang Yu's Qingfeng sword, which had already stabbed Xiao Chen's eyebrows, stopped strangely.

At this moment, Tang Yu's eyes were wide open and covered with bloodshot eyes, and he didn't dare to move any more. Xiao Chen stood with his hands behind his back, facing the three-inch Qingfeng sword that was hesitating in front of him. He didn't even try to avoid it.


Xianqing and Yizhi were so experienced. They could tell at a glance that Xiao Chen had sealed all Tang Yu's important points in just a dozen times. If Tang Yu moved even more at this moment, his body would explode and die, and even his soul would be dead. To dissipate in an instant.

The two of them felt a cold feeling on their backs. This coldness was as if it went from the top of their heads to the soles of their feet. Ling Yin, this disciple, could not only be described as terrifying...

"Young Master Xiao!"

At this moment, a figure flew out of the Lianhua Palace, but it was Mrs. Xianshu who rushed out before Hua Weiyang. Originally, she was worried that Xiao Chen would not be able to defeat Tang Yu, but now that she saw the scene in front of her, she also I couldn't help but be deeply startled.

Hearing Mrs. Xian Shu's voice behind him, Xiao Chen moved and grabbed Tang Yu's throat in an instant. This only shocked many righteous people on the opposite side. Master Xianqing's face suddenly changed: "What are you going to do!" "


Tang Yu was strangled by the throat and could not move at all. He could only glare at Xiao Chen with his eyes full of anger, especially now that his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, which made him look even more terrifying.

Xiao Chen looked cold and said calmly, "Jie Jie Jue."

Only then did Master Xianqing and Master Yizhi remember that Tang Yu had used Qinghong Sword Technique to traumatize Mrs. Xianshu, and injected a Qinghong Sword Qi into her body. Only the Qinghong Sect could break this sword Qi. Only the sword-solving techniques can be used.

Master Xianqing asked, "Will you release her if the sword energy in her body is released?"

"Xiao counts to three, one!"


Master Xianqing stretched out her hand, with a worried look on her face, stepped forward, and quickly fired several blasts of Qi at Madam Xian Shu. Madam Xian Shu immediately used her kung fu to release the sword energy from her body, and her face finally fully recovered.

"The sword energy in her body has been released, please let her go!"

Master Xianqing said quickly, even though Tang Yu was a little weird today and would need to be interrogated when he got back, he was the first disciple of his senior brother after all, so nothing could be missed today.

Xiao Chen saw that the sword energy in Mrs. Xianshu's body had been eliminated, so he said no more and hit Tang Yu with a palm. At this moment, another figure suddenly flew out of Lianhua Palace: "Idiot! Don't let go." Let him go!"

However, Hua Weiyang flew over in an instant. Master Xianqing and Master Yizhi reacted very quickly. Seeing that something was wrong, they both stretched out their hands and rolled Tang Yu over from the air. The two of them worked together to quickly remove the clothes on him. Acupuncture points.


Tang Yu covered her chest with her hands and let out a muffled groan. Only then was she able to move freely, but the look she looked at Xiao Chen at this moment was even colder.

"Idiot! Why did you let him go!"

Hua Weiyang came to Xiao Chen's side in an instant. At this moment, she was filled with murderous intent. Even her eyes when she looked at Xiao Chen had a hint of resentment. She blamed him for letting Tang Yu go so easily. She only wanted to I wish I could cut this man into pieces with a thousand knives to relieve the anger in my heart.

"Weiyang, what's wrong?"

Xiao Chen also immediately noticed that something was wrong. In the past, Wei Young was always more calm and calm than ordinary people, and she always showed her emotions and anger. Why did her mood change so much now?

"Tang Yu! You have escaped with your life today, but I, Hua Weiyang, swear here that if I don't kill you in the future, I will never be a human being!"

At this moment, Hua Weiyang's eyes were cold and terrifying, and her face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost. Xiao Chen had never seen her look like this before, and he was filled with doubts for a moment.

It turned out that just now Youqin and Youchang dared to tell her the truth. Tang Yu had destroyed seven altars in Lianhua Palace, not only killing many people, but also imprisoning all the remaining ones in the palace, setting fire to them. , even the palace officials and people were burned, and those people were all burned to death.

Tang Yu naturally knew what he had done, and his eyes were cold at this moment: "It is not a pity to die for all the demonic witches. If you want to avenge them, you can come at any time."


Hua Weiyang's expression became even colder, she pointed at the people on the opposite side and said coldly, "You say that I, Lian Hua Gong, belong to the evil sect of the Demon Sect, but I, Lian Hua Gong, have never offended anyone in the border area. I pity the people accepted by Hua Gong, Most of them are homeless people, and this person..."

When she said this, she pointed to Tang Yu, "Not only did he destroy my seven altars, but he also burned those people alive in the palace. Could this kind of animal behavior be called the righteous way of Xuanmen!"


As soon as these words came out, many people in Zhengdao felt a chill behind them, and they all looked at Tang Yu. It was true that he destroyed the seven altars of Lianhua Palace, but was his method really so cruel?

Since ancient times, there is nothing wrong with the opposition between good and evil, but to say the least, when the two sides meet, there will be a fight. As long as the two sides are captured, even if they cannot be persuaded to turn back, they can at most be killed with a sword. Torturing people alive in this way is not the same as the devil. What's the difference between those demons in the Heavenly Sect?

"Tang Yu! This is serious!"

This time, even Xianqing and Yizhi changed their expressions. Could such cruel methods be done by righteous people? The Qinghong Sect has been upright and upright for thousands of years. Even if it kills demons and demons, it is for the justice of the world, not to show off cruelty and bully the weak!

Faced with thousands of doubtful eyes at this moment, Tang Yu's expression remained unchanged, and he still said, "I said, people in the devil's path do many evil things, and death is not a pity."

"Ha ha!"

Hua Weiyang raised her head and smiled, and said coldly, "Did you see that? Such a cruel and vicious person, he can be a high disciple of Xuanmen, but he can be superior, and he..." At this point, he turned to Xiao Chen beside him Pointing to it, he continued, "And he once devoted himself to the Tao, never killed anyone indiscriminately, thought of all the people in the world, and kept in mind the teachings of his teacher, but what happened in the end? In the end, he was pushed into the abyss step by step by you... This is the so-called world. justice?"

"Ha ha!"

At this point, Hua Weiyang raised her head and smiled again. In an instant, her eyes became colder, and she only said sharply, "How can justice be achieved when people's hearts are unfair!"

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