At this moment, in the distance, Jiang Yutian was afraid that today's events would be out of control, so he arranged for many people to stay nearby early in the morning. He would not participate in the affairs between Xiao Chen and Taishi Daomen, but he wanted to ensure that the Imperial State was not damaged.

There are also some cultivators from the sects or wandering individuals who have not left today. They are all gathered in the distance, staring here, as if watching the excitement.

Around noon, the sky was still gloomy. At this moment, a strong breath finally came through from the southeast, and then I saw the clouds in the sky over there surging, and many figures suddenly appeared.

It was obvious that people from Taishi Taoist Sect were here, but I don’t know how many of them came and what the highest level of cultivation was.

On the sword platform here, the more than a thousand people from the Taishi Taoist Sect were all refreshed when they saw someone finally coming from a distance, as if they had finally seen a life-saving rope.

On a tall building in the distance, Jiang Yutian saw a large group of people coming from the southeast, and he immediately put people on guard. Not long after, the group of people came closer, and they seemed to be people from Taishi Taoism. The leaders, except for a few There was an old man whose cultivation seemed unfathomable, and a man in white clothes holding a folding fan.

"Feng Wuyin..."

After seeing the man in white with a folding fan in his hand, Tang Xinhai's face changed slightly. He wanted to break free, but was tightly locked by the restraint and couldn't move. Finally, he snorted coldly and turned his head away. Don't look at the man in white.

The man in white also saw him at this time, with a hint of contempt in his eyes. Finally, his eyes slowly fell on Xiao Chen and said lightly, "Can I let him go?"

Hua Weiyang asked, "Where are our people? Where are they?"

At this time, the man in white noticed her, and couldn't help but look at her. He thought that in this world, apart from Meng Xian'er, the master of Mengxian Sect, it turned out that there was such a peerless and beautiful person in Lianhua Palace. He smiled softly and spoke with emotion. A bit frivolous "What? This beauty, is she talking to me?"

Seeing his frivolous words, Hua Weiyang smiled instead of getting angry, "I'm talking to a beast."

The man in white didn't get angry, he still smiled, "The beast can't understand what the beauty said."

Hua Weiyang smiled and said, "Then you understand, don't you?"

"Stinky girl, what did you say!"

At this time, several people behind the man in white got angry. Hua Weiyang said, "Well, these little beasts don't understand, but the big beast understands."


Those people were even more angry, but the man in white was not annoyed. He stretched out his hand to stop the people behind him. He was still looking at Hua Weiyang with a smile on his face, "What a sharp-tongued little beauty, but today, we I’m not here to quarrel with beauties…”

At this point, he looked towards the layers of restrictions under the giant sword on the sword platform, and said calmly, "Let him go."

At this time, Mrs. Xianshu stood up and said coldly, "Where are our people?"

The man in white shook the folding fan gently in his hand and said calmly, "I said, as long as you release the person, your people will naturally be safe. Now, I want you to release the person first..."

There was a stalemate between the two sides. Madam Xianshu looked towards Xiao Chen, only to see Xiao Chen's eyes were indifferent. He raised his palm and condensed a long sword. With a "shoo", he instantly flew towards Tang Xinhai behind him.


An old man on the opposite side exclaimed in surprise. Xiao Chen's fingers condensed and with a "clang" sound, the long sword was freely controlled by his profound strength and accurately stopped in front of Tang Xinhai's throat. If he had just moved a little further, he would have taken it on the spot. Tang Xinhai lost his life.

Many people from the Taishi Taoist sect present were so frightened that they broke into a cold sweat, especially the old men, whose faces became even more pale and ugly.

"I will count three times. If no one is seen again, I will collect his body. From then on, I will kill a hundred people every moment until I see someone."

Xiao Chen's voice was cold, and there was no emotion in his tone.

The man in white smiled lightly, still calm and composed, while waving the folding fan in his hand, he smiled lightly, "It's up to you. If you kill a hundred people, then you will lose a hundred people. If you kill everyone here, None of your people will survive."


Xiao Chen's eyes were cold and he said no more. As the words fell, the long sword shook, and a sword whistling sound suddenly came out. Tang Xinhai's expression changed, but at this time it was impossible to ask for help from the man in white, but on the sword platform But the few old men were more anxious than him, looking in the air, "Feng Wuyin! What are you doing! Why don't you bring their people out!"

It turns out that the man in white is named Feng Wuyin. In fact, in the Taishi Taoist Sect, there is not only one leader, but also two elders with equal power, which is equivalent to three leaders, and Tang Xinhai is the disciple of the leader. This Feng Wuyin was the disciple of one of the two elders. They were not from the same lineage, and the two sides were usually at odds with each other.

At this moment, Feng Wuyin was still smiling, looking at Xiao Chen, but his expression did not change at all. If Xiao Chen killed a hundred people today, then he would also kill a hundred people, Xiao Chen By killing everyone here, he would also kill everyone in Lianhua Palace.


At this time, a gloomy voice sounded, but an old man in purple clothes not far from Feng Wuyin stood up. The old man waved his sleeves, and a purple light came out, and there were hundreds more in the air. There were figures, and those people were the disciples of Lianhua Palace who were accidentally captured two years ago.

Hundreds of people, who had been imprisoned for two years, all looked haggard. Now that they saw Mrs. Xianshu, the palace master, and the four valley masters there, almost everyone had tears in their eyes.

Seeing how haggard they were, Mrs. Xianshu's face was as cold as frost. She faced the old man in purple and said, "Don't let them go yet!"

The old man in purple clothes said no more. He waved his sleeves again, and a strong wind immediately sent hundreds of people down. Madam Xianshu walked forward quickly, supported a female disciple in green clothes, and asked "Qing'er, how are you? Have they done anything to you?"

The female disciple in green lowered her head, bit her lip, and shook her head.

In this way, Madam Xianshu felt a little relieved. Lianhua Palace was all female disciples. What would happen if they were arrested and suffered endless humiliation in the past two years? However, since the Taishi Taoist sect prides itself on being a righteous sect, no matter what, it will never do such a thing.

In mid-air, the old man in purple said coldly, "Now that the person has been handed over to you, shouldn't you also let him go?"


Hua Weiyang suddenly walked up. She had just looked and looked among hundreds of people, looking and looking, but she could not find Youchang and Youqin. So where did they go? He said coldly, "Where are the other two? Where are they!"

"What two people? I don't understand what you are talking about. There are six hundred and seventy-three people here, one more is not more, one less is not more, they are all here."

The old man in purple looked at her and said coldly.


Hua Weiyang's eyebrows narrowed. If Youchang and Youqin were not captured, then how could they not come to find her after she has been back for so long?

"Palace Master...I know."

At this time, the female disciple in green suddenly raised her head. Hua Weiyang walked over quickly, looked at her and said, "Qing'er, do you know? Tell me, where have the two of them gone?"

Qing'er recalled what happened that day and said, "The day we were captured, I saw a black wind coming from nowhere, and it swept away two adults, Youqin and Youchang..."

"Black Wind..."

Hua Weiyang's eyebrows narrowed. Could it be that the high priest Si You has come to the human world again? Impossible. Nowadays, the restrictions between the two realms of human and you are so heavy. No matter how powerful his soul clone technique is, he can no longer freely come and go between the two realms. Besides Si You, who else could it be...

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