The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 582 The Sword of the Emperor


The two of them spurted out another mouthful of blood and flew backwards. Facing such a rapid and violent attack, the two of them had no room to parry.

At this moment, Hua Weiyang's murderous aura increased sharply, and her eyes became even bloodier. She seemed to be unable to control the power within her body.

"Junior are you?"

The green-robed elder's face turned pale. The two of them were already injured, but now they were even worse. If they hadn't been highly cultivated and profound, they might not even be able to stand firmly at this moment.

" careful!"

The purple-robed old man suddenly let out a cry of surprise, and in the blink of an eye, Hua Weiyang attacked again. This time, a layer of purple-black mist enveloped her body, making her look extremely scary.

However, just when she was about to take action, her face suddenly turned pale, a muffled groan came from her throat, and then, her power dissipated in that instant.

At this moment, she seemed to finally wake up, and the words that her little brother said to her in the past rang in her ears again: "Little sister, although half of your blood is human blood, but in our You clan, Your power is the purest, and you are more likely to break through the shackles than my brother in the future, but right now, you can't use this power at will, you know? "

"Why? I can't use this power. Why can you all use the power of the You clan at will, but only I can't..."

"Little sister, there are some things that you will understand in the future, but now, I can't tell you. Remember what I said to you today, don't use the power of the You clan easily..."

At this moment, in mid-air, the cold wind kept blowing. Hua Weiyang's face was pale, and he no longer had any power from the You clan. The two people at Taishi Daomen were in shock, as if they had taken a trip through the gate of hell. They reacted at this moment. , the two of them launched their killing moves together, each hitting Hua Weiyang with a palm.

"Bang! Bang!"

Hearing only two quick sounds, Hua Weiyang received a slap on each shoulder. She spit out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.

Suye saw her flying back upside down. He plucked the strings and the sound instantly turned into a soft force, catching her from mid-air.

In the distance, the green-robed elder and the purple-robed elder looked at each other. At this moment, their murderous aura suddenly increased. The two of them pushed their Xuan Gong to the limit in an instant. Without saying a word, they attacked Hua Weiyang and Su Ye from both directions. .

I saw that the two people were shrouded in mysterious light, and the force of the palm shook the nearby mountains and rocks. If this palm were to strike, Su Ye's soul would be seriously injured, and even Hua Weiyang would be seriously injured again!

At this critical moment, the strong wind in the ancient palace had stopped at some point, and the two of them felt their breaths suffocate. In the next moment, before the palm force could reach them, a green sword energy slashed out from the ancient palace.

With a "bang" sound, this sword energy not only easily dispersed the palm power of the two people, but also directly slashed them away.


I saw Xiao Chen flying out of the ancient palace in an instant. Without saying a word, he tapped several acupuncture points on Hua Weiyang's body with two fingers. Fortunately, the two people just now were afraid, so they didn't try their best, otherwise they would just I am afraid that not long after Hua Weiyang woke up, she was seriously injured again.

"I'm fine..."

Hua Weiyang wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and looked at the two people in the distance at this moment, her eyes still filled with hatred, "Don't worry about me, don't let those two people run away..."

"They can't run away..."

Xiao Chen stood up slowly, and his eyes at this moment were as cold as a bottomless abyss, which was daunting.

Seeing his cold gaze, the two people from Taishi Daomen could not help but tremble, staring closely at the ancient sword in his hand. Could it be... the Emperor's Sword?

"You shouldn't hurt her."

Xiao Chen's voice was terrifyingly cold, making the two of them tremble again.

At this time, both of them had been seriously injured, and their skills were less than 30% of what they were at their peak. Knowing that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, the two of them did not hesitate. However, when they were about to turn around and flee, Xiao Chen had already slashed out with his sword.

"Junior careful!"

Facing such a shocking sword, the purple-robed elder bore the brunt. The green-robed elder wanted to step forward to help, but it was too late.

I saw that sword energy slashing towards me, almost tearing the void apart. It came in a blink of an eye. The purple-robed elder had no time to make any resistance. He only heard a "chi" sound, and his whole person was transformed into a blood mist under the sword energy. Both form and spirit are destroyed.

"Junior brother..."

The green-robed elder was suddenly startled. At this moment, he no longer hesitated. He spurted out a mouthful of blood, immediately used the blood escape technique, and fled far away.

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, and he slashed away with his sword. The sword energy suddenly turned into a mysterious light. While the green-robed elder was escaping, he suddenly felt his heart tremble. He couldn't escape even with the blood escape technique... that one The sword energy kills!


There was a loud noise, and the entire abyss trembled violently. The green-robed elder was completely wiped out by the sword energy, and even his spiritual thoughts could not be transmitted up.

At this time, above the abyss, at the entrance of the ancient cave, the people guarding above clearly felt the violent vibration below. They were all shocked at this time, especially the elder Mo Yi, whose expression suddenly changed at this moment: "Second Junior Brother, Fourth Junior Brother..."

"Great Elder, what's wrong..."

The old man in green clothes also hurried over and looked at the bottomless ancient cave. At this moment, for some reason, he felt inexplicably frightened.

"Something may have happened to the two junior brothers..."

Elder Mo Yi immediately calmed down and looked at him, "Immediately order down, have everyone come here, no matter the cost, set up a killing array, and as soon as anyone comes out from below, kill them immediately!"

Hearing that a massive killing array was to be set up here, the old man in green couldn't help but tremble slightly, and immediately realized the seriousness of the matter. At this time, he no longer hesitated and immediately did what Elder Mo Yi said.

In just a short moment, the entire sword tomb was already filled with people from the Taishi Taoist Sect. Looking around, there were actually thousands of people. The elder Mo Yi ordered everyone to set up a killing array here. Now he only waited for Xiao Chen Out.

It was almost dusk at this time. Probably because of the huge killing array here, the originally dark sky suddenly became more blood red, as if it was dyed red by blood, which made people feel extremely suffocating and depressed. .

At this moment, on the hilltop in the distance, people from countless sects were talking in low voices. The entire Sword Tomb was now filled with murderous intent. Taishi Dao Sect asked all the disciples to gather here and set up such a powerful killing formation here. I'm afraid he was waiting for Xiao Chen to come out.

"Junior Sister Qianyu, have you seen it? Those people from Taishi Dao Sect have set up such a powerful killing array here. It seems that they are planning to completely eliminate Junior Brother Xiao..."

On a mountain peak in the distance, Fuling looked at the murderous formation at the sword tomb, and her face suddenly turned very pale.

Qian Yu Nishang stood nearby, silent from beginning to end, but the Qiushui Sword in her hand, for some reason, suddenly vibrated violently at this moment, making a continuous sound of sword clanging.

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