The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 513: My life experience is blurred

Both of them were silent, Lao Xu slowly lowered his head, still did not speak, Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed, and finally said, "Master Xu has often felt guilty over the years. On that day, if he didn't fight with others, if he didn't If you go to Zuixian Lake to get water and delay your return, maybe... maybe you can save your wife and children, right? "

"you you……"

At this moment, Lao Xu was suddenly startled, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing in the world. He pointed at Xiao Chen with a look of extreme fear. He staggered back and even kicked the bench and almost fell down.

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand to support him and said softly, "Master Xu, don't be afraid. I am a disciple of the Xuan Qing Sect. I am investigating a mysterious case in the ancient village more than 20 years ago. I will definitely not harm you."

When he heard that he was a disciple of the Xuan Qing Sect, Old Xu felt at ease and looked at the young man in white in disbelief. No wonder he brought the fish back from Suzhou so quickly during the day. It turned out to be a disciple of the "immortal" on Xuan Qing Mountain. …

"you you……"

But at this moment, Lao Xu still couldn't calm down for a while. The scene that was like Shura Hell still lingers in front of his eyes. Every time he closes his eyes, he can see the dead villagers, and every one of them is covered with blood. s face.

"I died so miserably...I died so miserably...Help me...I don't want to die...Help me...It's so cold...It's so cold in the underworld..."

"Ah...ah! Don't kill me...don't kill me!"

Suddenly, Lao Xu seemed to have seen a ghost. He was so frightened that he backed away. His face was extremely pale, and he kept chanting words such as "Don't kill me". He was obviously temporarily losing his mind due to old events.

Xiao Chen had no choice but to hold him down and quickly applied a layer of Xuanqing Sect's "Qingxin Jue" on top of his head, which slowly calmed him down.

After a long time, Xiao Chen finally said, "Can you tell me... what happened back then?"


At this moment, Lao Xu seemed to be immersed in the memories of many years ago, and one scene after another passed through his mind.

After a long time, I heard him slowly say, "That year, I was twenty-eight. Because I was obsessed with cooking, I got married late, but I also had a child. During that time, there were often animal infestations in the village. One day I came from When I came back from the village, I saw several leopards rushing into the village and injuring many people. The villagers were all panicked. Another spotted leopard rushed towards my house. I was scared to death. There was still a full moon in the house. The child and the child’s mother, at the critical moment, a figure rushed over and beat the leopard to death with a few punches..."

Speaking of this, Lao Xu paused for a while before continuing, "I later found out that the benefactor's surname was Yang, and his name was Yang Jin. He was passing by Wujiacun with his wife. The couple were both in their early twenties and had been displaced to avoid the war. There is also a child who is not yet one month old..."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly and asked, "What then? Have the Yangs and his wife told them their origins?"

Old Xu shook his head and continued, "They only said that they came from another country. Yang Jin must have practiced martial arts. The village chief saw that he could kill a leopard with his bare hands and was a kind man, so he let him and his wife stay in the village. With Yang Jin here, those wild beasts will no longer dare to enter the village and hurt people..."


Speaking of this, Lao Xu sighed deeply and continued, "Yang Jin and his wife are not far from my home. Every night, they always hear the baby crying, crying very hard. I don't know what a little baby can do." What happened? Later I found out that Yang Jin’s wife had never breastfed the baby. She had never been pregnant. Where did she get the milk? "

"In other words, the baby was not born to Yang Jin and his wife." Xiao Chen asked with a frown.

"That's right..."

Lao Xu nodded and continued, "The child is so small, how can he not drink milk? My wife saw that the child was so small, how could she drink porridge? She couldn't bear it, so she asked Mrs. Yang to carry the child over, and she would give it to the child. Breastfeeding..."

Speaking of this, Lao Xu sighed again, his eyes gradually showed fear again, and his voice became a little trembling, "Just a month later, I heard that a famous chef came to Suzhou, so I When I went to Qingzhou, just as the young master said just now, the famous chef brought out a Linyuan fish dish. I was young and energetic at the time, but I couldn't get angry, so I went to Zuixian Lake to get a bowl of water and made a bowl of water without fish. , and it was precisely because of this that I wasted time. When I returned to the village, it was already late at night. That scene...I will never forget it..."

As he said this, his body trembled even more violently, his face became paler and paler, his eyes were full of fear, and it was obvious that he could no longer continue speaking.

Seeing this, Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and held his shoulder. "Master Xu, don't be nervous. Please tell me what you saw at that time, who the murderer was, and what method he used..."

"I...I saw, I saw..."

Lao Xu couldn't help but tremble all over again, and said in a trembling voice, "I saw the house collapsed, corpses strewn all over the ground, blood flowing in rivers, everyone, everyone died... No one survived, everyone, all died Already..."

"Did you see who did it?"

" I went back, everyone was dead..."

Old Xu spoke tremblingly, his eyes becoming increasingly cloudy. Xiao Chen could imagine the cruel scene that night and asked, "What about Yang Jin and his wife? Have you seen them?" "

"No...didn't see..."

Lao Xu shook his head blankly and murmured to himself, "They are probably dead too... A layer of miasma filled the village. I couldn't even dig out my wife's body from under the rubble. Had to leave..."

The events of that year are coming to light bit by bit, but they are shrouded in layers of fog. Xiao Chen knows that he can’t ask anything else. His life experience is still a mystery, but now the only thing that can be determined is Unfortunately, I am not from the ancient village.

The night was blurry, and after leaving some silver behind, Xiao Chen left the inn. Counting the days, it was almost a month since he left Qingmu Cliff, and he didn't know what was going on with Shen Jing.

Two days later, he returned to Qingmu Cliff. He saw gurgling water in the valley, lush vegetation, blooming flowers, and singing birds. It was a spring scene. Compared with when he first came, the valley was much warmer. .

Entering the depths of the valley, Shen Jing happened to be refining medicine outside that day. When she saw him coming back, she immediately stepped forward and asked, "How is it? Have you found that person?"

"found it."

Xiao Chen nodded lightly, but for some reason at this time, what happened in Qingzhou City made him feel a little heavy, so he simply stopped thinking about it, looked into the cave, and asked, "Where is Weiyang? How is she?" "


Hearing him ask about Hua Weiyang, Shen Jing's eyebrows gradually furrowed, and she slowly lowered her head. She didn't know how to tell him, and finally shook her head gently.

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