"Master's master is here..."

Little Lianhua blinked her big eyes and seemed very excited when she heard that her master was coming. Mrs. Xianshu smiled softly, smoothed the hair on her forehead, and said with a smile, "Yes..."

At this moment, two female disciples walked in quickly from outside. Seeing how hurried they were, it was probably not a good thing.

Mrs. Xianshu smiled softly at Little Lianhua and said, "Lianhua just stay in the room and don't go anywhere, okay?"


Little Lianhua was very cute and cute. After saying that, she ran to the bed and sat gently on the bed. She looked at Mrs. Xianshu with her big watery eyes, "Lianhua is waiting here for Master to come back. She is not going anywhere..."


Madam Xianshu smiled at her and went outside with her two disciples. When she saw the sight of spiritual power flowing outside, the smile on Madam Xianshu's face disappeared and she became worried.

"Now the spiritual power in all directions in the secret realm is unstable. If the palace master forcibly breaks the cracks outside at this time, and is slightly careless, the entire secret realm will collapse..."

Mrs. Xianshu took a deep breath. How could she not see the crisis in front of her? It was just that when the matter came to an end, there was no other way.

The two disciples looked anxious, and the disciple on the left said, "Now there are several spiritual power arrays that have begun to lose their effect. Without Madam's order, we dare not move rashly..."

"That's fine..."

Mrs. Xianshu glanced outside and said, "Go and open all the remaining formations..."

Hearing this, the two disciples were even more shocked. They raised their heads and were stunned for a moment. The disciple on the right said, "But once the last few formations are opened, that means..."

"I know."

Mrs. Xianshu sighed softly. Of course she knew that once the last few formations were opened, it meant that the spiritual power of the last few formations was exhausted and the entire secret realm would inevitably collapse. But if these formations were not opened, A few formations couldn't support the outside power at all, so for now, she had no choice but to try again.

"Without further ado, let's go."


The two disciples hurried out again. Madam Xianshu took a deep breath and looked at the spiritual energy flowing outside, her face deepening with worry.

About half an hour later, everything inside was ready. Madam Xianshu sent a divine message to the outside. Hua Weiyang received the divine message and understood that this matter was difficult. The slightest carelessness would cause the entire secret realm to collapse. They will all die inside by then.

"It goes without saying, I know."

Xiao Chen saw her expression at this time and knew that there was no room for mistakes in this matter. He walked slowly to the entrance of the valley and stretched out his hand. The Emperor's Sword connected with his mind and appeared in his hand in an instant.


Hua Weiyang was still a little worried. Xiao Chen looked at her and nodded, "Don't worry." After saying that, as soon as the true energy gathered, the sword body suddenly burst into black light, and a powerful sword energy seemed to break through the valley. It made the sky full of wind and clouds.

He knew that it was very difficult to forcefully break open the cracks in the secret realm. A slight inadvertence would cause the entire secret realm to collapse, especially if a peerless mysterious weapon like Di Gu was used.

Therefore, while ensuring that the strength is strong enough, the sword energy must also be concentrated at one point and must not be dispersed. This kind of sword technique can only be achieved by the "Three Talents Sword" taught to him by the old beggar in Qingzhou City.


There was a sword cry that pierced the sky. Xiao Chen raised his sword in front of his chest and slowly stroked the sword with his two fingers.

The three swords are divided into "human sword", "earth sword" and "heavenly sword". Among them, the human sword only consumes 30% of its own true essence, while the earth sword consumes half of its true essence.

As for the Heavenly Sword, it is almost difficult to practice it. This sword must use up the whole body's true energy, and there must be no reservations. All the true energy is sacrificed to activate this sword. It can be imagined that its power must be earth-shattering and beheading. Immortals destroy gods.

At this moment, if Xiao Chen wants to use the "Human Sword" to break the cracks in the secret realm, even with Di Gu in hand, he may not be able to succeed at once. If he fails to succeed at once, it will easily cause the secret realm to collapse, so now, he can only Use the "Earth Sword" to break open the cracks in the secret realm.

The surrounding wind surged, and Xiao Chen's sword technique appeared in his heart, just like what the old beggar demonstrated outside Qingzhou City. With a sword sound, the "Earth Sword" was activated instantly, and this sword poured into him. Half of the true essence, plus the power of God Gu, the power is by no means ordinary!


There was a loud noise, and the whole valley trembled violently. The crack in the secret realm at the entrance of the valley was cut open in an instant. The crack opened about ten feet high. The situation inside could be clearly seen from the outside, but the power of this sword , but it caused the cracks to continue to spread, and it wouldn't take long for the secret realm to collapse.

Seeing this, Hua Weiyang quickly flew forward, put her hands on her chest, and a mellow spiritual power instantly surged out, so that she could support the crack.

"It's the Palace Master... It's the Palace Master!"

In the Secret Realm of Hundred Flowers, the disciples of Lianhua Palace also saw what was going on outside. Madam Xianshu brought little Lianhua to the crack in the secret realm and let others go out first. Finally, she picked up little Lianhua and jumped out to escape. The Secret Realm of Hundred Flowers began to collapse.

"This place is going to collapse, get out of here first!"

Mrs. Xianshu remained calm and looked at Hua Weiyang again, "Weiyang, go quickly!"

Hua Weiyang immediately withdrew her spiritual power, but she only felt her body sway. Xiao Chen moved instantly and took her flying out of the valley. The rest of the people also flew out of the valley. However, before everyone could escape far, only Hearing a "boom", the entire valley collapsed, and a powerful force spread out, causing everyone's blood to surge, and it was on the verge of collapse.

The force of the collapse of the secret realm was too strong, and the disciples could not bear it. They were afraid that their hearts would be damaged. Madam Xianshu showed off her magical power, rolled out her sleeves, and instantly transformed into a hundred feet, covering everyone in it, and moved in an instant. It covered a distance of several thousand feet.

After escaping from the collapsed valley, the disciples finally regained their composure. Thinking back to the scene just now, it was really dangerous. If they had been a little slower, they would have been wiped out along with the valley.

"See the Palace Master!"

After escaping from the danger, all the disciples immediately paid homage to Hua Weiyang. Hua Weiyang looked at the disciples in front of her and wondered why there were only five or six hundred of the thousands of disciples who pity the Hua Palace. Have all the others been killed? Thinking of this, her heart felt as if she had been stabbed hard by a knife.

"Master... who is sister?"

At this moment, Xiao Lianhua was hiding behind Mrs. Xianshu, only sticking her head out to look at Hua Weiyang, looking a little scared.

"I'm so sorry for the flower, she is the master, do you know?"


Xiao Lianhua seemed a little surprised and looked at Hua Weiyang blankly, "Sister is the master's master..."

Hearing the little girl's voice, Hua Weiyang came back to her senses. Looking at the beautiful and lovely girl in front of her, her head suddenly hurt. The lost memories seemed to vaguely reappear at this moment.

"Xian Shu, she is..."

"She is Lianhua, Weiyang, don't you remember?"

Mrs. Xianshu looked at Hua Weiyang. In fact, she had discovered before that Weiyang had lost some memories, but it didn't matter, as long as she woke up.

"It's okay, I'll talk to you later."

Mrs. Xianshu nodded, then looked at Xiao Chen, cupped her hands and said, "Xianshu is here, thanking Young Master Xiao for his kindness."

Just now Xiao Chen activated the Earth Sword, consuming 50% of the true energy in his body. At this time, his face suddenly turned pale. He stepped forward and helped Mrs. Xianshu up. "Madam, there is no need to be so polite."

It was getting late at that time. Hua Weiyang looked around, fearing that the loud noise just now would attract people from Xuanmen, and said, "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's leave here first."

Everyone set off immediately and arrived at a hidden valley late at night. Now that the Lianhua Palace was gone, they could only stay overnight in the valley for the time being.

After settling the disciples, Madam Xianshu called Hua Weiyang and Xiao Chen to a cave alone and told them what happened before.

That time the Taishi Dao Sect suddenly attacked, and Lianhua Palace did suffer heavy casualties. However, in addition to some disciples who were killed, many people were captured by them at that time, including You Chang and You Qin.

Mrs. Xianshu sighed, "I guess they were trying to find the branch of the earth's spiritual veins under the Baihua Valley. However, the spiritual veins had been displaced before, and this branch of the spiritual veins had disappeared. Therefore, in the Baihua Secret Realm, the spiritual power would disappear……"


Xiao Chen looked at her and asked, "Madam just said that the Taishi Dao Sect appeared in the Five Immortal Domains two or three years ago, and has already controlled many sects. One of their purposes is to gather The earth’s spiritual veins from the Five Realms of Immortality?”

Mrs. Xianshu nodded, "That should be the case."

Xiao Chen's expression condensed slightly. He controlled various sects, gathered the power of spiritual veins, and wanted to get Emperor Gu. What exactly did the Taishi Taoist sect want to do? It seems to be vaguely similar to the Lu family, the ancient clan in Dingfeng City before.

But now it seems that whether it is the Taishi Taoist Sect or the Lu family in Dingfeng City, someone seems to be instigating them. Behind them, there must be a larger mysterious force.

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