The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 616: Inner Demon Obstruction

The secret passage was dark and filled with a damp smell. In order to avoid disturbing some strange things, Xiao Chen suppressed all the breath from his body and at the same time released a wisp of deathly aura. This way he could avoid being caught. Disturbed by the ghosts that lie dormant underground.

This secret passage was very long. He walked for a long time without seeing the end. It was hard to imagine how many years it took the person who dug this secret passage to dig it out.

And when digging a passage under this demon palace, there are many restrictions on the demon palace. I'm afraid if you don't pay attention, you will be buried inside. What is the magic scripture that has such a magical power that makes people not even want their lives.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Xiao Chen gradually felt a cool breeze blowing across his face. The secret passage was deathly silent. If the wind blew by, it meant that he was not far from the exit.

Thinking of being able to leave this strange place soon, Xiao Chen's steps unknowingly became much faster. After about half a stick of incense, he finally reached the end. It turned out to be a cave, but the entrance of the cave had been sealed by a huge stone. Living.

Now he didn't know where he was or how far away he was from the Demon Palace. In order to avoid making any noise and letting the people from Taishi Dao Sect discover him, he stepped forward cautiously, put his palms against the boulder, and inhaled hard with his Xuan Gong. , and sucked in the boulder at the entrance of the cave.

As the entrance to the cave opened, the scenery suddenly opened up. I saw a bright moon hanging high in the sky for half a day, casting a silvery glow, reflecting the slowly flowing river at the bottom of the mountain. It was sparkling, clear and flawless.

It turns out that this place is in the middle of a cliff, with a river below it. It is indeed difficult for people to detect it by using the cave in the middle of the cliff, but it must have taken a lot of effort for the person to open such a secret passage. Came from a secret passage.

Xiao Chen came to the entrance of the cave and faced the cool breeze, which was refreshing. He had been in the demon temple for a long time, and suddenly seeing such a quiet night, he felt relaxed and happy. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞

But he has not forgotten that he is not completely out of danger yet. Once those people from Shenquezi break through the restrictions of the Demon Palace and discover that he is no longer there, they will definitely search for him immediately.

I don't know how far away this cliff is from the Demon Palace, but he needs to leave immediately, and then find a place where Shenquezi can't be found, and meditate on the transformation of gods. Once he succeeds in transforming into gods, he no longer has to be so afraid. This person, as for the group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals around this person, to him, there was no threat at that time.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, stepped into the air, and disappeared under the vast night in a few steps.

Three days later, he came to a valley deep in an ancient ridge. This valley was quiet and uninhabited, and the spiritual energy was rich. It was perfect for practicing. However, when he transformed into a god, it would inevitably affect the earth's veins and cause strange phenomena in the world. Those at Shidaomen will find him soon.

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Chen finally decided to give it a try. The spiritual energy in this valley was far better than other places. He searched for three days and three nights before he found such a place with rich spiritual energy. If he missed it, he might not be able to find such a suitable place again. The land of God.

Entering the valley, the spiritual power became more intense. Xiao Chen followed the stream to the innermost part of the valley. It turned out that there was an ancient spring here. The spring water slowly gushes out, as if it contains the purest spiritual power in the world, flowing. There is an aura from the ancient gods.

Xiao Chen only stood by the spring for a moment, and then he felt relaxed and happy. In a place with rich spiritual energy, especially the spring, where he could sense the creation of heaven and earth, he would definitely be able to get twice the result with half the effort.

However, Xiao Chen is not in a hurry to start practicing right now. He must also use this spiritual power to set up a defensive array nearby. Transforming into a god is no small matter. Once disturbed, his cultivation will be damaged at least, and his Taoism will be set back for a hundred years. His cultivation was completely lost, and more seriously, his soul was severely damaged. He became a mortal in this life and could no longer practice.

Therefore, he must be cautious. If a disciple in the Xuanmen breaks through, there must be elders guarding him. As for those who do not break through in the gate, they will most likely look for famous mountains and rivers outside, places with abundant spiritual power, which will ensure sufficient safety.

But at this time, he had no one to guard him. He was cultivating his soul in Fuxi Qin all night long and could not come out. The Ten Thousand Bone Formation he took away from the Bone City of the God and Demon Tomb that time was made of 213 pieces. Made up of the bones of ancient gods, it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't work.

There was also the strange dragon that he killed with the Ghost Taoist and others. In the end, he subdued the soul of the strange dragon, but it had not yet been refined in the soul, and he could not summon it as he wished. So now, only Yun Tianzi's soul can be summoned. The soul can barely stay outside.

After the defensive array was set up, night fell, and a bright moon gradually rose into the sky, illuminating the valley even more clearly and flawlessly.

Xiao Chen had ordered Yun Tianzi to stay outside, and he returned to the ancient spring, sat down cross-legged, breathed slowly, and began to sense all things in the world.

Leaves fell on his shoulders in the wind, saplings sprouted at his feet, and squirrels cautiously passed by the spring behind him... In just a short moment, it seemed as if a spring and autumn had passed, and a layer of looming spiritual energy slowly condensed on him. body.

Unconsciously, three days have passed. Today, seven or eight layers of spiritual energy have condensed on Xiao Chen's body. The spiritual energy of the entire valley has condensed into fog and slowly gathered towards him.

Until the afternoon of this day, he was originally breathing out spiritual energy to practice, but for some unknown reason, his face suddenly turned pale, and then he let out a muffled groan in his throat. It seemed that something went wrong during the process of transforming into a god.

At this moment, I saw that he still had his eyes closed tightly, as if he was trapped in a terrible nightmare that he could not wake up from. His face turned red and white, which was really ugly.

As a last resort, Xiao Chen could only make Yuanshen temporarily escape into a state of void. He saw a figure suddenly appeared in the vast void. Although the figure had its back to him, it looked so familiar.

"who are you."

Xiao Chen's eyes were sharp and he spoke coldly.

"Haha...what? Don't you remember me so quickly?" The man's voice was exactly the same as his, and he turned around slowly, as if he was himself.


At this moment, Xiao Chen felt as if his mind was suddenly damaged, and he only felt an incomparable sense of depression and suffocation.


The man smiled and walked towards him slowly, "I said, I am your shadow. I hide in the darkest place deep in your heart. I can understand everything deep in your heart... so quickly. , Are you about to become a god?"

Seeing the person who looked exactly like him getting closer and closer, Xiao Chen felt an unspeakable suffocation. At this moment, Ling Yin's words from the past suddenly rang in his ears.

"The journey of cultivation is not smooth and smooth. Everyone will have inner demons. Some people are unable to overcome their inner demons, and often fall into the devil's path with just one thought... Chen'er, you need to survive this catastrophe in the future by yourself and look straight into your heart. Don’t be controlled by the devil, do you understand?”

"Master, have you ever had inner demons?"

At that time, Yichen was still young and curious about everything. He was even more curious. Could a god-like figure like Master also have inner demons?

"As a teacher..."

Ling Yin held the jade flute in her left hand and clasped her right hand behind her back. She looked at the sea of ​​clouds in front of her, her back slightly cold, and she only thought of one person in her heart.

"Ling Yin, let me ask you, do all the demons in this world deserve to die?"

"That's right, all the demons in the world deserve to die."

"Then if there is someone who is a member of the demon clan when she is born, should she die as soon as she is born?"

"It's a demon, and it shouldn't appear in this world."

"I didn't expect that the majestic Fairy Miaoyin would have such a heavy inner demon. I can't take away this ice lotus from you, but I really want to see that one day, will you become what you hate most at the moment...a demon? Dao? Hahaha..."

Above the clouds, Xiao Yichen saw his master suddenly silent and his face gradually became serious. He couldn't help but feel a little scared. He pulled her sleeve and said, "Master, master, what's wrong with you..."

Ling Yin slowly came back to her senses, looked at the young Yichen, her face gradually softened, she stroked the hair on his forehead and said, "Everyone cannot choose his birth, but he will die in the future. The path lies in himself. The lotus is a gentleman among flowers, rising out of the mud but not stained. The bamboo is also a gentleman, preferring to break but not yield. Chen'er, you must remember."

At this moment, the master's words from the past echoed in his ears again, and Xiao Chen's mood gradually calmed down. Even when faced with the inner demon approaching, he no longer had the suffocating and oppressive feeling just now. He said calmly, "You are nothing. , they are just inner demons..."

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