The night became a little heavier unknowingly. Xiao Chen did not answer Gui Sique's words, but just looked at the deep night sky in the east quietly. A long time passed like this, but Shen Jing and Gui Si went back, leaving him alone. Standing on the edge of this cliff.


Ku Lingzi didn't know when he came behind him again, Xiao Chen said, "If senior is here to persuade me to turn back tonight, there is no need to speak."

"I just want to remind you that the Eastern cultivation world is far more cruel than the Five Immortal Realms. It may not be that easy for you to find the Fusang Flower."

"I'm always going to give it a try."

Xiao Chen turned around and asked, "Senior, you might as well tell me what the world of cultivation over the East China Sea is like."

Ku Lingzi's eyes were deep, as if he knew everything in this world. He looked at the looming mountains in the distance and said slowly, "In the ancient East, there are many cultivation realms of different sizes, but overall there are three levels, respectively. It's 'Mortal Level', 'Earth Level', 'Heaven Level'."

"Each level of cultivation domain has different strong men, right?" Xiao Chen asked. ✥

"That's right."

Ku Lingzi glanced at him and continued, "In the world of mortal cultivation, a pill-forming cultivator who has refined the gods and returned to the void is considered very powerful, while those who have cultivated into Nascent Soul are either still in their own sect or country. , or find a way to go to the earth-level cultivation realm. As for the heaven-level cultivation realm, without the cultivation of Xuhedao, it is almost impossible to go to the heaven-level realm. If you go there, you will die. "

When he said this, he paused for a while and continued, "You have to know that cultivators in the mortal-level realm are not allowed to enter the earth-level realm at will, and cultivators in the earth-level realm are also not allowed to go to the heaven-level realm. As far as I know, there are more than a thousand small cultivating kingdoms in the Mortal Level Domain, and nearly a hundred larger vassal states in the Earth Level Domain. As for the Heaven Level Domain, if I remember correctly, there are only four ancient kingdoms in existence.

After listening to what he said, Xiao Chen gradually fell into deep thought. It seems that the situation in the Eastern cultivation world is indeed more complicated than that of the Five Immortal Domains. Judging from the division of these three levels of cultivation domains, we know that there is a strong A place where strength is respected, and the more strength is respected, the more murderous and cruel a place it is.

"Boy, do you understand now? When you get to the ancient east, you can't just go wherever you want. If you go to the mortal realm and want to go to the earth-level realm again, it will be very troublesome."

"I see."

Xiao Chen looked at the eastern sky shrouded in night. No matter what, he had to give it a try. Even if he failed to find the Fuso Flower in the end, he might not be able to find another way to save Wei Young.


Ku Lingzi also looked at the sky and let out a long sigh. Xiao Chen saw that he was sighing for no reason and asked, "Senior, why are you sighing?"

Ku Lingzi put his hands behind his back and said slowly, "Sometimes, I envy you, kid. You can go wherever you want. You are never afraid of the sky and the earth. This era... already belongs to you."

"Senior, why did you say this?"

Ku Lingzi smiled and said, "I think back in the past, I failed to overcome the tribulation, and my body was destroyed because of it. If today, my body is not destroyed...that's all, don't mention it."

When he said this, he smiled bitterly and turned to look at Xiao Chen, "Boy, you are so lucky to be born in this era, but I... missed it."

"I am now burdened with an unfounded crime and am being hunted everywhere. Weiyang is also asleep. Do you think I am lucky?"


Ku Lingzi shook his head, "You don't understand what I mean. I mean, an unprecedented era of cultivation has arrived, and you happened to appear in this era. The word 'soul saint' has long been a thing of the past, and no one remembers it." , and you have just begun, the future has infinite possibilities, this is the peak era for your younger generation, this era is opened for you..."

When he said this, he took a deep breath and looked up at the dark sky. "Did you not realize at all that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is much more abundant today than before?"

Xiao Chen was silent. Looking back at the beginning, it was still very difficult to reach the level of refining the gods and returning to the void. But now, due to the strengthening of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, cultivation seems to have become much easier. Could it be that this is really the "peak era" mentioned by Ku Lingzi? "Is it coming soon?"

But at this moment, he felt that this might not be a good thing. All things in the world must flourish when they are at their lowest, and decline when they are at their highest. When this era reaches its most glorious moment, will it be like the last era, like a star sending out its last moment? A dazzling light, then annihilated and turned into dust?

"Boy, take advantage of this era and strive to break through the realm that no one before you has been able to break through. By then, you will find that everything is insignificant, and the so-called strong ones at the moment are nothing more than mediocre. Only then can you truly master life and death."

Ku Lingzi reached out and patted him on the shoulder. At this moment, he seemed to have truly become a senior, speaking to him with sincere words.

Xiao Chen also noticed that he was a little different tonight than before, and said, "When Weiyang wakes up, I will let her undo the three-life curse on my senior."

Ku Lingzi smiled bitterly after hearing this, "You have some conscience..."

Recalling that in the ancient realm of Xianbei, the two sides were on guard against each other, and Ku Lingzi secretly swore that when the three-life curse was released, these two juniors must be killed. But now, they are dependent on each other for life and death. man of.

Xiao Chen looked at him quietly and continued, "There is just one thing that I don't know about. Who is the real enemy of my senior?"

Although Ku Lingzi had said that several powerful enemies were coming during that tribulation, he always felt that Ku Lingzi's real enemies were not just those people like Zhenjun Xuanxiao.

Ku Lingzi smiled bitterly again, but this time he did not answer him. He only said, "Tomorrow you will leave for the East China Sea. Tonight... make good preparations."

Xiao Chen saw that he didn't want to say more, so he didn't ask any more questions, but thinking about his true identity, it was definitely not just the so-called Soul Saint, and even the name Ku Lingzi was fake.

That night, Xiao Chen returned to the cave and guarded Hua Weiyang until dawn. Every time he thought about the time he met her in Dongjie, he kept calling her "weird mother-in-law" and carried her all over the mountains and plains. , thinking about it, I will laugh unconsciously, smiling, but my eyes are red for some reason.

"Weiyang, wait for me to come back soon..."

Putting her slightly cold hands gently into the quilt, Xiao Chen finally got up and went outside. Outside the cave, Shen Jing and others saw him coming out. At this moment, they all looked at him silently.

After a while, Mrs. Xianshu stepped forward and asked, "Are you... leaving now?"


Xiao Chen nodded, turned around and took a look inside the cave, and said, "Try to be careful. People from Tianmen may be searching in this mountain range."

"Don't worry here, careful." Mrs. Xianshu looked at him and said softly.

"Well...then I'm leaving."

Xiao Chen glanced at everyone again, and finally no longer hesitated, wielding the flying sword and headed towards the mountains to the east.

Everyone looked at his figure gradually disappearing into the clouds, feeling melancholy in their hearts. They didn't know whether he could find the legendary hibiscus flower this time, or when he would be able to return.

Dongjie Mountains stretch endlessly, and strange beasts and elves occasionally appear in the deep mountains. Xiao Chen walked with his sword all the way. Even so, it took him ten days to cross these endless mountains.

On this day, he was approaching the East China Sea. Standing on the top of the mountain, he could see the rough sea in the distance.

"Land the Jieshi to the east to view the sea..."

Looking at the boundless sea, Xiao Chen's heartbeat at this moment was as uneven as the sea water. At this moment, there happened to be a black basalt stone next to him, about ten feet tall, and it had been standing here for I don't know how many years. , no matter how the waves surge, it still remains unfailing.

Xiao Chen turned around and looked at the basalt stone. For some reason, he felt a bit solemn. When he reached out and touched it gently, a cold feeling immediately spread through all the points in his body.

And at this moment, he seemed to have entered an unprecedented mysterious realm, as if he had transformed into this stone in an instant, standing here for tens of millions of years. In just a short moment, he could see all the prosperity and decline of the world.


Xiao Chen was suddenly startled and quickly took his hand back. What was that feeling just now...?

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