The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 516: Retreat from the enemy

The three people turned into three sword lights, one green, one purple, and one white, and suddenly entered the valley. The rest of the people behind them immediately followed, and the momentum was not small.

When they arrived outside the cave, everyone took a closer look and saw a man in white standing beside the entrance of the cave. His sleeves were fluttering and his eyes were cold. Someone immediately recognized him as Xiao Yichen, the traitor of the Xuanqing Sect.

The previous three people also fell to the ground, and the leader, Master Guangyu, pointed to them, "Xiao Yichen, is that witch in the cave?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone became alert, fearing that there were other powerful demon sect masters hiding in the cave.

Xiao Chen's eyes were indifferent, and he stood with his hands behind his back, turning a blind eye to the hundreds of people in front of him. "What does it have to do with you?" After that, he said a deep voice to the cliff, "Friends above, since you are here, please show up." Body."

As soon as he finished speaking, countless figures suddenly flew down from the Green Wood Cliff. They were densely packed, but they were much more than the hundreds of people here.

As the people on Qingmu Cliff came down, everyone's momentum suddenly increased. Those who were originally a little wary of Xiao Chen stepped forward with cold eyes: "Xiao Yichen, you can't escape with your wings today. If you know the truth, Just hand over the witch, cut off your meridians, and return to Tianmen for trial!” ❆

"Not urgent……"

Xiao Chen's eyes were still indifferent, he slowly scanned the people in front of him, and asked, "Who on earth asked you to come..."

"You have done many evil things, and in my righteous way, everyone will punish you! Does anyone else need us to come?" Someone in the crowd immediately spoke harshly.

"If you do many evil things, you will be punished..."

Xiao Chen smiled coldly and said lightly, "Then you should tell me what kind of evil Xiao has done, and everyone should punish him."

The three people from before stood forward, and the old man in purple said coldly, "You betrayed the master and took refuge in the Demon Sect. This is one of the reasons! You protected the demon sect's demon girl and killed the seniors of the same sect. This is the second one! You broke into the Tianmen and saved Demon-walking witch, this is the third one! You secretly colluded with several demon sects in an attempt to control various sects in the five regions..."

"If you want to impose a crime...there is no reason to worry."

Xiao Chen still stood with his hands behind his back and smiled coldly. It was good now. In the past three years, he had been to the Eastern Continent and didn't know what happened in the Five Immortal Domains. These people actually accused him of colluding with several demon sects.

"Xiao Yichen, you can plead guilty or not. Tianmen will judge on its own. Anyway, today, you and the demon girl in the cave will not be able to escape again!"

The momentum in the crowd was high, and some even wanted to forcefully break into the cave. Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves, his breath shook, and the area around him trembled violently. His eyes suddenly turned cold, and he said coldly, "Anyone who comes within a hundred steps will be killed." Kill without mercy!"

The cold voice warned everyone present that if they were attacked, their bodies would be intact, but everyone was fearless. Suddenly a gust of wind blew up, and they saw three Xuanmen disciples holding sharp swords, coming from three directions. He pounced towards Xiao Chen.


The elders in the sect were horrified and tried to stop the three young and energetic disciples, but they were unable to do so. Xiao Chen flipped his palm, and among the dust flying, an unparalleled force of profound power crashed away like a huge wave.

How could those three disciples who had just entered the Nascent Soul withstand such a huge force? They couldn't hold back their strength, and the swords in their hands were shattered. With a "bang", they vomited blood and flew backwards, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.


Two more elders came out of the Xuanmen. Seeing Xiao Chen's attack without leaving any room, they all looked at each other angrily, eager to try.

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, he flicked his sleeves, slowly put his hands behind his back, and said calmly, "I say it again, anyone who comes within a hundred steps will be killed without mercy."

The cold wind roared violently, murderous intent filled the air, and the silence of the silent valley was finally broken. The murderous intent came one after another, but Xiao Chen remained motionless as a mountain, guarding in front of the cave.

Master Guangyu stepped forward and finally saw murderous intent, "Xiao Yichen, you are asking for death!" As soon as he finished speaking, he rose up in the air and stabbed Xiao Chen with a sword.

Behind them, the old man in green and purple also jumped up at the same time. The swords of the three of them were like rainbows, shocking the surroundings. They were definitely not comparable to the three young disciples just now.

Even in the face of such a fierce killing move, Xiao Chen's expression remained unchanged. The true energy in his body quickly lifted up his palms, and the power of his palms suddenly poured out like a thousand-foot white waterfall. With a "boom", the palms and swords faced each other, shaking. Everyone present retreated.

"What a profound skill..."

The three people in the air all said this secretly in their hearts.

However, Xiao Chen's clothes were still in the wind, his long hair was flying, and his eyes were still cold. Even if he faced the joint attack of three old men with extraordinary cultivation, he still had three points of leeway in his attack, because he didn't know what else was hidden on the Qingmu Cliff. People, therefore, dare not touch their true energy.

"Take down this evil!"

Someone in the crowd shouted something, and suddenly countless people rushed forward. Xiao Chen's right palm force confronted the swords of the three old men in mid-air. When the true energy of his left hand was pressed, the palm force was like an overwhelming force. A "boom" sound instantly shocked the countless people who rushed up to them, causing them to vomit blood and fly back.

"Tianzi Yun!"

With a quick shout, a sinister figure suddenly appeared in the void. Everyone was shocked when they saw that he summoned such a sinister dead thing out of thin air. He had indeed entered the devil's path!

"Anyone who comes close to the cave will be killed without mercy!"

Xiao Chen gave the order and suddenly jumped up and attacked the three old men in mid-air. Yun Tianzi stood guarding in front of the cave, full of evil aura, and his eyes were filled with red light. He looked extremely scary and intimidating. No one dared to step forward easily.

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

Only three quick sounds were heard. The three old men in the air, especially Master Guangyu, all felt the swords in their hands shake. The next moment, before they could react, they were knocked away by a strong palm force. go out.

Everyone stepped forward to catch Master Guangyu and the three of them. Xiao Chen had no expression on his face, his palms shook, and there was a faint sound of dragon roaring in the void.

Everyone was startled when they first heard the sound of the dragon roaring at this moment. They thought it must be the powerful Taoist technique of Xuan Qingmen. Master Guangyu was not surprised when things happened, and he immediately reacted and said, "Form up!"

Everyone immediately worked together to form a defensive sword formation, and at this time, Xiao Chen started to move his hands, and the clouds in the sky continued to surge.

At this moment, the dragon roar of the dead wood has taken shape. With a push of both palms, the power of the palms comes out, instantly rolling up the fallen leaves on the ground, forming a hundred-foot-long dragon shadow, rushing towards everyone, its momentum is unstoppable!


There was only a loud noise, and the whole valley trembled violently. Suddenly, rocks collapsed and dust filled the sky.

The sword formation formed by everyone's combined efforts was completely vulnerable to the dragon's roar of the dead wood. It collapsed and disintegrated in an instant. At this moment, everyone was like broken grass and basil, flying back one after another.

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