The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 450: The Demonic Land

At this moment, Xiao Chen and Luo Die were hiding behind, and they could also feel the waves of terrifying power coming from the valley in front. Such a terrifying battle, Luo Die would not dare to get close to it in any case, in case any cultivator of spiritual transformation If a palm misses the target and hits her, wouldn't it destroy her body and soul in an instant?

After fighting like this for nearly half a stick of incense, several nearby valleys were destroyed. Under the fierce attack of ten cultivators of spiritual transformation, the alien dragon was finally injured. Many of its scales had fallen off, but at this moment it was Still able to continue fighting.

On the other hand, the ten cultivators of Divine Transformation are already in a bit of a mess at this time, especially Thunderbolt Zidian, who originally looked majestic, but now his clothes are in pieces, and his face has been scraped with a few bloody mouths. How embarrassing it must be. How embarrassing it is, the Dark Fire Evil God, the Blood Drinking Master, and the Xuanhuo Sect Master are all in trouble.

"This beast can't hold it any longer... Come on together!"

Wuchang Taoist Lord shouted, and took up two divine swords, one black and one white, intertwined with each other like two rays of light, one black and one white, and slashed at the strange dragon crazily.

Master Xueyin also raised his blood-colored flying sword and kept chanting incantations. However, he saw that the flying sword grew in the wind, turned into a hundred-foot giant sword, and slashed towards the dragon's tail with one sword.

Han Tiangu didn't hesitate, and with one go, he used the sword technique taught by his master back then. The sword energy filled the sky, like a sudden rain, and slashed towards the different dragons. The sword's power was extremely terrifying.

The ghost Taoist also sacrificed two ghost talismans. As he focused his fingers, the two ghost talismans immediately magnified countless times, and with a whining ghost sound, they turned into black mist, overwhelming the sky and shrouding the strange dragon.

After another round of bombardment, the alien dragon finally couldn't hold on any longer, and its whole body was dripping with blood. If it moved a little, the blood splashed, and there seemed to be a rain of blood in the air.


The strange dragon let out its last deep roar, which immediately filled the valley with smoke and dust. Under the smoke and dust, everyone could not see what was really going on, but they did not dare to take it lightly at all. They were still madly launching powerful attacks into the smoke. Suffering such a terrifying attack from ten cultivators of spiritual transformation, the alien dragon would probably not survive.

Behind the valley, Xiao Chen took advantage of the smoke and dust to launch his Lingxian Steps and rushed forward. Luodie was shocked when she saw him suddenly rushing towards the strange dragon, but then thought that he was doing this There must be a reason for him, so he remained silent for the moment and watched the changes.

Xiao Chen rushed into the smoke and dust, and with his spiritual consciousness, he found the location of the strange dragon and took out the Golden Crow Foot in an instant. He did not want to use the power of the Golden Crow Foot, but used the Golden Crow Foot as the sharpest claw. It penetrated into the neck of the foreign dragon, and then swiped back hard, cutting the foreign dragon open in one stroke.

Yijiao had already been severely injured, and now it was impossible for him to survive his final fatal blow.

Taking advantage of the smoke and dust, Xiao Chen put away the golden crow's feet, and then in an instant, he used the Soul Confinement Technique on the beast soul of the different dragon.

To perform the Soul Confinement Technique, he must give the different dragon a final fatal blow, and the Soul Confinement Technique will be more likely to succeed.

After the smoke and dust cleared, everyone was still a little shocked and didn't know what happened inside. They only saw Xiao Chen standing on top of a dragon bone covered in blood.

The dragon bone was hundreds of feet long and glowed with a faint light. It was transformed by the strange dragon just now. However, the soul of the strange dragon had been taken away by Xiao Chen. This dragon bone could barely be used for making. Some special magic weapons.

Only then did everyone come back to their senses. Thinking back to the scene just now, it was really dangerous. They might have just happened to see this strange dragon about to transform, otherwise they would not have been able to deal with it so easily. And just now it seemed that the boy had given the strange dragon the last blow. Hit...

Seeing Xiao Chen covered in blood, Luodie was slightly startled, flew up quickly, and asked nervously, "Are you okay?"

Xiao Chen shook his head, and his eyes fell on the various cultivators of the gods who were in a state of embarrassment at the moment. He could clearly feel the anger on Pili Zidian's body, and the murderous aura on Fu Hua Gu's body.

"Damn boy..."

Thunderbolt Zidian was in a state of embarrassment and walked up angrily, glaring at Xiao Chen, "I told you not to rush around. If you hadn't happened to meet this strange dragon about to transform, everyone might have been killed by you just now..."

"That's all... I hope everyone is fine."

At this time, the Ghost Taoist also came up and managed to smooth things over.

Thunderbolt Zidian turned to look at him, "I think this kid will cause trouble. If he keeps running around like this, he might kill all of us here. Anyway, it is a drag, and there is also a drag. , it’s better to just leave them here to fend for themselves!”

The Ghost Taoist looked at him and said, "Don't forget, Master of the Perak Sect. If he hadn't been there ten days ago, it would have been difficult for us to pass through the aura of gods and demons."


Pili Zidian couldn't defeat him, so he could only glare at Xiao Chen bitterly, then flicked his sleeves and walked back.

The Ghost Taoist stepped forward, looked at Xiao Chen who was now covered in dragon blood, frowned and said, "There are many dangers here. From now on, I can't act as rashly as I did just now."

"I was not careful just now, I understand." Xiao Chen nodded. No one saw that he had just used the Soul Confinement Technique to take away the beast soul of the different dragon.

At night, a cold moon hung slanting on the horizon, and everyone came to another deep valley. Because they spent too much on dealing with the strange dragon during the day, they could only take a rest for the night and go back tomorrow.

The cold moon outside was like a hook, and Xiao Chen came to the edge of a cliff alone, facing the cold wind blowing from the valley. The peaks stretching into the distance under the night, brought a hint of loneliness and sadness to the tranquility.

Gradually, there were subtle footsteps behind him. Without turning around, Xiao Chen knew that Luodie was coming and said, "Have you seen those mountain peaks in the distance?"

Luo Die came to his side, looked at the looming mountain peaks in the distance, took a deep breath, and said with deep meaning after a long time, "Even if there has been a war here, even if history has been annihilated, even if the immortals of the past The demons are dead, but they remain standing.”

Xiao Chen glanced at her and said, "I mean, tomorrow we will cross those mountains, and we may meet that ancient demon..."


Hearing what he said, Luo Die only felt a slight fever on his face. It turned out that he was worried about tomorrow, but he was here to feel sad. He felt quite embarrassed for a while. He stroked his hair beside his ears, feeling a little embarrassed. Authentic "I just heard them saying that they have to go through several dangerous places tomorrow..."

When she said this, her expression became solemn again, she looked behind quietly, and finally turned around, looked at Xiao Chen and whispered, "You have to be careful, I always feel... this person has evil intentions." "

"I know."

Xiao Chen nodded. Along the way, he could naturally feel the unshakable murderous intention. It was not just because of what happened before. This person seemed to have another purpose.

Therefore, he has been careful and vigilant along the way, never getting separated from the crowd, otherwise once they get separated, this person will definitely seize the opportunity to kill him.

The next day, everyone set off again to the endless mountains. There were many auras of gods and demons in the mountains. Some places were not suitable for walking directly, and some places needed to be very careful to avoid touching the taboos here.

After half a month like this, everyone no longer knew where they were. They felt that the front was getting more and more mysterious. The further they walked, the slower and hesitant their steps became.


Taoist Master Wuchang stretched out his hand and suddenly everyone stopped. Taoist Ghost looked at him and asked attentively, "What did Mr. Taoist find?"

"Wait...I feel something is wrong."

The face of Wuchang Dao Lord showed a solemn look that had never been seen in these days. The others also held their breath and tried their best to hide their breath. Luo Die also stood beside Xiao Chen, carefully pulling his clothes. Sleeves, dare not breathe hard.

"It's the land of demons...I'm here again..."

Han Tiangu's face turned pale, and he suddenly took a step forward, looking at the strange and heavy black peaks in front of him. At this moment, his body began to tremble involuntarily.

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