The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 609: Demon Palace Restriction

The further he walked in and the closer he got to the terrifying demon temples, the more depressed Xiao Chen felt in his heart. When looking from a distance, he only felt that these demon temples were quiet and strange, but when he got a little closer, he realized that these demon temples were far more ordinary than ordinary ones. The palace is much larger. Although I don’t know what it is used for, it must be left over from the previous era that has been annihilated.

Slowly, Xiao Chen came to the edge of a cliff at the entrance of a valley. He lay quietly on the ground and looked at the Demon Palace below. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that this place was weird and lurked with endless dangers.

If a gentleman is not in danger, if he had not been chased by the two men from Taishi Daomen, he would never have come to such a dangerous place. The terrifying demon temples in front of him, and the mountains of bones, if the situation here If it spreads outside, it is hard to imagine what kind of uproar it will cause. I am afraid it will be more powerful than the last time in the Hundred Thousand Forest.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

At this moment, a strange sound suddenly came up from below. Xiao Chen immediately held his breath, his eyes narrowed, and he could vaguely see black shadows swimming around the demon temple.

I saw those black shadows wandering around the Demon Palace, trying to go into the Demon Palace again and again, but in the end, they retreated back outside, as if they were afraid of something, and never entered the Demon Palace.

Xiao Chen carefully probed down with his spiritual consciousness, as if he was afraid of disturbing the big demon here, so he had to go down slowly bit by bit. When his spiritual consciousness reached the outside of the demon temple, he discovered that those black shadows were already Dead objects do not have any breath of life and should be like wandering souls.

Attracting so many wandering souls to gather here, is there something inside the Demon Palace?

Xiao Chen once again probed his consciousness into the demon temple, but just after he had penetrated a little, he immediately felt his mind shaken and his consciousness dissipated. It turned out that there were many powerful restrictions in the demon temple. No wonder these Wandering spirits can't get in.

This time, Xiao Chen was a little curious about what was inside the demon temple. After a while, he slowly probed his consciousness again, but he was still blocked by that layer of restrictions. He tried this many times. , until dawn the next day, even those wandering souls gradually disappeared.

The valley in the early morning looked even more eerie and terrifying than at night. The mountains of bones and the looming broken stone statues have now become clearer. If such a horrific scene were to be transmitted outside, it would be really scary. It's hard to imagine what kind of big commotion it would cause.

When it got brighter, this time, Xiao Chen gathered all his breath and carefully walked towards the valley. When he arrived in front of a demon temple, he suddenly felt that the demon temple was so big that he seemed to have shrunk a lot, and The restrictions inside can be clearly sensed at this moment.

He spent the whole night snooping up there, and he faintly noticed that the restrictions in the Demon Palace were not ordinary restrictions. If a person with a low cultivation level broke in, the restrictions would be weaker, and if a person with a high cultivation level entered, the restrictions would be weaker. , then the restriction will be stronger, that is, the higher the cultivation level of the person entering, the stronger the restriction will be.

In order to confirm this idea, Xiao Chen randomly found a few pieces of wood, poured profound energy into them, and then threw them into the demon palace.

The first piece of wood shattered as soon as it hit the restriction inside. The second piece of wood, he increased his profound strength, and when he put it in, it still shattered instantly.

After trying this several times, he finally confirmed that, as he had guessed, the higher the level of cultivation, the heavier the restriction. The wandering souls last night were just like the wood just now. No matter how strong or weak they were, once they touched the restriction , they will all be wiped out in an instant.

In this way, it is very beneficial to him, because the higher the cultivation level, the more difficult it is to enter, and the depth of his skill is completely able to withstand the restrictions brought by his own cultivation level. If the two Taishi Daomen outside Individuals, one of them already has the cultivation level of the Cave Ruins Realm, and that person would never want to enter the Demon Palace no matter what.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen no longer hesitated. He decided to enter the Demon Palace. Regardless of whether there was anything in the Demon Palace or whether it led to other places, even if he went in to hide from the two people, he could still hide. After a long time, if he uses this time, he may not be able to understand the higher level of the artistic conception of non-birth and immortality. If he understands the higher level of the artistic conception of non-birth and immortality, he may be able to successfully transform into a spirit. At that time, there will be no more Afraid of the two people outside.

Now his cultivation has come to a standstill. No matter how he practices, if he cannot become a god, there will not be much breakthrough. Transformation into a god is not the goal, but he must become a god before he can reach a higher level, otherwise Like everyone else, he will eventually die.

Others still have hundreds of years to break through this shackles, but he only has about ten years left, and the seeds of Dieffenbachia are withering day by day.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's eyes gradually became calm as he stared into the depths of the Demon Palace. He knew in his heart that maybe if he took this step in, he might not be able to get out until he transformed into a god.

And whether this time is a few months or a few years, it will even be sixty years like it was in the Forbidden City of the Inner Demon. When he comes out, even if he does not die, will the world outside be changed and everything will be very different? Unpredictable.

But now, he has no choice. The two people outside are too strong. If he goes out like this, it will be the same as sending him to death. The only way to go now is to enter the Demon Palace.

No longer hesitating, Xiao Chen gathered all his true energy and stepped into the demon palace. Before he could enter, he felt a terrible restriction. At the same time, two breaths suddenly came from outside the valley. Then I saw two figures flickering, and it turned out to be the two elders of Taishi Daomen coming in.

The two people also discovered the abnormality here at first, so they approached cautiously. They didn't expect that after passing through the layers of black mist, they would see such a terrifying scene inside.

Looking at the piles of bones and the strange and terrifying demon temples, even those with the same cultivation level as the two of them could not help but feel shocked.

"Senior brother...he is there!"

Xuanjizi's eyes were sharp and she suddenly spotted Xiao Chen outside the Demon Palace. She couldn't help but be slightly startled. Just as she was about to fly over, Shenquezi next to her stretched out her hand to catch him and said with a spiritual thought: "The evil spirit here is soaring to the sky. There is something weird everywhere, so be careful to avoid falling into the trap.”

After being reminded by her senior brother, Xuanjizi felt that there was a faint forbidden aura coming from inside the demon palace, and said in a cold voice, "Xiao Yichen, you don't need to hide anymore. Do you think this place can keep you safe?" "

Xiao Chen stopped. When he saw Xuanjizi's slightly anxious look at this moment, he finally understood. No wonder these two people were chasing after him.

When a person sees something that belongs to him falling into the abyss, and that thing is very important, he will naturally show a look that wants to protect and hold on, which is what Xuanjizi looks like at this moment. Eyes.

Xuanjizi saw him going to the devil's palace and was worried that he would die inside, so she couldn't help but look like this.

After Xiao Chen thought about everything, he smiled coldly, "The journey of cultivation is nothing more than taking away the good fortune. Stealing the good fortune of heaven and earth, stealing the energy of yin and yang, taking away other people's good fortune, stealing the number of life yuan, trying to take away Xiao's good fortune. , come and fulfill your cave ruins realm, if you want it, then come and get it..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped up and suddenly went into the Demon Palace. Above the valley, Xuanjizi saw him breaking into the Demon Palace. At this moment, her expression changed.

This was his only chance to break through to the Cave Ruins Realm. How could he just watch the opportunity slip away? Without thinking at this time, he instantly turned into a bolt of lightning and flew towards the demon palace, but he didn't care about the weight of the restrictions inside.

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