The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 532: Cracks in the Secret Realm

Dusk gradually enveloped the surrounding areas, and the mountains became more and more ghostly. At this moment, in a forest, I saw a figure flashing past quickly. That person was none other than Hua Weiyang.

This morning she returned to Baihua Valley where Lianhua Palace used to be, only to find that the entire Lianhua Palace had disappeared. She immediately realized that something big had happened to Lianhua Palace during her absence.

There is only one possibility for the Lianhua Palace to disappear from the valley, and that is that Mrs. Xian Shu activated the Hundred Flowers Formation and hid the entire Lianhua Palace into the Secret Realm of Hundred Flowers.

At this moment, Hua Weiyang gradually had a very bad feeling in her heart. If this was true, things would probably be very troublesome. ✼

At night, it started to rain lightly again. Hua Weiyang found a hidden cave and began to think carefully about what happened during her absence. Did Xian Shu activate the Hundred Flowers Formation?

She knew clearly in her heart that unless it was a last resort, Xianshu would never easily activate the Hundred Flowers Formation, because opening the Hundred Flowers Formation would not only consume a lot of cultivation, but the most important point is that the Hundred Flowers Formation can only be used within a hundred years. Opening it once means that all the disciples of Xianshu and Lianhua Palace will now have to wait a hundred years before they can come out.

This is why Lianhua Palace was unknown to the public for hundreds of years, because the last time Lianhua Palace was hidden in the Secret Realm of Hundred Flowers was more than three hundred years ago.

Hua Weiyang gradually frowned. If Lianhua Palace had really hidden into the Secret Realm of Hundred Flowers, it would be useless for her to worry now. She could only find a way to find the "entrance" to the Secret Realm of Hundred Flowers.

This entrance is not an ordinary entrance, but a crack in space connected to the outside world, so she cannot enter the Secret Realm of Hundred Flowers through this entrance. She can only find this entrance and then get in touch with Mrs. Xianshu inside.

There should be some entrances like this within a radius of several thousand miles. Although you cannot enter the Secret Realm of Hundred Flowers through these entrances, you can use these crack entrances to transmit spiritual thoughts inside.

The positions of the entrances to these cracks are not always fixed. Where they are now, she can only find them by slowly sensing them with her spiritual power.

About mid-night, the rain outside slowly stopped, and the air was filled with an earthy smell, mixed with a faint smell of rot.

Hua Weiyang slowly came to the edge of the cave entrance and looked at the mountains shrouded in night in the distance. These days, she naturally discovered that there were many people from both the good and evil paths entering the Hundred Thousand Thousand Forest. Along the way, she also discovered many things. There were few corpses, and some were even rotting. There must have been violent conflicts here before she came back.

But she couldn't think of it for the time being. The Hundred Thousand Thousand Jungles had been left over from ancient times and had always been full of dangers. Especially in the depths of the dense forest, no one knew what terrible things were inside, because almost no one who went in came out alive. .

Over time, the depths of the dense forest have been demonized by the world. Not only has it become a taboo place for cultivators of the righteous path, but even those masters of demon cultivation in the demonic path will never enter.

But recently, so many people have entered the Hundred Thousand Thousand Thousand Forests. Most of the Hundred Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Forests are in barren mountains and rivers, and there are no treasures. Why do so many people come in at such great risk? There is only one possibility, and their purpose is only one, which is the legend deep in the dense forest.

Now, Hua Weiyang can only think of these. As for what happened, she is not sure for the time being. She can only wait until she finds the crack at the entrance to the Hundred Flowers Secret Realm and gets in touch with Mrs. Xianshu.

Seven days have passed. During these days, there has always been drizzle in the Hundred Thousand Thousand Forests. During this period, Hua Weiyang also found several cracks in the Secret Realm of Hundred Flowers, all of which were in some valleys. But for some reason, there were cracks in those valleys. Many righteous disciples were stationed there, and she tried many times but failed in the end.

In the evening of that day, the rain slowly stopped, and Hua Weiyang quietly sneaked into a deep valley. There were also many righteous disciples stationed in this valley.

In order not to alarm these people, Hua Weiyang was very careful along the way, wondering why these people were staying here? Could it be that they can also sense the spiritual energy seeping out of the Hundred Flowers Secret Realm?

The spiritual energy in front is getting thicker and thicker. It is obvious that there is a crack at the entrance of Baihua Secret Realm not far ahead, but the crack is invisible to the eyes and can only be sensed with spiritual power.

Arriving at the depths of the valley, Hua Weiyang had already gathered all her aura and was now hiding between two large rocks, waiting for the few righteous disciples in front to pass by.

After those people walked over, she was about to go out, but suddenly, someone held her shoulders from behind.

The visitor came silently, and Hua Weiyang was suddenly startled. When she turned around, she saw a strange man wearing a bamboo hat, a raincoat, and a beard.


The strange man immediately made a silence gesture. He was none other than Xiao Chen. He had been secretly protecting Hua Weiyang all the way. Now he saw that the other party was about to sneak into the valley, and there were many righteous disciples in the valley. Hua Weiyang One person might not be able to handle it, but he showed up just in time.

At this moment, Hua Weiyang noticed that in front of the valley, there were two old men with high cultivation level in the dark. She couldn't help but sigh to herself that she was in such danger. If she went out like this, she could naturally handle the two old men, but It would inevitably attract countless righteous disciples nearby, which would be terrible.

After waiting for a while, it was getting dark, and the two old men finally left with their swords. Hua Weiyang breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the strange man in front of her, and asked with a little caution, "Who are you?"

"Down here..."

"Okay, Xiao Yichen, I know it's you, tell me quickly, why are you following me all the way?"

It turned out that Hua Weiyang had already noticed that he was following him all the way, but he didn't show up, so she pretended not to notice.

Xiao Chen dissipated the Qi in his throat and said, "You have been in a coma and slept for many years. During this period, you have no idea what happened in the Five Immortal Realms. Do you know how dangerous it is to come back so rashly?"

After listening to what he said, Hua Weiyang gradually fell into deep thought. She had been in a coma for several years. What happened during this period and why was her mind blank?

And he, he is a disciple of Xuan Qing, and his relationship with him does not seem to be good enough to protect him secretly all the way, right?

If he knew his identity in the world, with his stubborn temperament, he would be at odds with his good and evil, and he would definitely say something like, "You are from the Demon Cult. Next time we meet, Xiao The three-foot green-edged sword in your hand will show no mercy."

But why does he look so concerned about himself at this moment? What's the matter……

Hua Weiyang was full of doubts.

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