The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 510: Teaching the Sword


Seeing the white-bearded man pouring all the fish back into the lake, Xiao Chen was really puzzled. With his ability, he would be able to catch those fish back if he stretched out his hand, but if he did this, it would be very difficult in this old place. It would be inappropriate to do so in front of Mr.

The white-bearded man smiled and said, "There is another fishing rod over there. I will lend it to you for two hours."

Xiao Chen glanced not far away and saw there was a fishing rod there. He thought it was still early anyway, so he would just catch the fish himself.

He dropped the fishhook and waited quietly for the fish to take the bait. During this period, he heard the white-bearded man singing a fishing song. For some reason, being drizzled in the drizzle, he suddenly felt like he had entered the mortal world.

Thinking about it carefully, during this period of time, especially after he met the old beggar later, he went to buy wine every day and asked someone if he could cook those four dishes. During this period, everything he saw was beautiful, ugly, evil, and good. This is what the world is like.

And now he is fishing here. How has he ever been so peaceful in these years?

Suddenly he remembered that when he was a child in Ningcun, did he catch too many fish in the stream? Every time I go home covered in mud, can’t I even do simple fishing now?

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen smiled knowingly. At this moment, he was listening to the white-bearded man laughing and singing a fishing song, and what he sang in the fishing song was full of all kinds of things in the world. At this moment, he seemed to have finally realized something.

Over the years, I have been pursuing supreme cultivation, but I have lost my true self. Isn't this worldly state the "true self" I should have had in the past?

As the Taoists say, return to basics. These days, I have been thinking about how to transform into a god. Transforming into a god is not a goal, but a means to enter the realm of the strong. Only after transforming into a god can we further reach the Cave Ruins. , and even the realm of Xutian, only then can we fight against those experts, only then can we fight against Shen Cangming, only then can we find out everything that happened back then and find the murderer who massacred Ningcun.

However, I have neglected my true self. If I forget my true self, what if I become a god? They are just pseudo-god transformations like those of Buhuagugu and Thunderbolt Zidian. They lose themselves and become gods for the sake of god transformation. How can they reach the true legendary realm in the future?

At this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to have a profound enlightenment, as if he had returned to basics and entered a mysterious "realm of true self". It was not until a long time ago that the white-bearded man's laughter suddenly sounded in his ears: "Little friend , little’s been two hours, you can close the pole.”

Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes and saw that it was getting late and the rain had stopped. He had just closed his eyes for a short while and two hours had passed?

Fortunately, it was not a hundred years ago. At this time, the fishing rod started to move. As soon as he retracted the rod, he immediately caught a plump spotted mandarin fish.

The white-bearded man stroked his beard and smiled and said, "I will give this water urn to you as a gift." As he said this, he clapped his hand and smoothly passed the water urn next to him.

Xiao Chen put the fish into the water urn. At this moment, the white-bearded man in front of him looked like an old god traveling around the world. He bowed respectfully, "Thank you, senior."

"Haha, little friend, go back."

The white-bearded man stroked his beard and smiled. In the blink of an eye, Xiao Chen saw only the vast mist on the lake, and no one was seen nearby. He couldn't help but feel something. He didn't expect that such a master existed in this small mortal world, but he still underestimated him. Mortal world.


Seeing the dusk cloud slowly rising, Xiao Chen suddenly came back to his senses. He could not delay any longer. If he continued to delay, he was afraid that the old beggar from Qingzhou would leave.

Thinking of this, he carried the water jar to the outside of the city. Now he could only unfold the world of instant step. With the spell, he escaped thousands of miles away in an instant and returned to the outside of Qingzhou City.

Dusk has not yet completely set, and there is still time to go back to the restaurant and let Chef Xu prepare all four dishes.

When he returned to the restaurant, the shopkeeper saw that he had indeed brought the mandarin fish back. He was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped. He had no idea how he did it. It took him a while to realize: "Guest, come on, come on..."

Going to the kitchen at the back, Master Xu had already cooked the first two dishes. When he saw the mandarin fish was taken back, he immediately started cooking. In about half an hour, the "Linyuan Fish" was ready, and this Linyuan dish The way Xian fish is cooked is very different from that of ordinary mandarin fish.

The shopkeeper nodded and said with a smile, "Sir, are you satisfied?"

Seeing dusk outside, Xiao Chen asked, "Where is the last water clear without fish?"

Master Xu didn't say anything, and immediately took a bowl of clear fish soup from the pot, sprinkled a few chopped green onions on top, and nothing else.

" the water clear without fish?"

The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, looking at the bowl of clear water fish soup, thinking that a bowl of fish soup was worth two and a half gold ingots. It would be great if this business could be done every day.

At this time, Master Xu slowly raised his head, his eyes still cloudy, looked at the young man in white in front of him, and asked tremblingly, "May I ask, young master, who wants these four dishes?"

"It's an old gentleman."

Xiao Chen replied, and took out ten gold ingots from his sleeves. The shopkeeper's eyes almost dropped from his eyes. Xiao Chen glanced at him, put the ten gold ingots on the chopping board, and carried four dishes. He quickly went outside with a bottle of wine.

After leaving the city, Xiao Chen immediately went to the bamboo forest that the old beggar mentioned three days ago. When he arrived, it was still dark, and he saw the old beggar sleeping on a bamboo, which was bent under the pressure. But it is quite flexible and does not break.

"Haha, boy, have you brought all the four dishes the old man asked for?"


Xiao Chen smiled softly, placed the food box on the ground covered with bamboo leaves, opened it layer by layer, and the fragrance suddenly filled the entire bamboo forest.

" smells so good!"

The old beggar took a strong sniff, and immediately couldn't help but move his index finger. While eating, he couldn't help but praise, "Not bad, not bad, this is the taste. Linyuan Xianyu, this is the taste..."

Xiao Chen was standing by, quietly watching him feasting, thinking that the old beggar in front of him was just like the white-bearded man fishing in the misty waves on the edge of Taihu Lake in Suzhou. He was definitely not an ordinary person. In this mortal world, he was actually an ordinary person. There are two masters who hide themselves so deeply, maybe... more than two.

But now, he still couldn't figure out the intention of the old gentleman in front of him, so he quietly waited for him to finish the fish.

When it was about dark, the old beggar finished eating the fish, picked his teeth with the fish bones, and rinsed his mouth with the bowl of "water clear without fish".

Xiao Chen watched from the side and thought that this "Lin Yuan Xian Fish" was made from plump mandarin fish. No matter how delicious it was, it was inevitable that his mouth would be greasy after eating, and the "water is clear and fishless" was used to rinse it off. The mouth moistens the throat, but he is thoughtful.

After a while, Xiao Chen saw that the old beggar had finished eating, he smiled softly and said, "How is it? Do these four fishes meet the old gentleman's taste?"

"Not bad……"

The old beggar seemed very satisfied. He took another sip of wine and looked at him with a smile. "The old man has traveled all over the world. No matter where he goes, he is always pushed and pushed. But you kid, you have invited me again these days." Drinking wine and treating me to fish is fine. The old man doesn’t like to be in debt, so I’ll just teach you a swordsmanship.”

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