The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 554 Qiu Shui Ruthless (Part 2)

A cold wind was raging across the entire cliff. At this moment, the sheath of the Autumn Water Sword burst out with mysterious light. Qian Yu Nishang kicked off her feet and attacked Xiao Chen in an instant, as fast as a bolt of lightning.

The power of the sword is earth-shattering!

At the same moment, Xiao Chen's palm suddenly came out, and the power of his palm was like a wild dragon rising out of the sea, unstoppable!


There was a loud sound as the sword energy collided with the force of the palm, causing the entire cliff to tremble violently. As if fearing that the cliff would collapse, the two of them fell into the abyss and were shattered into pieces.

When the sword energy and palm power offset each other, Qian Yu Nishang quickly straightened her body forward, carrying the scabbard, and swept towards Xiao Chen with one sword.

The sword was so fast and fierce that Xiao Chen leaned back. Although Qiu Shui had not taken out the scabbard, when the scabbard passed his face, it actually cut off a strand of hair from his forehead.

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!"

Before Xiao Chen could stand still, Qian Yu Nishang struck with three swords in succession. The sword force was so tight that there was no flaw, forcing Xiao Chen to retreat all the way to the cliff.


There was only a sharp sound, but it was Xiao Chen's finger force that flicked out, slightly shaking Qian Yu Ni Chang's sword. But now Qian Yu Ni Chang's sword skills were so superb that he turned the sword around in an instant and attacked him again. Go and leave him no time to breathe.

The cold wind was raging on the cliff, and Qianyu Nishang's sword force was continuous and pressing forward step by step. Xiao Chen always responded calmly and counterattacked from time to time, which immediately made Qianyu Nishang's wrist go numb.

Even so, Qian Yu Nishang's sword power is becoming more and more powerful. Even if Xiao Chen's cultivation is far better than before, unless he has a magic weapon in his hand at this moment, he will never be able to repel her in a moment. .


There was a sharp sound, and a golden light flashed in front of Xiao Chen. In his hand, there was a fairy sword with a mysterious light array. This sword was not a real sword. If you look closely, you can see that the sword body is imaginary and real, but it is his. The "Heart Sword" condensed with true essence.

Although the Heart Sword is not a real sword, when practiced to the transformation state, it even surpasses the real sword.

Qianyu Nishang's eyes were focused. She was not surprised at all that Xiao Chen had now condensed his heart sword. The power of the sword in his hand was much more powerful at this moment. It could point, pick, stab, or chop, one sword at a time. Totally opposite.

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

The two of them faced each other fiercely, with swords that refused to yield. The sword energy surged everywhere, cutting off the nearby leaves into pieces and flying into pieces. It was like the love they had in the past was also chopped to pieces by a sword on the cold wind cliff. .

If there is a duel between two masters who have reached an impasse in their swordsmanship, then the outcome will be decided in an instant. As long as one party is careless, he will be killed by the other party's superb swordsmanship.

But at this moment, I don’t know why. Both of them are so proficient in swordsmanship that no one else can match. But at this moment, they are so locked in a stalemate that it’s hard to tell the winner, as if they have returned to the past at Zixiao Peak. The scene during sword practice, but now there is a vague murderous intent in their respective sword intentions.

It was getting late, and the flowers and trees on the entire cliff had long since withered and shattered. Finally, Qian Yu Nishang used the last move, and Xiao Chen did not leave any room. With a "clang" sound, the two swords collided, but both of them stepped back. It opened several feet.


Qian Yu Nishang stood firm and looked up at the cold and heartless man in front of her. She suddenly felt miserable in her heart. She didn't want the ancient sword to be unsheathed, but he took it step by step without leaving any room...

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves, dispersed his heart sword, and said calmly, "You clearly know that those sword moves I used just now only require Bixiao sword skills to defeat me, so why not use them... …”

Such a seemingly careless remark made the atmosphere become even colder in an instant. Qianyu Nishang was stunned for a moment, then she thought of something and said in a daze, "What do you mean by this? Are you... doubting me? Doubt it in the first place?" Those people died under my sword..."

A long time ago, when Xiao Chen first had this idea, at that moment, he almost fell into despair and madness, and locked himself in his room for days and nights.

But now when he looked at her, his eyes were so calm. Maybe he never imagined that one day, he would say these words so calmly in front of her.

"Then why don't you go to this world and find the third person who knows Bixiao swordsmanship..."


Qian Yu Nishang stared at him blankly, and finally stopped talking. She just looked at him silently, without saying a word or explaining anything. Only the cold wind blew slowly by her ears, as if carrying... A heartless word.

"You and I have broken all ties today. Next time we meet...there will be no need to show mercy."

Xiao Chen's eyes were indifferent. As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and was about to fly to the other side of the cliff. But at this moment, Qian Yu Nishang suddenly stopped him again, "Stop!"

"What? You want to stop me?" Xiao Chen stopped and said calmly.

At this moment, Qian Yu Nishang's eyes gradually became calm again, "I won't let you take away something like that from the depths of the jungle..."


Xiao Chen smiled softly, "What? Are you planning to fight for something like that? I don't know if you want to bring Xuan Qing back or bring it back to Tianmen..."

Qianyu Nishang no longer explained anything. Without saying a word, she raised her sword power again. This sword was even more extraordinary. It moved like the roaring waves of the angry sea, and was as heavy as Yue Zhiyuan Ting!

Even if the ancient sword is not unsheathed, who can use its edge!

Xiao Chen also turned around at this moment, condensing all his true energy into one palm to resist Qian Yu Nishang's fierce sword!


There was a loud noise, and the moment the two people's forces collided, more than a dozen cracks appeared on the cliff. It was on the verge of collapse, but Qian Yu Nishang's profound strength remained undiminished.

At this moment, a three-flower gathering mark appeared between her eyebrows, and the strength of her whole body increased countless times in an instant. The scabbard of the Autumn Water Sword finally could no longer withstand the power and fell apart in an instant.

At this moment, the situation in the sky suddenly changed, the sound of the sword whistling resounded through the sky, shocking the world, the Qiu Shui Sword... was unsheathed!


With the sound of the sword, the mysterious light of the entire sword increased greatly. If the Qiushui Sword fell into the hands of ordinary people, it might not be able to exert even 10% of its power, but if it was held in Xiao Chen's hand, it would probably be able to exert its power. Nearly 30% of the power, but at this moment in the hands of Qian Yu Nishang, it can exert 120% of the power!

At this moment, the long sword slashed towards Xiao Chen with a ruthless and cold meaning. At this moment, Xiao Chen's luck also changed, and he could control life and death in an instant.

An incomparable sword energy that shakes the world, a majestic and strange power of life and death, at this moment, they are heading towards each other fiercely, the sword is a cold sword, and the heart is a cold heart!

In this moment, life and death will be divided!

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